More hard hitting questions from Faux News against Cheney


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Here are the tough and penetrating questions asked by Chris Wallace of a man whose critics accuse of war crimes, and whose administration presided over the death of over a hundred prisoners in interrogation, who authorized torture techniques once trade-marked by the Khmer Rouge:
Why are you so concerned about the idea of one administration reviewing, investigating the actions of another one?

Do you think this was a political move not a law enforcement move?

The attorney general says this is a preliminary review, not a criminal investigation. It is just about CIA officers who went beyond their legal authorization. Why don't you think it's going to stop there?

The inspector general's report which was just released from 2004 details some specific interrogations -- mock executions, one of the detainees threatened with a handgun and with an electric drill, waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 183 times. First of all, did you know that was going on?

So even these cases where they went beyond the specific legal authorization, you're OK with it?

President Obama has also decided to move interrogations from the CIA to the FBI that's under the supervision of the National Security Council, and the FBI will have to act within the boundaries of the Army Field Manual.

What do you think that does for the nation's security? And will we now have the tools if we catch another high-value target?
Republicans have made the charge before, do you think Democrats are soft on National Security?

Do you think that it was a mistake, while you were in power, while your administration was in power, not to go after the nuclear infrastructure of Iran?

Was it a mistake for Bill Clinton, with the blessing of the Administration, to go to North Korea to bring back those two reporters?

Now look: there are softball interviews; and then there are interviews like this. It cannot be described as journalism in any fashion. Even as propaganda, which is its point, it doesn't work - because it's far too cloying and supportive of Cheney to be convincing to anyone outside the true-believers. When it comes to Cheney, one of the most incompetent vice-presidents in the country's history, with a record of two grotesquely botched wars, war crimes and a crippling debt, Chris Wallace sounds like a teenage girl interviewing the Jonas Brothers.

It looks to me like the interviewer was trying to get cheney's stance on every issue the president has faced.

I dont see much more than that in the interview.

Let's see here...

In a recent thread you created discussing rain at Kennedy's funeral you said this:

Do you think it was God pissing on people celebrating the life of a murderer and cheat?

I'm shocked, yes, SHOCKED that you don't see a problem with the beyond softball questions Wallace asked. He set up every single question with clear bias towards Cheney... REMEMBER JOURNALISTS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE OBJECTIVE!
THat thread was a joke and in the flame zone, no seriousness meant in it. Anyway i dont see how it relates to your thread.

Let me help the thread develop.

What questions would you have liked to see asked of Cheney in that interview instead?

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