My Self-Diagnosis Isn't Delusional & Why You Have To Surrender To Me The Deed To Your Property

I just don't accept circular reasoning as being valid. But you enjoy your fallacies of logic.

That's funny, because you use it all the time. Just today in fact, when I asked you first to clarify specifically for me what a "transgender woman" is, you launched into a diatribe about how I was stupid for not automatically understanding the term which is new and foreign, and instead kept insisting that "transgender women, because they're transgender women, get to use the women's bathroom" (gist: paraphrased). When I pressed you to tell me what a "transgender woman" is repeatedly, you refused to answer, kept calling me "stupid" and kept saying that "transgender women" get to use the women's bathroom because they're "transgender women".

You're a flippin' hypocrite and a troll.

So I'll revisit the OP again and ask you: If a man gets to declare he's a woman legally and binding, despite any and all evidence to the contrary, what prevents me from declaring I'm YOU and making that legal and binding?

Both are equally absurd prospects, only yours gets legal favoritism. Yet that's not how our legal system works is it? Remember "equality"? I know you do.

So, because of the precedent your cult is trying to set, I'm declaring myself YOU (I've felt that way and self-diagnosed since my youngest memories). And now you will give me the deed to your/my property. You have two weeks to pack your things and move.
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By the way Skylar, Circular reasoning is NOT a formal logical fallacy, as the argument can be valid. You need to prove my point wrong before you can even make the claim it is fallacious.
Just today in fact, when I asked you first to clarify specifically for me what a "transgender woman" is, you launched into a diatribe about how I was stupid for not automatically understanding the term which is new and foreign, and instead kept insisting that "transgender women, because they're transgender women, get to use the women's bathroom" (gist: paraphrased).

I told you to look it up what transgender woman means. And you've refused. You are literally arguing your own ignorance. Which is yet another fallacy of logic.

I also asked you how you could make accurate legal predictions on transgender women....if you didn't know what a transgender woman was.

You predictably fled.

I also pointed out that your numerous 'quotes' from the North Carolina complaint where the State demanded 'clarification for what was transgender' were just your hallucinations. And that no such passages existed in the complaint. When I asked you to QUOTE the passages you hallucinated in a format the rest of us could see... quietly slinked away.
Now refusing to even discuss your personal delusions and/or lies.

Given how much time you claim to have devoted to your 'crusade' as a professional anti-LGBT blogger.....I would have thought you'd be better at this.
If they are claiming they are the opposite sex trapped in the wrong body, they are scientifically and demonstrably WRONG. So my point is correct. Nobody is born into the wrong body, transgenderism is a mental disorder known as Gender Identity Disorder, that is also a proven fact.

That's why being transgender is wrong, because it is a delusion, not reality.

Even if they get a sex change done, they never actually change their sex in reality. Yet another reason transgenderism is WRONG.

You are a stupid ass, so I understand you won't get this...but I figure I might as well give it a shot... Maybe you'll stop being stupid? I doubt it, but I will still try to help you stop being a stupid ass.
No its not, you're just too stupid to get it. Which is the same reason why you think transgenderism is worthy of praise.

He is praising insanity because of where his perspective is coming from.

Says the poor, helpless soul that routinely hallucinates laws that don't exist, or reads entire paragraphs in court complaints that don't exist.

Laughing...unless you'd like to show us where in the NC Complaint against the Justice Department where they demanded 'clarification on who is transgender'. Or show us the law or court ruling that recognizes children as a party to the marriage of their parents.

No? I didn't think so.

As for transgender, I'll stick with the overwhelming majority of psychiatric professionals over you or the handful that disagree. And, of course, the transgender folks themselves.
Lmao! This moron just bitched and complained about a non formal logical fallacy he claimed I made, as "fallacious logic"... Then he turns around and commits an actual formal logical fallacy with an appeal to authority.

What a moron.
Now that the new Gold Standard for reality is self-diagnosis, what I'm telling you it is, from my own subjective viewpoint, you are legally-bound to give full stock and credit to my claim that I am YOU and therefore your land belongs to me. It is equally a valid claim to you having proof of what's between my legs and being forced instead to legally treat me as the opposite of that in sex.
Now that the new Gold Standard for reality is self-diagnosis, what I'm telling you it is, from my own subjective viewpoint, you are legally-bound to give full stock and credit to my claim that I am YOU and therefore your land belongs to me. It is equally a valid claim to you having proof of what's between my legs and being forced instead to legally treat me as the opposite of that in sex.

Laughing.....and your pseudo-psyche babble is worth about as much as your pseudo-legal babble.

Given that you are both your source and your any of us even need to be here?
So, Denmark has begun the vernacular-spiral into cultural insanity eh? They went "Official" prescribing their own doom?

King Obama's working hard at that here too. We won't let him do it though. We Americans have this stubborn thing about Kings and Royal Decrees...
So, Denmark has begun the vernacular-spiral into cultural insanity eh? They went "Official" prescribing their own doom?

King Obama's working hard at that here too. We won't let him do it though. We Americans have this stubborn thing about Kings and Royal Decrees...
Yep. They just made the announcement a day or so ago, at least that's when I found the link to the story on Drudge.
So, Denmark has begun the vernacular-spiral into cultural insanity eh? They went "Official" prescribing their own doom?

King Obama's working hard at that here too. We won't let him do it though. We Americans have this stubborn thing about Kings and Royal Decrees...
Yep. They just made the announcement a day or so ago, at least that's when I found the link to the story on Drudge.

Jesus H. Christ. :scared1:
And Skylar, you poor stupid lad....the only country in the world that doesn't currently consider Trannys as mentally disordered is Denmark. And that was a recent change.

Denmark will be the first country to no longer define being transgender as mental illness

Can you show us where the United States defines transgender as a mental illness?

Because the American Psychiatric Association tells a very different story:

It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition. dysphoria fact sheet.pdf

So why would I ignore the APA and instead believe you?
So, Denmark has begun the vernacular-spiral into cultural insanity eh? They went "Official" prescribing their own doom? is transgender the 'doom of Denmark'?

And do I need to get you a fainting couch or something?
Can you show us where the United States defines transgender as a mental illness?
The denial of stark, objective reality, like a penis and testicles between one's legs and then claiming "I am a woman" is the clinical definition of delusions.

Objective because all people can see he is a male. And yet he claims not to be. Therefore, he is insane.
And Skylar, you poor stupid lad....the only country in the world that doesn't currently consider Trannys as mentally disordered is Denmark. And that was a recent change.

Denmark will be the first country to no longer define being transgender as mental illness

Can you show us where the United States defines transgender as a mental illness?
Yes. It is still considered a mental illness called Gender Identity Disorder and also Gender Dysphoria. That has not changed at all in this country.

That is just a straight up fact anyone can look up. Maybe you should know this stuff before trying to argue otherwise, huh?
Can you show us where the United States defines transgender as a mental illness?
The denial of stark, objective reality, like a penis and testicles between one's legs and then claiming "I am a woman" is the clinical definition of delusions.

Says you, citing yourself. You're equating sex with gender. And they aren't the same thing. With the APA contradicting your psuedo-psyche.

American Psychiatric Association said:
It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition.

Why would I ignore the APA and instead believe you? You don't even know what a transgender woman is, let alone comprehend the difference between sex and gender.
And Skylar, you poor stupid lad....the only country in the world that doesn't currently consider Trannys as mentally disordered is Denmark. And that was a recent change.

Denmark will be the first country to no longer define being transgender as mental illness

Can you show us where the United States defines transgender as a mental illness?
Yes. It is still considered a mental illness called Gender Identity Disorder and also Gender Dysphoria. That has not changed at all in this country.

That is just a straight up fact anyone can look up. Maybe you should know this stuff before trying to argue otherwise, huh?

The APA classifies it as Gender Dysphoria. And it is not a mental illness per the APA:

American Psychiatric Association said:
"It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition." dysphoria fact sheet.pdf

But I'm supposed to ignore the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders on what constitutes a mental disorder.....and instead believe you?, no.

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