Men: Be honest.... are you a PIG?

I'm probably gonna be called a "pig" for the above joke, but what the hell.

As far as looking at women and thinking about having sex with them? I DO notice any woman who is good looking, but I don't necessarily think that I want to have sex with them.

In order for me to want to have sex with someone, I have to at least talk to them a bit to see if I at least like them, otherwise the sex isn't very good.
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

If I was, then I wouldn't be typing here, now would I? :lol: How about you stick to being realistic?
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?


What Are Little Boys and Girls Made Of?
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails,
And puppy dog tails,
That's what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice,
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of.
I'm probably gonna be called a "pig" for the above joke, but what the hell.

As far as looking at women and thinking about having sex with them? I DO notice any woman who is good looking, but I don't necessarily think that I want to have sex with them.

In order for me to want to have sex with someone, I have to at least talk to them a bit to see if I at least like them, otherwise the sex isn't very good.

Well, if a man couldn't fuck 'em, there'd be a bounty on 'em.
I'm probably gonna be called a "pig" for the above joke, but what the hell.

As far as looking at women and thinking about having sex with them? I DO notice any woman who is good looking, but I don't necessarily think that I want to have sex with them.

In order for me to want to have sex with someone, I have to at least talk to them a bit to see if I at least like them, otherwise the sex isn't very good.

Most men I've talked to say that is important if they want a relationship with a woman, but that they definitely have "separate" thoughts when it comes to sex. Look at the guys who wanted to see a scumbag monster like Casey Anthony naked? They didn't care that she more than likely killed her baby girl. She was hot looking and they wanted to see her naked and fantasize about doing naughty things. :D
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
Yes or No.


I was told most men are NOT pigs, looking at women lustfully and thinking of sex all the time.

Who is right?

Depends on the definition of a "male pig".
It is normal/natural for men to lust over attractive women. And attractive women like that most of the time!

It's when some men transfer from their thoughts to acting inappropriately toward women ... that's when they become pigs.
Yes or No.


I was told most men are NOT pigs, looking at women lustfully and thinking of sex all the time.

Who is right?

Depends on the definition of a "male pig".
It is normal/natural for men to lust over attractive women. And attractive women like that most of the time!

It's when some men transfer from their thoughts to acting inappropriately toward women ... that's when they become pigs.

I've been told MANY times that men and women cannot be friends because men will always be lusting after them and hoping that there would be a "situation" with the female friend. IF you know what I mean. :D
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
at 3am standing and peeing with eyes that want to stay shut is not as easy as sitting and peeing, and no lights are needed.
Yes or No.


I was told most men are NOT pigs, looking at women lustfully and thinking of sex all the time.

Who is right?

Depends on the definition of a "male pig".
It is normal/natural for men to lust over attractive women. And attractive women like that most of the time!

It's when some men transfer from their thoughts to acting inappropriately toward women ... that's when they become pigs.

I've been told MANY times that men and women cannot be friends because men will always be lusting after them and hoping that there would be a "situation" with the female friend. IF you know what I mean. :D
you have never worked with a 300 pound woman...
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
at 3am standing and peeing with eyes that want to stay shut is not as easy as sitting and peeing, and no lights are needed.

That's probably true. Lol. BUT, you guys can pee anywhere!
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
Different levels of Feminazi - I don't think there is even a definition for it other than a misandrist the definition of misandrist
Yes or No.


I was told most men are NOT pigs, looking at women lustfully and thinking of sex all the time.

Who is right?

Depends on the definition of a "male pig".
It is normal/natural for men to lust over attractive women. And attractive women like that most of the time!

It's when some men transfer from their thoughts to acting inappropriately toward women ... that's when they become pigs.

I've been told MANY times that men and women cannot be friends because men will always be lusting after them and hoping that there would be a "situation" with the female friend. IF you know what I mean. :D
you have never worked with a 300 pound woman...

Yes, well, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a relatively attractive female. It's never been a problem for ME to have a friendship with a man, yet they say it is a problem for them.
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
Different levels of Feminazi - I don't think there is even a definition for it other than a misandrist the definition of misandrist

So explain why men cannot be "just friends" with an attractive female?
Depends upon how you describe a "pig". If it's just a man who thinks of sex a lot then most men under 70 and over 11 would probably qualify.

I am married and have 5 Daughters. I'd bet that none of them or my wife would say I'm a pig by their definition. So I'd have to say no, I am not a pig.

Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?

If you aren't like this, then I would say you are in the MINORITY here. :)

No, that's what I said. According to your criteria I am a pig and so is 99.9% of males ages 11-77

Do you deny this? Seriously? :lol: Okay. Whatever makes you feel better.

I'm not denying anything. I am saying that by your criteria, all men are pigs.

How hard is that to understand?
Well, I think you are probably unusual and it might also have to do with the fact that you have a lot of women in your household. It's more than just "thinking about sex a lot." It's looking at women, leering at them and imagining things you might want to do with or to them. My ex told me before, don't let them fool you. They are ALL thinking about sexual things. :D My son's old crossing guard. He would say, "my, you are a BEAUTIFUL woman" to me every day. It wasn't what he SAID so much that was bothersome but the WAY in which he looked at me. ;) Yes, we women are onto you guys.

Well then it sounds like you have the definition set up so that every man, including me, is a pig. How do you go from day to day, living with that mindset?

If you aren't like this, then I would say you are in the MINORITY here. :)

No, that's what I said. According to your criteria I am a pig and so is 99.9% of males ages 11-77

Do you deny this? Seriously? :lol: Okay. Whatever makes you feel better.

I'm not denying anything. I am saying that by your criteria, all men are pigs.

How hard is that to understand?

Well that is what I said to begin with, and you argued with me. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
at 3am standing and peeing with eyes that want to stay shut is not as easy as sitting and peeing, and no lights are needed.

That's probably true. Lol. BUT, you guys can pee anywhere!
Really !!! ??? - tell that to the cop who gave me a $500 summons for Public Urination a few years ago
Face facts boys. We are called the "fairer" sex for a reason. It's because we are better. :D
In some respects this is true - I'd rather my twinkie in your box - you are prettier - aka "fairer" while the male is more rugged and brutish - that's how we survived as a species all these millenia.

Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
Different levels of Feminazi - I don't think there is even a definition for it other than a misandrist the definition of misandrist

Well I love men. Like I said. They can't help it. It's just a part of what drives them to be "sexual" creatures.
Why do you take being a "pig" so derogatory. There's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is. Some women like it, in fact. Again, some will deny it and say, "oh you dirty, dirty man, but really they are like, hmmm." :D People lie all the time.
I think that what we have here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE. .. You're def. of PIG and mine are not apparently the same - are you a female dog ?

I think you are MUCH too sensitive.

Wait a minute! Isn't a feminazi someone who would NOT acknowledge that there are differences between men and women? You know, those ones who want to do away with "he" and "she" pronouns and make men sit when they pee? :D
at 3am standing and peeing with eyes that want to stay shut is not as easy as sitting and peeing, and no lights are needed.

That's probably true. Lol. BUT, you guys can pee anywhere!
Really !!! ??? - tell that to the cop who gave me a $500 summons for Public Urination a few years ago

Okay, well I mean it is more convenient for you to pee anywhere. We have to drop trough and squat or there will be a mess. You just have to unzip and whip it out. :lol:

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