Marina Gross one of 4 people in a meeting between Putin and Trump


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018
Who is interpreter Marina Gross and will her notes of Trump's Putin meeting be useful? - ABC News (

Members of congress have been trying to get these notes while Trump was President. Now that he is no longer the president then it will be up to Biden to declassify. Well the notes are her sense of what was being discussed. The Memcon documents is what I want to read. I would hope that Biden makes them available and the timing could not be better.

It may have little value but because Trump confiscated the interpreter notes then that does says a lot. What is he hiding? The article says they exist and also delves into some interpreters who believe to release these documents would set a bad precedent.

I would disagree with that as the President is meeting a foreign dignitary and the public does have a right to know what was discussed. Now if it needs to be redacted because of top secret information then that is fine. I do not know what top secret stuff Trump would be talking to Putin about but there is a process. They should have intel guys review it and classify as needed.

The important issue is government transparency and the public has a right to know. They are public documents. He was meeting Putin representing the US. Now I suspect there may be more that he talked about that wasn't exactly government business.

Right to know and government transparency out weights personal privilege.

If anything Presidents should be wary of what they say and try to stick to the topic at hand. They should have some political savvy and not get played.

Save the Rico Suave for the dance floor.
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They could release the notes, but of course no foreign leader will ever speak to a US president in confidence again.

All so the moonbats can cling onto their bizarre TrumPutin conspiracy theory that was quite obviously made out of whole cloth by the Democrats to distract attention away from the fact that they rigged the election for Hillary.

Moonbats are idiots.
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Speaking in confidence. The only thing that they should be speaking about is official business. If its official business then there should be no secrets. If classified then classify the parts that should not be known at this point in time. If there is nothing there then why are people so worried. Foreign leaders will speak because they want to let the people know that they are doing something that benefits the nations involved. There is plenty of time to socialize but to meet in private is another issue.

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