Martial Law In Canada

Might as well be martial law:

"Domestic travel restrictions, distribution of essential goods, decision-making power on what is considered an essential service, and the ability to levy fines for violations of the act, are among the measures able to be taken by Canada’s federal government once the Act is invoked, according to Reuters."

All Trudeau has to do is just sit down and talk with the protesters. The Covid threat is now waning. Many countries are dropping mandates. There is no scientific proof that the unvaccinated are a serious threat.
Might as well be martial law:

"Domestic travel restrictions, distribution of essential goods, decision-making power on what is considered an essential service, and the ability to levy fines for violations of the act, are among the measures able to be taken by Canada’s federal government once the Act is invoked, according to Reuters."

All Trudeau has to do is just sit down and talk with the protesters. The Covid threat is now waning. Many countries are dropping mandates. There is no scientific proof that the unvaccinated are a serious threat.
For Tradeau its not about covid anymore

this is a test of wills
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Canada today has become a Fascist dictatorship. Trudeau imposed martial law, is freezing protester's bank accounts, has law enforcement stealing fuel and wood the protesters need to stay warm. All over his stupid vaccinate mandates. Trudeau reminds me of Mussilini. Sources below.

Funny how the Trump Cult approves of the lawbreaker Trump but goes nuts when countries uphold laws they don't like.
I’m well aware of your sources. None of them have any credibility or validity. You may as well quote the Onion or the Beavertown News.

Canadians are neither is stupid nor as gullible as the American people and very few of us watch Fox News. Furthermore we have no regard for anyone who does.
Actually I was quoting ABC News.
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Only far right extremists would demand freedom


The CBC reminds me of this guy...
Actually I was quoting ABC News.

I don't care who you were quoting. You had 1000 people in Windsor protesting. You have fewer than 1000 trucks involved - all independents who don't have anything better to do in the cold.

Canadians are 90% vaccinated. The restrictions were being lifted even as the convoys and blockades were started.

There were a LOT of people in Canada who were really pissed off throughout the pandemic because thousands of American truckers were coming across the border without being tested on either side of the border. Most headed for the Greater Toronto Area, and refrigerator trucks with produce from the USA went the Food Terminal, or the grocery and food processing warehouses in the GTA. And guess where the worst outbreaks in Canada happened?????

Canadians are NOT Americans. We don't love guns. We don't fear the non-whites living among us. You want to do business in Canada, our game, our rules.

We don't need your war machine, we don't need your ghetto scene. We've got more important things to do than to spend our lives living like you do.
I don't care who you were quoting. You had 1000 people in Windsor protesting. You have fewer than 1000 trucks involved - all independents who don't have anything better to do in the cold.

Canadians are 90% vaccinated. The restrictions were being lifted even as the convoys and blockades were started.

There were a LOT of people in Canada who were really pissed off throughout the pandemic because thousands of American truckers were coming across the border without being tested on either side of the border. Most headed for the Greater Toronto Area, and refrigerator trucks with produce from the USA went the Food Terminal, or the grocery and food processing warehouses in the GTA. And guess where the worst outbreaks in Canada happened?????

Canadians are NOT Americans. We don't love guns. We don't fear the non-whites living among us. You want to do business in Canada, our game, our rules.

We don't need your war machine, we don't need your ghetto scene. We've got more important things to do than to spend our lives living like you do.
Why doesn’t Trudeau just lift restrictions if it was already being done as you say? BTW you DID care who I was quoting when you trashed my sources. Now you say you don’t care. Which is it?
I don't care who you were quoting. You had 1000 people in Windsor protesting. You have fewer than 1000 trucks involved - all independents who don't have anything better to do in the cold.

Canadians are 90% vaccinated. The restrictions were being lifted even as the convoys and blockades were started.

There were a LOT of people in Canada who were really pissed off throughout the pandemic because thousands of American truckers were coming across the border without being tested on either side of the border. Most headed for the Greater Toronto Area, and refrigerator trucks with produce from the USA went the Food Terminal, or the grocery and food processing warehouses in the GTA. And guess where the worst outbreaks in Canada happened?????

Canadians are NOT Americans. We don't love guns. We don't fear the non-whites living among us. You want to do business in Canada, our game, our rules.

We don't need your war machine, we don't need your ghetto scene. We've got more important things to do than to spend our lives living like you do.
Most of this truck ‘protest’ nonsense is facilitated by conservatives in the US.

The majority of Canadians oppose the ‘convoy’ idiocy.

‘On Fox shows, people who are opposed to the ongoing Canadian protests against vaccination mandates, Covid-19 restrictions and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have been portrayed as elites out of touch with the views of everyday workers.

Batya Ungar-Sargon, deputy opinion editor of Newsweek, tweeted on Monday: "Don't let the fact that the mainstream media is hiding this fool you: Canadians support the Freedom Convoy."

In fact, poll after poll -- including the very poll Ungar-Sargon was referencing -- has shown that most Canadians oppose the protests and support both vaccination mandates and various restrictions intended to limit the spread of the virus. The polling figures suggest it is Fox's cheerleading for the protests that is out of touch with the views of a significant majority of the Canadian public.’

Most of this truck ‘protest’ nonsense is facilitated by conservatives in the US.

The majority of Canadians oppose the ‘convoy’ idiocy.

‘On Fox shows, people who are opposed to the ongoing Canadian protests against vaccination mandates, Covid-19 restrictions and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have been portrayed as elites out of touch with the views of everyday workers.

Batya Ungar-Sargon, deputy opinion editor of Newsweek, tweeted on Monday: "Don't let the fact that the mainstream media is hiding this fool you: Canadians support the Freedom Convoy."

In fact, poll after poll -- including the very poll Ungar-Sargon was referencing -- has shown that most Canadians oppose the protests and support both vaccination mandates and various restrictions intended to limit the spread of the virus. The polling figures suggest it is Fox's cheerleading for the protests that is out of touch with the views of a significant majority of the Canadian public.’

A CNN fact check? :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: They're ones trashing the protesters!!! Most of whom are Canadian truckers. BTW Biden is the one who urged Trudeau to declare this fake emergency. You lefties are so incestuous when it comes to spewing propaganda.
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I don't care who you were quoting. You had 1000 people in Windsor protesting. You have fewer than 1000 trucks involved - all independents who don't have anything better to do in the cold.

Canadians are 90% vaccinated. The restrictions were being lifted even as the convoys and blockades were started.

There were a LOT of people in Canada who were really pissed off throughout the pandemic because thousands of American truckers were coming across the border without being tested on either side of the border. Most headed for the Greater Toronto Area, and refrigerator trucks with produce from the USA went the Food Terminal, or the grocery and food processing warehouses in the GTA. And guess where the worst outbreaks in Canada happened?????

Canadians are NOT Americans. We don't love guns. We don't fear the non-whites living among us. You want to do business in Canada, our game, our rules.

We don't need your war machine, we don't need your ghetto scene. We've got more important things to do than to spend our lives living like you do.
So what if American truckers crossed the border without being tested? That's not the issue in this protest which is Canadians protesting a tyrannical government run by a minority party. How did you guys let THAT happen? You must have a really screwed up Monarchy.
The calling of the Emergency Act will result in foreign governments who rule with an iron fist to constantly refer to Canada whenever we chirp up about THEIR abuses. I looked at MSNBCs website and been switching to CNN a few times and there has been no report of this historic moment. Why wouldn't they address this after weeks of interest in the trucker protests?

I have listened to experts on the Emergency Act powers, including a law professor who said on CBC that the issue being faced in Ottawa does not meet the threshold. Our Canadian Civil Liberties Group (who are sadly lacking in the fight for civil liberties here) took the exceptional step of NOT supporting this decision, claiming they don't believe it rises to the level either.

Protesting against government isn't new, even being anti-government (which I have never been, I am more of "anti-policy" one offs), is part of the democratic process as long as it doesn't involve violence. it's what some do to have their voices heard in a free, confident and prosperous democracy.

If people are breaking the law, then the local police need to charge them and arrest them. For the protests in Ottawa, it seems to me that the local and provincial laws address this issue.

There will be a push to deny ANY Canadian access to such funding sites, just as government is trying to censor social media. What will it mean for Canada? As usual, we will fall further behind the rest of the innovate and free (generally) West. The distance between us and the most strict governments will be further narrowed.

Premier Doug Ford imay be in tough, as I am reading MANY comments from conservative voters in Ontario and it's clear that his open support for this historical decision is going to cost him voters.
I don't care who you were quoting. You had 1000 people in Windsor protesting. You have fewer than 1000 trucks involved - all independents who don't have anything better to do in the cold.

Canadians are 90% vaccinated. The restrictions were being lifted even as the convoys and blockades were started.

There were a LOT of people in Canada who were really pissed off throughout the pandemic because thousands of American truckers were coming across the border without being tested on either side of the border. Most headed for the Greater Toronto Area, and refrigerator trucks with produce from the USA went the Food Terminal, or the grocery and food processing warehouses in the GTA. And guess where the worst outbreaks in Canada happened?????

Canadians are NOT Americans. We don't love guns. We don't fear the non-whites living among us. You want to do business in Canada, our game, our rules.

We don't need your war machine, we don't need your ghetto scene. We've got more important things to do than to spend our lives living like you do.

We just lost 200,000 jobs last month alone and Canada is celebrating low wage Amazon warehouses in Toronto while Texas has TWO $100B+ chip factories invested by Japanese companies. THAT is innovation, ambitious and achievement, NOT more growth of unsustainable government jobs, contract work, part-time temp. work at minimum wage.

I am willing to bet, that you are a career government employee. Am I right?
Most of this truck ‘protest’ nonsense is facilitated by conservatives in the US.

The majority of Canadians oppose the ‘convoy’ idiocy.

‘On Fox shows, people who are opposed to the ongoing Canadian protests against vaccination mandates, Covid-19 restrictions and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have been portrayed as elites out of touch with the views of everyday workers.

Batya Ungar-Sargon, deputy opinion editor of Newsweek, tweeted on Monday: "Don't let the fact that the mainstream media is hiding this fool you: Canadians support the Freedom Convoy."

In fact, poll after poll -- including the very poll Ungar-Sargon was referencing -- has shown that most Canadians oppose the protests and support both vaccination mandates and various restrictions intended to limit the spread of the virus. The polling figures suggest it is Fox's cheerleading for the protests that is out of touch with the views of a significant majority of the Canadian public.’

Today my friend and I went into the city for a day of retail therapy. For me, it's a chance to get to my fabric supplier to pick new fabrics for the new lines I'm working on.

First I indulged in some half priced expensive chocolates - post Valentine's Day Specials. And Walmart was gifting everyone who came through the door with 5 rapid tests. After dazzling my friend with my fabric supplier's three massive floors of sparkly stuff, we went to Montana's for lunch.

This is our first "Road Trip" since lockdowns ended, and it's good to get out. The local restaurants have been getting a fair bit of business from us, because we're sick of our own cooking.

But the people in Toronto, who have been in lockdown since before Christmas, and 90% of whom are vaxxed were being told to stay home last weekend because of these damn protests. We can go to hockey games, Raptors games, theatres, and concerts. Except all of that is happening downtown, where these jerks are occupying the streets, hassling people wearing masks, and generally being jerks.

None of the locals in any of these cities have a good word to say about these interlopers.
And you don’t think that’s tyrannical and authoritarian.

I think all our out of country leftists would be rabid with us -- if WE started confiscating the cars for people doing smash and grabs. OR MAYBE -- intercepting the financial donations for BLM from major corporations and just confiscating them.

But mere "marginalized" truckers? Pffft -- screw 'em. And anybody who LIKES a trucker. Trudeau aint fond of the common worker. Odd for the left -- aint it? MAKE THEM lose in 2 weeks in quarantine every time they cross the border on a route. It wont hurt the govt in Ottawa at all.

You know -- if that was a UNIONIZED blockade of a business or govt facility --- DragonLady would be 120% supporting it. EVEN IF -- it lasted more than a week and crippled supplies.

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