The Arrogance of the Trump Worshippers Fails to See Reality

... and you want to debate Charlie Kirk? bwahahaha

Get some propane for you gas light .. which is probably racist.
I would destroy Kirk. I'm not one of those children he debates. I have children older than him. He's a college dropout with no talent riding on the white grievance bandwagon to get rich. That's all he is.
Democrats have a man in the W.H. who can barely function and they think republicans aren't facing reality? Sometimes you gotta scratch your head.
Your post is a prime example of why I say Republicans aren't facing reality.
I stated that after the 4 years of tRump (the t is silent) then all the Dems had to do is present a ham sandwich. I had no idea that the Dems would take my suggesting and run with it and still are. But Biden is still just a ham sandwich without any condiments. And tRump is a complete insane power hungry crazy that we cannot allow him another 4 years. Let's face it, even Al Capone would shake his head in disbelief. Even Al fed the poor when he wasn't mowing down his competitors.
Why is the former president who had four years of relative peace and prosperity , categorized as an "insane power hungry crazy" while lefties are supporting a genuine power hungry mentally impaired president for another term? Is TDS really a mental illness?
That trump is running for the Republican nomination and still he's losing 20 percent of the vote to a person who has quit running. Yet they still predict a trump victory.

OnPolitics: Haley is still racking up votes in the primaries. What this means for Trump.

Hey OnPolitics readers! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign in March, but she’s still going strong in the Republican primaries as she racks up a notable share of votes against Donald Trump, spelling a warning sign for the former president, experts say.

Haley built a broad coalition of voters, including moderate and anti-Trump Republicans, during her presidential run that cut into the former president’s commanding lead in the primary polls, your OnPolitics author reported. As her now “zombie campaign” continues to receive support, Trump could be in danger if he doesn’t make an effort to reach out to the dissatisfied group in his GOP base who could reject him come the general election.

How much votes did Haley garner in recent primaries? On Tuesday, Haley received 20% of the vote in Maryland, 17.9% in Nebraska and 9.4% in West Virginia. In the Indiana primary last week, Haley garnered 21.7% of the vote.

These people are not going to be voting for Trump in November. The general number who have continued voting for Haley is about 20 percent, and trump is leading whatever pollls these guys dredge up by 1-2 percentage poiints. The arrogance of the right has them ignoring this.
Bidumb has more than that voting for nobody.
she wouldn't.

but because people are writing her in now, 'Someone' believes that's going to affect votes for Trump in NOv.
Why do you think it wouldn’t affect it? The fact that two months after she left the race people are still voting for her sends a clear message. Does it mean they’re all going to vote against Trump? No, I suspect most of them will probably end up supporting him. The question is how many will defect in such a close race.
Why is the former president who had four years of relative peace and prosperity , categorized as an "insane power hungry crazy" while lefties are supporting a genuine power hungry mentally impaired president for another term? Is TDS really a mental illness?

Let's see. He tried to use Ukrainian funds to get them to start an investigation on Biden but they refused. When that didn't work he tried to get many states to throw out their Electoral College votes out. When that didn't work, he tried to influence the Governors in the swing states he lost in. Then when didn't work, he released his "Mob" onto the Congressional grounds to delay the counting of the ECs of each state hoping that would buy him time for his next insanity.

I could go on but the facts remain that he's guilty of trying to overthrow a legally elected President by force. And that is Treason. And that is why (among others) that he is on trial in both civil and criminal court at state and federal levels. And this whole thing is insanity presented by a very insane power hungry dictator wanna be. He needs tried and convicted not reelected.
That trump is running for the Republican nomination and still he's losing 20 percent of the vote to a person who has quit running. Yet they still predict a trump victory.

OnPolitics: Haley is still racking up votes in the primaries. What this means for Trump.

Hey OnPolitics readers! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign in March, but she’s still going strong in the Republican primaries as she racks up a notable share of votes against Donald Trump, spelling a warning sign for the former president, experts say.

Haley built a broad coalition of voters, including moderate and anti-Trump Republicans, during her presidential run that cut into the former president’s commanding lead in the primary polls, your OnPolitics author reported. As her now “zombie campaign” continues to receive support, Trump could be in danger if he doesn’t make an effort to reach out to the dissatisfied group in his GOP base who could reject him come the general election.

How much votes did Haley garner in recent primaries? On Tuesday, Haley received 20% of the vote in Maryland, 17.9% in Nebraska and 9.4% in West Virginia. In the Indiana primary last week, Haley garnered 21.7% of the vote.

These people are not going to be voting for Trump in November. The general number who have continued voting for Haley is about 20 percent, and trump is leading whatever pollls these guys dredge up by 1-2 percentage poiints. The arrogance of the right has them ignoring this.

You too stupid to watch the results for yourself? Don't answer that, we all know the answer.


So you are a true conservative...... AAAAAGGGGGGG. Sorry, I threw up a little in my mouth.

Why would she get 20% of the vote in November?

In fact Haley is meeting with her donors, she might jump back in. P01135809 is NOT running as well as he says and if he convicted in New York, he will lose at least one third of Republicans who will NOT vote for a convicted felon.

Was that in this morning's email?

I ask because it's the second time in ten minutes I've seen a conservative use the term.
How sad….Libs still don’t know how primaries work.
We need to vote for the one that does the least amount of damage. So far, Biden can be contained by the other 2 parts of the Government. The trouble with tRump (the t is silent) everything he will do will be to cement his power until there is only a complacent congress and supreme court. He came awful damned close and I don't want him to finish the job.

We can have another 4 years of "A Weekend at Joes"

Or we can just finish the job that tRump started

Good god, stop watching Morning Joe for a few days.
Ignorant suburban Karen-esque soccer moms will cast some bizzarre meaningless vote in some weird show of protest. They’re just plain fucking weirdos….who else would vote for someone with no chance at winning.

What does any of that have to do with understanding a primary election?

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