Misery Loves Company

Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I just dont agree we are hard wired for "god"
god is a man made concept. I think you are confusing a god with nature
People had to explain the unexplainable. Why do you think 99% of civilizations had their own creation story? And what acts of earth a god controlled?
No. I'm not confusing anything, TN. We are going to worship something. Absent worshipping God we will elevate a man to worship. Happens all the time.
Human beings are not hard wired to worship a man made concept dingbat. This apparently isnt sinking in.
You are taking a human weakness and applying your man made concept and trying to make it stick. Thats not how reality works.
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I just dont agree we are hard wired for "god"
god is a man made concept. I think you are confusing a god with nature
People had to explain the unexplainable. Why do you think 99% of civilizations had their own creation story? And what acts of earth a god controlled?
No. I'm not confusing anything, TN. We are going to worship something. Absent worshipping God we will elevate a man to worship. Happens all the time.
Human beings are not hard wired to worship a man made concept dingbat. This apparently isnt sinking in.
You are taking a human weakness and applying your man made concept and trying to make it stick. Thats not how reality works.
Functional advantages are not weaknesses. They are strengths.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I just dont agree we are hard wired for "god"
god is a man made concept. I think you are confusing a god with nature
People had to explain the unexplainable. Why do you think 99% of civilizations had their own creation story? And what acts of earth a god controlled?
No. I'm not confusing anything, TN. We are going to worship something. Absent worshipping God we will elevate a man to worship. Happens all the time.
Human beings are not hard wired to worship a man made concept dingbat. This apparently isnt sinking in.
You are taking a human weakness and applying your man made concept and trying to make it stick. Thats not how reality works.
Functional advantages are not weaknesses. They are strengths.
It is a mental weakness to feel the need to "worship" something. It is a mental weakness to not be able to accept you cant know everything. It is a mental weakness to apply "god" to every question you dont know.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
Then, I choose ODIN and THOR!!!

Vahalla, I am coming!!!

Ah-ah, ah!
Ah-ah, ah!
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
W'ell drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I just dont agree we are hard wired for "god"
god is a man made concept. I think you are confusing a god with nature
People had to explain the unexplainable. Why do you think 99% of civilizations had their own creation story? And what acts of earth a god controlled?
No. I'm not confusing anything, TN. We are going to worship something. Absent worshipping God we will elevate a man to worship. Happens all the time.
Human beings are not hard wired to worship a man made concept dingbat. This apparently isnt sinking in.
You are taking a human weakness and applying your man made concept and trying to make it stick. Thats not how reality works.
Functional advantages are not weaknesses. They are strengths.
It is a mental weakness to feel the need to "worship" something. It is a mental weakness to not be able to accept you cant know everything. It is a mental weakness to apply "god" to every question you dont know.
I'm sure that's how you see it, TN. But that's not how it is. No one feels the need to worship something. They just do. Even you. You just don't realize it.

There are lots of things I don't know. I don't apply God to those things.

The reality is that successful behaviors naturally lead to success and failed behaviors naturally lead to failure. Wouldn't you agree with that? So if one has a worldview which leads to them being thankful and forgiving and reflective and meditative and perform random acts of kindness they will have a functional advantage over people who don't. It's called the happiness advantage. The best you can ever hope for is to suffer without complaint whereas I see meaning in it.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
Then, I choose ODIN and THOR!!!

Vahalla, I am coming!!!

Ah-ah, ah!
Ah-ah, ah!
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
W'ell drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!

I couldn't be happier for you. :smile:
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
Then, I choose ODIN and THOR!!!

Vahalla, I am coming!!!

Ah-ah, ah!
Ah-ah, ah!
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
W'ell drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!

I couldn't be happier for you. :smile:

Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
Then, I choose ODIN and THOR!!!

Vahalla, I am coming!!!

Ah-ah, ah!
Ah-ah, ah!
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
W'ell drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
Valhalla, I am coming!

I couldn't be happier for you. :smile:


THEY believed in a higher power and I say good for them.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.
That's why I chose Norse Paganism.

If Christianity, Islam, or any other religion or sect thereof and the associate god(s) or afterlife is real, why can't Odin, Thor, or Valhalla be real.

I am no long pushing a negation.

Dead commies or Valhalla.

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”

who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness ...

coincidentally, no mention of a specific religion -


When George Washington was eleven years old, he inherited ten slaves; by the time of his death, 317 slaves lived at Mount Vernon, including 123 owned by Washington, 40 leased from a neighbor, and an additional 153 "dower slaves."

Despite having been an active slave holder for 56 years, George Washington struggled with the institution of slavery and spoke frequently of his desire to end the practice. At the end of his life Washington made the bold step to free all his slaves in his 1799 will - the only slave-holding Founding Father to do so.

as George a christian, a likely omission of purpose. what could be less rewarding than freeing a slave after a persons death in their will - so much for their quote as well.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.

Feel better that you've chanted your daily self affirmation?
The truth usually hurts before it helps.

Taz, Fort Fun, TNHarley, GT, Vandalshandle, Soupnazi630, Luddly Neddite, Mudda, RWS, Cernobog, etc., prove the OP on a daily basis.
Im not an atheist, dumbshit.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.

Feel better that you've chanted your daily self affirmation?
The truth usually hurts before it helps.

Taz, Fort Fun, TNHarley, GT, Vandalshandle, Soupnazi630, Luddly Neddite, Mudda, RWS, Cernobog, etc., prove the OP on a daily basis.
Im not an atheist, dumbshit.
So you are just like Taz then?
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.

Feel better that you've chanted your daily self affirmation?
The truth usually hurts before it helps.

Taz, Fort Fun, TNHarley, GT, Vandalshandle, Soupnazi630, Luddly Neddite, Mudda, RWS, Cernobog, etc., prove the OP on a daily basis.
Im not an atheist, dumbshit.
So you are just like Taz then?
No, and by the way your OP was the most pathetic, busy body pile of sophistry and high horse dogshit I might have ever seen on this site.

Newsflash, Dingerred.

If your ideas being challenged Dingers you, dont come to a website built on challenging one another's ideas. Its not for you, and I totally dont regret your butthurt caused by my considering you stupid as hell. Youre just dumb, dude ..its nothing personal, youre just a screen name..but you just happen to post like a fuckin pinhead
No, and by the way your OP was the most pathetic, busy body pile of sophistry and high horse dogshit I might have ever seen on this site.

Did you know our wonderful race has had so many deities rise from the dead, it's passe' GT?

The Dying-and-Rising Gods: Introduction

Jesus: Just One More Dying and Rising Savior

10 Resurrected Religious Figures - Listverse

I think it's downright childish to believe in these folklore as a grown, rational adult. That's for sure. But I do childish things, too. Just .....not when it comes to the very fabric of my existence, I tend to save my deepest contemplations for that.

Its like TN said, a lot of this is the hubris of know it alls who cannot stop pretending they know...same as any man.
No, and by the way your OP was the most pathetic, busy body pile of sophistry and high horse dogshit I might have ever seen on this site.

Did you know our wonderful race has had so many deities rise from the dead, it's passe' GT?

The Dying-and-Rising Gods: Introduction

Jesus: Just One More Dying and Rising Savior

10 Resurrected Religious Figures - Listverse

As an aside, though ..'Troy' the Netflix series is pretty cool...Im smack in the middle of it
Religion is what man has used to explain the unknown.

Humans do not think in terms of finality of their own consciousness, and at the same time cannot conceptualize infinity.

Humans will always ask the question, "what's on the other side?" If I travel to the end of the universe, what's beyond the edge?

What happens on the other side of death? There must be something, right? Humans struggle to accept that they will never exist after death. It frightens humans to imagine not existing. The fear of nothingness or nonexistance causes anxiety and horror. When they finally understand and accept that death is probably the end, like turning off a computer forever, they start to take comfort that nothingness is not so terrible. They won't know about it. They won't need to know anything.

Nothingness is okay.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.

Feel better that you've chanted your daily self affirmation?
The truth usually hurts before it helps.

Taz, Fort Fun, TNHarley, GT, Vandalshandle, Soupnazi630, Luddly Neddite, Mudda, RWS, Cernobog, etc., prove the OP on a daily basis.
Im not an atheist, dumbshit.
So you are just like Taz then?
No, and by the way your OP was the most pathetic, busy body pile of sophistry and high horse dogshit I might have ever seen on this site.

Newsflash, Dingerred.

If your ideas being challenged Dingers you, dont come to a website built on challenging one another's ideas. Its not for you, and I totally dont regret your butthurt caused by my considering you stupid as hell. Youre just dumb, dude ..its nothing personal, youre just a screen name..but you just happen to post like a fuckin pinhead
Take it up with William James.
Religion is what man has used to explain the unknown.

Humans do not think in terms of finality of their own consciousness, and at the same time cannot conceptualize infinity.

Humans will always ask the question, "what's on the other side?" If I travel to the end of the universe, what's beyond the edge?

What happens on the other side of death? There must be something, right? Humans struggle to accept that they will never exist after death. It frightens humans to imagine not existing. The fear of nothingness or nonexistance causes anxiety and horror. When they finally understand and accept that death is probably the end, like turning off a computer forever, they start to take comfort that nothingness is not so terrible. They won't know about it. They won't need to know anything.

Nothingness is okay.
You can't travel to the end of the universe. Space time is curved.

This is your interpretation of what ancient man believed, not necessarily what they did.
You can't travel to the end of the universe. Space time is curved.
What's beyond the curve?

Will there be an end of time? If so, what happens after that? Everything must be linear in general human understanding.
A curious void which holds potential.

The question is does time even exist. It's called the problem with time. The equations (i.e. Friedman's solution to Einsteins GToR) work equally well going in the forward or reverse directions, but no one has ever observed time moving backwards. The best one can say is that time is a measure of expansion of space time.

So will there be an end of time? I don't think so. It appears that the universe will expand forever, thus time, which is the measure of expansion, will continue and the universe will reach thermal equilibrium as per the SLoT. But well before that happens our sun will supernova and engulf our planet and continue with the star death and rebirth process while forging heavier elements up to and including iron. Of course before that happens the earth's core (whether it be iron or nuclear) will go cold and we will lose our magnetic field and our planet will become lifeless as we are pounded by cosmic radiation.

We are linear thinkers in a cyclical universe. This is especially true for you. At least until you wake up that is.

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