Misery Loves Company

A "higher power" is a MAN MADE concept

God, or a higher power, is more accurately described as an observation by many. Many are witnesses and they present (or have presented) their testimony. Observation is different from man made. An example of man-made is Merriweather, Sleeping Beauty's third fairy godmother. ;)
A "higher power" is a MAN MADE concept

God, or a higher power, is more accurately described as an observation by many. Many are witnesses and they present (or have presented) their testimony. Observation is different from man made. An example of man-made is Merriweather, Sleeping Beauty's third fairy godmother. ;)
man made hallucinations lol
man made hallucinations lol

No, sorry, but that won't fly. Does an attorney or a court rule testimony with which they do not agree as an hallucination? Of course not! All cultures testify to a belief in a higher power. Sixteen percent of the world cannot rule eighty-four percent of the world as having hallucinations.
man made hallucinations lol

No, sorry, but that won't fly. Does an attorney or a court rule testimony with which they do not agree as an hallucination? Of course not! All cultures testify to a belief in a higher power. Sixteen percent of the world cannot rule eighty-four percent of the world as having hallucinations.
yes, hearing voices and seeing things that arent actually there is only acceptable if you deem it to be a god.
Sounds more like 84% of the world is ruling the thought process of everyone else.
Sounds more like 84% of the world is ruling the thought process of everyone else.

How so? There are a number of different faiths, thousands of different denominations. People can be both Buddhist and atheist (many are) or both Jewish and atheist. I am a third generation of a family where Catholic-Atheist marriages have taken place.

Who, specifically, has tried to control your thought process, how have they done this, and how did you escape? (For example the world been "controlling" my thought process on math, made me undergo fourteen years of schooling in math, and still insists I teach math every so often.) Thank goodness I am not forced to participate on a math message board!
We are linear thinkers in a cyclical universe. This is especially true for you. At least until you wake up that is.
I was giving you an example of how humans think. It drives the human need to ask what happens after death. As the only species capable of contemplating what comes next, we are the only species that needs an answer, which supports TN's point above.

The human need for an answer is what drives religious beliefs, not the need to worship something or someone.

I will grant you that humans do need something to obsess about (or worship). The human gene responsible for driving the need to constantly working toward some goal or achievement is responsible for success and were passed down. Driven humans survived. Those humans who lacked that gene starved or otherwise were less successful. It is a simple function of natural selection.

Humans have also generally developed the ability to empathize and have compassion, which supports the survival of the species. Call it what you want. The "Spirit of Christ" or whatever you want to call it, would exist with or without the existence of Christ. But, Christians stake a claim on it to the exclusion of all others. If I called it the gift of Frigg, it would not change the real origin of human compassion.

So, who really needs to wake up?h
You do. Things are the way they are for a reason but not the reason you believe. Belief in a higher power is hard wired into us and offers a functional advantage.

It isn't an accident that virtue is the ultimate organizing principle in men. Nor is it a coincidence that religion teaches morality and virtue.

Your problem and TN's problem is that you believe that liberty and freedom can exist without virtue and that virtue can exist without religion. That has not been shown to be the case.

So rather than only seeing the bad why don't you try seeing the whole picture.
Your claim that virtue cannot exist without religion is so idiotic and insulting, I will go ahead and ask you to kindly go eat the shit stain out of your holy garments and give yourself the patriarical grip** up your own hairy asshole.

This is why all religion must fucking die. The lengths your religious masters will go to just to keep you corralled in the faith, paying your 10% , and repeating the above nonsense, are worthy of death.

**(the real name is too fucking long to type)
We are linear thinkers in a cyclical universe. This is especially true for you. At least until you wake up that is.
I was giving you an example of how humans think. It drives the human need to ask what happens after death. As the only species capable of contemplating what comes next, we are the only species that needs an answer, which supports TN's point above.

The human need for an answer is what drives religious beliefs, not the need to worship something or someone.

I will grant you that humans do need something to obsess about (or worship). The human gene responsible for driving the need to constantly working toward some goal or achievement is responsible for success and were passed down. Driven humans survived. Those humans who lacked that gene starved or otherwise were less successful. It is a simple function of natural selection.

Humans have also generally developed the ability to empathize and have compassion, which supports the survival of the species. Call it what you want. The "Spirit of Christ" or whatever you want to call it, would exist with or without the existence of Christ. But, Christians stake a claim on it to the exclusion of all others. If I called it the gift of Frigg, it would not change the real origin of human compassion.

So, who really needs to wake up?h
You do. Things are the way they are for a reason but not the reason you believe. Belief in a higher power is hard wired into us and offers a functional advantage.

It isn't an accident that virtue is the ultimate organizing principle in men. Nor is it a coincidence that religion teaches morality and virtue.

Your problem and TN's problem is that you believe that liberty and freedom can exist without virtue and that virtue can exist without religion. That has not been shown to be the case.

So rather than only seeing the bad why don't you try seeing the whole picture.
Your claim that virtue cannot exist without religion is so idiotic and insulting, I will go ahead and ask you to kindly go eat the shit stain out of your holy garments and give yourself the patriarical grip** up your own hairy asshole.

This is why all religion must fucking die. The lengths your religious masters will go to just to keep you corralled in the faith, paying your 10% , and repeating the above nonsense, are worthy of death.

**(the real name is too fucking long to type)
The lengths your religious masters will go to just to keep you corralled in the faith, paying your 10% , and repeating the above nonsense, are worthy of death.

... to keep you corralled in the faith

you kid yourself, the desert religion adherents are vested to their self-serving scriptures without coercion knowing full well their transgressions from the truth and used against the innocents they have purged for centuries - being sinners appeals to them.
We are linear thinkers in a cyclical universe. This is especially true for you. At least until you wake up that is.
I was giving you an example of how humans think. It drives the human need to ask what happens after death. As the only species capable of contemplating what comes next, we are the only species that needs an answer, which supports TN's point above.

The human need for an answer is what drives religious beliefs, not the need to worship something or someone.

I will grant you that humans do need something to obsess about (or worship). The human gene responsible for driving the need to constantly working toward some goal or achievement is responsible for success and were passed down. Driven humans survived. Those humans who lacked that gene starved or otherwise were less successful. It is a simple function of natural selection.

Humans have also generally developed the ability to empathize and have compassion, which supports the survival of the species. Call it what you want. The "Spirit of Christ" or whatever you want to call it, would exist with or without the existence of Christ. But, Christians stake a claim on it to the exclusion of all others. If I called it the gift of Frigg, it would not change the real origin of human compassion.

So, who really needs to wake up?h
You do. Things are the way they are for a reason but not the reason you believe. Belief in a higher power is hard wired into us and offers a functional advantage.

It isn't an accident that virtue is the ultimate organizing principle in men. Nor is it a coincidence that religion teaches morality and virtue.

Your problem and TN's problem is that you believe that liberty and freedom can exist without virtue and that virtue can exist without religion. That has not been shown to be the case.

So rather than only seeing the bad why don't you try seeing the whole picture.
Your claim that virtue cannot exist without religion is so idiotic and insulting, I will go ahead and ask you to kindly go eat the shit stain out of your holy garments and give yourself the patriarical grip** up your own hairy asshole.

This is why all religion must fucking die. The lengths your religious masters will go to just to keep you corralled in the faith, paying your 10% , and repeating the above nonsense, are worthy of death.

**(the real name is too fucking long to type)
America's Founding Fathers believed that. Do you want them to eat shit stains too?

The Founding Fathers of Communism believed that too. That's why they abolished religion. I'm more than happy for them to eat shit stains just as I am more than happy for the dupes of communism to do so too.

Do you need to see their words? Or would you just rather bury your non-patriotic head into the sand?
We are linear thinkers in a cyclical universe. This is especially true for you. At least until you wake up that is.
I was giving you an example of how humans think. It drives the human need to ask what happens after death. As the only species capable of contemplating what comes next, we are the only species that needs an answer, which supports TN's point above.

The human need for an answer is what drives religious beliefs, not the need to worship something or someone.

I will grant you that humans do need something to obsess about (or worship). The human gene responsible for driving the need to constantly working toward some goal or achievement is responsible for success and were passed down. Driven humans survived. Those humans who lacked that gene starved or otherwise were less successful. It is a simple function of natural selection.

Humans have also generally developed the ability to empathize and have compassion, which supports the survival of the species. Call it what you want. The "Spirit of Christ" or whatever you want to call it, would exist with or without the existence of Christ. But, Christians stake a claim on it to the exclusion of all others. If I called it the gift of Frigg, it would not change the real origin of human compassion.

So, who really needs to wake up?h
You do. Things are the way they are for a reason but not the reason you believe. Belief in a higher power is hard wired into us and offers a functional advantage.

It isn't an accident that virtue is the ultimate organizing principle in men. Nor is it a coincidence that religion teaches morality and virtue.

Your problem and TN's problem is that you believe that liberty and freedom can exist without virtue and that virtue can exist without religion. That has not been shown to be the case.

So rather than only seeing the bad why don't you try seeing the whole picture.
Your claim that virtue cannot exist without religion is so idiotic and insulting, I will go ahead and ask you to kindly go eat the shit stain out of your holy garments and give yourself the patriarical grip** up your own hairy asshole.

This is why all religion must fucking die. The lengths your religious masters will go to just to keep you corralled in the faith, paying your 10% , and repeating the above nonsense, are worthy of death.

**(the real name is too fucking long to type)
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand.” John Adams Letter of June 21, 1776

“Religion and good morals are the only solid foundations of public liberty and happiness.” Samuel Adams Letter to John Trumbull, October 16, 1778

“The great pillars of all government and of social life [are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor…and this alone, that renders us invincible.” Patrick Henry Letter to Archibald Blair, January 8, 1799

“The only foundation for...a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.” Benjamin Rush Essays, Literary, Moral and Philosophical, 1798

As our forefathers sought to build “one nation under God,” they purposely established their legal codes on the foundation of Natural Law. They believed that societies should be governed, as Jefferson put it, by “the moral law to which man has been subjected by his Creator, and of which his feelings, or conscience as it is sometimes called, are the evidence with which his Creator has furnished him. The moral duties which exist between individual and individual in a state of nature accompany them into a state of society,… their Maker not having released them from those duties on their forming themselves into a nation.” (Writings of Thomas Jefferson, 3:228)

Do you need to see more? There's plenty more.
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This is why all religion must fucking die.

You and TN are in great company.

Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx

The propaganda of atheism is necessary for our program. Vladimir Lenin

"Marxism is materialism. As such, it is as relentlessly hostile to religion..." Vladimir Lenin

"We must know how to combat religion..." Vladimir Lenin

"...The combating of religion cannot be confined to abstract ideological preaching, and it must not be reduced to such preaching. It must be linked up with the concrete practice of the class movement, which aims at eliminating the social roots of religion..." Vladimir Lenin

"A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."..." Vladimir Lenin

...in order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)" Karl Marx
We are linear thinkers in a cyclical universe. This is especially true for you. At least until you wake up that is.
I was giving you an example of how humans think. It drives the human need to ask what happens after death. As the only species capable of contemplating what comes next, we are the only species that needs an answer, which supports TN's point above.

The human need for an answer is what drives religious beliefs, not the need to worship something or someone.

I will grant you that humans do need something to obsess about (or worship). The human gene responsible for driving the need to constantly working toward some goal or achievement is responsible for success and were passed down. Driven humans survived. Those humans who lacked that gene starved or otherwise were less successful. It is a simple function of natural selection.

Humans have also generally developed the ability to empathize and have compassion, which supports the survival of the species. Call it what you want. The "Spirit of Christ" or whatever you want to call it, would exist with or without the existence of Christ. But, Christians stake a claim on it to the exclusion of all others. If I called it the gift of Frigg, it would not change the real origin of human compassion.

So, who really needs to wake up?h
You do. Things are the way they are for a reason but not the reason you believe. Belief in a higher power is hard wired into us and offers a functional advantage.

It isn't an accident that virtue is the ultimate organizing principle in men. Nor is it a coincidence that religion teaches morality and virtue.

Your problem and TN's problem is that you believe that liberty and freedom can exist without virtue and that virtue can exist without religion. That has not been shown to be the case.

So rather than only seeing the bad why don't you try seeing the whole picture.
Your claim that virtue cannot exist without religion is so idiotic and insulting, I will go ahead and ask you to kindly go eat the shit stain out of your holy garments and give yourself the patriarical grip** up your own hairy asshole.

This is why all religion must fucking die. The lengths your religious masters will go to just to keep you corralled in the faith, paying your 10% , and repeating the above nonsense, are worthy of death.

**(the real name is too fucking long to type)
So just so it is burned into your memory, your beliefs on the value of religion are aligned with Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx and are diametrically opposed to the beliefs of America's Founding Fathers.
Interesting. Are you waiting for the government to act? What is stopping you?

About " Are you waiting for the government to act? What is stopping you?", I wrote, " historically, only the federal government pays for basic research." Basic research, if you understand how it works, can only be funded by the federal government.

Your comment is an excuse to do nothing and turn America into a technological backwater.
The overall tenor of your previous post is that Republicans are unwilling to help the disadvantaged. My point was that if you truly feel the disadvantaged need help what is stopping you from doing it? Are you waiting for the government to do it for you?

Or are the disadvantaged just people you use to unjustly criticize others.

Pardon the error. I help the poor in my way, but I also know the numbers. Take food for example! All of the private charities together provide about $5 billion in food aid to America's poor. The government bill is about $100 billion, and half of the recipients are children. To say that the private sector - that is, the churches - can solve this problem is a fantasy.
To believe the government is doing it or should do it is a fantasy.

To believe that it will get done by any way other than government is a fantasy. So you either make the government system work or, in the case of food assistance, your country pays for its neglect in higher health care costs. Take your pick!
Even FDR acknowledged " that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."

There is a better way. It is called subsidiarity.

Sounds more like 84% of the world is ruling the thought process of everyone else.

How so? There are a number of different faiths, thousands of different denominations. People can be both Buddhist and atheist (many are) or both Jewish and atheist. I am a third generation of a family where Catholic-Atheist marriages have taken place.

Who, specifically, has tried to control your thought process, how have they done this, and how did you escape? (For example the world been "controlling" my thought process on math, made me undergo fourteen years of schooling in math, and still insists I teach math every so often.) Thank goodness I am not forced to participate on a math message board!
He funnied your post because he has no good answer to what you wrote but somehow thinks that was a valid rebuttal.
So just so it is burned into your memory, your beliefs on the value of religion are aligned with Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx and are diametrically opposed to the beliefs of America's Founding Fathers.


Lenin and Marx were both statist asswipes who hated liberty. On that point, I am PRECISELY aligned with the founders.

Take both your non-sequitur and your salamander letter and wipe your ass with them.
So just so it is burned into your memory, your beliefs on the value of religion are aligned with Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx and are diametrically opposed to the beliefs of America's Founding Fathers.


Lenin and Marx were both statist asswipes who hated liberty. On that point, I am PRECISELY aligned with the founders.

Take both your non-sequitur and your salamander letter and wipe your ass with them.
Not irrelevant. Virtue is the ultimate organizing principle. A nation devoid of virtue will not stay free for long. Our founders knew this and so did the people you think like, the founders of communism.

You are not a patriot. You are a dupe. You are doing their work for them. But don't take my word for it, take this guys word for it.

2. destabilize
3. crisis
4. normalization

So just so it is burned into your memory, your beliefs on the value of religion are aligned with Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx and are diametrically opposed to the beliefs of America's Founding Fathers.


Lenin and Marx were both statist asswipes who hated liberty. On that point, I am PRECISELY aligned with the founders.

Take both your non-sequitur and your salamander letter and wipe your ass with them.
You have been de-MORALIZED and are now their dupe, brother.

You can't even process the facts when they are put in front of your face.

You dismiss the beliefs of the founding fathers of liberty and freedom as irrelevant and deny your alignment with the founding fathers of communism even though your beliefs on religion are EXACTLY the same as theirs.

Is it possible that you are a plant?

Is it possible that you know exactly what you are doing?
He funnied your post because he has no good answer to what you wrote but somehow thinks that was a valid rebuttal.

I know he did not wish to pursue the conversation now, but that's okay. We may get back around to it another time.
- true misery is relying on a book of forgeries as a religion never to traverse the truth. and it shows. throughout history.
It is hard to believe there is a downside to literacy, but when it comes to reading the Bible, we can see it clearly. It is one thing to be able to read the Bible, but an entirely different thing to understand what an earlier language, culture, era was conveying.

It's very much like someone today writing, "I'm blue," and someone in the far future insisting that blue was an actual racial color in our time. People are being equally ignorant with the Bible, and it is a shame.
About " Are you waiting for the government to act? What is stopping you?", I wrote, " historically, only the federal government pays for basic research." Basic research, if you understand how it works, can only be funded by the federal government.

Your comment is an excuse to do nothing and turn America into a technological backwater.
The overall tenor of your previous post is that Republicans are unwilling to help the disadvantaged. My point was that if you truly feel the disadvantaged need help what is stopping you from doing it? Are you waiting for the government to do it for you?

Or are the disadvantaged just people you use to unjustly criticize others.

Pardon the error. I help the poor in my way, but I also know the numbers. Take food for example! All of the private charities together provide about $5 billion in food aid to America's poor. The government bill is about $100 billion, and half of the recipients are children. To say that the private sector - that is, the churches - can solve this problem is a fantasy.
To believe the government is doing it or should do it is a fantasy.

To believe that it will get done by any way other than government is a fantasy. So you either make the government system work or, in the case of food assistance, your country pays for its neglect in higher health care costs. Take your pick!
Even FDR acknowledged " that continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fibre. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."

There is a better way. It is called subsidiarity.

About "To dole out relief in this way", it all depends on the "way" in which it is handled. You need to read on the "Mincome Experiment" done in Canada in the 1970s. Aside from lowering hospital cost by 8.5%, they found that children did better in school, crime decreased, and domestic violence went down.

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