Mom who baked cookies for school bus riders for 15 years shut down by complaint

I used to work with a lot of elementary age kids, and they were poor, and you dangle a cookie in front of them and there would be a feeding frenzy.

Also, there were a lot of special needs kids who were being mainstreamed at this school and some of them had food allergies or required special diets.

All I can say is "better safe than sorry" and that no child's life is worth a cookie.

I wouldn't want strangers giving food to my kid. I am sure the lady meant well, but there are people out there who aren't so kind.

Then teach you kid to not take food from strangers. That's how it's worked for many generations and kids have remained safe.
Not good. My guess is the complainer had one of several reasons:

(1) Diabetic child was not included in the handout

(2) Cookie caused diabetic child to go into shock

(3) Parent had a degree in nutrition and prefers carrots, celery, etc. as snacks for their child

(4) Father or mother is dentist or oral surgeon and is equally chagrined as the nutritionist over dietary choice foisted on their children they've carefully managed to feed properly

(5) Parent of obese child angry that child was getting calories shoved at him or her, causing other children to mock them for being fat.

(6) Several of the above

or the asshole complainer could just teach her kid just to say "no, thank you" and not take a cookie :)
The Cookie lady gave the cookies to the kids getting off the school bus, the bus driver -- (now follow me here) ---

the remaining kids on the school bus.

I know it takes some thought to work through the logistics, but I imagine you'll figure it out soon.

now follow me here.... i agree with you.

On the bus... school has a say.
off the bus.... not the schools business.

Then we have no argument.

The problem was one of school liability. Off the bus, no prob.

We have no idea if this was a first grader who had experienced some health issues, and the parents were doing what they thought was best to protect their child.

They notified the school - no one knows much beyond that.

It's possible the reason it was anonymous is the complainant felt terrible wanting to halt the good deed, and maybe even *liked* the 'cookie lady" -- but for the life and health of her child, and perhaps even the concern the child might be highlighted in an untoward way, should she/he/they go public, chose to simply bring the matter to the school.

A complaint was made, and even the cookie lady says she understands it was about safety. She's seems to be pretty OK with it all, and was due to retire from her cookie-giving soon anyway --- like most stories that could be about the good in it, and that sometimes the best intentions are fraught with unforeseen dilemmas,

... it turns into knee jerk squawk hops with partisan jabs - when no one knows diddly about the political affiliations, why, who, or much beyond a reason to scream, taunt, disparage and tsk tsk tsk.

Just utterly ridiculous, if you ask me.

OK, without any more specific information, we don't know for sure whether the complainant made their complaint anonymously. It might be school policy to maintain anonymity in such cases. Face it, not all people are as understanding and compliant as the "cookie lady" seems to be.
That said, I've always found people who prefer anonymous reports preferable to just growing a pair and confronting the problem like an upright walking human. If a parent, or school administrator, or the bus driver, whoever, had a problem (regardless of the reason) with the cookies, they should have approached the "cookie lady" and expressed their concerns.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

Once, flying from Frankfurt, Germany to the US, I had two cats with me in the cabin. They were stowed under the seat, in their carriers. The woman seated next to me was perfectly fine until almost halfway through the trip. When she finally asked me what kind of dogs I had, I corrected her and told her they were cats. She immediately went into paroxysms of "itching" and coughing, declaring herself deathly allergic to cats. What a phony. It was alright, no problems whatsoever, until she was informed to the true nature of the beasts. Point is, sometimes people don't actually have allergies, but they do have imaginations.
But this issue isn't only about you. The reality is that more and more airlines are making restrictions about animals in the cabin. The one time I had to travel with my cat cargo, it cost $6-700 more than it would have if he traveled in the cabin, plus I had to buy a much larger carrier for him as the one we had fit under the seat, but the airline would not allow that one for cargo. Also, I had to go to the airport an hour earlier and go to the cargo terminal to check him in, which took about an hour. When the flight was over, I had to go to the cargo terminal to get him, and the process took 2 hours, in the heat of summer in a very hot country. I was not even allowed to go to him and see if he needed water and was okay while I went through 2 hours of paper work and just waiting in the middle of the night to get my cat back. All of this because people complain about allergies. So, the kids on a bus aren't getting more junk food once a week. How horrible is that?

More and more airlines are making restrictions in order to charge more for carry on items.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with a nice lady offering kids cookies which they can refuse to take,.

No it doesn't have anything at all to do with charging more for carry on items. I fly often, and I flew with my cat a lot. Taking them inside the plane is the price of extra baggage. no one had a problem with that until people started complaining about animals in the cabin due to allergies. It has nothing to do with wanting to charge cargo. The airlines know they are risking lawsuits if animals are injured while traveling cargo, so it is an expense for them, not a make money deal. They have to take a lot of precautions and have insurance. It's not like ordinary cargo.

And my analogy does indeed have to do with this: it has to do with people having to make compromises due to other people complaining about their rights, especially based on concern for allergies. It is a perfect analogy.

If you can find a doctor or psychiatrist who will declare your cat an aid animal under the ADA, you can take them onto the plane (or anywhere else) and no one can say squat to you.
Riddle me this, nanny staters: I'm allergic to cats. Should the government kill all cats so that I don't risk exposure to one? I see many roaming around outside. I might get a whiff of one and have an asthma attack!


What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

Once, flying from Frankfurt, Germany to the US, I had two cats with me in the cabin. They were stowed under the seat, in their carriers. The woman seated next to me was perfectly fine until almost halfway through the trip. When she finally asked me what kind of dogs I had, I corrected her and told her they were cats. She immediately went into paroxysms of "itching" and coughing, declaring herself deathly allergic to cats. What a phony. It was alright, no problems whatsoever, until she was informed to the true nature of the beasts. Point is, sometimes people don't actually have allergies, but they do have imaginations.

Would say rather our minds are powerful and can manifest a real ailement through power fo suggestion alone. It's how hypnotism and the placebo effect works.
Kids in elementary school touch the food and touch each other. My boss' grand child was told to stay out of preschool and other activities because young children wipe their nose with their hands and don't use tissues and her immune system couldn't handle it according to the doctor and had to get ear surgery because of ear infections. Any food that they eat will be on their hands and can be transferred to any student.

are you going to impose a food police squadron so nobody can eat ANY cookies at school?

They actually sell cookies at my kid's school cafeteria.

Are they hypoallergenic, made without milk, eggs, nuts, or wheat?
Not good. My guess is the complainer had one of several reasons:

(1) Diabetic child was not included in the handout

(2) Cookie caused diabetic child to go into shock

(3) Parent had a degree in nutrition and prefers carrots, celery, etc. as snacks for their child

(4) Father or mother is dentist or oral surgeon and is equally chagrined as the nutritionist over dietary choice foisted on their children they've carefully managed to feed properly

(5) Parent of obese child angry that child was getting calories shoved at him or her, causing other children to mock them for being fat.

(6) Several of the above

or the asshole complainer could just teach her kid just to say "no, thank you" and not take a cookie :)

Spot on. I have food allergies, my good friend is diabetic. This is NOT complicated.
What happens if you get on a bus or an airplane and someone has a cat. When I had a cat, I used to be able to take him on an airplane, inside the cabin. Nowadays that is being restricted. More and more airlines are requiring all animals travel cargo, which is potentially deathly for the animal, or at least is traumatic and can cause illness. So, my rights are being restricted by people who have animal allergies. It is something that just is. It is not about right or left politics or 'nanny staters.'

Once, flying from Frankfurt, Germany to the US, I had two cats with me in the cabin. They were stowed under the seat, in their carriers. The woman seated next to me was perfectly fine until almost halfway through the trip. When she finally asked me what kind of dogs I had, I corrected her and told her they were cats. She immediately went into paroxysms of "itching" and coughing, declaring herself deathly allergic to cats. What a phony. It was alright, no problems whatsoever, until she was informed to the true nature of the beasts. Point is, sometimes people don't actually have allergies, but they do have imaginations.

Would say rather our minds are powerful and can manifest a real ailement through power fo suggestion alone. It's how hypnotism and the placebo effect works.

No doubt the power of suggestion has its place in the manifestation of many modern ailments. I doubt I would want to be sick enough to talk myself into any kind of pain or discomfort. I understand, to some extent, why others would inflict maladies on themselves.
I'd like to know why the person who did the complaining has not come forward. To me, when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds. If the person who complained did not want their kid to have any, why did their feelings have to ruin it for the rest of the bus riders? :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and them and the cookie lady always!!! :) :) :)


I would say the vitriolic responses of most of the people on this thread, including lots of name calling, make it pretty clear why someone would not come forward. It is a myth that if you are sincere and honest and have a reasonable purpose to do or say something, 'nobody minds.' It is a myth that 'when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds.' Decent, good people who simply speak their mind or do what they think is right are essentially publicly stoned all the time. This may be a parent with a very good reason to ask for the cookie distribution on the bus to stop. But, it is obvious if the parent came forward and publicly asked for it to stop, that person would be viciously vilified.
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I'd like to know why the person who did the complaining has not come forward. To me, when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds. If the person who complained did not want their kid to have any, why did their feelings have to ruin it for the rest of the bus riders? :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and them and the cookie lady always!!! :) :) :)


I would say the vitriolic responses of most of the people on this thread, including lots of name calling, make it pretty clear why someone would not come forward. It is a myth that if you are sincere and honest and have a reasonable purpose to do or say something, 'nobody minds.' It is a myth that 'when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds.' Decent, good people who simply speak their mind or do what they think is right are essentially publically stoned all the time. This may be a parent with a very good reason to ask for the cookie distribution on the bus to stop. But, it is obvious if the parent came forward and publically asked for it to stop, that person would be publically and viciously vilified.

Or it might be that the person who complained realizes they are a total dick and they are hiding behind their anonymity. Face it, some people just like to spoil things for everybody else. Some take it to the level,of a high art form.
Not good. My guess is the complainer had one of several reasons:

(1) Diabetic child was not included in the handout

(2) Cookie caused diabetic child to go into shock

(3) Parent had a degree in nutrition and prefers carrots, celery, etc. as snacks for their child

(4) Father or mother is dentist or oral surgeon and is equally chagrined as the nutritionist over dietary choice foisted on their children they've carefully managed to feed properly

(5) Parent of obese child angry that child was getting calories shoved at him or her, causing other children to mock them for being fat.

(6) Several of the above

or the asshole complainer could just teach her kid just to say "no, thank you" and not take a cookie :)

Spot on. I have food allergies, my good friend is diabetic. This is NOT complicated.

diabetics know they aren't supposed to eat cookies. Do you imagine the got rid of the soda machines at the school? A 12 oz. soda has far more sugar than a couple of cookies.
or the asshole complainer could just teach her kid just to say "no, thank you" and not take a cookie :)

Spot on. I have food allergies, my good friend is diabetic. This is NOT complicated.

diabetics know they aren't supposed to eat cookies. Do you imagine the got rid of the soda machines at the school? A 12 oz. soda has far more sugar than a couple of cookies.

As far as I know, most schools no longer have soda machines or sell soda, at least that is the trend.
I'd like to know why the person who did the complaining has not come forward. To me, when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds. If the person who complained did not want their kid to have any, why did their feelings have to ruin it for the rest of the bus riders? :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and them and the cookie lady always!!! :) :) :)


I would say the vitriolic responses of most of the people on this thread, including lots of name calling, make it pretty clear why someone would not come forward. It is a myth that if you are sincere and honest and have a reasonable purpose to do or say something, 'nobody minds.' It is a myth that 'when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds.' Decent, good people who simply speak their mind or do what they think is right are essentially publically stoned all the time. This may be a parent with a very good reason to ask for the cookie distribution on the bus to stop. But, it is obvious if the parent came forward and publically asked for it to stop, that person would be publically and viciously vilified.

Or it might be that the person who complained realizes they are a total dick and they are hiding behind their anonymity. Face it, some people just like to spoil things for everybody else. Some take it to the level,of a high art form.
You just reinforced the point I was making. You do not even know any circumstances behind this and are name calling and pronouncing judgment.
I would say the vitriolic responses of most of the people on this thread, including lots of name calling, make it pretty clear why someone would not come forward. It is a myth that if you are sincere and honest and have a reasonable purpose to do or say something, 'nobody minds.' It is a myth that 'when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds.' Decent, good people who simply speak their mind or do what they think is right are essentially publicly stoned all the time. This may be a parent with a very good reason to ask for the cookie distribution on the bus to stop. But, it is obvious if the parent came forward and publicly asked for it to stop, that person would be viciously vilified.
All of that is understandable, but since a reason was never given, the lady is left there to wonder what it is that she did wrong.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. I don't believe that saying what the problem was at least would have been asking for a whole lot.
Spot on. I have food allergies, my good friend is diabetic. This is NOT complicated.

diabetics know they aren't supposed to eat cookies. Do you imagine the got rid of the soda machines at the school? A 12 oz. soda has far more sugar than a couple of cookies.

As far as I know, most schools no longer have soda machines or sell soda, at least that is the trend.

I think schools shed the soda pop primarily because of "childhood obesity", not for diabetics, per se.
I would say the vitriolic responses of most of the people on this thread, including lots of name calling, make it pretty clear why someone would not come forward. It is a myth that if you are sincere and honest and have a reasonable purpose to do or say something, 'nobody minds.' It is a myth that 'when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds.' Decent, good people who simply speak their mind or do what they think is right are essentially publically stoned all the time. This may be a parent with a very good reason to ask for the cookie distribution on the bus to stop. But, it is obvious if the parent came forward and publically asked for it to stop, that person would be publically and viciously vilified.

Or it might be that the person who complained realizes they are a total dick and they are hiding behind their anonymity. Face it, some people just like to spoil things for everybody else. Some take it to the level,of a high art form.
You just reinforced the point I was making. You do not even know any circumstances behind this and are name calling and pronouncing judgment.

If you've paid attention, I have also allowed that the anonymity may be school policy. I'm sure you have never, ever been the victim of some vindictive, petty asshole who loves to make everyone else's life as miserable as theirs? Looking at it another way, anonymous reporting makes an unwarranted assumption that the person being neared on will be a dick. So who's right?
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I'd like to know why the person who did the complaining has not come forward. To me, when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds. If the person who complained did not want their kid to have any, why did their feelings have to ruin it for the rest of the bus riders? :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and them and the cookie lady always!!! :) :) :)


I would say the vitriolic responses of most of the people on this thread, including lots of name calling, make it pretty clear why someone would not come forward. It is a myth that if you are sincere and honest and have a reasonable purpose to do or say something, 'nobody minds.' It is a myth that 'when there is nothing to hide, nobody minds.' Decent, good people who simply speak their mind or do what they think is right are essentially publically stoned all the time. This may be a parent with a very good reason to ask for the cookie distribution on the bus to stop. But, it is obvious if the parent came forward and publically asked for it to stop, that person would be publically and viciously vilified.

Or it might be that the person who complained realizes they are a total dick and they are hiding behind their anonymity. Face it, some people just like to spoil things for everybody else. Some take it to the level,of a high art form.


Busybody Killjoys often hide or use a mob to avoid taking individual responsibility for their busybody ways.

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