They never were close and never will be close.

18 months of illegal Surveillance turned up nothing.

1 year and 6 investigations turned up nothing.

A rigged call for a special counsel will again turn up nothing.

Desperate act by a desperate Deep State that does not want to see The Swamp drained!

100s of laws were broken just to "Get Trump"

You only have to Break Laws to convict an innocent man, because the guilty have to use Bleach to hide their crimes, and even still you can't ever perfectly clean up a crime scene.

Ask Hillary Clinton about that. She even had James Comey helping her and they still found evidence.

Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

poor wackjob.... don't like the idea that they're getting close to the campaign's ties to Russian oligarchs?

here's a hint, you lunatic....... special prosecutors don't contract what they're looking for.

and not a single one of you pieces of garbage ever said word one when Kenny boy starr went from a failed land deal to a blue dress....

now there's something real and you losers can't stand it because it affects your orange loon?

tough... maybe the moron should have disclosed his financial ties so everyone could see how putin owns him.

or did you think he's hid his financials because they're on theup and up? and did you think everyone around him was associated with Russia because he's on the up and up.

the guy is either the biggest crook who has ever been in the white house; a total moron... or a Russian asset.

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Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

poor wackjob.... don't like the idea that they're getting close to the campaign's ties to Russian oligarchs?

here's a hint, you lunatic....... special prosecutors don't contract what they're looking for.

and not a single one of you pieces of garbage ever said word one when Kenny boy starr went from a failed land deal to a blue dress....

now there's something real and you losers can't stand it because it affects your orange loon?

tough... maybe the moron should have disclosed his financial ties so everyone could see how putin owns him.

or did you think he's hid his financials because they're on theup and up? and did you think everyone around him was associated with Russia because he's on the up and up.

the guy is either the biggest crook who has ever been in the white house; a total moron... or a Russian asset.

what exactly is the objective, do you know?
They never were close and never will be close.

18 months of illegal Surveillance turned up nothing.

1 year and 6 investigations turned up nothing.

A rigged call for a special counsel will again turn up nothing.

Desperate act by a desperate Deep State that does not want to see The Swamp drained!

100s of laws were broken just to "Get Trump"

You only have to Break Laws to convict an innocent man, because the guilty
Have to use Bleach to hide their crimes, and even still you can't ever perfectly clean up a crime scene.

Ask Hillary Clinton about that. She even had James Comey helping her and they still found evidence.

Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

poor wackjob.... don't like the idea that they're getting close to the campaign's ties to Russian oligarchs?

here's a hint, you lunatic....... special prosecutors don't contract what they're looking for.

and not a single one of you pieces of garbage ever said word one when Kenny boy starr went from a failed land deal to a blue dress....

now there's something real and you losers can't stand it because it affects your orange loon?

tough... maybe the moron should have disclosed his financial ties so everyone could see how putin owns him.

or did you think he's hid his financials because they're on theup and up? and did you think everyone around him was associated with Russia because he's on the up and up.

the guy is either the biggest crook who has ever been in the white house; a total moron... or a Russian asset.


so Mueller has been investigating Trump for 18 months ...?

see what I mean sports fans ?

ass/foot ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hypocrisy and self righteous judgments is the game Tumpanzees play: NIGYYSOB (Now I've got you, you son of a bitch) is the game, and it's not limited to the assassination of the character of Mr. Mueller or Mr. Comey.

well it is actually naming a crime, which in the United States one must have to get a warrant. Now do you agree or disagree with that?

I agree. It is one step in the process. Once evidence is collected, however, the crime may change in a complaint, or indictment by a Grand Jury. Do you agree with that?

nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.
well it is actually naming a crime, which in the United States one must have to get a warrant. Now do you agree or disagree with that?

I agree. It is one step in the process. Once evidence is collected, however, the crime may change in a complaint, or indictment by a Grand Jury. Do you agree with that?

nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.
I'm sorry, but what lie? no one met with a russian national. what the fk you talking about?
Mueller has a long and distinguished history of coloring.

He started by "coloring in" a "757" into this video....

well it is actually naming a crime, which in the United States one must have to get a warrant. Now do you agree or disagree with that?

I agree. It is one step in the process. Once evidence is collected, however, the crime may change in a complaint, or indictment by a Grand Jury. Do you agree with that?

nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.
Again, what was THE CRIME COMMITTED?

There are 18 Months of ILLEGAL Wire Tapping on The Trump Campaign Team. This meeting was surveilled. They found nothing. They will never find anything. This is about damaging the President through false accusations and innuendo, and guilt by association in the hopes The Democrats can win some seats back in 2018

And that makes THE LEFT Scum worthy of the flames of HELL.

Libs in a blanket, Fry Em Like Bacon!
I agree. It is one step in the process. Once evidence is collected, however, the crime may change in a complaint, or indictment by a Grand Jury. Do you agree with that?

nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.
Again, what was THE CRIME COMMITTED?

There are 18 Months of ILLEGAL Wire Tapping on The Trump Campaign Team. This meeting was surveilled. They found nothing. They will never find anything. This is about damaging the President through false accusations and innuendo, and guilt by association in the hopes The Democrats can win some seats back in 2018

And that makes THE LEFT Scum worthy of the flames of HELL.

Libs in a blanket, Fry Em Like Bacon!
they be aching, while they baking
nope not at all. one needs a crime to request a warrant. Don't you live in the US? why are you for illegal searches and seizures? holy crap the countries in trouble if you think a cop can just walk in your house with no actual crime.

One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.
Again, what was THE CRIME COMMITTED?

There are 18 Months of ILLEGAL Wire Tapping on The Trump Campaign Team. This meeting was surveilled. They found nothing. They will never find anything. This is about damaging the President through false accusations and innuendo, and guilt by association in the hopes The Democrats can win some seats back in 2018

And that makes THE LEFT Scum worthy of the flames of HELL.

Libs in a blanket, Fry Em Like Bacon!
they be aching, while they baking
Shit pisses me off.

First they illegally wire tap The President, his family and staff for 18 months and deny it ever happened.
That was proven false and The President was vindicated.

Then they tried to prove "Russian Collusion" for a whole year with 6 different investigations while completely ignoring The Criminal Acts The Obama Regime Committed trying to make the False Russian Narrative look plausible. And we had to watch James Comey embarass himself on National TV as he lied to The American Public and swept Clinton's Crimes under the rug.

The most prominent members in The Dem Party and Obama's hand picked men in The Intelligence Community were forced to admit they could find NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION, and they stated so, because to state otherwise would be to admit they have NO CREDIBILITY, and NO OBJECTIVITY.

Then the next great FALSE ACCUSATION was "Obstruction of Justice" and parsing the meaning of the word "Hope".

Laughable especially considering what Comey, Lynch, Bill and Hillary Clinton engaged in. That's a FAIL.

Now it's down to a pathetic attempt to scour 18 months of illegal surveillance, and 1,000s of illegally recorded conversations, and to confiscate tens of thousands of emails, financial transactions occurring over DECADES, and a review 1000s of documents looking for a contradiction, a misstep, someone didn't fill out a form properly, or someone made a contradictory statement, so that Butt Hurt Leftist American Hating Marxist can have a slim hope of getting some seats back and a slim chance at The White House in 2020.

It's not going to happen. America is turning on The Democrat Party.

94% of Americans think Congress is wasting taxpayer dollars on this and not doing their jobs.
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One needs Probable Cause that a crime was committed or might be committed and must come from specific facts or circumstances and not a hunch or suspicion (such as profiling). How many warrants have you written and signed under oath?
and so what is the probable crime? I'm still waiting.

A meeting on or about June 6, 2016 with Russian nationals at the Trump Tower, which the parties connected by blood or business with The President lied about. That's what is called Probable Cause.

Lying by omission on national security documents is a crime, and gives probable cause to look further into the actions of the actor who lied.
Again, what was THE CRIME COMMITTED?

There are 18 Months of ILLEGAL Wire Tapping on The Trump Campaign Team. This meeting was surveilled. They found nothing. They will never find anything. This is about damaging the President through false accusations and innuendo, and guilt by association in the hopes The Democrats can win some seats back in 2018

And that makes THE LEFT Scum worthy of the flames of HELL.

Libs in a blanket, Fry Em Like Bacon!
they be aching, while they baking
Shit pisses me off.

First they illegally wire tap The President, his family and staff for 18 months and deny it ever happened.
That was proven false and The President was vindicated.

Then they tried to prove "Russian Collusion" for a whole year with 6 different investigations while completely ignoring The Criminal Acts The Obama Regime Committed trying to make the False Russian Narrative look plausible.

The most prominent members in The Dem Party and Obama's hand picked men in The Intelligence Community were forced to admit they could find NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION, and they stated so, because to state otherwise would be to admit they have NO CREDIBILITY, and NO OBJECTIVITY.

Then the next great FALSE ACCUSATION was "Obstruction of Justice" and parsing the meaning of the word "Hope".

Laughable especially considering what Comey, Lynch, Bill and Hillary Clinton engaged in. That's a FAIL.

Now it's down to a pathetic attempt to scour 18 months of illegal surveillance, and 1,000s of illegally recorded conversations, and to confiscate tens of thousands of emails, financial transactions occurring over DECADES, and a review 1000s of documents looking for a contradiction, a misstep, someone didn't fill out a form properly, or someone made a contradictory statement, so that Butt Hurt Leftist American Hating Marxist can have a slim hope of getting some seats back and a slim chance at The White House in 2020.

It's not going to happen. America is turning on The Democrat Party.

94% of Americans think Congress is wasting taxpayer dollars on this and not doing their jobs.
left ain't winning nothing. they have been exposed as agents for illegals. I see no other option for them. They can't be for the middle class and write laws to encourage illegals. The people are not that stupid.
The Trumpanzees are aflame and are finding scapegoats in every nook and cranny, yet never look in the mirror where the enemy within resides. Hate and fear motivates them, as it did for most fascists who seek the protection of an Authoritarian demagogue, one who encourages hate and fear and order by fiat, i.e. Executive Orders.
The Trumpanzees are aflame and are finding scapegoats in every nook and cranny, yet never look in the mirror where the enemy within resides. Hate and fear motivates them, as it did for most fascists who seek the protection of an Authoritarian demagogue, one who encourages hate and fear and order by fiat, i.e. Executive Orders.
Hate and fear motivates them


Sorry, love of the United States motivates me.

The DEM Party is the one with "hate and fear" motivating just about everyone who votes for them.

Hate targets of the Dems - whites, capitalists, those who question gloBULL warming

Fear tactics of the Dems - MediSCARE, GloBULL warming, now ObamacareSCARE, and the most important one...

the other side may CUT OFF YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hate and fear motivates them


Sorry, love of the United States motivates me.

The DEM Party is the one with "hate and fear" motivating just about everyone who votes for them.

Hate targets of the Dems - whites, capitalists, those who question gloBULL warming

Fear tactics of the Dems - MediSCARE, GloBULL warming, now ObamacareSCARE, and the most important one...

the other side may CUT OFF YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really? You "love the United States" and yet don't seem to love Democrats.

How do you define what you love? Do you love our majestic mountains being decimated by Big Coal? Or our Rivers and Air and Soil threatened by deregulaters?
You "love the United States" and yet don't seem to love Democrats.

Correct.... imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you define what you love? Do you love our majestic mountains being decimated by Big Coal? Or our Rivers and Air and Soil threatened by deregulaters?

I love freedom and self determination, and I totally hate anyone who wants to take those away.... like all the Democrat "leaders..."
Hate and fear motivates them


Sorry, love of the United States motivates me.

The DEM Party is the one with "hate and fear" motivating just about everyone who votes for them.

Hate targets of the Dems - whites, capitalists, those who question gloBULL warming

Fear tactics of the Dems - MediSCARE, GloBULL warming, now ObamacareSCARE, and the most important one...

the other side may CUT OFF YOUR GOVERNMENT CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really? You "love the United States" and yet don't seem to love Democrats.

How do you define what you love? Do you love our majestic mountains being decimated by Big Coal? Or our Rivers and Air and Soil threatened by deregulaters?
how could somone who loves the US love a party that wishes death and famine on its own countrymen? how? Open boarders? love of criminals? wow. sorry, they are the worst form of human that exists. And they exist around the globe.
how could somone who loves the US love a party that wishes death and famine on its own countrymen?

I cannot explain why any patriotic American today would support either the Dems or the post 1998 GOP. Both are totally sold out, useless, and care only about one country... that is not even in North America...

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