Martial Law In Canada

In fact Justin has handled it remarkably well and he has the support of nearly all Canadians for not having to call in the military or take other drastic measures. Even conservatives are in agreement with his methods!

And so the truckers are backing off with egg on their faces as they are claiming that their peaceful demonstrations were hijacked by bad guys with bad agendas. We should be good with that explanation and let them believe whatever makes them feel good!

And now the charges and slapdowns on terrorism and sedition charges! This won't be a pretty whitewash like Jan. 6th. has become!
We can always count on you to support an authoritarian state. What does that say about you?
Trudeau handled it just like Xi Jinping would handle a challenge to CCP authority in china
I would hope so!
The important distinction is, in America the military was called in the same day and in Canada the military hasn't been called in after nearly three weeks of putting up with hoodlums.

Ya just can't make this shit up Mac!

Xi Jin Ping currently has the support of the Chinese people and they're solidly behind Xi with the measures being taken with the Islamic terrorist minority.

America kills them and locks them up forever without due course to a trial, while Xi attempts to re-educate them.
Xi Jin Ping currently has the support of the Chinese people and they're solidly behind Xi with the measures being taken with the Islamic terrorist minority.
Who told you that?

public opinion on social media is strictly censured by the CCP and china has never had a free election
Over the past three weeks, Canada has seen many protests of the legal variety. For example, Toronto last weekend saw one of its regular anti-mandate and anti-vaccine demonstrations. A few hundred people assembled at Queen’s Park and then, carrying signs and banners, they marched down streets that police had temporarily closed for their benefit. Then they went home.

You can disagree with their views – and we do – but their protest was perfectly legal. What’s happened at multiple border crossings, and on the streets of Ottawa, is an entirely different story. These aren’t legal protests. They are blockades.

As such, they enjoy no protection under our laws. They are, on the contrary, a threat to the rule of law and democratic government itself. The blockades have generally been non-violent, but they are nonetheless an attempt by a tiny minority of Canadians to impose upon the large, silent, law-abiding majority of their fellow citizens.​

A new poll suggests the public is increasingly fed up with anti-vaccine mandate protests, as Canada’s economy and residents continue to face the brunt of the so-called ‘freedom convoys.”​

The Angus Reid poll, released Monday, says Canadians are showing more opposition to the protests, which have brought some important trade routes in Ottawa, Manitoba, Alberta, and B.C. to a standstill.​

Of those polled, 72 per cent say it’s time for the protesters to go home as they have made their point, and most support police stepping in to deal with the situation.​

Link? Reliable link?

I’m guessing you’d like to see the state send in the troops and crack some heads. You’d never support this action by the state, to suppress left wing groups.

Could you tell me when the left became so completely controlled by the criminal authoritarian State?

No, I expect the police to seize vehicles and bank accounts.

This is Canada. We don't attack and shoot unarmed people here, and when our police "crack heads", they get charged.
The canadian cops are very much the government goons that libs falsely accuse American cops of being

Some of them MIGHT be. But the Police Chief of Ottawa just RESIGNED yesterday because of the stench coming from their Fed Govt. When the LOCAL police were sent out to "find mischief", there was a confrontation with the demonstrators. That quickly got defused when the Police Captain in charge told them "I'm here to find mischief -- I dont see any"..

So in the sense that the LOCAL law enforcement is not really carrying out the tantrum orders from the PM -- the actor child Trudeau will have to rely on Dudley DoRight and RCMP and other FEDERAL GOONS to insert phony actors carrying confederate flags and producing a table of weapons confiscated at a border bridge that could have come from ANYWHERE/ANYTIME -- and all the violence of arrests and scuffles that they need to satisfy the arrogance of leftist govt power whores.

The one exception to that was a VERY VISIBLE and VIOLENT arrest of a 5'4 elderly man with cancer that could barely walk. They took him to ground, caused a concussion that bled out because of the blood thinners this maybe 80 yr old was on. HIS CRIME? Honking at the protestors in SUPPORT.

Trudeau lies. He said this morning -- You HAVE the right to speech. You HAVE the right to protest. But he'll get progressively more desperate and despotic and make some really bad mistakes.
Some of them MIGHT be. But the Police Chief of Ottawa just RESIGNED yesterday because of the stench coming from their Fed Govt. When the LOCAL police were sent out to "find mischief", there was a confrontation with the demonstrators. That quickly got defused when the Police Captain in charge told them "I'm here to find mischief -- I dont see any"..

So in the sense that the LOCAL law enforcement is not really carrying out the tantrum orders from the PM -- the actor child Trudeau will have to rely on Dudley DoRight and RCMP and other FEDERAL GOONS to insert phony actors carrying confederate flags and producing a table of weapons confiscated at a border bridge that could have come from ANYWHERE/ANYTIME -- and all the violence of arrests and scuffles that they need to satisfy the arrogance of leftist govt power whores.

The one exception to that was a VERY VISIBLE and VIOLENT arrest of a 5'4 elderly man with cancer that could barely walk. They took him to ground, caused a concussion that bled out because of the blood thinners this maybe 80 yr old was on. HIS CRIME? Honking at the protestors in SUPPORT.

Trudeau lies. He said this morning -- You HAVE the right to speech. You HAVE the right to protest. But he'll get progressively more desperate and despotic and make some really bad mistakes.

that was very informative



Only far right extremists would demand freedom
It's not "martial law". It's a National Emergency. Just like Trump declared at the Southern Border when you were overrun with foreigners you didn't want in the country. Just like that!!!
Try reading the sources I ptovided. You are incorrect.
Trudeau handled it just like Xi Jinping would handle a challenge to CCP authority in china

I don’t know which is more laughable: the fact that you just compared Trudeau’s response to the blockade to that of President Xi and his response to to the protestors in Tiananmen Square, or the fact that FOX News is telling you it’s true.

Xi ordered murders of all of the leaders of the Tiananmen Square rebellion, and mass imprisonment of the participants.

Get back to me when Trudeau actually kills someone. You can start calling him a tyrant or a dictator.
Try reading the sources I ptovided. You are incorrect.

I’m well aware of your sources. None of them have any credibility or validity. You may as well quote the Onion or the Beavertown News.

Canadians are neither is stupid nor as gullible as the American people and very few of us watch Fox News. Furthermore we have no regard for anyone who does.
This is a great example of how a democracy can be just as brutal and just as oppressive as any other kind of government.

You are an idiot and you elect assholes to office and you get asshole government.
Canada is more like a Monarchy pretending to be a Democracy. The Crown is ultimately in control.
Tiananmen Sq
I don’t know which is more laughable: the fact that you just compared Trudeau’s response to the blockade to that of President Xi and his response to to the protestors in Tiananmen Square, or the fact that FOX News is telling you it’s true.

Xi ordered murders of all of the leaders of the Tiananmen Square rebellion, and mass imprisonment of the participants.

Get back to me when Trudeau actually kills someone. You can start calling him a tyrant or a dictator.
You are grievously misinformed

xi jinping was was a jr officer in the army during and after Tiananmen Square

he’s a monster but took not part in that event
I’m well aware of your sources. None of them have any credibility or validity. You may as well quote the Onion or the Beavertown News.

Canadians are neither is stupid nor as gullible as the American people and very few of us watch Fox News. Furthermore we have no regard for anyone who does.
Fox News is on the ground at the protest actually doing real reporting. The live reporting and interviews of Canadians show that they appreciate the coverage and Fox. CNN is trashing the peaceful protest and trashing Fox News' coverage. Funny, during the Summer riots, CNN was reporting 'nothing to see here' with fires burning behind the reporter. CNN has become nothing but a Marxist tool.
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