Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

I feel pretty certain, if someone's child had been taken to the hospital due to the cookie ladies cookies, it would have made news.

I have severe allergies, so do my kids. Guess what? I never once told anyone not to serve the things they were allergic to, as they were taught, from a very young age what would happen to them, if they were to indulge. Guess what? I never had an emergency where I had to take them to the hospital due to their not listening.

I do understand the fears of a parent with children of allergies, but if they truly were fearful of their eating those cookies, they could approach that cookie lady and tell her their child is not able to indulge, and please don't give them one, even suggest an alternative, if they feared their child couldn't handle not being able to eat one. I am sure that cookie lady, seeing as she was doing this as a kindness would have gone out of her way, to have something for that child, or quit bringing them all together. But, no, rather they would be selfish and have all punished for their childs not being able to indulge by anonymously complaining.


exactly. but you can not expect form the nannystaters any personal responsibility and as Chuck already stated - he won't teach kids any personal responsibility until the age of 18 and the next day they will magically turn to responsible adults. Overnight :D

Kids in elementary school touch the food and touch each other. My boss' grand child was told to stay out of preschool and other activities because young children wipe their nose with their hands and don't use tissues and her immune system couldn't handle it according to the doctor and had to get ear surgery because of ear infections. Any food that they eat will be on their hands and can be transferred to any student.

are you going to impose a food police squadron so nobody can eat ANY cookies at school? so no potentially allergic kid is ever exposed to anything?

or are you planning to impose uniforms on kids with a plastic bubble space suit so noone can ever touch anyone?
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exactly. but you can not expect form the nannystaters any personal responsibility and as Chuck already stated - he won't teach kids any personal responsibility until the age of 18 and the next day they will magically turn to responsible adults. Overnight :D

Kids in elementary school touch the food and touch each other. My boss' grand child was told to stay out of preschool and other activities because young children wipe their nose with their hands and don't use tissues and her immune system couldn't handle it according to the doctor and had to get ear surgery because of ear infections. Any food that they eat will be on their hands and can be transferred to any student.

are you going to impose a food police squadron so nobody can eat ANY cookies at school?

They actually sell cookies at my kid's school cafeteria.
how do you know she dd not? she has been doing this for 15 years until this asshole complained. You can have all the permissions under the sun, but when one leftard asshole complains - the PC gestapo is going to ruin the fun for everybody. Even if everybody else is perfectly fine with it.

Because you can't give permission without consent forms and someone complained which means she didn't have consent.

bullshit. you do not know what was there and what was not. You do not need consent forms to permit your kids to have a cookie.

Chuck was it YOU who complained? because you clearly have the potential for being that asshole :D

We don't live in the same state. I didn't know about her before I saw the post here.
Because you can't give permission without consent forms and someone complained which means she didn't have consent.

bullshit. you do not know what was there and what was not. You do not need consent forms to permit your kids to have a cookie.

Chuck was it YOU who complained? because you clearly have the potential for being that asshole :D

We don't live in the same state. I didn't know about her before I saw the post here.

oh, so it WAS you :D

what a surprise :lol:
Called upon to provide cookies for a neighborhood "do", lady close to me prepared a batch that were sugar-free, fat-free, gluten-free, peanut-free and lactose-free.

She placarded the empty plate with that information and a few actually complimented her for her sensitivity and told her how much they had enjoyed the unique flavour.
Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint
Anne Tabat ordered to stop baking cookies for school children following anonymous complaint
The mother-of-three had baked the treats for 15 years
The Minnesota resident said she's never had a straight answer about the specific details of the complaint
PUBLISHED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013 | UPDATED: 15:41 EST, 21 December 2013

A Minnesota mother dubbed the 'Cookie Lady' who has been baking treats for the kids on her children's bus for 15 years has been shut down by an anonymous complaint. Every Friday, Anne Tabat has met the school bus in her subdivision with a basket of cookies. It began as a thank you to the bus driver. And, Tabat said, she couldn't give the driver a cookie without giving one to every child on the bus.

Tabat said the cookies were also a way to get to know her neighbors. 'I didn't live in the suburbs until I turned 40,' she told Minnesota Public Radio.'Look at the way these houses are designed here. They're not designed with a friendly neighborliness community in mind. I haven't been in most of the houses in my neighborhood.

'People live such busy lives; you don't talk to your neighbors, you don't know your neighbors.'

But for the first time in many years, Tabat wasn't at the bus stop yesterday. She received a phone call from the school this week telling her someone had complained and that she should cease and desist the dispensing of cookies. She said she never really had a straight answer about the specifics of the complaint.

'She (the woman who complained) didn’t bother to know me, the bus driver, or anything about the cookie-bus thing. I don’t care if I get shut down, the kids are going to live,' she said.

'I woke up the day after this and thought ‘let’s have a protest, let’s sign a petition,’ but the person this would fall back on would be the bus driver.

'Whatever you do I don’t want anything to stick to the bus driver because this was meant to thank the bus driver.'

Tabat said it was soon time to end the tradition - the last of her three kids will graduate high school soon - but she wanted to stop baking on her own terms.

'I know all these well-meaning people who do kindly gestures but they backfire because they’re not thinking about things like that. That’s not what this is about,' she said.

Read more: Mother who baked cookies for children on school bus for 15 years ordered to stop after anonymous complaint | Mail Online
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What are the odds that the anonymous moron is some intolerant, arrogant left wing, know it all bitch?
Not good. My guess is the complainer had one of several reasons:

(1) Diabetic child was not included in the handout

(2) Cookie caused diabetic child to go into shock

(3) Parent had a degree in nutrition and prefers carrots, celery, etc. as snacks for their child

(4) Father or mother is dentist or oral surgeon and is equally chagrined as the nutritionist over dietary choice foisted on their children they've carefully managed to feed properly

(5) Parent of obese child angry that child was getting calories shoved at him or her, causing other children to mock them for being fat.

(6) Several of the above
200,000 to 300,000 kids go to the hospital every year because of food allergies every year and it doesn't make news. Reporters can't just go around blaming people because of libel and hospitals wouldn't be able to do their job if they had to report 300,000 cases to the news every year. That isn't what they get paid for.

Since this made the news, if that is what happened, I am sure we would have heard about it. How often would you hear about a cookie lady being told not to bring cookies, either, but we did.
This only made the (local) news on Dec 19th, because a blogger on MPR made a story of it (yeah, that liberal Public Radio Company)

-- from there it was picked up by the Victim Entertainment Complex, and is now working it's way to being viral, with even Fox News picking it up.

Right Wing nutters are falling all over themselves, kneejerking up a storm now about people they don't know about, about a situation they don't know about, about elementary children they don't know about, about the political affiliations they don't know about --

all they do know is, someone told them, somewhere, a parent complained, and a school system reacted, due to potential liability issues (which wingers won;t even acknowledge) ... and they are supposed to be mad about it.

You -- who "was sure" it was about high schoolers, and were proven wrong, have no idea who, or what or why caused a parent in a small suburb to complain to the school in the interest of their child's safety (and could even be a 6 year older with severe health issues) -- you simply don't know.

Nor does anyone here. Kneejerk conservatives should have a fucking cookie and chill the fuck out until you know the full situation.

Something tells me though, even then, they won't care. It's about perpetual victimology and the CEC mandate to feed it.
Since this made the news, if that is what happened, I am sure we would have heard about it. How often would you hear about a cookie lady being told not to bring cookies, either, but we did.
This only made the (local) news on Dec 19th, because a blogger on MPR made a story of it (yeah, that liberal Public Radio Company)

-- from there it was picked up by the Victim Entertainment Complex, and is now working it's way to being viral, with even Fox News picking it up.

Right Wing nutters are falling all over themselves, kneejerking up a storm now about people they don't know about, about a situation they don't know about, about elementary children they don't know about, about the political affiliations they don't know about --

all they do know is, someone told them, somewhere, a parent complained, and a school system reacted, due to potential liability issues (which wingers won;t even acknowledge) ... and they are supposed to be mad about it.

You -- who "was sure" it was about high schoolers, and were proven wrong, have no idea who, or what or why caused a parent in a small suburb to complain to the school in the interest of their child's safety (and could even be a 6 year older with severe health issues) -- you simply don't know.

Nor does anyone here. Kneejerk conservatives should have a fucking cookie and chill the fuck out until you know the full situation.

Something tells me though, even then, they won't care. It's about perpetual victimology and the CEC mandate to feed it.

You should see someone about that cough. It could be something serious.
I'd like to know why the person who did the complaining has not come forward. To me, when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds. If the person who complained did not want their kid to have any, why did their feelings have to ruin it for the rest of the bus riders? :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and them and the cookie lady always!!! :) :) :)

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This only made the (local) news on Dec 19th, because a blogger on MPR made a story of it (yeah, that liberal Public Radio Company)

-- from there it was picked up by the Victim Entertainment Complex, and is now working it's way to being viral, with even Fox News picking it up.

Right Wing nutters are falling all over themselves, kneejerking up a storm now about people they don't know about, about a situation they don't know about, about elementary children they don't know about, about the political affiliations they don't know about --

all they do know is, someone told them, somewhere, a parent complained, and a school system reacted, due to potential liability issues (which wingers won;t even acknowledge) ... and they are supposed to be mad about it.

You -- who "was sure" it was about high schoolers, and were proven wrong, have no idea who, or what or why caused a parent in a small suburb to complain to the school in the interest of their child's safety (and could even be a 6 year older with severe health issues) -- you simply don't know.

Nor does anyone here. Kneejerk conservatives should have a fucking cookie and chill the fuck out until you know the full situation.

Something tells me though, even then, they won't care. It's about perpetual victimology and the CEC mandate to feed it.

You should see someone about that cough. It could be something serious.

and the likes of Chuck would not want her to board the plane :cool:

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