Mueller's Past & Current Tactics Are Catching Up With Him


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field, served eight years prosecuting cases as a Justice Department assistant U.S. attorney in Washington. He refers to his former employer as “the real Justice Department,” implying that Mr. Mueller’s team is something less.

His biting remarks have come in months of court filings and oral arguments.
Mr. Dubelier has depicted Mr. Mueller as a rogue prosecutor willfully ignoring Justice Department guidelines.

He has accused
Mr. Mueller of creating a “make-believe crime” against his Russian client, Concord Management and Consulting, which is accused of funding a troll farm that interfered in the 2016 election.

Mr. Dubelier charges that the Mueller team violated the confidentially of Concord’s counter evidence while hiding documents Concord needs for its defense. The prosecutor wants to “whisper secrets to the judge,” Mr. Dubelier says, as Mr. Mueller is calculating the “short-term political value of a conviction” and not worrying about an appeals court defeat years later.

An example: In a Dec. 20 motion,
Mr. Dubelier resurrected a botched case spearheaded by Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann.

Mr. Weissmann headed the
Justice Department’s Enron task force nearly two decades ago. He won a conviction against the accounting firm Arthur Andersen for shredding the defunct energy firm’s financial documents.

Years later, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the conviction. The 2005 decision effectively said that Andersen, by then out of business and its 28,000 employees gone, hadn’t committed a crime.

“When it comes to political speech, one is free to pretend to be whomever he or she wants to be and to say whatever he or she wants to say,” he said at an Oct. 15 hearing.

“That’s why in this case this special counsel made up a crime to fit the facts that they have,”
Mr. Dubelier said. “And that’s the fundamental danger with the entire special counsel concept: that they operate outside the parameters of the Department of Justice in a way that is absolutely inconsistent with the consistent behavior of the Department of Justice in these cases for the past 30 years.”

“This equates to the burden of preparing for trial without any ability to discuss the evidence with the client who is to be put on trial. This has never happened before in reported case law because the notion is too ludicrous to contemplate.”

Mueller has turned over is often irrelevant to mounting a defense, such as promotion emails for airlines and personal naked selfie photographs”

Mueller has pushed claiming presenting the actual evidence being used to prosecute a defendant would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'.

There's just a few little problems with doing so:

1. Denying a defendant of the evidence being used against him 'blinds' him and his legal defense, placing the defendant and his legal counsel in an unfair / unrealistic disadvantage where they are forced to defend the client without knowing EXACTLY from what and without being able to provide evidence to counter the prosecutor's case because they have no idea what the prosecutor's case consists of.

'You are GUILTY because we say you are based on specific evidence we have on you, though you will never know what that is. What do you have to present in your defense?'

'In defense of WHAT?'

2. Evidence and recent past demands for evidence by Congress resulted in Mueller claiming the same thing - 'the info can not be released to CONGRESS, who have Secret / Top Secret Clearances, because doing so would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'. The problem was that when the information was released it was revealed that some of what Mueller had called information that would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security' turned out to be anything BUT that.

Perjury Traps
The 'Insurance Policy' Strzok Spoke Of
Refusing to investigate the Dossier or Steele
Withholding evidence resulting in innocent people going to jail
Extorting / Pressuring witnesses to make false statements / accusations
Creating bogus evidence / crimes resulting in innocent people going to jail
Bypassing Attorney-Client Privilege to get to the Investigation's focus' attorney
Hiding Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One
Refusing to investigate Obama, who knew of Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing
Refusing to investigate Hillary, who paid the Russians & Steele for the Russian-authored Dossier
Indicting / charging / prosecuting without allowing the defendants to know the evidence against them
Working with foreign spy Steele before an investigation was started / before he became Special Counsel

'Illegal Tactics'

Steele is a 'dirty' prosecutor, one tasked with objective and one objective only - NOT to seek the TRUTH and Justice but instead to 'Take Down The President'.

Eric Dubelier emerges as Robert Mueller’s top courtroom adversary

The thing is, libs have abandoned all pretense to care about due process and the rights of defendants to a fair trial.
So far your Russian loving lawyer has lost in the court trial and on his appeals for this case...

We'll see if the SC takes the case, and then, if he loses again....
Mueller’s report was due in late November, 2018.
Mueller’s report is due in February, 2019.
Then it will be due...
Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field, served eight years prosecuting cases as a Justice Department assistant U.S. attorney in Washington. He refers to his former employer as “the real Justice Department,” implying that Mr. Mueller’s team is something l

His biting remarks have come in months of court filings and oral arguments.
Mr. Dubelier has depicted Mr. Mueller as a rogue prosecutor willfully ignoring Justice Department guidelines.

He has accused
Mr. Mueller of creating a “make-believe crime” against his Russian client, Concord Management and Consulting, which is accused of funding a troll farm that interfered in the 2016 election.

Mr. Dubelier charges that the Mueller team violated the confidentially of Concord’s counter evidence while hiding documents Concord needs for its defense. The prosecutor wants to “whisper secrets to the judge,” Mr. Dubelier says, as Mr. Mueller is calculating the “short-term political value of a conviction” and not worrying about an appeals court defeat years later.

An example: In a Dec. 20 motion,
Mr. Dubelier resurrected a botched case spearheaded by Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann.

Mr. Weissmann headed the
Justice Department’s Enron task force nearly two decades ago. He won a conviction against the accounting firm Arthur Andersen for shredding the defunct energy firm’s financial documents.

Years later, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the conviction. The 2005 decision effectively said that Andersen, by then out of business and its 28,000 employees gone, hadn’t committed a crime.

“When it comes to political speech, one is free to pretend to be whomever he or she wants to be and to say whatever he or she wants to say,” he said at an Oct. 15 hearing.

“That’s why in this case this special counsel made up a crime to fit the facts that they have,”
Mr. Dubelier said. “And that’s the fundamental danger with the entire special counsel concept: that they operate outside the parameters of the Department of Justice in a way that is absolutely inconsistent with the consistent behavior of the Department of Justice in these cases for the past 30 years.”

“This equates to the burden of preparing for trial without any ability to discuss the evidence with the client who is to be put on trial. This has never happened before in reported case law because the notion is too ludicrous to contemplate.”

Mueller has turned over is often irrelevant to mounting a defense, such as promotion emails for airlines and personal naked selfie photographs”

Mueller has pushed claiming presenting the actual evidence being used to prosecute a defendant would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'.

There's just a few little problems with doing so:

1. Denying a defendant of the evidence being used against him 'blinds' him and his legal defense, placing the defendant and his legal counsel in an unfair / unrealistic disadvantage where they are forced to defend the client without knowing EXACTLY from what and without being able to provide evidence to counter the prosecutor's case because they have no idea what the prosecutor's case consists of.

'You are GUILTY because we say you are based on specific evidence we have on you, though you will never know what that is. What do you have to present in your defense?'

'In defense of WHAT?'

2. Evidence and recent past demands for evidence by Congress resulted in Mueller claiming the same thing - 'the info can not be released to CONGRESS, who have Secret / Top Secret Clearances, because doing so would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'. The problem was that when the information was released it was revealed that some of what Mueller had called information that would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security' turned out to be anything BUT that.

Perjury Traps
The 'Insurance Policy' Strzok Spoke Of
Refusing to investigate the Dossier or Steele
Withholding evidence resulting in innocent people going to jail
Extorting / Pressuring witnesses to make false statements / accusations
Creating bogus evidence / crimes resulting in innocent people going to jail
Bypassing Attorney-Client Privilege to get to the Investigation's focus' attorney
Hiding Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One
Refusing to investigate Obama, who knew of Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing
Refusing to investigate Hillary, who paid the Russians & Steele for the Russian-authored Dossier
Indicting / charging / prosecuting without allowing the defendants to know the evidence against them
Working with foreign spy Steele before an investigation was started / before he became Special Counsel

'Illegal Tactics'

Steele is a 'dirty' prosecutor, one tasked with objective and one objective only - NOT to seek the TRUTH and Justice but instead to 'Take Down The President'.

Eric Dubelier emerges as Robert Mueller’s top courtroom adversary

The thing is, libs have abandoned all pretense to care about due process and the rights of defendants to a fair trial.
Hilarious and not a little sad to see you kids defending foreign nationals accused of interference in our election just because of who they are accused of helping.
Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field, served eight years prosecuting cases as a Justice Department assistant U.S. attorney in Washington. He refers to his former employer as “the real Justice Department,” implying that Mr. Mueller’s team is something less.

His biting remarks have come in months of court filings and oral arguments.
Mr. Dubelier has depicted Mr. Mueller as a rogue prosecutor willfully ignoring Justice Department guidelines.

He has accused
Mr. Mueller of creating a “make-believe crime” against his Russian client, Concord Management and Consulting, which is accused of funding a troll farm that interfered in the 2016 election.

Mr. Dubelier charges that the Mueller team violated the confidentially of Concord’s counter evidence while hiding documents Concord needs for its defense. The prosecutor wants to “whisper secrets to the judge,” Mr. Dubelier says, as Mr. Mueller is calculating the “short-term political value of a conviction” and not worrying about an appeals court defeat years later.

An example: In a Dec. 20 motion,
Mr. Dubelier resurrected a botched case spearheaded by Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann.

Mr. Weissmann headed the
Justice Department’s Enron task force nearly two decades ago. He won a conviction against the accounting firm Arthur Andersen for shredding the defunct energy firm’s financial documents.

Years later, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the conviction. The 2005 decision effectively said that Andersen, by then out of business and its 28,000 employees gone, hadn’t committed a crime.

“When it comes to political speech, one is free to pretend to be whomever he or she wants to be and to say whatever he or she wants to say,” he said at an Oct. 15 hearing.

“That’s why in this case this special counsel made up a crime to fit the facts that they have,”
Mr. Dubelier said. “And that’s the fundamental danger with the entire special counsel concept: that they operate outside the parameters of the Department of Justice in a way that is absolutely inconsistent with the consistent behavior of the Department of Justice in these cases for the past 30 years.”

“This equates to the burden of preparing for trial without any ability to discuss the evidence with the client who is to be put on trial. This has never happened before in reported case law because the notion is too ludicrous to contemplate.”

Mueller has turned over is often irrelevant to mounting a defense, such as promotion emails for airlines and personal naked selfie photographs”

Mueller has pushed claiming presenting the actual evidence being used to prosecute a defendant would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'.

There's just a few little problems with doing so:

1. Denying a defendant of the evidence being used against him 'blinds' him and his legal defense, placing the defendant and his legal counsel in an unfair / unrealistic disadvantage where they are forced to defend the client without knowing EXACTLY from what and without being able to provide evidence to counter the prosecutor's case because they have no idea what the prosecutor's case consists of.

'You are GUILTY because we say you are based on specific evidence we have on you, though you will never know what that is. What do you have to present in your defense?'

'In defense of WHAT?'

2. Evidence and recent past demands for evidence by Congress resulted in Mueller claiming the same thing - 'the info can not be released to CONGRESS, who have Secret / Top Secret Clearances, because doing so would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'. The problem was that when the information was released it was revealed that some of what Mueller had called information that would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security' turned out to be anything BUT that.

Perjury Traps
The 'Insurance Policy' Strzok Spoke Of
Refusing to investigate the Dossier or Steele
Withholding evidence resulting in innocent people going to jail
Extorting / Pressuring witnesses to make false statements / accusations
Creating bogus evidence / crimes resulting in innocent people going to jail
Bypassing Attorney-Client Privilege to get to the Investigation's focus' attorney
Hiding Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One
Refusing to investigate Obama, who knew of Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing
Refusing to investigate Hillary, who paid the Russians & Steele for the Russian-authored Dossier
Indicting / charging / prosecuting without allowing the defendants to know the evidence against them
Working with foreign spy Steele before an investigation was started / before he became Special Counsel

'Illegal Tactics'

Steele is a 'dirty' prosecutor, one tasked with objective and one objective only - NOT to seek the TRUTH and Justice but instead to 'Take Down The President'.

Eric Dubelier emerges as Robert Mueller’s top courtroom adversary


Any day now! :21::21::21::21::21:

Just like in these threads...

DOJ, FBI CRIMINAL collusion proof uncovered in Trump Investigation

IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

Now that Mueller is getting booted

You guys are too much fun! :21::21::21::21:
Hilarious and not a little sad to see you kids defending foreign nationals accused of interference in our election just because of who they are accused of helping.

Snowflakes continue to push the hypocritical false belief that anyone who does not embrace their ideology / agenda anyone they can use to their advantage are 'GUILTY Until Proven Innocent' and that the 'Burden of Proof Is on the Accused'.

That tactic blew up in their faces with Kavanaugh.
That tactic has so far blown up in their faces with the President...
...while their attempt to do so has exposed very real evidence of their own crimes.

Another favorite Liberal / Snowflake has also been exposed: The constant projection / accusing others of doing exactly what the Democrats have done / have been caught doing / continue to do and of being who THEY are.

Cases in Point:

Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party were caught and exposed for rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, violating Election and Campaign Finance Laws, and, in the end, altering the election by giving Hillary Bernie Sanders' earned Party Nomination ... yet continue to claim the Russians interfered in / attempted to alter the 2016 election.

Hillary Clinton was exposed to have illegally coordinated with and paid foreign spies and Russians for Russian-authored propaganda ... yet Democrats / snowflakes insist without substantiating evidence that it was President Trump who did what Hillary did.

Russians successfully ran a counter-intelligence operation using US Social Media and got Democrats / Snowflakes to ORGANIZE and even MARCH for them...successfully paid WILLING snowflakes to spread racial tension and violence across the United States...yet claim that Conservatives defend and have worked for / with Russians.

Snowflakes continue to prove the established fact that they are emotionally- driven / manipulated individuals who irrationally defend themselves and their politicians' actions, rabidly ignoring the evidence while irrationally and without substantiating evidence to hypocritically accuse others.

So every time you and your fellow snowflakes call anyone else 'Comrade', attack / accuse Trump, and make such ridiculous posts as this one, I hear, "yak, yak, yak, hypocritesayswhat...." and laugh.

Meanwhile, Mueller has a documented history of protecting both the Russians and Hillary, supported by testimony under oath and whistleblower evidence, as well as a documented history of both hiding evidence and creating false crimes to send innocent people to jail.
The thing is, libs have abandoned all pretense to care about due process and the rights of defendants to a fair trial.
Mueller's attack really isn't about The President. It is about destroying Due Process, The Presumption of Innocence, Trial By Jury of One's Peers, The Right to face your accuser and see The Evidence A Prosecutor has against you, The Right To Privacy.

The Mueller "Investigation" is at it's very core, and by design a direct attack on Democracy and our Constitution.

He is trying to set Legal Precident to make our Constitutional Rights Null and Void if The Government sets out to "Investigate" you.

This started with Janet Reno actually, and was expanded upon by Barak Obama when he used The IRS as a weapon and got away with it, and then expanded his operation of "Fundamentally Changing America" and carried that war against The Constitution in to FISA, The FBI, CIA, and DOJ.
What did Barak Obama mean when he said he wanted to "Fundamentally Change America"?

The "Fundamentals of America" are The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

So when one views The Obama Administration and Barak Obama's Actions while in office, and now actions being carried out by his proxies, you can only conclude one thing....

Barak Hussein Obama is at War with Lady Liberty.
Lady Liberty stands upon a Fundamental Foundation of our Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

The Obama Administration is AT WAR with America itself and has set up a Confederate White House just a hop skip and a jump from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and "The Resistance" is part of Obama's Confederate Army. But rather fight such a war on a battlefield, it is being fought in The Courts.

The Mueller Investigation is nothing but one Proxy War being fought against America out of thousands of Proxy Wars, and all of them being fought out in a compromised Justice system daily.
So far your Russian loving lawyer has lost in the court trial and on his appeals for this case...

We'll see if the SC takes the case, and then, if he loses again....
Another great example of a projecting hypocritical snowflake executing the very tactics just talked about...

A snowflake accuses a lawyer doing his job of being a Russian / being Russian-loving simply because his client who happens to be Russians.

By that Logic, any defense attorney who defends ACCUSED murderers, rapists, thieves, of hookers IS one of those / is a murderer/rapists/thieves/hookers-lover.

You just can't fix THAT kind of 'stupid'.
What did Barak Obama mean when he said he wanted to "Fundamentally Change America"?

The "Fundamentals of America" are The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

So when one views The Obama Administration and Barak Obama's Actions while in office, and now actions being carried out by his proxies, you can only conclude one thing....

Barak Hussein Obama is at War with Lady Liberty.
Lady Liberty stands upon a Fundamental Foundation of our Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

The Obama Administration is AT WAR with America itself and has set up a Confederate White House just a hop skip and a jump from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and "The Resistance" is part of Obama's Confederate Army. But rather fight such a war on a battlefield, it is being fought in The Courts.

The Mueller Investigation is nothing but one Proxy War being fought against America out of thousands of Proxy Wars, and all of them being fought out in a compromised Justice system daily.
Well, let's see....

Over 8 years he:

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 1 day.

He intervened in other nation's elections and governance - to include those of our allies - on the behalf / benefit of terrorists.

He abandoned both allies and America's allies to suffer at the hands of terrorists and this nation's enemies (Benghazi / Crimea)

He paid ransoms to our enemies for the release of US hostages

He ADMITTEDLY violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law...

Illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the Media, US Senators, and even the USSC...and now an abundance of evidence has revealed that his Presidential Cabinet / the heads of his top agencies (DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI...) were illegally in collaboration together - and working with President-hating foreign spies and Russians - to illegally spy on and attempt a soft political coup against the President of the United States....

Sired by an anti-Colonialist who sought to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence, tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky during his Inauguration, mentored by racist anti-American hate-spewing 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, and friends with the domestic terrorist 1st-responder-murdering Bill Ayers, Barak Obama was groomed to be the Left's manufacturer of a 'fundamentally changed' America.

THAT BEING SAID.....the focus of this thread is Mueller, the Obama government's / Pro-Hillary Conspirators' 'Insurance Policy' against the President.
Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field, served eight years prosecuting cases as a Justice Department assistant U.S. attorney in Washington. He refers to his former employer as “the real Justice Department,” implying that Mr. Mueller’s team is something less.

His biting remarks have come in months of court filings and oral arguments.
Mr. Dubelier has depicted Mr. Mueller as a rogue prosecutor willfully ignoring Justice Department guidelines.

He has accused
Mr. Mueller of creating a “make-believe crime” against his Russian client, Concord Management and Consulting, which is accused of funding a troll farm that interfered in the 2016 election.

Mr. Dubelier charges that the Mueller team violated the confidentially of Concord’s counter evidence while hiding documents Concord needs for its defense. The prosecutor wants to “whisper secrets to the judge,” Mr. Dubelier says, as Mr. Mueller is calculating the “short-term political value of a conviction” and not worrying about an appeals court defeat years later.

An example: In a Dec. 20 motion,
Mr. Dubelier resurrected a botched case spearheaded by Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann.

Mr. Weissmann headed the
Justice Department’s Enron task force nearly two decades ago. He won a conviction against the accounting firm Arthur Andersen for shredding the defunct energy firm’s financial documents.

Years later, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the conviction. The 2005 decision effectively said that Andersen, by then out of business and its 28,000 employees gone, hadn’t committed a crime.

“When it comes to political speech, one is free to pretend to be whomever he or she wants to be and to say whatever he or she wants to say,” he said at an Oct. 15 hearing.

“That’s why in this case this special counsel made up a crime to fit the facts that they have,”
Mr. Dubelier said. “And that’s the fundamental danger with the entire special counsel concept: that they operate outside the parameters of the Department of Justice in a way that is absolutely inconsistent with the consistent behavior of the Department of Justice in these cases for the past 30 years.”

“This equates to the burden of preparing for trial without any ability to discuss the evidence with the client who is to be put on trial. This has never happened before in reported case law because the notion is too ludicrous to contemplate.”

Mueller has turned over is often irrelevant to mounting a defense, such as promotion emails for airlines and personal naked selfie photographs”

Mueller has pushed claiming presenting the actual evidence being used to prosecute a defendant would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'.

There's just a few little problems with doing so:

1. Denying a defendant of the evidence being used against him 'blinds' him and his legal defense, placing the defendant and his legal counsel in an unfair / unrealistic disadvantage where they are forced to defend the client without knowing EXACTLY from what and without being able to provide evidence to counter the prosecutor's case because they have no idea what the prosecutor's case consists of.

'You are GUILTY because we say you are based on specific evidence we have on you, though you will never know what that is. What do you have to present in your defense?'

'In defense of WHAT?'

2. Evidence and recent past demands for evidence by Congress resulted in Mueller claiming the same thing - 'the info can not be released to CONGRESS, who have Secret / Top Secret Clearances, because doing so would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'. The problem was that when the information was released it was revealed that some of what Mueller had called information that would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security' turned out to be anything BUT that.

Perjury Traps
The 'Insurance Policy' Strzok Spoke Of
Refusing to investigate the Dossier or Steele
Withholding evidence resulting in innocent people going to jail
Extorting / Pressuring witnesses to make false statements / accusations
Creating bogus evidence / crimes resulting in innocent people going to jail
Bypassing Attorney-Client Privilege to get to the Investigation's focus' attorney
Hiding Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One
Refusing to investigate Obama, who knew of Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing
Refusing to investigate Hillary, who paid the Russians & Steele for the Russian-authored Dossier
Indicting / charging / prosecuting without allowing the defendants to know the evidence against them
Working with foreign spy Steele before an investigation was started / before he became Special Counsel

'Illegal Tactics'

Steele is a 'dirty' prosecutor, one tasked with objective and one objective only - NOT to seek the TRUTH and Justice but instead to 'Take Down The President'.

Eric Dubelier emerges as Robert Mueller’s top courtroom adversary


What do you expect him to say. He is the Commie lawyer. We know any Russian business is under the thumb of Putin. Commie lawyer commits treason against the US.

Typical bullshit from you.
What do you expect him to say. He is the Commie lawyer.
No, the snowflakes are doing enough of that for him.


A snowflake accuses a lawyer doing his job of being a Russian / being Russian-loving simply because his client happens to be Russian.

By that Logic, any defense attorney who defends ACCUSED murderers, rapists, thieves, of hookers IS one of those / is a murderer/rapists/thieves/hookers-lover.

You can't fix THAT much 'stupid'.

What did Barak Obama mean when he said he wanted to "Fundamentally Change America"?

The "Fundamentals of America" are The Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

So when one views The Obama Administration and Barak Obama's Actions while in office, and now actions being carried out by his proxies, you can only conclude one thing....

Barak Hussein Obama is at War with Lady Liberty.
Lady Liberty stands upon a Fundamental Foundation of our Constitution and The Bill of Rights.

The Obama Administration is AT WAR with America itself and has set up a Confederate White House just a hop skip and a jump from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and "The Resistance" is part of Obama's Confederate Army. But rather fight such a war on a battlefield, it is being fought in The Courts.

The Mueller Investigation is nothing but one Proxy War being fought against America out of thousands of Proxy Wars, and all of them being fought out in a compromised Justice system daily.
Well, let's see....

Over 8 years he:

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 1 day.

He intervened in other nation's elections and governance - to include those of our allies - on the behalf / benefit of terrorists.

He abandoned both allies and America's allies to suffer at the hands of terrorists and this nation's enemies (Benghazi / Crimea)

He paid ransoms to our enemies for the release of US hostages

He ADMITTEDLY violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law...

Illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the Media, US Senators, and even the USSC...and now an abundance of evidence has revealed that his Presidential Cabinet / the heads of his top agencies (DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI...) were illegally in collaboration together - and working with President-hating foreign spies and Russians - to illegally spy on and attempt a soft political coup against the President of the United States....

Sired by an anti-Colonialist who sought to see the US eliminated as a world power and influence, tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied and quoted Socialist Saul Alensky during his Inauguration, mentored by racist anti-American hate-spewing 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, and friends with the domestic terrorist 1st-responder-murdering Bill Ayers, Barak Obama was groomed to be the Left's manufacturer of a 'fundamentally changed' America.

THAT BEING SAID.....the focus of this thread is Mueller, the Obama government's / Pro-Hillary Conspirators' 'Insurance Policy' against the President.

If you do your research, you will conclude only one thing, That Obama was the Fictitious Manchurian Candidate come to life, foisted upon The American People through Fraud and Deception, and his mission was to undermine our Democracy and our Constitution.

Hillary Clinton was his chosen heir and general that he was to hand The Baton off to. But somewhere on the way to Washington, Hillary Clinton stumbled, dropped that baton, and Mueller, Comey et al, picked it up to wage war against America from within The Bureaucracy.

The Resistance is exactly that: Hand picked loyalists in our own midst fighting The Will of The American People from within our Government.

It's still a Civil War, but at least for The American People, these Confederates were not able To Take The White House, and for a time being, we narrowly escaped them taking over SCOTUS.

Knowing this, we cannot afford to ever appease, negotiate, or ever offer the olive branch of compromise to such a people.

To defend America, and It's Fundamental Foundational Rights, you must fight Treason on every corner, in every community and at every ballot box.

Never Surrender, Never Yield One Inch.
Last edited:
If you do your research, you will conclude only one thing, That Obama was the Fictitious Manchurian Candidate come to life, foisted upon The American People through Fraud and Deception, and his mission was to undermine our Democracy and our Constitution. Hillary Clinton was his chosen heir and general that he was to hand The Baton off too. But somewhere on the way to Washington, Clinton dropped that baton, and Mueller, Comey et al, picked it up to wage war against America from within The Bureaucracy.

It's still a Civil War, but at least for The American People, these Confederates were not able To Take The White House, and for a time being, we narrowly escaped them taking over SCOTUS.

Stripped down to the most basic explanation / summary one could on.
Innocent until proven guilty doesn't seem to play a part these days with some peeps.
Eric A. Dubelier, a litigator for the Reed Smith law firm who knows international law and the D.C. playing field, served eight years prosecuting cases as a Justice Department assistant U.S. attorney in Washington. He refers to his former employer as “the real Justice Department,” implying that Mr. Mueller’s team is something less.

His biting remarks have come in months of court filings and oral arguments.
Mr. Dubelier has depicted Mr. Mueller as a rogue prosecutor willfully ignoring Justice Department guidelines.

He has accused
Mr. Mueller of creating a “make-believe crime” against his Russian client, Concord Management and Consulting, which is accused of funding a troll farm that interfered in the 2016 election.

Mr. Dubelier charges that the Mueller team violated the confidentially of Concord’s counter evidence while hiding documents Concord needs for its defense. The prosecutor wants to “whisper secrets to the judge,” Mr. Dubelier says, as Mr. Mueller is calculating the “short-term political value of a conviction” and not worrying about an appeals court defeat years later.

An example: In a Dec. 20 motion,
Mr. Dubelier resurrected a botched case spearheaded by Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann.

Mr. Weissmann headed the
Justice Department’s Enron task force nearly two decades ago. He won a conviction against the accounting firm Arthur Andersen for shredding the defunct energy firm’s financial documents.

Years later, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the conviction. The 2005 decision effectively said that Andersen, by then out of business and its 28,000 employees gone, hadn’t committed a crime.

“When it comes to political speech, one is free to pretend to be whomever he or she wants to be and to say whatever he or she wants to say,” he said at an Oct. 15 hearing.

“That’s why in this case this special counsel made up a crime to fit the facts that they have,”
Mr. Dubelier said. “And that’s the fundamental danger with the entire special counsel concept: that they operate outside the parameters of the Department of Justice in a way that is absolutely inconsistent with the consistent behavior of the Department of Justice in these cases for the past 30 years.”

“This equates to the burden of preparing for trial without any ability to discuss the evidence with the client who is to be put on trial. This has never happened before in reported case law because the notion is too ludicrous to contemplate.”

Mueller has turned over is often irrelevant to mounting a defense, such as promotion emails for airlines and personal naked selfie photographs”

Mueller has pushed claiming presenting the actual evidence being used to prosecute a defendant would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'.

There's just a few little problems with doing so:

1. Denying a defendant of the evidence being used against him 'blinds' him and his legal defense, placing the defendant and his legal counsel in an unfair / unrealistic disadvantage where they are forced to defend the client without knowing EXACTLY from what and without being able to provide evidence to counter the prosecutor's case because they have no idea what the prosecutor's case consists of.

'You are GUILTY because we say you are based on specific evidence we have on you, though you will never know what that is. What do you have to present in your defense?'

'In defense of WHAT?'

2. Evidence and recent past demands for evidence by Congress resulted in Mueller claiming the same thing - 'the info can not be released to CONGRESS, who have Secret / Top Secret Clearances, because doing so would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security'. The problem was that when the information was released it was revealed that some of what Mueller had called information that would 'cause exceptionally grave damage to national security' turned out to be anything BUT that.

Perjury Traps
The 'Insurance Policy' Strzok Spoke Of
Refusing to investigate the Dossier or Steele
Withholding evidence resulting in innocent people going to jail
Extorting / Pressuring witnesses to make false statements / accusations
Creating bogus evidence / crimes resulting in innocent people going to jail
Bypassing Attorney-Client Privilege to get to the Investigation's focus' attorney
Hiding Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One
Refusing to investigate Obama, who knew of Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing
Refusing to investigate Hillary, who paid the Russians & Steele for the Russian-authored Dossier
Indicting / charging / prosecuting without allowing the defendants to know the evidence against them
Working with foreign spy Steele before an investigation was started / before he became Special Counsel

'Illegal Tactics'

Steele is a 'dirty' prosecutor, one tasked with objective and one objective only - NOT to seek the TRUTH and Justice but instead to 'Take Down The President'.

Eric Dubelier emerges as Robert Mueller’s top courtroom adversary

Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid, ridiculous, and dishonest.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid, ridiculous, and dishonest.
Thank you for demonstrating my 1st point, that snowflakes are emotionally-driven/manipulated creatures / beings, with that wonderful childish kindergarten version of, "I know you are, but what am I?!"


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