Canada’s Culture of Death

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

The problem Canada has right now is all the leftist garbage that is running the country. Magical thinking, rainbow loving, Unicorn riding sissy boy, Trudeau, is a damaged individual. His wife took the kids and left him just a few months ago. Taking such a bold move while they are in the public eye is rare. It is also a major red flag. What in the world would cause her to do that rather than wait until his term ends? We will not know until Justin slithers out of office. Then we may still not know the entire truth.

Something is clearly wrong with Trudeau. Losing his family, pimping policy that is degrading to individuals and humanity, dressing up like Indians on his and his family’s trip to India, and the whole black face thing. Trudeau is a garbage person with issues, and the shit runs downhill.

There’s a couple of fellas on this board here that have committed the social faux pas of admitting to being Canadians. It’s like walking up to a stranger and saying, “Hi. I just had rectum replacement surgery due to all the rough gay sex I have had. What’s your name?” Anyway, these Canadian fellas are nuttier than squirrel shit.

What the hell is wrong with Canadians? I have thoroughly analyzed this and have concluded that the answer is rather complex. But it essentially boils down to one of the following, or some combination thereof:

1. French-Canadians are, well, French. That says it all.

2. They have penis envy of the United States.

3. Their brains stay frozen for 73.27% of the year.

4. Too much isolation.

5. They suffer from an acute inferiority complex because they are third, behind the USA and Mexico, as most popular country in North America.

I also suspect some inbreeding. It is bound to happen. You and your family live up in the Yukon, mining gold or some stupid shit. Winter comes and you have to lock yourself indoors for 6 months because it is like minus 750F outside. If you went outside and tried to take a leak, your dick would freeze and fall off before you are even done pissing. It would hit the froze ground and shatter into a million pieces. And with no way to aim your stream, it just kinds of spurts out there in a billion different directions, immediately freezing upon leaving your pee hole where your wang used to be.

There are only so many places to stick your dick inside that dark cabin. And now that your dick has been lost to the cold, even if you stick to just your wife to hug your nub, if she satisfies you then your liquid love is going burst out all over the place. I mean, all those people cooped up in one place and all that seed flying around? It’s a hillbilly hookup waiting to happen.

You got to all huddle together in the same bed to stay warm at night. At some point a man is going to say to himself, “I think I can slide it into the old lady and not wake everybody up!” Then he goes for it. A couple months later his mother in law turns up pregnant. It was dark that night and you were huddled together like hamsters. Apparently, you tapped the wrong cooter, and your dick is so small she did not even wake up.

These Canadians are some weird fuckers. I think we can all agree on that. I cannot look at one without wondering what 4-legged critters he has been intimate with. And of all the people they could pick to lead them, they pick soy boi Trudeau, who is almost a tranny. The unfortunate fact is that I prefer to deal with Mexicans over Canadians.

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