McConnell's (R) obstructionist statement unprecedented especially given...

The People spoke in the last Senate election, they don't want what Obama's selling. Let Obama nominate a Conservative like Scalia and he'll get an easy confirmation.
Senators don't nominate judges. You're welcome

How did you come up that response to the previous post?

That's not what was said.

I can only guess your liberal reading comprehension difficulties are popping up again!
This is funny, the liberals are to blame for this. If they would've elected a president for the people. They wouldn't of lost both houses, but instead they elected Obama. Congradulations!
The People spoke in the last Senate election, they don't want what Obama's selling. Let Obama nominate a Conservative like Scalia and he'll get an easy confirmation.
Senators don't nominate judges. You're welcome

Correct, they consent to the nomination and they would consent to another Conservative Italian American for the Scalia seat

Obama needs to do with will of the People and stop being a petty, partisan ideologue.
OH!!! So you know who he is nominating? Come on Frank57
Scalia's seat goes to the winner of the general election. Put your faith in Hillary.
Partisan nonsense.

The appointment is made by the current president, reelected by a majority of the American people; to do otherwise would be to ignore the will of the people who approved of the president's second term.
Confirmation goes to the senate, elected by the will of the people. Obama does not rule by fiat. Sorry. The people will chose again in a few months for what will effect them for years to come. What could be fairer than that?
The President (44) hasn't even put forward a nominee. :eusa_eh:

Republicans at their finest. SCOTUS had not even confirmed his death before McConnell came out w/ his outrageous statement. Stand proud Constitution- hating, obstructionists..... NOT!!!

Actually no......its been done before.......try to keep up
What made it really cringe worthy was McConnell coming- out before the Court even made their own announcement. Repubs are scum, plain and simple.
The President (44) hasn't even put forward a nominee. :eusa_eh:

Republicans at their finest. SCOTUS had not even confirmed his death before McConnell came out w/ his outrageous statement. Stand proud Constitution- hating, obstructionists..... NOT!!!
This is good, Barry's judgement is shitty...

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