Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Seriously, you boot lickin' jingo's are all over the FBI ,Russians ,Hillary, deep state, etc

But can't see they've been every bit full 'o sh*t all along.....

partisan tools....
In 2006 3 fully armed black ops terrorized this man ( including a full on 50,000 volt taser to his back while restrained) for asking questions about nano-thermite dust particles found at ground zero. Why is that ? Who sent them ?

The FBI uses this tactic like they did with that one Vince Foster witness.
11:00 to 17:00
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Prove it.

Tell it to your Congresscritter, who's privy to, but won't release the '28 pages'


Translation: "I can't prove it."

Because....they won't RELEASE the proof


There are 28 pages that somehow prove that everything was burned up
In the fire? Do you even know what discussion you are in?

I am correct, you can’t prove anything. Thee is only one theory that is based in fact and that is the official version. That can be proven, has been proven, and you loonies can not prove or back anything up.
Lol, fake.
When you're in the darkness, maybe.
You should come to the light - it's nice over here.

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Lol, fake.
When you're in the darkness, maybe.
You should come to the light - it's nice over here.

Paranoia, gullibility, ignorance, if that’s the light, you can keep it.

Neither Osama Bin Laden nor the Taliban had anything to do with the demolition of the World Trade Center, which the evidence proves was carried out using an advanced form of thermite created using nano-technology. Nor did the airplane crashes themselves cause the towers to collapse. The plane crashes were merely part of the deception, meant to provide a plausible explanation for the pre-planned explosive demolitions that followed.
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There would be, for example, no reporting in the mainstream media of Israeli involvement or prior knowledge of the attacks. And this was just the beginning of the censorship the controlled media was to impose on the events of 9-11.

The possibility that these men could be Israeli intelligence agents involved in a spectacular "false flag" terror attack was discussed in my article that went to print in the American Free Press on September 20, 2001. It was the only newspaper in the United States where such thoughts could openly be expressed.

Months later, Forward, a well known New York-based Jewish newspaper, confirmed that Urban Moving Systems, the Weehawken, New Jersey-based "moving" company that the men worked for, was actually an Israeli intelligence front operation and that at least two of the men, evidently the Kurzberg brothers, were known agents of Mossad, Israel's military intelligence agency. Dominic Suter, the Israeli "owner" of the company and a prime suspect, was somehow allowed to flee to Israel after the Federal Bureau of Investigation had initially interviewed him, but before they could interrogate him a second time.

He has not been extradited to the United States since. After being held for 10 weeks, the five Israelis were sent back to Israel on visa violations. Ellner, Marmari, and Schmuel appeared on an Israeli television show, without the Kurzberg brothers, in November 2001.
Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part Two - Security - 911Truth.Org %

Larry Silverstein owned WTC building 7, and in May 2001, he also finalized a 99-year lease of the WTC complex and took over operation of WTC buildings 1, 2, 4 and 5 from the PANYNJ. His partners in the deal were retail operator Westfield America and real estate investor Lloyd Goldman. To finance his deal for the WTC, “Silverstein borrowed $726 million from GMAC Commercial Mortgage, a unit of General Motors. GMAC in turn converted the loan into securities, which it sold to investors like pension funds.” [123]

Alan Reiss of the PANYNJ had been working on a three-month transition plan with a team including Silverstein Properties, in the weeks before 9/11. Just before the attacks, the Silverstein group had asked Reiss to let it more fully operate all systems, from safety systems to tenant relations. [124]

Silverstein had hired someone to run the WTC complex for him. This was Geoffrey (Jeff) Wharton, who came to Silverstein Properties from Tishman Speyer, one of the city’s biggest office landlords. Wharton was in charge of the buildings when they were destroyed, and stayed with Silverstein for only one year after that. [125]

Wharton had been in the north tower at the Windows on the World restaurant where he had breakfast every day, and was said to be on the last elevator to descend, at 8:44 AM. He greeted and left behind the new PANYNJ executive director, Neil Levin, who was there waiting for someone although he had not been seen there before. [126] Shortly thereafter, it was Jeff Wharton that first told Larry Silverstein about the attacks. But Silverstein watched it all play out on television. Although Silverstein was said to be distressed by the loss of four of his employees, at the same time, “in a display of shrewdness, Silverstein was already delving into complex legal strategies by the next morning.” [127]

Wharton was a friend of Jerome Hauer, and through Hauer, Silverstein and Wharton met and hired an FBI agent named John O’Neill to run security. [128] It was reported that O’Neill “started out as an FBI support employee and worked his way up to titles such as assistant special agent in charge and section chief in charge of the counterterrorism division. In his 31-year career with the FBI, John O’Neill investigated nearly every terrorist attack aver attributed to Al Qaeda, many of those under the direction and close supervision of FBI Director Louis Freeh. “O’Neill … had been a key part of the investigation of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen last year.” [129]

O’Neill was known to dress like a gangster, and to fraternize with gangsters. He was also dating several women at the same time and was lying to all of them. A few weeks before 9/11, O’Neill got serious about returning to his Catholic faith and began going to mass every day. He repeatedly told people that he felt something was going to happen. On his second day at his WTC office, on the 34th floor, O’Neill was killed when the attacks occurred, although not immediately. It was reported that O’Neill escaped the building but returned in an attempt to help others.

In 2007, Larry Silverstein was awarded a $4.55 billion settlement in insurance payouts for the destruction of the WTC, as a result of the largest insurance claim ever made.
I had to get the 911th reply on this thread.

Several facts are clear from this review of the companies and people responsible for revamping the security systems for the WTC buildings, and securing New York City, on 9/11. One is that many of the people involved were deceptive and/or corrupt, and appeared to have benefited from the attacks. Another is that many of them were connected to each other and to the investigations into previous acts of terrorism and the terrorist financing bank BCCI. Yet another striking similarity among these organizations is that they all did major work for the Saudi Arabian government, or the royal family of Kuwait. Finally, the history of some of those involved, like Terry McAuliffe, shows a level of greed and corruption that overshadowed all preconceptions about US politics.

The PANYNJ occupied a good deal of space in the towers, and contributed to the false WTC report from NIST. Some of its commissioners were linked to BCCI, and its WTC Director appeared to be intentionally deceptive after the attacks. Others like Silverstein Properties’ security manager John O’Neill, and FBI Director Louis Freeh, were the leading experts on Al Qaeda.

The management of Kroll created the WTC security plan, created authoritative reports that promoted a fear of terrorism, had expert knowledge of BCCI, and were intimately linked to the impact zone tenant Marsh & McLennan. AIG was one of the owners of Kroll as of 1993 and, along with Marsh, Lockheed Martin and L-3 Communications (the defense contractor successor to Loral Corp), was a company whose stock was flagged by the SEC after 9/11, in relation to insider trading. [139] Less than a month after the attacks, AIG’s chairman Greenberg said — “The opportunities for us are enormous,” and “It’s not just in the United States, but rates are rising throughout the world. So our business looks quite good going forward.” [140]

It’s clear that some management representatives at the primary WTC security companies also benefited from the War on Terror. Examples include James Abrahamson, Terry McAuliffe and Marvin Bush. Larry Silverstein, whose company had just taken over the security of the complex, reaped a huge windfall in insurance benefits from the destruction of the three buildings.

All four of the primary contractors that were involved in rebuilding the security systems for the WTC had done significant business with the Saudis. Electronic Systems Associates’ parent, S&H, designed King Saud University, and E.J. Electric worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines. Ensec was owned by a former arms dealer to the Saudis and Securacom, owned by a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, was in partnership with Ahmad N. AlBinali & Sons Co., the large Saudi Arabian construction company. Of course, fifteen of the nineteen alleged hijackers were from Saudi Arabia as well. [141]

The leaders of NY City and NY County, who also were the primary players on 9/11 and in the ensuing investigations, were the investigators of BCCI and the 1993 WTC bombing, in the late 1980s an early 1990s. All of them seemed to benefit from the 9/11 attacks. Freeh started a homeland security business and began representing the Saudis. Cherkasky went on to become CEO of Marsh, after it bought Kroll, and helped it avoid prosecution for fraud. Others, like Giuliani, became national heroes for their “response” to 9/11.

Could those involved in the BCCI investigation in New York, many of whom played a large role in the events leading up to, during, and after the attacks at the WTC, somehow have used the information they learned about BCCI to facilitate the attacks and then benefit from them? If so, they might have had to eliminate certain individuals who knew too much. Could the security firms and certain tenant companies have conspired to prepare the Twin Towers for demolition, well in advance of the attacks?

These possibilities seem quite plausible. In fact, a number of these people, including Giuliani, Cherkasky, Freeh, Mueller, Bremer and Hauer have already been charged and indicted by a citizen’s grand jury, for the crimes of 9/11. [142] Further investigation, with subpoena power, is well past due.

The third and final essay in this series will examine the organizations and people who were involved in cleaning up Ground Zero. Those involved in the cover-up investigations will also be evaluated with respect to what has already been learned. It’s possible that the old saying — that criminals always return to the scene of the crime — will help us learn more about what happened.

Part 3- here.
Carlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence
So for those who believe in conspiracy, you think the government would have killed innocent people just like that. it all happen in live tv. and the families in all this, they all testified after the death of one of their loved ones and they were also in on it. they heard the last moments of their relative in the plane 93 who faced the terrorists, they all lie too?
So for those who believe in conspiracy, you think the government would have killed innocent people just like that. it all happen in live tv. and the families in all this, they all testified after the death of one of their loved ones and they were also in on it. they heard the last moments of their relative in the plane 93 who faced the terrorists, they all lie too?
Don't be lazy. All the information is out there ( a lot on this thread if you read between all the troll clutter ) if you're really interested in the truth, and you can make up your own mind instead of asking a bunch of sarcastic rhetorical questions.

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So for those who believe in conspiracy, you think the government would have killed innocent people just like that. it all happen in live tv. and the families in all this, they all testified after the death of one of their loved ones and they were also in on it. they heard the last moments of their relative in the plane 93 who faced the terrorists, they all lie too?
Don't be lazy. All the information is out there ( a lot on this thread if you read between all the troll clutter ) if you're really interested in the truth, and you can make up your own mind instead of asking a bunch of sarcastic rhetorical questions.

Hey! I'm not lazy, are you registered to a site on September 11, 2001? there you will be able to show your "proofs" of conspiracy. here it is a political forum. I think you'll see that you'll get some amazing answers about what you're up to.
Keep me informed. think the government would have killed innocent people
Wouldn't be the first time would it ?
Hey! I'm not lazy, are you registered to a site on September 11, 2001? there you will be able to show your "proofs" of conspiracy. here it is a political forum. I think you'll see that you'll get some amazing answers about what you're up to.
Keep me informed.
I'm sure you're not. My bad.
So if you have nothing to contribute to this 9/11 thread, why are we talking ?
It's okay. Most people are ignorant about how it all went down. That's what lies and deceptions are designed for.

In the years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, a growing number of skeptics have come forward to challenge the official story of what occurred on that horrific day. On the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks, these witnesses and researchers gathered for a four-day conference hosted by Ryerson University in Toronto. There, they collectively delivered their strongest evidence of conspiracy to an international panel of judges. 9/11: Decade of Deception documents the highlights of this milestone event.
9/11: Decade of Deception - Top Documentary Films
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Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part Two - Security - 911Truth.Org %

Larry Silverstein owned WTC building 7, and in May 2001, he also finalized a 99-year lease of the WTC complex and took over operation of WTC buildings 1, 2, 4 and 5 from the PANYNJ. His partners in the deal were retail operator Westfield America and real estate investor Lloyd Goldman. To finance his deal for the WTC, “Silverstein borrowed $726 million from GMAC Commercial Mortgage, a unit of General Motors. GMAC in turn converted the loan into securities, which it sold to investors like pension funds.” [123]

Alan Reiss of the PANYNJ had been working on a three-month transition plan with a team including Silverstein Properties, in the weeks before 9/11. Just before the attacks, the Silverstein group had asked Reiss to let it more fully operate all systems, from safety systems to tenant relations. [124]

Silverstein had hired someone to run the WTC complex for him. This was Geoffrey (Jeff) Wharton, who came to Silverstein Properties from Tishman Speyer, one of the city’s biggest office landlords. Wharton was in charge of the buildings when they were destroyed, and stayed with Silverstein for only one year after that. [125]

Wharton had been in the north tower at the Windows on the World restaurant where he had breakfast every day, and was said to be on the last elevator to descend, at 8:44 AM. He greeted and left behind the new PANYNJ executive director, Neil Levin, who was there waiting for someone although he had not been seen there before. [126] Shortly thereafter, it was Jeff Wharton that first told Larry Silverstein about the attacks. But Silverstein watched it all play out on television. Although Silverstein was said to be distressed by the loss of four of his employees, at the same time, “in a display of shrewdness, Silverstein was already delving into complex legal strategies by the next morning.” [127]

Wharton was a friend of Jerome Hauer, and through Hauer, Silverstein and Wharton met and hired an FBI agent named John O’Neill to run security. [128] It was reported that O’Neill “started out as an FBI support employee and worked his way up to titles such as assistant special agent in charge and section chief in charge of the counterterrorism division. In his 31-year career with the FBI, John O’Neill investigated nearly every terrorist attack aver attributed to Al Qaeda, many of those under the direction and close supervision of FBI Director Louis Freeh. “O’Neill … had been a key part of the investigation of the World Trade Center bombing in 1993, the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, the embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the attack on the USS Cole in Yemen last year.” [129]

O’Neill was known to dress like a gangster, and to fraternize with gangsters. He was also dating several women at the same time and was lying to all of them. A few weeks before 9/11, O’Neill got serious about returning to his Catholic faith and began going to mass every day. He repeatedly told people that he felt something was going to happen. On his second day at his WTC office, on the 34th floor, O’Neill was killed when the attacks occurred, although not immediately. It was reported that O’Neill escaped the building but returned in an attempt to help others.

In 2007, Larry Silverstein was awarded a $4.55 billion settlement in insurance payouts for the destruction of the WTC, as a result of the largest insurance claim ever made.

What exactly are you accusing Silverstein of?
Lol, fake.
When you're in the darkness, maybe.
You should come to the light - it's nice over here.

Paranoia, gullibility, ignorance, if that’s the light, you can keep it.

Neither Osama Bin Laden nor the Taliban had anything to do with the demolition of the World Trade Center, which the evidence proves was carried out using an advanced form of thermite created using nano-technology. Nor did the airplane crashes themselves cause the towers to collapse. The plane crashes were merely part of the deception, meant to provide a plausible explanation for the pre-planned explosive demolitions that followed.

The towers came down exactly opposite of controlled demolition. Controlled demolition is bottom to top. The main supports at the bottom and the building collapses, all at the same time, from bottom to top with kicker charges break up the debris as it collapses.

But the towers came down from the point of impact down......with the debris field destroying each floor individually, one at a time, all the way to the ground. With the lower floors destoyed last.

Exactly opposite of controlled demolition.
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