Because the Palestinian TERRORISTS specifically target civilians.
As we all know from first hand experience, this is where 99,99% of the debates about Palestine suddenly, abruptly end. The pro Israel poster accuses Palestinians of targeting civilians and his counterpart doesn't know how to reply.
The problem is that AZrailWhale chose the wrong poster to use this argument. He chose a poster who read the work of israeli historian Benny Morris, Israel's Border Wars, not once but twice. The book that tells the story of what happened in Palestine immediately after the 1948 war and the six years that followed.

Benny Morris
In private conversations and internal correspondence, Israeli officers made no bones about the policy of shooting infiltrators, armed or unarmed, bent on harvesting, grazing, resettlement, or sabotage. On 4 June 1949, OC Southern Command General Yigal Allon said that he had declared an eight kilometre deep strip along the Israeli side of both the Israeli Jordanian and Israeli Egyptian borders 'military area: every stranger found in [them] will be shot, without interrogation'. (He claimed that this had reduced infiltration.) A month later, on 3 July 1949, Dayan, OC Jerusalem District, wrote that 'our army has an order to shoot at anyone trying to cross the [Israeli-Jordanian] border to our side and at everyone found in ''the security zone'' (several kilometres deep along the border) who is not in possession of a special pass'. Dayan felt that the Jordanians had no right to 'interfere' with 'our tough [keshiha] behaviour towards infiltrators'. The following month, Dayan's assistant on the IJMAC declared: 'I did not commit myself that we would arrest rather than shoot trespassers. In previous instances, I informed the Legion representative that anyone crossing the border was endangering his life.' Or, as the American military attaché in Tel Aviv put it, simply: the 'Israel defense policy is shoot to kill all Arabs.
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