mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Republicans filibustered background checks during the Obama years, even though 90 percent of Americans support it

The only legitimate way to get that or any other gun control law passed, would be to first Amend the Constitution to overturn the Seocnd Amendment.

LIbEral filth will never pursue this, because they know that they do not have anywhere close to enough public support to have any realistic chance at succeeding.

Now, if it were really true that there is 90% support among Americans for any gun control law, then it would be absurdly easy to get the Constitution amended to allow it. 90% would be more than enough to guarantee the success of any effort to enact such an Amendment. LIbEral filth love to tell the lie that they have such high levels of public support, but if they really did, then absolutely, someone would have initiated the process of amending the Constitution, by now, and most likely have successfully completed that process.
If they would just pass laws making shooting school administrators and kids illegal this stuff would stop happening.

I guess you could say this guy was a member of the LGBTQPowPowPow community.
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I haven't read all the posts. How angry are Democrats at the fact that police are referring to the shooter as "she" and deadnaming her by calling her "Audrey" instead of "Aiden?"

Democrats actually seem to be staying pretty quiet on the whole deal, other than their usual lame calls to take guns from the law-abiding.
BTW, it turns out the shooter did not have any assault weapons.

Her three firearms were a Kel-Tec 9MM pistol caliber rifle, an AR-15 Pistol, and a small 9MM S&W Pistol.

What gave you the idea they were assault weapons? Just assumed, or did the MSM tell you that?

12 shooting deaths everyday involve kids….all involving guns. One in history involves a trans… right wingers “outlaw the trans!”

What test is given to people to determine if they were born in a body that doesn’t match up with they’re biological body?

You’re making assumptions.

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