mass casualty alert in Nashville. Multiple victims down. School Shooting at St Paul Christian school in Nashville

Hmmmm...the attack was at a private, Christian will be interesting to hear the reason for the attack....
Before 1995 there were ZERO school shootings for 150 years.

Why did it start in the 1990's?
On what seemed like a typical summer day, August 1, 1966, a sniper rode the elevator to the top floor of the University of Texas Tower and opened fire, holding the campus hostage for 96 minutes. When the gunshots were finally silenced, the toll included 16 dead, three dozen wounded, and a shaken nation left trying to understand. Using a unique blend of historical archival footage, interviews and rotoscope animation, TOWER reveals the action-packed, untold stories of the witnesses, heroes, and survivors of America’s first mass school shooting, when the worst in one man brought out the best in so many others.
Are Christians perfect?

Adultery is not a Christian value yet a lot of Christians do it.

Greed is not a Christian value, yet there are a lot of greedy Christians.

Hate is not a Christian value, yet this forum is filled with people who claim to be Christians that are filled with it.

No one is perfect, but murder is a level beyond. Anyone who commits murder isn't a Christian.
Well, step one...go back to getting rid of those semi-auto guns.
You'll never rid the country of semi-automatic guns. Besides, a manually operated gun can do just as much damage.

During the Columbine shooting, most of the victims were shot with shotguns. One was a pump, one was a double-barrelled.
You're right....................the WH does have some of the best physical security in the world, and no, it doesn't look like a prison.

Question is......................have you considered how much all of that security that doesn't look like a prison costs? How much it would take to retrofit just ONE school to be like that? Who's gonna pay for it?

Just another meaningless point that you pulled out that doesn't make much sense.
Who cares what it costs? Holy shit!

The Feds can pay for it. Instead of sending places like Honduras $100,000,000 a year, we could use that money to secure our schools.
Murder isn't a Christian value? Really? Because it's been a Christian value in many Christian circles for a long time..............all the way from the Crusades way back when, up to now where there are lots of Christians and Christian preachers calling for the killing of homosexuals or those who don't believe in God as the people calling for the killing do.

No it isn't you fucking loon.
No one is perfect, but murder is a level beyond. Anyone who commits murder isn't a Christian.

That is above your pay grade. God says that is for Him alone to know.

Have you ever even read your Bible?
The 70s are calling.............................they want their Cold War memes back.

Hmmmm, you might want to get more current with times now, sweetcheecks.

Russia is moving nukes into Belarus.

The 1970's are back.

Big time.

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