Nikki Haley: "I will vote for Donald Trump."

Republicans are in a panic because Haley is still taking away 10-15 percent of the vote in the primaries.

Her lukewarm support will hopefully quell Republican Never Trump defections in November

LOL, msm liberals have been freaking out all day over Haley endorsing TRUMP. It's especially hilarious following msm liberals bagging people like Charlemagne the god to endorse Biden.
LOL, msm liberals have been freaking out all day over Haley endorsing TRUMP. It's especially hilarious following msm liberals bagging people like Charlemagne the god to endorse Biden.

The willingness of Republicans to grovel never surprises me

Remember when Ted Cruz endorsed Trump after Trump called his wife ugly?
Lyndon knew the way into the White House too.


It's all in the eyes. Always...
Lyndon knew the way into the White House too.

View attachment 951013
Yes. And from everything I have read including a lot of testimonials, there wasn't any love lost between those two. The rumor and conspiracy theories persists that LBJ was complicit in JFK's assassination but we'll likely never know the story there as I am sure it is buried forever right along with the alien space crash at Roswell.

But Kennedy was so 'rich uppity Easterner' that he needed a popular inroad into the south and west and LBJ was his solution.. And JFK was LBJ's ticket to the big time. As it was in 1960, Kennedy barely beat Nixon 49.72% to 49.55% a difference of 112,027 in the popular vote. Without LBJ on the Democrat ticket, Nixon would have easily won. JFK did get a substantial majority of electoral college votes though as almost all the south and northeast voted Democrat.

All this is to say the VP choice is important either to gain votes or at least not lose any.

I honestly don't know if Nikki would help or hurt Trump. I know a lot of people voted for her as the only alternative they had to Trump but that doesn't necessarily mean they vote enthusiastically for her. I would vote for a Trump/Haley ticket of course but I honestly can't get really hopeful that will happen.
President Trump himself said she was not under consideration. I read this a couple weeks ago from another source...but here it is, updated today...

EDIT: here is the political article I read...

Yes, I saw that a little while ago--Trump's TS post I mean--and that indeed may be it. But it is still more than 50 days until the RNC convention and I'm pretty sure he will have announced his VP choice by then. I'm sure the RNC and his team are doing a ton of internal polling--I've noticed a LOT of straw polling on several venues--and the fact that so far it is the best kept secret in the history of politics, I am not ruling out any viable possibility. :) (Trump waited until July 15, 2020 to announce Mike Pence as his running mate.)
Fake Photoshop really doesn’t prove your point regardless of how many times you post it
Did you see where Snopes FINALLY changed their fact check of the Ashley Biden Diary?


Bet they cried bitter tears when they realized they couldn't mislead the public anymore. 😭
Did you see where Snopes FINALLY changed their fact check of the Ashley Biden Diary?

View attachment 951060

Bet they cried bitter tears when they realized they couldn't mislead the public anymore. 😭

Her private thoughts at the time.
You would think Republicans would respect her privacy.

Notice how Ashley doesn’t claim it was not appropriate now

I think Conservatives exploiting a young girls personal thoughts is worse than a parent showering with a young child

A Thousand word diary is worth a few pictures
Rightwinger, is right though. Compromising photoshopped photos should not be used for arguments. He's really straining at gnats though trying to make it sound like she doesn't feel those showers were inappropriate now.
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Her private thoughts at the time.
You would think Republicans would respect her privacy.

Notice how Ashley doesn’t claim it was not appropriate now

I think Conservatives exploiting a young girls personal thoughts is worse than a parent showering with a young child
Yeah, liberals will use any lame excuse not to call out a pedophile. It's damn near a plank of their party's ideology.

You should simply drop the facade and just call yourselves the Pedo Party.
He's taken the route of going all in on just his base.

It doesn't work universally across all voters, but it works extremely well in the Republican Party.

He's risen to power on the strength of his cultish base.
I think that a lot of his voters were just sick of the status quo in 2016

I bet berni would have gotten a lot of those votes had been the nominee

But tRump has been exposed for the goofball that he is this time around

I look for a lot of those voters to go back to saying “fuck it” this time
Rightwinger, is right though. Compromising photoshopped photos should not be used for arguments. He's really straining at gnats though trying to make it sound like she doesn't feel those showers were inappropriate now.
If it's a photoshop that tells an honest story, I have no issue.

We now KNOW for a fact that this is a true depiction of a documented occurrence.

Nobody is being fooled into believing something that did not happen.

It's merely a visual representation of a known fact.

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