Media Dishonesty and Manipulation - It is getting harder for the MSM to hide it.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
The media is increasingly dishonest in their reporting both in what they refuse to report and what they do report.

I will start this thread using Molly Hemmingway's column exposing Kristen Welker's flat out false statements on her first stint as the new host of "Meet the Press" yesterday. She unfortunately (for her) chose Donald J. Trump as her guest and there isn't much that anybody can defend on her side of the debate. He came out looking pretty darn good.

There will be more examples of media dishonesty I hope posted by me and others. This thread is NOT about this one media account perse but all dishonesty by all the media. The American people deserve better.

1. Welker stated there is no evidence Biden pressured the DOJ to indict Trump. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

2. Welker stated there is no evidence Joe Biden personally benefitted from Hunter's business dealings. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

3. Welker stated Trump wrestled with a Secret Service agent on J6. Fact: the Secret Service itself debunked that story. Molly reports what Trump said about it and is amazed that Welker would still be repeating the thoroughly debunked story..

4. Welker states Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with preparing the Capital for protests on J6. Fact: The Speaker of the House has complete responsibility to provide for the security of the Capitol--the Chief of Police answers directly to her--and Pelosi refused requests from Capital Police for reinforcements. Molly points all that out.

5. Welker stated Democrats are not pushing for policy or law making abortion legal up to and even after the moment of natural birth. That is such a glaring lie that Molly spent some time recounting how Democrats have voted on that very issue.

How can the NBC news division hold their heads up with this kind of reporting?

How can ANY media not cower in shame when they report in this manner?
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The media is increasingly dishonest in their reporting both in what they refuse to report and what they do report.

I will start this thread using Molly Hemmingway's column exposing Kristen Welker's flat out false statements on her first stint as the new host of "Meet the Press" yesterday. She unfortunately chose Donald J. Trump as her guest and there isn't much that anybody can defend on her side of the debate. He came out looking pretty darn good.

There will be more examples of media dishonesty I hope posted by me and others. This thread is NOT about this one media account perse but all dishonesty by all the media. The American people deserve better.

1. Welker stated there is no evidence Biden pressured the DOJ to indict Trump. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

2. Welker stated there is no evidence Joe Biden personally benefitted from Hunter's business dealings. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

3. Welker stated Trump wrestled with a Secret Service agent on J6. Fact: the Secret Service itself debunked that story. Molly reports what Trump said about it and is amazed that Welker would still be repeating the thoroughly debunked story..

4. Welker states Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with preparing the Capital for protests on J6. Fact: The Speaker of the House has complete responsibility to provide security for the security of the Capitol and Pelosi refused requests from Capital Police for reinforcements. Molly points all that out.

5. Welker stated Democrats are not pushing for policy or law making abortion legal up to and even after the moment of natural birth. That is such a glaring lie that Molly spent some time recounting how Democrats have voted on that very issue.

How can the NBC news division hold their heads up with this kind of reporting?

How can ANY media not cower in shame when they report in this manner?
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
The Sunday shows have been lefitst agitprop for decades.
Yes they have but for the most part we tend to just shrug and ignore them. I was so impressed with Hemingway's column though pointing out the glaring lies, it occurred to me that is the very best way we can fight back. It inspired this thread.
Yes they have but for the most part we tend to just shrug and ignore them. I was so impressed with Hemingway's column though pointing out the glaring lies, it occurred to me that is the very best way we can fight back. It inspired this thread.
As i said before, if you really want to get the Lame Stream Media's attention, dress up like Antifa and start throwing fire bombs at their stations.

On the manipulation side, The New York Post on Saturday posted an article of George Soros' "open society" funding of Biden's Generation Z Tik Tok Army to praise Biden policies and bash (can we say put out disinformation?) on conservatives on social media.

I have noticed a large influx of newly created accounts following me on Twitter (X). I always remove them as followers but it is happening with such frequency that I suspect it is some funded movement behind it. Same on Facebook and Pogo Games where I have accounts. Lots of brand new accounts befriending me or asking to--people that I cannot identify with any person in my life. I figure the reason is nefarious and don't accept them but it is so unusual and so prevalent now I have to believe there is some movement behind it.
Nonsense, Foxfyre. about media dishonesty unless you are citing the likes of an OANN. I don't have you on Ignore because I need a chuckle now and then,
To be fair and truly balanced...

There are other manipulators at work besides the huge investment houses like Fidelity and Blackrock and others (They own and control MSM with a financial incentive to keep investments doing well)

The less expensive alternative route is the coordinated and expansive Social Media campaigns that are absolutely full of "anonymous " people doing the work of foreign interests. It's not like it hasn't been done before and is continuing onward today and the foreseeable future. Kept this way in part by bribery and coercion of the corrupt elected officials in congress.

However....not ALL Social media accounts are promoting propaganda.

Here is one example of an independent person who has sourced documentation and respected eyewitnesses to explain the truth of a divisive conflict. The ability to critically analyze and discern propaganda from verified facts is no longer taught in's not part of the school's curriculum even though following propaganda has been the downfall of many nations.

The media is increasingly dishonest in their reporting both in what they refuse to report and what they do report.

I will start this thread using Molly Hemmingway's column exposing Kristen Welker's flat out false statements on her first stint as the new host of "Meet the Press" yesterday. She unfortunately (for her) chose Donald J. Trump as her guest and there isn't much that anybody can defend on her side of the debate. He came out looking pretty darn good.

There will be more examples of media dishonesty I hope posted by me and others. This thread is NOT about this one media account perse but all dishonesty by all the media. The American people deserve better.

1. Welker stated there is no evidence Biden pressured the DOJ to indict Trump. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

2. Welker stated there is no evidence Joe Biden personally benefitted from Hunter's business dealings. Fact: there is a lot of evidence. Molly illustrates some of it.

3. Welker stated Trump wrestled with a Secret Service agent on J6. Fact: the Secret Service itself debunked that story. Molly reports what Trump said about it and is amazed that Welker would still be repeating the thoroughly debunked story..

4. Welker states Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with preparing the Capital for protests on J6. Fact: The Speaker of the House has complete responsibility to provide for the security of the Capitol--the Chief of Police answers directly to her--and Pelosi refused requests from Capital Police for reinforcements. Molly points all that out.

5. Welker stated Democrats are not pushing for policy or law making abortion legal up to and even after the moment of natural birth. That is such a glaring lie that Molly spent some time recounting how Democrats have voted on that very issue.

How can the NBC news division hold their heads up with this kind of reporting?

How can ANY media not cower in shame when they report in this manner?

You should cower in shame at this libel.
On the manipulation side, The New York Post on Saturday posted an article of George Soros' "open society" funding of Biden's Generation Z Tik Tok Army to praise Biden policies and bash (can we say put out disinformation?) on conservatives on social media.

I have noticed a large influx of newly created accounts following me on Twitter (X). I always remove them as followers but it is happening with such frequency that I suspect it is some funded movement behind it. Same on Facebook and Pogo Games where I have accounts. Lots of brand new accounts befriending me or asking to--people that I cannot identify with any person in my life. I figure the reason is nefarious and don't accept them but it is so unusual and so prevalent now I have to believe there is some movement behind it.
Quite the narcissist you’ve always been.
To be fair and truly balanced...

There are other manipulators at work besides the huge investment houses like Fidelity and Blackrock and others (They own and control MSM with a financial incentive to keep investments doing well)

The less expensive alternative route is the coordinated and expansive Social Media campaigns that are absolutely full of "anonymous " people doing the work of foreign interests. It's not like it hasn't been done before and is continuing onward today and the foreseeable future. Kept this way in part by bribery and coercion of the corrupt elected officials in congress.

However....not ALL Social media accounts are promoting propaganda.

Here is one example of an independent person who has sourced documentation and respected eyewitnesses to explain the truth of a divisive conflict. The ability to critically analyze and discern propaganda from verified facts is no longer taught in's not part of the school's curriculum even though following propaganda has been the downfall of many nations.

I will agree that there are forces at work deliberately spreading disinformation other than the U.S. media. And to be absolutely fair, there is a possibility that Welker wasn't intending to deliberately make one inflammatory dishonest statement after another on Sunday but instead is a clueless dingbat who doesn't know any better. But whether liar or dingbat, she should be a huge embarrassment to her employer that claims to be a credible news organization.

Perhaps those rating the OP as 'fake news' are also in the clueless dingbat category as anybody who watched that episode cannot disagree with Hemingway's account of what Welker said, and anybody who bothered to check Hemingway's rebuttal of those erroneous statements knows she got it right and well sourced her rebuttal.

I'm not saying some on the right don't ever believe and repeat disinformation because they do. I've observed some who absolutely believe what they are saying even though they are 100% wrong about it. Perhaps some others deliberately report a lie just because they so desperately want it to be true. That is just as wrong as the left doing it.

It just seems that almost all of the left does it these days.

Media is made up of fallible people and there has never been a time that error was not reported in newspapers or magazines or on radio or TV. But there used to be a time when 99+% of media and all honorable people did try to get it right and corrected their mistakes when they realized they made one. That isn't the case any more.
I will agree that there are forces at work deliberately spreading disinformation other than the U.S. media. And to be absolutely fair, there is a possibility that Welker wasn't intending to deliberately make one inflammatory dishonest statement after another on Sunday but instead is a clueless dingbat who doesn't know any better. But whether liar or dingbat, she should be a huge embarrassment to her employer that claims to be a credible news organization.

Perhaps those rating the OP as 'fake news' are also in the clueless dingbat category as anybody who watched that episode cannot disagree with Hemingway's account of what Welker said, and anybody who bothered to check Hemingway's rebuttal of those erroneous statements knows she got it right and well sourced her rebuttal.

I'm not saying some on the right don't ever believe and repeat disinformation because they do. I've observed some who absolutely believe what they are saying even though they are 100% wrong about it. Perhaps some others deliberately report a lie just because they so desperately want it to be true. That is just as wrong as the left doing it.

It just seems that almost all of the left does it these days.

Media is made up of fallible people and there has never been a time that error was not reported in newspapers or magazines or on radio or TV. But there used to be a time when 99+% of media and all honorable people did try to get it right and corrected their mistakes when they realized they made one. That isn't the case any more.

There's the critical analysis thing....
Neither side is doing it and MSM (who is supposed to) has been regurgitating propaganda and rhetoric as if it is news...they have become part of the problem and not the cure.

Sure, MSM is supportive of Ukraine in their conflict but when pressed for the reasons why their answers are more propaganda instead of critical, sourced, and documented truth.

Therin is the problem.
There's the critical analysis thing....
Neither side is doing it and MSM (who is supposed to) has been regurgitating propaganda and rhetoric as if it is news...they have become part of the problem and not the cure.

Sure, MSM is supportive of Ukraine in their conflict but when pressed for the reasons why their answers are more propaganda instead of critical, sourced, and documented truth.

Therin is the problem.
That is true. Nobody can repeat propaganda as fact, use dishonest quotes or misrepresent quotes taken out of their full context, illustrate with dishonest memes, photoshopped photos or photos taken out of their honest context, etc., or just make up stuff out of thin air and pretend to be credible or honorable. Because those who do that just aren't. Most especially when it is done to discredit or defame somebody.

Just because somebody says they heard such and such does not make something true. There is an excellent reason that hearsay evidence is allowed in a legitimate court of law only in very limited and specific ways.

Example: Person A says they have never met or don't know Person B. But the media digs up a photo of Person A with Person B and thereby calls Person A a liar.

I don't know if it's true of everybody, but I used to be in public settings professionally quite a bit and had my photo taken with a lot of different people. Looking back at some of those old photos I couldn't tell you who most of those people were and wouldn't recognize them as familiar if I saw them on the street. I no doubt was introduced to many of them but the human brain can remember only so much.

Famous people are subject to way WAY more of that kind of thing than somebody like me. Countless people introduced to those people want their picture taken with them for bragging rights or whatever. That the famous person does not remember all those people extrapolates to a statement "I don't know ****" that is in no way a lie.

It all comes down to personal honor, integrity, intellectual honesty. The U.S. media can't claim much of any of that these days.

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