Men: Be honest.... are you a PIG?

Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?

I just accept that men will be men. :dunno: Some are just better at hiding it than others. Are you trying to say you don't have "thoughts" and "fantasies"??? Lies!
Yes or No.


I was told most men are NOT pigs, looking at women lustfully and thinking of sex all the time.

Who is right?

Young men are more apt to be "pigs" by your definition.

As we age and our hormones become less active in that department the physical sexual aspects of gender become less demanding ... those older guys who still are dictated to by their dicks are generally dirty old men or faggots.

That is not true at all. I find old men to be even MORE pervy in a lot of instances. It's like, they don't even care and don't even TRY to hide it. :lol: I remember a time when I thought all older men were "grandfatherly" or "fatherly" and then when I hit a certain age, I realized that is not true at ALL. :D

Grandpa Smurfed You ? Yes there are a lot of dirty old men around
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?

If you aren't like this, then I would say you are in the MINORITY here. :)
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Feminazis are a dime a dozen - if you disagree with them you're a misogynist ...
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Feminazis are a dime a dozen - if you disagree with them you're a misogynist ...

Sorry, being honest doesn't make one a "feminazi." Everything I said is the truth, and you know it. :D Truth hurts I suppose.

Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it. :)
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Feminazis are a dime a dozen - if you disagree with them you're a misogynist ...

Sorry, being honest doesn't make one a "feminazi." Everything I said is the truth, and you know it. :D Truth hurts I suppose.

Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it. :)

You're not a Man so you wouldn't know - all I know is that I ever caught any of my buddies looking at or interacting with my daughter or nieces in an inappropriate manner that we'd have a serious problem. .... perhaps its the circle you move around in - a lot of libtards and other mental degenerates - they are infamously lacking in the slightest shred of common human decency and morals.
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Feminazis are a dime a dozen - if you disagree with them you're a misogynist ...

Sorry, being honest doesn't make one a "feminazi." Everything I said is the truth, and you know it. :D Truth hurts I suppose.

Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it. :)

You're not a Man so you wouldn't know - all I know is that I ever caught any of my buddies looking at or interacting with my daughter or nieces in an inappropriate manner that we'd have a serious problem. .... perhaps its the circle you move around in - a lot of libtards and other mental degenerates - they are infamously lacking in the slightest shred of common human decency and morals.

Well, if you think the men you expose your daughters to do not have "impure thoughts" (IF they are attractive of course), then you are living in denial.

Maybe you're just stupid? That's a good possibility too. ;) Lol.
Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it
Not that I agree with it .....BUT ./....Using your path of logic .... are all women therefore biologically designed to be "Bitches" or "Whores" ???

............. And if so which are you ?
Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it
Not that I agree with it .....BUT ./....Using your path of logic .... are all women therefore biologically designed to be "Bitches" or "Whores" ???

............. And if so which are you ?

Men are designed to spread their seed with as many partners as possible. That is a biological fact. Being a "bitch" or a "whore" is not a biological imperative for a woman.
Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it
Not that I agree with it .....BUT ./....Using your path of logic .... are all women therefore biologically designed to be "Bitches" or "Whores" ???

............. And if so which are you ?

In fact, women, by design, are MUCH more choosy. Rather than being whores like men, we like to pick the BEST one to mate with. :D The BEST provider, the BEST dad, etc.
Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Feminazis are a dime a dozen - if you disagree with them you're a misogynist ...

Sorry, being honest doesn't make one a "feminazi." Everything I said is the truth, and you know it. :D Truth hurts I suppose.

Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it. :)

You're not a Man so you wouldn't know - all I know is that I ever caught any of my buddies looking at or interacting with my daughter or nieces in an inappropriate manner that we'd have a serious problem. .... perhaps its the circle you move around in - a lot of libtards and other mental degenerates - they are infamously lacking in the slightest shred of common human decency and morals.

Well, if you think the men you expose your daughters to do not have "impure thoughts" (IF they are attractive of course), then you are living in denial.

Maybe you're just stupid? That's a good possibility too. ;) Lol.
Thoughts such as that are part of our animalistic self - controlling those thoughts and restraining them are part of our higher intelligence ... I would hardly call someone who has those urges - but controls them a PIG ... I would certainly call someone who labels all Men - Pigs to be a Bitch. If I'm a swine in your book - you're a yelping female Dog in mine . Just curious - are you bleeding from your .... uh ... "eyes" right now
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?

If you aren't like this, then I would say you are in the MINORITY here. :)

No, that's what I said. According to your criteria I am a pig and so is 99.9% of males ages 11-77
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?

If you aren't like this, then I would say you are in the MINORITY here. :)

No, that's what I said. According to your criteria I am a pig and so is 99.9% of males ages 11-77

Do you deny this? Seriously? :lol: Okay. Whatever makes you feel better.
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.
Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?
Feminazis are a dime a dozen - if you disagree with them you're a misogynist ...

Sorry, being honest doesn't make one a "feminazi." Everything I said is the truth, and you know it. :D Truth hurts I suppose.

Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it. :)

You're not a Man so you wouldn't know - all I know is that I ever caught any of my buddies looking at or interacting with my daughter or nieces in an inappropriate manner that we'd have a serious problem. .... perhaps its the circle you move around in - a lot of libtards and other mental degenerates - they are infamously lacking in the slightest shred of common human decency and morals.

Well, if you think the men you expose your daughters to do not have "impure thoughts" (IF they are attractive of course), then you are living in denial.

Maybe you're just stupid? That's a good possibility too. ;) Lol.
Thoughts such as that are part of our animalistic self - controlling those thoughts and restraining them are part of our higher intelligence ... I would hardly call someone who has those urges - but controls them a PIG ... I would certainly call someone who labels all Men - Pigs to be a Bitch. If I'm a swine in your book - you're a yelping female Dog in mine . Just curious - are you bleeding from your .... uh ... "eyes" right now

Sorry, men ARE pigs in most cases. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this. It's pretty much common knowledge nowadays.
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
Men are pigs, and that is that. They are biologically designed that way. They can't help it
Not that I agree with it .....BUT ./....Using your path of logic .... are all women therefore biologically designed to be "Bitches" or "Whores" ???

............. And if so which are you ?

In fact, women, by design, are MUCH more choosy. Rather than being whores like men, we like to pick the BEST one to mate with. :D The BEST provider, the BEST dad, etc.
Not True - many , especially on the low end of the bell curve prefer the biggest swinging dick that happens along

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