My Self-Diagnosis Isn't Delusional & Why You Have To Surrender To Me The Deed To Your Property

That's fucking crazy.

Almost as crazy as looking between your legs, seeing a penis and testicles and declaring instead "I'm a woman!". Almost, but not quite THAT crazy...

And now you're going to give us pseudo-psyche babble? Sil, you citing you isn't a source. Yet in despite of your *perfect* record of failure in predicting any legal outcomes, your rampant delusions and hallucinations where you 'read' passages in laws and complaints that simply don't exist.... still insist that you citing yourself is fact. That your predictions are fact.

As I said, that's fucking crazy.
You're going to lose this legal battle Skylar. This one has gone too far. That's the whole point of the OP, in case you missed it. Better get out your eraser and start rubbing out the "T" from the Church of LGBT's logo. Otherwise the blowback-by-association might get ugly too.
Just to chew thru the fat. Obama has been trying to skew the lines between right and wrong since he entered office.

And how is being transgender 'wrong'?
Because it's not right.

How deliciously circular. Where your conclusion and your evidence are the exact same thing.
It's not circular at all if you actually were interested in understanding the point. If being transgender were right, they wouldn't need surgery done to "change their birth sex".... They are defectives by definition and transgenderism is wrong because of this.
And how is being transgender 'wrong'?
When they show up in my kids bathroom, etc.

So they pee and.....where is the 'wrong' part? What harm is done to, well.....anyone?

Shower, cohabitate in dorms, dress/undress in locker rooms..barracks...etc. Apply for affirmative action benefits fraudulently.. Shall I go on?

I guess you don't consider the 17 million rape survivors who would be traumatized by finding ANY type of man in their shower with them "anyone". Nice of you to at least be out there with your complete lack of empathy for this large segment of the female population..

I know you really are wanting to tie rape survivors to this issue, but it's not working. You are free to keep trying while the discussion passes you by.
You're going to lose this legal battle Skylar.

You assured me of the same failure with same sex marriage.....insisting that you knew how each stay was going to go, what the Windsor ruling 'really' meant, and how the court was going to rule in Obergefell.

How did your assurances of legal foreknowledge work out again?

Ah, yes. Perfect failure. But this time its different, huh?

This one has gone too far. That's the whole point of the OP, in case you missed it. Better get out your eraser and start rubbing out the "T" from the Church of LGBT's logo. Otherwise the blowback-by-association might get ugly too.

The OP was just more pseudo-legal babble you made up. And has zero relevance to the actual law.

This is why your record of predicting legal outcomes is zero, Sil. You equate whatever pseudo-legal batshit you imagine with the actual law. And the law doesn't.
We lock people away in nuthouses if they run around claiming they are Jesus or Albert Einstein...and rightfully so...but we are supposed to believe men and women who claim they are actually the opposite sex trapped in the wrong body are sane?

Makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Is the next step to force society to release Fake Jesus and Fake Albert Einstein and entertain their delusions by law?

Only idiots could support this madness.
Just to chew thru the fat. Obama has been trying to skew the lines between right and wrong since he entered office.

And how is being transgender 'wrong'?
Because it's not right.

How deliciously circular. Where your conclusion and your evidence are the exact same thing.
It's not circular at all if you actually were interested in understanding the point.

Its perfectly circular. As your argument is quite literally....'its wrong because its not right'.

That's text book circular reasoning.
Just to chew thru the fat. Obama has been trying to skew the lines between right and wrong since he entered office.

And how is being transgender 'wrong'?
Because it's not right.

How deliciously circular. Where your conclusion and your evidence are the exact same thing.
It's not circular at all if you actually were interested in understanding the point.

Its perfectly circular. As your argument is quite literally....'its wrong because its not right'.

That's text book circular reasoning.
No its not, you're just too stupid to get it. Which is the same reason why you think transgenderism is worthy of praise.
No its not, you're just too stupid to get it. Which is the same reason why you think transgenderism is worthy of praise.

He is praising insanity because of where his perspective is coming from. So if he calls you crazy or delusional or transphobic etc. etc., take it as the stunning compliment to your sanity that it is.
And how is being transgender 'wrong'?
Because it's not right.

How deliciously circular. Where your conclusion and your evidence are the exact same thing.
It's not circular at all if you actually were interested in understanding the point.

Its perfectly circular. As your argument is quite literally....'its wrong because its not right'.

That's text book circular reasoning.
No its not, you're just too stupid to get it. Which is the same reason why you think transgenderism is worthy of praise.

I just don't accept circular reasoning as being valid. But you enjoy your fallacies of logic.
Because it's not right.

How deliciously circular. Where your conclusion and your evidence are the exact same thing.
It's not circular at all if you actually were interested in understanding the point.

Its perfectly circular. As your argument is quite literally....'its wrong because its not right'.

That's text book circular reasoning.
No its not, you're just too stupid to get it. Which is the same reason why you think transgenderism is worthy of praise.

I just don't accept circular reasoning as being valid. But you enjoy your fallacies of logic.
You don't even know what circular logic is obviously.
No its not, you're just too stupid to get it. Which is the same reason why you think transgenderism is worthy of praise.

He is praising insanity because of where his perspective is coming from.

Says the poor, helpless soul that routinely hallucinates laws that don't exist, or reads entire paragraphs in court complaints that don't exist.

Laughing...unless you'd like to show us where in the NC Complaint against the Justice Department where they demanded 'clarification on who is transgender'. Or show us the law or court ruling that recognizes children as a party to the marriage of their parents.

No? I didn't think so.

As for transgender, I'll stick with the overwhelming majority of psychiatric professionals over you or the handful that disagree. And, of course, the transgender folks themselves.

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