Massive Turnout for Haley!

Why is she doing this? Nikki?
Her money is coming from the Democrats.
If she runs against Biden He'll bury her by 40 states to 10. They know it too. Ramaswamy More or less exposed her when he said she knows more about what they're planning to do to Trump Then she's letting on. I tend to believe him.
OMG.... that looks like just the guys she's fucked in the few years.... to her husband's and daughter's shame and dismay....

She's got that Hillury/Kumala likability factor going on... :laughing0301:

Keep stacking that 'campaign' money... she's gonna need it when she's working for MSLSD for $15/hour and the free sandwich bar.

nikki haley love this part warmonger.jpg
Blacks are now realizing Democrats are pandering lying manipulative that are sweet talking Machiavellian con-artists. Systemic racism comes in the form of LBJ and Democrats "helping" poor blacks in the form of making them dependent on the great white Democrats handing out welfare and food stamps. And destroying the poor black family unit by making black female only families dependent on the democrats.
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Blacks are now realizing Democrats are pandering lying manipulative that are sweet talking Machiavellian con-artists. Systemic racism comes in the form of LBJ and Democrats "helping" poor blacks in the form of making them dependent on the great white Democrats handing out welfare and food stamps. And destroying the poor black family unit by making black female only families dependent on the democrats.
That message is getting right down to the streets and into the hood a place I never thought I'd see it. They're finally getting it about 20 years too late because 5 years from now the Latinos will be making all the rules.

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