More glaring evidence of failed liberal policy and liberal LIES


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Report: Welfare government’s single largest budget item in FY 2011 at approx. $1.03 trillion

The government spent approximately $1.03 trillion on 83 means-tested federal welfare programs in fiscal year 2011 alone — a price tag that makes welfare that year the government’s largest expenditure, according to new data released by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee

Govt spent $1.028 trillion on welfare in FY 2011 | The Daily Caller
They don't call him the welfare and food stamp president for nothing. His most successful accomplishment, making people dependent.
A good friend of my son's was a child of welfare. I love this kid to death so don't get me wrong on any of my criticisms here.

When they first struck out on their own for their first apartment, we took them grocery shopping. Georgie had no concept what so ever of a budget. It was wild. He wanted the chicken breasts. My son was arguing that you could get triple chicken with backs and legs.

He genuinely had no idea that cash goes away at the check out. That you payed with your own money.

I watched this young man grow and change. It was fascinating to witness. Little things like my son teaching him to wheel and deal. Georgie had never had to do that before. It was like he was a blank slate. Boy oh boy I hope that makes sense.

What is fabulous is the happy ending to the story. He became a wonderful small business owner. A teeny tiny restaurant in a cool neighborhood. He broke a cycle of welfare in his family.
Did you hear about the Booosh Financial Meltdown/housing bust/Great Recession? We're doing better than any other major economy- Great job, Pubbies! And Romney the W clone wants to do it again....
Republican LIES...

The con is pretty easy to see when you read the actual CRS report. Senate Republicans are counting 83 separate (and wildly different) programs as “welfare” in order to make the case that the government is spending more on poor people than old people. The majority of this money is Medicaid and CHIP, which are healthcare spending, which is increasing for the same reason that Medicare spending is increasing, which is that healthcare costs are increasing. (And Medicaid is much less generous than Medicare, because it is a program for poor people, not old people.) But so many other things now also count as welfare, including Pell Grants, public works spending, Head Start, child support enforcement, the Child Tax Credit, Foster Care assistance, housing for old people, and much more. They’re also counting the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is, traditionally, the form of “welfare” that conservative Republicans actually support. Basically, all social spending (though specifically not spending on rich old people or on healthcare for veterans with service-related disabilities, which Republicans requested be excluded from the CRS report) now counts as “welfare.”

So we’ve learned that when you count everything — especially Medicaid and CHIP — as “welfare,” it is easy to make it look like “welfare” is very expensive, because healthcare is very expensive. This dumb lie will live forever, and you will hear until the end of your days that “the government spends more on welfare than it does on defense.”
Remember when being in the black was doing better than other major economies? Now it's, we are less in the red than other major economies.
1 million seconds is 12 days
1 billion seconds is 32 years
1 trillion seconds is 32,000 years.
Think of that in terms of dollars and you'll see we are not doing better at all. We are debt ridden. And it is genetic. We will be passing this on to our poor children.
Better would be = surplus.
What you meant to says was we ARE the other major economies 1 small step behind.
A good friend of my son's was a child of welfare. I love this kid to death so don't get me wrong on any of my criticisms here.

When they first struck out on their own for their first apartment, we took them grocery shopping. Georgie had no concept what so ever of a budget. It was wild. He wanted the chicken breasts. My son was arguing that you could get triple chicken with backs and legs.

He genuinely had no idea that cash goes away at the check out. That you payed with your own money.

I watched this young man grow and change. It was fascinating to witness. Little things like my son teaching him to wheel and deal. Georgie had never had to do that before. It was like he was a blank slate. Boy oh boy I hope that makes sense.

What is fabulous is the happy ending to the story. He became a wonderful small business owner. A teeny tiny restaurant in a cool neighborhood. He broke a cycle of welfare in his family.

I fear that is the extreme exception though. I think there is considerable documentation of generations on welfare.

What this kid did was the American dream - from nothing to small business owner. We need a hell of a lot more of that and a lot less government dependency.
Republican LIES...

The con is pretty easy to see when you read the actual CRS report. Senate Republicans are counting 83 separate (and wildly different) programs as “welfare” in order to make the case that the government is spending more on poor people than old people. The majority of this money is Medicaid and CHIP, which are healthcare spending, which is increasing for the same reason that Medicare spending is increasing, which is that healthcare costs are increasing. (And Medicaid is much less generous than Medicare, because it is a program for poor people, not old people.) But so many other things now also count as welfare, including Pell Grants, public works spending, Head Start, child support enforcement, the Child Tax Credit, Foster Care assistance, housing for old people, and much more. They’re also counting the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is, traditionally, the form of “welfare” that conservative Republicans actually support. Basically, all social spending (though specifically not spending on rich old people or on healthcare for veterans with service-related disabilities, which Republicans requested be excluded from the CRS report) now counts as “welfare.”

So we’ve learned that when you count everything — especially Medicaid and CHIP — as “welfare,” it is easy to make it look like “welfare” is very expensive, because healthcare is very expensive. This dumb lie will live forever, and you will hear until the end of your days that “the government spends more on welfare than it does on defense.”

I love how to attempt to omit Medicaid, as if it weren't welfare, simply because of how expensive it is. The fact is, we spend $500 billion and change on defense, while spending a mind-numbing $1 trillion on the parasite class. The facts are the facts, no matter how inconvenient you find them...
Did you hear about the Booosh Financial Meltdown/housing bust/Great Recession? We're doing better than any other major economy- Great job, Pubbies! And Romney the W clone wants to do it again....

Sorry, facts are the housing bust was created by Clinton and his socialist "Community Reinvestment Act" which arranged loans for people who couldn't afford them and would otherwise have been denied by the free market. That housing collapse then lead to the financial meltdown. You can thank Bill Clinton for destroying the economy (I said at the time we would suffer the consequences of the Bill Clinton presidency for decades - and damn if I didn't nail that one on the head).
I love how to attempt to omit Medicaid, as if it weren't welfare, simply because of how expensive it is. The fact is, we spend $500 billion and change on defense, while spending a mind-numbing $1 trillion on the parasite class. The facts are the facts, no matter how inconvenient you find them...

Children, the elderly, and the disabled make up three-quarters of Medicaid's enrollees (and the bulk of its spending is on the elderly and disabled).


Is that your "parasite class"?
I love how to attempt to omit Medicaid, as if it weren't welfare, simply because of how expensive it is. The fact is, we spend $500 billion and change on defense, while spending a mind-numbing $1 trillion on the parasite class. The facts are the facts, no matter how inconvenient you find them...

Children, the elderly, and the disabled make up three-quarters of Medicaid's enrollees (and the bulk of its spending is on the elderly and disabled).


Is that your "parasite class"?

Any person that would allow another person to be taken from against their will in order to further their own cause is indeed a parasite.
A good friend of my son's was a child of welfare. I love this kid to death so don't get me wrong on any of my criticisms here.

When they first struck out on their own for their first apartment, we took them grocery shopping. Georgie had no concept what so ever of a budget. It was wild. He wanted the chicken breasts. My son was arguing that you could get triple chicken with backs and legs.

He genuinely had no idea that cash goes away at the check out. That you payed with your own money.

I watched this young man grow and change. It was fascinating to witness. Little things like my son teaching him to wheel and deal. Georgie had never had to do that before. It was like he was a blank slate. Boy oh boy I hope that makes sense.

What is fabulous is the happy ending to the story. He became a wonderful small business owner. A teeny tiny restaurant in a cool neighborhood. He broke a cycle of welfare in his family.

I fear that is the extreme exception though. I think there is considerable documentation of generations on welfare.

What this kid did was the American dream - from nothing to small business owner. We need a hell of a lot more of that and a lot less government dependency.

Boy oh boy it seems like a lifetime ago, but when I lived in Tennessee I used to give "couponing" classes at Churches.

Every time I found that human nature rose above "gubmint". People were so eager to learn how to make it on their own.

In particular, my husband worked with a Pastor, ok this will seem strange, who had to support himself by working at Saturn where my husband was a lead hand for PPG at the plant.

Freddie, bless his soul was like a black Pillsbury dough boy. His parish could not support him so he had to work at the plant a considerable number of miles away. Anyway, I taught him how to get food basically for free by couponing.

After he almost stroked out on me going thru a cash register for the first time:D and I'd gotten his bill down to nothing, he set me up with his parishioners and then it went from there teaching people how to coupon and almost get all their food for free.

Back to the original point. I hope your eyes weren't glazing over there. :lol: I found out every time I threw a rope of hope to get out and seize your life and your finances there were many who swam to the rope.
I love how to attempt to omit Medicaid, as if it weren't welfare, simply because of how expensive it is. The fact is, we spend $500 billion and change on defense, while spending a mind-numbing $1 trillion on the parasite class. The facts are the facts, no matter how inconvenient you find them...

Children, the elderly, and the disabled make up three-quarters of Medicaid's enrollees (and the bulk of its spending is on the elderly and disabled).


Is that your "parasite class"?

The elderly? Abso-freaking-lutely!!!! If you've live long enough to reach "elderly" status, you've got zero fucking excuse for not have means to provide for yourself. That status means you've had a massive window for which to have been gainfully employed.

As far as the children - if their parents brought them into the world without the means to provide for them, they should be criminally charged. If you can't properly feed, shelter, etc. your child, that is CHILD NEGLIGENCE.

Your "disabled" claim is an epic farce. I know people in wheelchairs who are attorney's making an exceptional living. I also know mentally handicapped individuals who are trained in remedial tasks (such as stocking shelves, washing dishes, etc.) who are employed. So whether the "disability" is physical or mental, you're still just making excuses.

The left thrives on excuses. It's how they attempt to justify their highly unconstitutional actions. The sad part is, America wouldn't even exist if we tolerated the excuses like this garbage. We've over come everything imaginable just to get to this point.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I once had the honor of serving under one of the greatest leaders of men the world has ever known. He used to tell us daily: "Excuses are like assholes. Everybody has one, and they all stink". there is no excuse - not being elderly, not being "disabled". It's time to end the excuses and the self-pity which are dragging this nation down in the form of $1 trillion per year of welfare.
Socialism~ the plunder of the productive by the unaccountable.

The unaccountable aren't those whom require assistance.
The unaccountable aren't counted because they are unproductive.

I always loved Thatchers quote. I'm tired and down to my last couple of beers so don't kill me on this.....

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money"

I think I'm close:eusa_angel:
Socialism~ the plunder of the productive by the unaccountable.

The unaccountable aren't those whom require assistance.
The unaccountable aren't counted because they are unproductive.

I always loved Thatchers quote. I'm tired and down to my last couple of beers so don't kill me on this.....

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money"

I think I'm close:eusa_angel:

The problem with war is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.
Socialism~ the plunder of the productive by the unaccountable.

The unaccountable aren't those whom require assistance.
The unaccountable aren't counted because they are unproductive.

I always loved Thatchers quote. I'm tired and down to my last couple of beers so don't kill me on this.....

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money"

I think I'm close:eusa_angel:

The problem with war is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.

Can you elaborate on this statement which seemingly has nothing to do with the current discussion? Are you implying socialism is ok because the U.S. has had to engage in military operations over the years?
Socialism~ the plunder of the productive by the unaccountable.

The unaccountable aren't those whom require assistance.
The unaccountable aren't counted because they are unproductive.

I always loved Thatchers quote. I'm tired and down to my last couple of beers so don't kill me on this.....

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money"

I think I'm close:eusa_angel:

The problem with war is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.

Ah most interesting. Most interesting.

I'm a true conservative. I think you know that by now. War is an "iffy" proposition at the best of times and tests left and right unless you are a maniac like the women in Code Pink.

The strike back at Afghanistan bases of AQ was crucial. I still believe that the war of Iraq was only partially over WMDs but mostly to take out Saddam's truly insane children who were to inherit his empire.

But staying to nation build? I don't know Chris. These are questions I think we all must address left to right in the years to come.

Now you have this President, can you criticize him? Honest question. Do you understand the cost of Obama's "Arab Spring"?

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