Mitt Romney..........Severe Conservative?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Romney's front-runner status has been restored. But at what price?

David Frum

Four weeks from now, no one will remember the Maine caucuses. I'm guessing though that people will remember a phrase from Romney's speech to CPAC on Friday, in which he described himself as a "severely conservative" governor of Massachusetts.

That phrase provides the Obama campaign with the second half of a potentially powerful negative ad. The first half is contained in this video clip from Romney's 2002 campaign for governor.

In the 2002 clip, Romney tells a reporter:

"I think people recognize that I'm not a partisan Republican, that I'm someone who is moderate, and my views are progressive."

Mitt Romney's 'severely' bad moves -

The link also has video of Romney calling himself a "severe conservative".

Just out of curiosity, what IS a "severe conservative"?
Actions mean nothing. It is all about what you say, not what you do.
Severe is like Compassionate, its the type of conservative people claim to be when they're lying to you
Let's see if Obama keeps pretending he's a fiscal moderate and she he's going to "go through the budget with a fine-toothed comb"
An intelligent person would go and find what Romney actually said... and work out what he meant with an open and honest mind.

Goes to show that the GayBikerBoy is not an intelligent person.
This is becoming a more interesting race. I think the next Republican challenger to Barack Obama will have to show conservatism with a backbone. I think all 4 of the people still in the race could step up to the plate on that count--Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul.

Obama has opened the eyes of many voters, though. He has shown:

1. It is bad to speak ill of America and Americans when you are speaking in the EU theater, or anywhere else in the world a U. S. President speaks.

2. It is bad to inflict chairmanship of private businesses upon the federal government.

3. It is really bad to subsidize hand-picked banks with government loans that in December give out record rewards to their business CEOs with the government money they just got.

4. It is horrid to guarantee Nancy Pelosi's relatives a golden umbrella when their already-marginal business fails in less than 2 years after they get half a billion dollars from the federal government at failure. They all go to bed full of piggy pie that middle-class family taxpayers paid for in payments to the federal income tax folks.

5. It is worse than horrid when you do it twice, back-to-back. It even smells illegal.
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This is becoming a more interesting race. I think the next Republican challenger to Barack Obama will have to show conservatism with a backbone. I think all 4 of the people still in the race could step up to the plate on that count--Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul.

Obama has opened the eyes of many voters, though. He has shown:

1. It is bad to speak ill of America and Americans when you are speaking in the EU theater, or anywhere else in the world a U. S. President speaks.

2. It is bad to inflict chairmanship of private businesses upon the federal government.

3. It is really bad to subsidize hand-picked banks with government loans that in December give out record rewards to their business CEOs with the government money they just got.

4. It is horrid to guarantee Nancy Pelosi's relatives a golden umbrella when their already-marginal business fails in less than 2 years after they get half a billion dollars from the federal government at failure. They all go to bed full of piggy pie.

5. It is bad policy for government to pick winners and losers.
This is becoming a more interesting race. I think the next Republican challenger to Barack Obama will have to show conservatism with a backbone. I think all 4 of the people still in the race could step up to the plate on that count--Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul.

Obama has opened the eyes of many voters, though. He has shown:

1. It is bad to speak ill of America and Americans when you are speaking in the EU theater, or anywhere else in the world a U. S. President speaks.

2. It is bad to inflict chairmanship of private businesses upon the federal government.

3. It is really bad to subsidize hand-picked banks with government loans that in December give out record rewards to their business CEOs with the government money they just got.

4. It is horrid to guarantee Nancy Pelosi's relatives a golden umbrella when their already-marginal business fails in less than 2 years after they get half a billion dollars from the federal government at failure. They all go to bed full of piggy pie.

5. It is bad policy for government to pick winners and losers.

No doubt of that!

It actually gave an edge to certain failing businesses, while others in the same business did without and still came out okay sans the mind-boggling bonuses the government money furnished the losers who took a chunk of that money home in bonuses that average Americans furnished through payroll taxes.

Like I said, Obama taught a lesson: conservatism beats government give-aways. And because of it, he will not be re-elected.
Romney's record shows he is conservative on economic issues, and moderate on social issues.

Santorum is more conservative IMO

Actually, Santorum is far right fringe conservative. If he does become the GOP nominee, the birth control issue and reinstating DADT are the 2 things that's gonna kill his bid.
But Santorum also has been decent:

Santorum had been a prominent leader in the GOP Senate caucus from 2001 through 2007, when he served as the chair of the Senate Republican Policy conference. The Pennsylvania lawmaker had been "a big supporter of AIDS funding in the Senate," a former Santorum staffer told Yahoo News Wednesday on condition of anonymity because she does not work for campaign. "He took the lead in funding for African development. He cares a lot about the underdog."
Indeed, in 2006, Santorum earned a surprise--if somewhat backhanded--nod for his support for international anti-poverty work in Africa from U2 front-man and humanitarian activist Bono.
Santorum "has a kind of Tourette's disease," Bono told New York Times columnist David Brooks in 2006. "He will always say the most unpopular thing. But on our issues, he has been a defender of the most vulnerable."
"We need to keep and expand our commitment to humanitarian aid, especially in Africa," Santorum said in a speech to the National Press Club in April 2011.
EXPANDING humanitarian aid? Santorum has some liberal AMERICAN in him.
This is becoming a more interesting race. I think the next Republican challenger to Barack Obama will have to show conservatism with a backbone. I think all 4 of the people still in the race could step up to the plate on that count--Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul.

Obama has opened the eyes of many voters, though. He has shown:

1. It is bad to speak ill of America and Americans when you are speaking in the EU theater, or anywhere else in the world a U. S. President speaks.

2. It is bad to inflict chairmanship of private businesses upon the federal government.

3. It is really bad to subsidize hand-picked banks with government loans that in December give out record rewards to their business CEOs with the government money they just got.

4. It is horrid to guarantee Nancy Pelosi's relatives a golden umbrella when their already-marginal business fails in less than 2 years after they get half a billion dollars from the federal government at failure. They all go to bed full of piggy pie.

5. It is bad policy for government to pick winners and losers.

No doubt of that!

It actually gave an edge to certain failing businesses, while others in the same business did without and still came out okay sans the mind-boggling bonuses the government money furnished the losers who took a chunk of that money home in bonuses that average Americans furnished through payroll taxes.

Like I said, Obama taught a lesson: conservatism beats government give-aways. And because of it, he will not be re-elected.

I sure hope you're right freedombecki. :eusa_pray:
This is becoming a more interesting race. I think the next Republican challenger to Barack Obama will have to show conservatism with a backbone. I think all 4 of the people still in the race could step up to the plate on that count--Romney, Gingrich, Santorum, or Paul.

Obama has opened the eyes of many voters, though. He has shown:

1. It is bad to speak ill of America and Americans when you are speaking in the EU theater, or anywhere else in the world a U. S. President speaks.

2. It is bad to inflict chairmanship of private businesses upon the federal government.

3. It is really bad to subsidize hand-picked banks with government loans that in December give out record rewards to their business CEOs with the government money they just got.

4. It is horrid to guarantee Nancy Pelosi's relatives a golden umbrella when their already-marginal business fails in less than 2 years after they get half a billion dollars from the federal government at failure. They all go to bed full of piggy pie.

5. It is bad policy for government to pick winners and losers.

No doubt of that!

It actually gave an edge to certain failing businesses, while others in the same business did without and still came out okay sans the mind-boggling bonuses the government money furnished the losers who took a chunk of that money home in bonuses that average Americans furnished through payroll taxes.

Like I said, Obama taught a lesson: conservatism beats government give-aways. And because of it, he will not be re-elected.
All he has is Class warfare. I listened to his speech on his 'Budget', and all he wants to do is play partisan games. The people are sick of it as they lose thier livlihoods and homes. Obama promises more of the same.

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