Milorad R. "Rod" Blagojevich

will this illinois scandel damage the president obama?

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Jun 19, 2010
.............i looked hard but i didn't see a thread about Blagojevich, so i hope this is ok. i was born and raised a few miles from chicago. i am incredulous that "a mayor daley" is still a mayor of the windy city (by the way the city earned that moniker is from a political convention, although it is windy alot... also, chicago is native for "wild onion"). the president of obama is preceded in this story by an already established pattern of "questionable" political, or managerial practices", a dark cloud of mystery and backroom deals.
............... growning up in chicago gave me special magic vision to see through his b.s. a week after i saw him for the first time, at the start of the campaign. it was more of guilt by association. i thought why would he be "the first politician not to do business that way". skeptical but true. i think this case might be the beginning of his unraveling, the tapes being played seem to support that. is this going to be the first time in american history, when back to back demcrats are impeached??? i see backpeddling in other areas of his personna, and duties.
.............. the wheels are coming off this whitehouse. i would say, one thing very much to mr obama's credit though, is that i have never seen him play the race card under any cicumstances, he could have, but didn't, and i respect his restraint. unless i missed something, i hope someone here mentions if he has. like many of we conserves, i really do wan't him to succeed. it might put me out of busineass, but i would find something else to write about. we'll always have congress, even the supreme court can elicit some laughs, and comical chesnuts. i would love to get behind our president of obama, but those policies.... and that attitude...... i hate that i'm synically biased about corruption in illinois. obama's presidency needs a blowout preventer..
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more like "renamed america in his own likeness". interestly enough, the prez's prez is we the peeps
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washamerican, I guess my post was not clear. The topic is under discussion on another thread that has accumulated several pages already -- here, on USMB.

Chances are most people will not be willing to repeat themselves on this thread; you may wanna consider joining the convo already in progress.

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