Martial Law In Canada

Trudeau reminds me of Mussilini.
1. I have to be super careful how I say this.

2. I recently saw on FOX a clip of Mr. T. talking tough.

3. The host(ess) had a smirk on her face when she used two words to describe him. I believe those words were "gentle" and "beautiful."

4. I have to admit that I chuckled when I heard his soft voice and noticed his beautifully coiffed hair.

5. With all due respect (I am NOT being sarcastic), he does not remind me of Mussolini, when it comes to appearance.
Most Canadians are NOT conservative. Even our Conservative Party is more liberal than the Democratic Party in the USA.

We didn't get "saddled with a lefty", we elected him in a landslide. Liberal parties in Canada received 57% of the popular vote, and it was only that high because people are "disappointed" with Trudeau's ethics problems - to put it as kindly as possible.

New Democratic Party (extreme left wing)
Partie Quebecois (French liberals)
Green Party (very Liberal)

It is extremely difficult for the Conservatives to win elections in Canada since the Party has no real presence in Quebec. Only Alberta is reliably Conservative.
It seems Canadians approve of the PM‘s scandals.
No they did not. You need to read the articles. 46% sympathized with the truckers, but disagreed with their tactics. It looks like the poll was taken to show support for truckers, since the poll asked if you sympathized with the truckers, not whether you agreed with them.

I sympathize with them when a dictatorial tries to quash them and freedom. Disgusting how they are treated by your corrupt governmen.
And you would lose another bet. I never worked for the government in my entire life. And if you'd read my posts, you'd know that.

We were in lockdown until the end of last month you stupid dork. You do know that Amazon pays over $50,000 per year in Toronto, don't you?

Are you really a Canadian. Do you even live in Canada. Your posts read like someone told you about life in Canada, because nothing you post is in any way reflective of life up here.

These are the top start ups in Toronto:

A classic Canadian tactic, try to deflect and discredit.

Not to worry, I can see for miles and miles and miles and...
Most Canadians are NOT conservative. Even our Conservative Party is more liberal than the Democratic Party in the USA.

We didn't get "saddled with a lefty", we elected him in a landslide. Liberal parties in Canada received 57% of the popular vote, and it was only that high because people are "disappointed" with Trudeau's ethics problems - to put it as kindly as possible.

New Democratic Party (extreme left wing)
Partie Quebecois (French liberals)
Green Party (very Liberal)

It is extremely difficult for the Conservatives to win elections in Canada since the Party has no real presence in Quebec. Only Alberta is reliably Conservative.
This is the problem. The trucker protest isn’t about left or right, though you want it to be.

Its about government FORCE via vaccine mandates. If you think vaccine mandates are appropriate, you’re not thinking.
A classic Canadian tactic, try to deflect and discredit.

Not to worry, I can see for miles and miles and miles and...

Well, what else can you do when someone is posting provable lies. You point out the lies to discredit the liar.

I keep pointing out how far your "life experiences" in Canada differ from those of real Canadians who live in Canada. You strike me as a some foreign exchange student who spent some time in school in Canada, and now pretends to be a Canadian. And your obsession with CSIS is "peculiar" to say the least.

The only people CSIS ever follows around are people from Iran, or other terrorist nations. Then there was your recent discovery of the "Nanny Program" which was around was I was young enough to be having babies, and which we actually considered, but we didn't want a live in caregiver. My oldest is turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

Then there's your often expressed opinion that Canadians business is "screwing over" the Americans. Any real Canadian with a knowledge of the history of this nation, knows that just the opposite is true. Look who owns all of our iconic Canadian companies. Hudson's Bay Company - the OLDEST Company in North America, is owned by Americans. Tim Horton's - owned by Americans. Molsen's Breweries - the second oldest company in North America and the makers of Molsen's Canadian Beer - owned by Americans. The only iconic Canadian brands not owned by Americans are Labatt's - owned by a Belgium Brewery, Canadian Tire which is still owned by the Billes Family.

So please just stop pretending that you're a Canadian living in Canada. You're no Canadian, and your attempts to undermine the relationship between Canada and the USA are noted. That's why your so embraced by the Trump Cult here. You consistently talk about how you can't get a job, and you're losing everything, because of CSIS. You're delusional. You'd be on every talk show in Canada if any of this was real, instead of posting lies about Canada on a public message board.
Well, what else can you do when someone is posting provable lies. You point out the lies to discredit the liar.

I keep pointing out how far your "life experiences" in Canada differ from those of real Canadians who live in Canada. You strike me as a some foreign exchange student who spent some time in school in Canada, and now pretends to be a Canadian. And your obsession with CSIS is "peculiar" to say the least.

The only people CSIS ever follows around are people from Iran, or other terrorist nations. Then there was your recent discovery of the "Nanny Program" which was around was I was young enough to be having babies, and which we actually considered, but we didn't want a live in caregiver. My oldest is turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

Then there's your often expressed opinion that Canadians business is "screwing over" the Americans. Any real Canadian with a knowledge of the history of this nation, knows that just the opposite is true. Look who owns all of our iconic Canadian companies. Hudson's Bay Company - the OLDEST Company in North America, is owned by Americans. Tim Horton's - owned by Americans. Molsen's Breweries - the second oldest company in North America and the makers of Molsen's Canadian Beer - owned by Americans. The only iconic Canadian brands not owned by Americans are Labatt's - owned by a Belgium Brewery, Canadian Tire which is still owned by the Billes Family.

So please just stop pretending that you're a Canadian living in Canada. You're no Canadian, and your attempts to undermine the relationship between Canada and the USA are noted. That's why your so embraced by the Trump Cult here. You consistently talk about how you can't get a job, and you're losing everything, because of CSIS. You're delusional. You'd be on every talk show in Canada if any of this was real, instead of posting lies about Canada on a public message board.
He is a better Canadian than you, you support the corrupt and scandal ridden administration in Canada, sorry your words are hollow when you support such white trash.
Well, what else can you do when someone is posting provable lies. You point out the lies to discredit the liar.

I keep pointing out how far your "life experiences" in Canada differ from those of real Canadians who live in Canada. You strike me as a some foreign exchange student who spent some time in school in Canada, and now pretends to be a Canadian. And your obsession with CSIS is "peculiar" to say the least.

The only people CSIS ever follows around are people from Iran, or other terrorist nations. Then there was your recent discovery of the "Nanny Program" which was around was I was young enough to be having babies, and which we actually considered, but we didn't want a live in caregiver. My oldest is turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

Then there's your often expressed opinion that Canadians business is "screwing over" the Americans. Any real Canadian with a knowledge of the history of this nation, knows that just the opposite is true. Look who owns all of our iconic Canadian companies. Hudson's Bay Company - the OLDEST Company in North America, is owned by Americans. Tim Horton's - owned by Americans. Molsen's Breweries - the second oldest company in North America and the makers of Molsen's Canadian Beer - owned by Americans. The only iconic Canadian brands not owned by Americans are Labatt's - owned by a Belgium Brewery, Canadian Tire which is still owned by the Billes Family.

So please just stop pretending that you're a Canadian living in Canada. You're no Canadian, and your attempts to undermine the relationship between Canada and the USA are noted. That's why your so embraced by the Trump Cult here. You consistently talk about how you can't get a job, and you're losing everything, because of CSIS. You're delusional. You'd be on every talk show in Canada if any of this was real, instead of posting lies about Canada on a public message board.

Oh, you're quite wrong about undermining our relationship with America, at least not solely. I've spoken to truth to ALL major trading allies of Canada. From those European members in CETA (my advice was to export freely, but to reconsider the impact of importing and supporting Canada), to major democracies in Asia and in the M.E.

Stop with the CSIS allegations, I've moved past that false flag attempt by the police to thoroughly understand how the creepy "Big Three" were involved. That is the creepy Toronto Police, Ontario Police and R.C.M.P. The unethical, "first to join the police, last to joint the military" cowards at the TPS and Peel Region did the best in exposing themselves.

I know the gameplan is to try and cost me my home and independence, that's why these creepy predators have worked to interfere in my career pursuits and in the past, my education pursuits. No matter any success they mght have, it will come at a price. Names and addresses included (oops, I wasn't supposed to know that, was I?) further to what I believe have been a successful campaign on my behalf to expose Canada, all I had to do was speak the truth.

I provided the details of a dozen or so Creepy Ones to U.S and European authorities ("how could this guy know these people were undercover unless they did something for him to know"? This helps his credibility"). I will name some publicly before they retire, as some from my youth have.

As it were, I don't trust you or your agenda. I assume you work, once worked, are incentiviced to assist, or, have family who is associated with one of these agencies.

Mock me, attempt to discredit me, make allegations about my soundness of mind, it doesn't matter. I have soundness of conscience and character and I'm well versed in dishonest policing methods.

American businesses and politicians need to know what Canada really represents. If I am lying about a situation, they are free to have Canadian police arrest me. In fact, I've invited them to arrest me if I have committed a crime or lied about my circumstances. I stand with any American or citizen who believed in Due Process, accountability, transparency, Rule of Law, civil liberties and Right to Self Determination.
bullshit, most do.

I would suggest there is some concern from Canadians, mainly in regards to the border. I am willing to bet most Canadians believe that police have enough powers and legal support to NOT require the use of an Emergency Act decree.

There is also a strong sense of hypocrisy as there were protests for months at a pipeline, and we've seen businesses invest BILLIONS to improve their environmental processes, and they eventually left Canada for good, stating the poor business climate as a reason they left.

These decisions cost 1000s of jobs, and our government sent people to meet with THOSE protesters, after months, while these people are viewed as "the enemy". Canadian citizens.

There were also railroad blockages by protesters that dragged on forever. No calls for the use of the Emergency Act.
the police with face sheilds, gas masks, no tags or names were the UN police. I kid you not. 2 airplanes of theirs at at the north bay airport... also explains why they had a translater when protesters were asking them questions. the great reset wef, klaus schwab and the un police in every country.
the police with face sheilds, gas masks, no tags or names were the UN police. I kid you not. 2 airplanes of theirs at at the north bay airport... also explains why they had a translater when protesters were asking them questions. the great reset wef, klaus schwab and the un police in every country.
You have pics or links?
Canada today has become a Fascist dictatorship. Trudeau imposed martial law, is freezing protester's bank accounts

Think about it. Normally, a person's whole life goes through their bank account; automatic payments, billing and utilities--- freezing a bank account is effectively close to locking them out of the human community of LIFE, almost like being convicted and imprisoned, and for what? For either simply verbally supporting or financially donating to help support other fellow Canadians in an act and at a time when doing so was not yet only not even a crime nor an offense, but a protected legal right of Canadians.
Well, what else can you do when someone is posting provable lies. You point out the lies to discredit the liar.

I keep pointing out how far your "life experiences" in Canada differ from those of real Canadians who live in Canada. You strike me as a some foreign exchange student who spent some time in school in Canada, and now pretends to be a Canadian. And your obsession with CSIS is "peculiar" to say the least.

The only people CSIS ever follows around are people from Iran, or other terrorist nations. Then there was your recent discovery of the "Nanny Program" which was around was I was young enough to be having babies, and which we actually considered, but we didn't want a live in caregiver. My oldest is turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

Then there's your often expressed opinion that Canadians business is "screwing over" the Americans. Any real Canadian with a knowledge of the history of this nation, knows that just the opposite is true. Look who owns all of our iconic Canadian companies. Hudson's Bay Company - the OLDEST Company in North America, is owned by Americans. Tim Horton's - owned by Americans. Molsen's Breweries - the second oldest company in North America and the makers of Molsen's Canadian Beer - owned by Americans. The only iconic Canadian brands not owned by Americans are Labatt's - owned by a Belgium Brewery, Canadian Tire which is still owned by the Billes Family.

So please just stop pretending that you're a Canadian living in Canada. You're no Canadian, and your attempts to undermine the relationship between Canada and the USA are noted. That's why your so embraced by the Trump Cult here. You consistently talk about how you can't get a job, and you're losing everything, because of CSIS. You're delusional. You'd be on every talk show in Canada if any of this was real, instead of posting lies about Canada on a public message board.

Please explain to us how coming to an American message board and railing on our policies, our president and etc night and day is HELPING "Canada and US relations".

Screw Canada. Many of us are done and have been done. I have absolutely no regard for our northern neighbors with their bragging about "universal health care". Yeah, you can afford it because you don't need a military. You have ours. Well, maybe that will change going forward. I'm sick of being the world's military.
Let me remind you that Twitter refused to publish links to data from Biden's son's computer, as they were obtained as a result of hacking. But the same Twitter published links to the names of people who gave money to protesting Canadian truck drivers, while the names were obtained by hacking.
Well, what else can you do when someone is posting provable lies. You point out the lies to discredit the liar.

I keep pointing out how far your "life experiences" in Canada differ from those of real Canadians who live in Canada. You strike me as a some foreign exchange student who spent some time in school in Canada, and now pretends to be a Canadian. And your obsession with CSIS is "peculiar" to say the least.

The only people CSIS ever follows around are people from Iran, or other terrorist nations. Then there was your recent discovery of the "Nanny Program" which was around was I was young enough to be having babies, and which we actually considered, but we didn't want a live in caregiver. My oldest is turning 50 in a couple of weeks.

Then there's your often expressed opinion that Canadians business is "screwing over" the Americans. Any real Canadian with a knowledge of the history of this nation, knows that just the opposite is true. Look who owns all of our iconic Canadian companies. Hudson's Bay Company - the OLDEST Company in North America, is owned by Americans. Tim Horton's - owned by Americans. Molsen's Breweries - the second oldest company in North America and the makers of Molsen's Canadian Beer - owned by Americans. The only iconic Canadian brands not owned by Americans are Labatt's - owned by a Belgium Brewery, Canadian Tire which is still owned by the Billes Family.

So please just stop pretending that you're a Canadian living in Canada. You're no Canadian, and your attempts to undermine the relationship between Canada and the USA are noted. That's why your so embraced by the Trump Cult here. You consistently talk about how you can't get a job, and you're losing everything, because of CSIS. You're delusional. You'd be on every talk show in Canada if any of this was real, instead of posting lies about Canada on a public message board.
Heaven forbid you get those from Iran or other terrorist nations into your country. Now it looks like a conservative might be living in Canada! You can sic yours Prime Minister on him and freeze his bank account and steal his dog.

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