mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

As soon as I get a respectfully given idea I will be sure to give it the appropriate answer.
There was nothing inappropriate about that posters suggestion to increase School security. You responded with sarcasm and any emoticon. Nothing wrong with that in itself, this is a message board after all. But then don't later say "wah wah, why don't people respect me?
Hardening schools does not solve the problem of why we have so many school/mass shootings in our country.
It's a step in the right direction, not a cure-all. Do you want them to take down an airport courts also? Why do we protect judges more strongly than we protect our children?
None of this is unique to the US.

I would say that students in Japan are under so much more pressure than ours are.
Yes they are. But I believe that they are tested early and are placed into the appropriate level of curriculum. Our students are constantly told that they must be College students. That's just not realistic and has led to the dumbing down of college and massive student loan debt for people unlikely to ever be able to repay it.
Perhaps it is just the unique combination of it all.
I am sure that is correct.
And now I READ Liberty Daily is saying she is a 28-year-old black woman who was a former student at the school. :dunno:

Can you?

No one said anything about turning schools into either prisons or fortresses. But you had no logical argument against increased physical security, so you set up straw man as usual.

So, by that logic you don't have locks on your doors because gee what if the burglars get bump keys?

Another straw man. I doubt kids would start shooting each other up on the bus, since most of the School shooters are not bus riders. If that happens, metal detectors can be installed. You never complain about them at the airport, do you?

If an adult decides to start shooting at school buses, that will likely only happen in a gun-free zone that your party champions. In a second Amendment zone, which the whole country is supposed to be, that school bus shooter would not last long.

I'd love to. Start by giving respectful answers to respectfully given ideas about how to stop that.

Our schools are socialized education disasters, but they only became that way in the last 30 or 40 years.

Let's get back to teaching kids the basics, kicking out kids who behave and ways that disrupt other kids learning, and realize that some kids are not going to be doctors and lawyers, but need to have vocational education and training.

Our standardized testing, is especially responsible for the pressure cookers that schools have become. They are punished and humiliated for not passing what amounts to an IQ test.

Small wonder that kids lose their minds.

It's what I said.
You left out the word "some" because my schools had no socialized education. My kids went to 2 different high schools in 2 states and got fantastic educations. None of the schools where I taught (and there were a lot of them) were as you described except one in the inner city.
I added the notes in yellow to the NYT chart. Its worthy of a discussion.


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