Michael Moore Announces End Of Trump Administration

Wow, we almost went a day without some loony lefty predicting "the end" of Trump's political career.
If you think it's only the " left " predicting the downfall of this lunatic, you're sadly mistaken.
He gives new meaning to the word dirtbag.
shouldnt he be more concerned about losing 150 pounds before he winds up eating a 3000 calorie dinner that stops his heart?

Hillary won the popular but lost the electoral vote. If Trump wants to eat Caspian Sea beluga sturgeon caviar, drink gallons of aged Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, hot buttered lobster, truffles and sit on his ass all day long that is his prerogative like MC Hammer said in his famous song My Prerogative.

I'm not sure she won popular vote legitimately. There is no way, anyone with critical thinking skills, can deny illegals voted in the election. A number of states insanely offer drivers licenses to illegals. And in some of those states, that automatically regesters one to vote. Do people really think, they all said, nah I'll pass, if Trump wins that's okay with us? The part I love about it is, she still didn't win. I'm thankful for that every day.
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This thread shows the difference between the political left and the political right. The right never takes their leaders to task; the left won't wait long before pulling the plug on its leaders.

There is nothing Trump can do the right will not support. Compromising our national security, obstruction of justice, lying to the country, etc., are all fine with the political right. There is no line Trump can cross, as was in the case with George Bush, that will spark outrage and condemnation from the right.

We've seen this before through 8 years of Bush43. Starting illegal wars of aggression, torturing people, lying to the country, etc., and all you hear from the right is crickets. Then, just like now, you get silence.

The left, on the other hand, WILL speak out against its leaders when they stray off coarse or do something un-American. Only 18 months into Obama's first term, the left starting withdrawing its support for his policies. You didn't see the right do that with Bush and you won't them do that with Trump.

No matter how much incompetence Michael Moore shows Donald Trump to be as President, the right will continue to support his incompetence until the cows come home, no matter how destructive to the country he becomes. For they have chosen party over country.

The Left pulls the plug on it's leaders? Really, Billo? Maxine Waters is a senile joke! Nancy Pelosi needs Depends! Bernie Sanders? Joe Biden? Charlie Rangel? Hillary Clinton? Let's be honest here, Sparky! Ted Kennedy killed someone and you folks on the left sent him back to the Senate for life! Stray off course? You're a funny guy...
This fat pig still trying to do Trump in, bet he'll end up with a nervous breakdown...

Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration
This is his third attempt to do so. It hasn’t worked yet.


Trey Sanchez

Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore is adding yet another anti-Trump project to his roster and just like the others, it will fail to put even one nail in the coffin of the Trump administration.

Before the election, Moore offered his first hit piece, TrumpLand, which backfired spectacularly as it made one of the strongest cases to elect Donald Trump. In July, Moore’s Broadway show, The Terms of My Surrender, will debut a fictional tale of “a country that’s just elected a madman.” Promotional posters ask, “Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president?” Well, if it doesn’t, and no doubt it won’t, Moore has one more chance with his next film.


Michael Moore Announces New Film ‘Fahrenheit 11/9’ Will End Trump Administration

Yeah, he really took it to them Bush fellas. Both terms.
Michael Moore is about one thing and one thing only...making Michael Moore rich!

He's been milking you liberals of your cash for decades now...becoming filthy rich by deriding the filthy rich! Only sheep like you would continue to give him more money!
This thread shows the difference between the political left and the political right. The right never takes their leaders to task; the left won't wait long before pulling the plug on its leaders.

There is nothing Trump can do the right will not support. Compromising our national security, obstruction of justice, lying to the country, etc., are all fine with the political right. There is no line Trump can cross, as was in the case with George Bush, that will spark outrage and condemnation from the right.

We've seen this before through 8 years of Bush43. Starting illegal wars of aggression, torturing people, lying to the country, etc., and all you hear from the right is crickets. Then, just like now, you get silence.

The left, on the other hand, WILL speak out against its leaders when they stray off coarse or do something un-American. Only 18 months into Obama's first term, the left starting withdrawing its support for his policies. You didn't see the right do that with Bush and you won't them do that with Trump.

No matter how much incompetence Michael Moore shows Donald Trump to be as President, the right will continue to support his incompetence until the cows come home, no matter how destructive to the country he becomes. For they have chosen party over country.
"This thread shows the difference between the political left and the political right. The right never takes their leaders to task; the left won't wait long before pulling the plug on its leaders."
You fucking morons are STILL sticking with LOSERS! How many legislative seats did you loose under BONOBO's watch? Like 1300!
You morons are still electing Pelosi/the fucking nut case Watters and anyone else who can barely get out of bed unassisted.
Keep electing them! Please!
I guess fat-boy is a little upset one of his indoctrinated worshippers just got busted leaking info...
The Left pulls the plug on it's leaders? Really, Billo? Maxine Waters is a senile joke! Nancy Pelosi needs Depends! Bernie Sanders? Joe Biden? Charlie Rangel? Hillary Clinton? Let's be honest here, Sparky! Ted Kennedy killed someone and you folks on the left sent him back to the Senate for life! Stray off course? You're a funny guy...
Of coarse we pull the plug on our leaders when they don't pony up a liberal agenda.
I like Maxine Waters
I don't like Pelosi
I like some of Bernie Sanders
Joe Biden has the best smile in politics

Charlie Rangel was before my time
I haven't like Hillary since she cut her hair and went butch
Ted Kennedy was a good Senator, but a bad date​
"This thread shows the difference between the political left and the political right. The right never takes their leaders to task; the left won't wait long before pulling the plug on its leaders."
You fucking morons are STILL sticking with LOSERS! How many legislative seats did you loose under BONOBO's watch? Like 1300!
You morons are still electing Pelosi/the fucking nut case Watters and anyone else who can barely get out of bed unassisted.
Keep electing them! Please!
Yeah but what do you think about the bond market and its effect on 3rd world nations?
He gives new meaning to the word dirtbag.
shouldnt he be more concerned about losing 150 pounds before he winds up eating a 3000 calorie dinner that stops his heart?

Hillary won the popular but lost the electoral vote. If Trump wants to eat Caspian Sea beluga sturgeon caviar, drink gallons of aged Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, hot buttered lobster, truffles and sit on his ass all day long that is his prerogative like MC Hammer said in his famous song My Prerogative.
Actually, all of those things are good for your heart, except for the truffles. You wouldn't to have the Napa Valley Cabernet with caviar or lobster but hey, a Napa Valley Chardonnay would do fine.

Truffles like mushrooms are very good for you.

a strong-smelling underground fungus that resembles an irregular, rough-skinned potato, growing chiefly in broadleaved woodland on calcareous soils. It is considered a culinary delicacy and found, especially in France, with the aid of trained dogs or pigs.
He gives new meaning to the word dirtbag.
shouldnt he be more concerned about losing 150 pounds before he winds up eating a 3000 calorie dinner that stops his heart?

Hillary won the popular but lost the electoral vote. If Trump wants to eat Caspian Sea beluga sturgeon caviar, drink gallons of aged Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon, hot buttered lobster, truffles and sit on his ass all day long that is his prerogative like MC Hammer said in his famous song My Prerogative.
Actually, all of those things are good for your heart, except for the truffles. You wouldn't to have the Napa Valley Cabernet with caviar or lobster but hey, a Napa Valley Chardonnay would do fine.

Truffles like mushrooms are very good for you.

a strong-smelling underground fungus that resembles an irregular, rough-skinned potato, growing chiefly in broadleaved woodland on calcareous soils. It is considered a culinary delicacy and found, especially in France, with the aid of trained dogs or pigs.

Hideously overpriced.
These lefties who make a lot of money in making this stuff are just saying this so that the people who hate Trump will watch. Michael Moore knows what he saying is untrue but he hopes that his fans will think that his new film will contain some bit of info that they can use to discredit Trump. The result is that they will buy his latest film.
The Left pulls the plug on it's leaders? Really, Billo? Maxine Waters is a senile joke! Nancy Pelosi needs Depends! Bernie Sanders? Joe Biden? Charlie Rangel? Hillary Clinton? Let's be honest here, Sparky! Ted Kennedy killed someone and you folks on the left sent him back to the Senate for life! Stray off course? You're a funny guy...
Of coarse we pull the plug on our leaders when they don't pony up a liberal agenda.
I like Maxine Waters
I don't like Pelosi
I like some of Bernie Sanders
Joe Biden has the best smile in politics

Charlie Rangel was before my time
I haven't like Hillary since she cut her hair and went butch
Ted Kennedy was a good Senator, but a bad date​

What exactly is it that you like about Maxine Waters, Billo? She's even more ditsy than Pelosi and that's saying something!
Biden's had that same loopy smile since they did his hair plugs. My guess is they drilled too deep.
Charlie Rangel is still in Congress...how can he be before your time?
From reports (see Yoko Ono) Hillary went butch years ago!
Ted Kennedy is a bad date? Good to see another liberal who accused Mitt Romney of a "war on women" finding so much humor in a man who actually killed them!
Wow, we almost went a day without some loony lefty predicting "the end" of Trump's political career.
If you think it's only the " left " predicting the downfall of this lunatic, you're sadly mistaken.
Michael Moore? I predicted it long ago. No sane person listens to him anymore.
Yeah no sane person listens to Michael anymore. That's why he has 4.7 million twitter followers.The next time you're right about something will be the first time..
These lefties who make a lot of money in making this stuff are just saying this so that the people who hate Trump will watch. Michael Moore knows what he saying is untrue but he hopes that his fans will think that his new film will contain some bit of info that they can use to discredit Trump. The result is that they will buy his latest film.
Michael Moore is one of the great patriots and entrepreneurs in this country.
He's totally committed and constantly fights for the little guy and working people.
He's a hero to these people in his home state.
Puts up his own money to renovate movie theaters all over the country. Gives amply to charities.
He's on TV a lot and always has something interesting and insightful to say.
You people deal in cliches and made up shit.
Wow, we almost went a day without some loony lefty predicting "the end" of Trump's political career.
If you think it's only the " left " predicting the downfall of this lunatic, you're sadly mistaken.
Michael Moore? I predicted it long ago. No sane person listens to him anymore.
Yeah no sane person listens to Michael anymore. That's why he has 4.7 million twitter followers.The next time you're right about something will be the first time..
4.7 million is not that many when you consider there are 10 times that many who voted for Hillary Clinton, and some of their meltdowns show just how less than sane they are.