Mayor of Athens blames Trump for murder of Laken Riley by criminal alien

Hey CREEPITUS, Biden is the one that OPENED the border. Biden is the one who implored them to come in. Biden is the one who has been sitting on his dumb ass for the past 3 1/2 years while close to 8 0r 10 million Illegals have invaded this country. BIDEN is responsible, culpable, for every citizen's death at the hands of an illegal. Too damn bad he can't be charged as an accomplice..
See ColonelAngus ?

Thank you for making my point, Paleman
See ColonelAngus ?

Thank you for making my point, Paleman
The Democrat turds fuck up everything they touch.

"Hey, let million of Illegals come into the country, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Hey, make Athens, Ga a Sanctuary City, what could possibly go wrong?"

"Hey, let Joe Potatohead, an absolute idiot, get away with stealing an election, what could possibly go wrong?"
If the border was secure, she would not have been murdered by an illegal.
Trump had the border as secure as it could be and the second day Potatohead was in office he undid everything that Trump did.

One of the most stupid things ever done by an American President. Arguably the most stupid thing ever done by an American President.

These idiots that voted for Potatohead are absolute morons. Even Gay Barry warned them that Joe Potatohead was a fuck up.

Weird, I would blame the person who beat the nursing student to death. Blaming Trump for the murder is stupid. Dems need to stop, now. This is bullshit. The USA allowed this to happen to this girl. Disgusting.


The dems are so full of shit that it literally comes out of their asses.

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