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Mayor Eric Adams predicts migrant crisis 'will destroy New York City'

There actually is a quota system, and it is seriously broken.

Yet the rabid dogs on the Right have been sabotaging any efforts at reform for over two decades.

They primaried one of the most conservatives members in Congress, Eric Cantor, out of office for supporting immigration reform.

Every president since Bush, excepting Trump, has tried to reform our broken immigration program.

All the government has to do in an emergency situation right now is shut down the border and people will stop coming. And dont give me the line that that its the fault of corporations etc for hiring illegals... people all through Latin America know that if they move here.. they can get health care and public assistance that they could never get in their home countries. We are completely capable of shutting down the border but Democrats fear losing the Latin American vote. Its the number one factor... not the security of the nation.
All the government has to do in an emergency situation right now is shut down the border and people will stop coming. And dont give me the line that that its the fault of corporations etc for hiring illegals... people all through Latin America know that if they move here.. they can get health care and public assistance that they could never get in their home countries. We are completely capable of shutting down the border but Democrats fear losing the Latin American vote. Its the number one factor... not the security of the nation.
I'd say it is more the fault of the agriculture sector. They are the ones hiring illegals from Latin America.

They don't have any choice, really. It's not like Americans are willing to leave their suburban homes, pile into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick asparagus for two weeks, then drive 300 miles to pick lettuce the next week. No matter how much you pay them.

It's called MIGRANT work for a reason.

The problem, as I said, is our quota system is fucked up. We aren't meeting the labor demand with a proper labor supply. We deliberately have created a system where farmers are forced to hire illegal labor.

The farmers should not be punished for that. We need to fix our quota system.

As for those coming here, it takes 15 years to become a US citizen legally.

15 years.

Try convincing someone fleeing a war they need to get to the back of the line and wait 15 years.
Isn't NYC a sanctuary city? No sympathy here.

The same people who run the sanctuary cities had or have no sympathy for the people who live in border cities and have been dealing with similar problems for some time now. Say Texas for example...... so you have a good point there.
They're not doing enough, actually. I know for a fact there are still empty hotel rooms, apartments, homes, and government offices in NYC. Anything less that 100% occupancy of these places is xenophobic and racist.
Oh, of course. I think democrats should force people in NYC to open their homes to them. What do you think about that?
I'd say it is more the fault of the agriculture sector. They are the ones hiring illegals from Latin America.

They don't have any choice, really. It's not like Americans are willing to leave their suburban homes, pile into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick asparagus for two weeks, then drive 300 miles to pick lettuce the next week. No matter how much you pay them.

It's called MIGRANT work for a reason.

The problem, as I said, is our quota system is fucked up. We aren't meeting the labor demand with a proper labor supply. We deliberately have created a system where farmers are forced to hire illegal labor.

The farmers should not be punished for that. We need to fix our quota system.

As for those coming here, it takes 15 years to become a US citizen legally.

15 years.

Try convincing someone fleeing a war they need to get to the back of the line and wait 15 years.

Why would migrants bother to sign up for a worker program when its so easy to just come here illegally now???

Shut down the border and workers will be lining up for that work.

Kamala made a big deal about finding the root causes of this immigration crisis.. yet she didnt mention the agricultural worker program. I can see the problem is these inept people in government who should have a job working at a local car wash.
Why would migrants bother to sign up for a worker program when its so easy to just come here illegally now???
You think it is easy being an illegal immigrant constantly in fear of being caught and sent back to a war zone?

Put down the crack pipe, son.

Shut down the border and workers will be lining up for that work.
No, they won't. Because the current quota system does not allow them to work here.

Every time there is an immigration crackdown, farmers crops rot in the fields. Americans are not running to fill the gap.
There it is folks. This guy is a Democrat?
Are you listening America? Are you listening Democrats? Look what you've encouraged. Democrats are the ones who want to tear down walls, and build "bridges".

To rational Americans out there, why are you sitting back and allowing this to happen? Why are any of you still voting for Democrats? These are the people that have encouraged this, these are the people who create sanctuary cities and states. Why are you ok with this?

"Let me tell you something, New Yorkers. Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don't see an ending to this. I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City,"

Every bus load of migrants from the Southern States is like one more torpedo into the side of a burning battleship.
Oh, of course. I think democrats should force people in NYC to open their homes to them. What do you think about that?

It's really disappointing that DemoKKKrat voters aren't doing this of their own free will. It smacks of xenophobia and racism.

If the government of NYC has to force people to take migrants in, they better start with the ones who voted for Eric Adams, Kathy Hochul, and Joe Biden. This is what they wanted.
Oh, of course. I think democrats should force people in NYC to open their homes to them. What do you think about that?
Be careful what you wish for that possibility is currently being discussed and may become a reality.
I'd say it is more the fault of the agriculture sector. They are the ones hiring illegals from Latin America.

They don't have any choice, really. It's not like Americans are willing to leave their suburban homes, pile into their commuter cars, and drive 200 miles to pick asparagus for two weeks, then drive 300 miles to pick lettuce the next week. No matter how much you pay them.

It's called MIGRANT work for a reason.

The problem, as I said, is our quota system is fucked up. We aren't meeting the labor demand with a proper labor supply. We deliberately have created a system where farmers are forced to hire illegal labor.

The farmers should not be punished for that. We need to fix our quota system.

As for those coming here, it takes 15 years to become a US citizen legally.

15 years.

Try convincing someone fleeing a war they need to get to the back of the line and wait 15 years.

There is a war right now in Mexico and Venezuella? you're saying that every immigrant who is crossing the border is fleeing a war?
I'm saying no... they dont have to leave where they live. They are coming here because its a better life in the U.S. there may be a few who are escaping a conflict or gang violence. Also... not all those people are looking for farm jobs, they are headed for cities.. not the countryside.

The other thing is, if there are really people escaping a war.. they can simply escape by moving to the next country over, they dont need to hike all the way to the U.S. to escape their war.
There is a war right now in Mexico and Venezuella?
The New Right is constantly pointing out the disaster that is Venezuela.

Where do asylum seekers come from?​

Admittances rose between 2018 and 2019 due to a surge of Venezuelan asylum seekers, highlighting the economic and political crisis in the country which continues today.
However, Chinese nationals were the largest group of asylum seekers over the past decade, comprising approximately 63,000 people, or more than one-fifth of total asylees entering the US between fiscal years 2012 and 2021.
More Chinese nationals received asylee status defensively than affirmatively, meaning most admittances occurred after people applied for asylum during deportation proceedings.
A bar graph depicting the 10 countries where the most affirmative asylees have come into the US from between 2012 and 2021.
The New Right is constantly pointing out the disaster that is Venezuela.

Where do asylum seekers come from?​

Admittances rose between 2018 and 2019 due to a surge of Venezuelan asylum seekers, highlighting the economic and political crisis in the country which continues today.
However, Chinese nationals were the largest group of asylum seekers over the past decade, comprising approximately 63,000 people, or more than one-fifth of total asylees entering the US between fiscal years 2012 and 2021.
More Chinese nationals received asylee status defensively than affirmatively, meaning most admittances occurred after people applied for asylum during deportation proceedings.
A bar graph depicting the 10 countries where the most affirmative asylees have come into the US from between 2012 and 2021.
Venezuela was the jewel of South America up until they went socialist. Reality is a bitch.
Well I see a fucking mod moved this huge political NEWS STORY, to this board that few use.
Guess they can't deal with this story leading the news cycle.

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