Its not inflation, its price-gouging

Biden didn’t promise to “decimate big oil”. Biden promised to begin a gradual transition from oil to green energy that would take 20 years to complete.

Oil companies have been looking for years at other ways of making money. They’re not being put out of business.

20 years is a very short amount of time, when Biden is making these promises, without even understanding the technology. All we know now is Lithium batteries are not really the way to go in the long run. They do too much damage to the earth.
Secondly, oil companies profits over costs on gasoline are only about .10 per gallon if that. Gasoline isnt the reason oil companies have made big why all this devisveness over our U.S. companies for making money? Its simply devisive politics and a great way for politicians to take the heat off themslves. Like Biden.

Federal tax on gas is about .14 per gallon and the state of California is about .51 per gallon. They both take more than the oil companies profit on Gasoline.
More evidence every day that corporations are making record profits.

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years
Gas prices: highest in 7 years

It's what happens when politicians aren't accountable to voters because the political system is out of date and sucks.

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