Poll - should the CIA be zeroed out of the budget?

Should Congress refuse to fund the CIA, zero it out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • The CIA takes orders from Tel Aviv, so ask Israel

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Zero them out, fire them, and put all CIA in front of a firing squad

    Votes: 4 16.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Why do we fund the CIA? The CIA is a complete disaster. They were meeting with Fauci during the Covid hoax. They blocked investigation into Hunter Biden. They lie. They false flag hate hoax. They murder. They start wars over lies with nothing in US national interest. There are claims they are bullying Congress with bribes and threats.


The CIA is our enemy...
Why do we fund the CIA? The CIA is a complete disaster. They were meeting with Fauci during the Covid hoax. They blocked investigation into Hunter Biden. They lie. They false flag hate hoax. They murder. They start wars over lies with nothing in US national interest. There are claims they are bullying Congress with bribes and threats.


The CIA is our enemy...
While mostly true, we do need the CIA, it just needs a good spring cleaning and poison to get rid of the rat infestation.
OP, when did the CIA become this nefarious entity you're now bitching and moaning about
Difficult to pinpoint really. It may go back to the time when it was known as the OSS. Already the OSS had been infiltrated by communists from the Frankfurt School. Certainly no later than 1962 when the CIA proposed Operation Northwoods. Had Kennedy gone along with the plan the CIA would have committed false flag terrorist attacks against Americans and blamed it on Cuba.
Difficult to pinpoint really. It may go back to the time when it was known as the OSS. Already the OSS had been infiltrated by communists from the Frankfurt School. Certainly no later than 1962 when the CIA proposed Operation Northwoods. Had Kennedy gone along with the plan the CIA would have committed false flag terrorist attacks against Americans and blamed it on Cuba.
Why are rightwingers only now claiming that the CIA is bogus?

Especially considering there were many others claiming the same for decades.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
Why are rightwingers only now claiming that the CIA is bogus?
I can't speak for others but I've been doing it for 30 years.
Especially considering there were many others claiming the same for decades.
Yes, many on the Left saw it as corrupt too. It's not really a Left/Right issue so much as it is whether people are paying attention or not.
The CIA is doing more harm than good. If only we could keep them out of domestic politics for a little while.
OP, when did the CIA become this nefarious entity you're now bitching and moaning about?
You can't defund the CIA, it has been self funding for a very long time through proprietaries and money and drug laundering. They now control Congress through the carrot and stick, and a liberal helping of blackmail. After ww2 the unquestioned power that the oss enjoyed was too good to relinquish and the fear of the Soviet Union and communism was initiated and amplified to protect corporate interests, masquerading as national security. The fact that you are not aware of this is testament to the effectiveness of their operation mockingbird and other programs, which are illegal under their original charter. Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate? |
I can't speak for others but I've been doing it for 30 years.

Yes, many on the Left saw it as corrupt too. It's not really a Left/Right issue so much as it is whether people are paying attention or not.
It is a left/right issue, the right have been ardent supporters of the CIA for over 3 decades, up until Trump.

And even still, it's only the MAGATs that are voicing this new "concern."

People on the left have been saying what they're saying now for over 3 decades.

Why do you think that is?
  • Brilliant
Reactions: IM2
It is a left/right issue, the right have been ardent supporters of the CIA for over 3 decades, up until Trump.

And even still, it's only the MAGATs that are voicing this new "concern."

People on the left have been saying what they're saying now for over 3 decades.

Why do you think that is?
We all know why. The FBI was fully embraced when it was going after blacks who fought white supremacy. Now the FBI is the bad guy for calling out white supremacists instead of supporting them.
It is a left/right issue, the right have been ardent supporters of the CIA for over 3 decades, up until Trump.

And even still, it's only the MAGATs that are voicing this new "concern."

People on the left have been saying what they're saying now for over 3 decades.

Why do you think that is?
I think it was because conservatives were dumb enough to think that the CIA was fighting communism, so they bought into "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality. The liberals were also dumb enough to think that the CIA was fighting communism so "the enemy of my friend is my enemy." Now the government doesn't even hide that their enemy is conservatives so some MAGA people have finally woken up while Liberals cheer that the state is now targeting Conservatives. That's the thing people don't learn from history. The state always turns on useful idiots.
I think it was because conservatives were dumb enough to think that the CIA was fighting communism, so they bought into "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality. The liberals were also dumb enough to think that the CIA was fighting communism so "the enemy of my friend is my enemy." Now the government doesn't even hide that their enemy is conservatives so some MAGA people have finally woken up while Liberals cheer that the state is now targeting Conservatives. That's the thing people don't learn from history. The state always turns on useful idiots.
Liberals aren't communists. Get de programmed.
I think it was because conservatives were dumb enough to think that the CIA was fighting communism, so they bought into "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality. The liberals were also dumb enough to think that the CIA was fighting communism so "the enemy of my friend is my enemy." Now the government doesn't even hide that their enemy is conservatives so some MAGA people have finally woken up while Liberals cheer that the state is now targeting Conservatives. That's the thing people don't learn from history. The state always turns on useful idiots.
Then there's people like me who were on the left and never liked the CIA and now I'm on the right and still don't like them

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