Man Made Religions

Life is full of pain, misery, and anguish. My mother is the youngest of 7. The side effect is she got to outlive them all and grieve over them. The older you get the more dead people you know. The only end to pain and misery is death, and there isn't even a guarantee of that.
Jews and Muslims have faith, yet according to christians they're going to hell for not believing that Jesus died for their sins. All religious people have faith in their chosen religion. It is not proof their religion is the one true religion.
You are mostly correct, but when you look deeper at what Jesus the Jewish Rabbi taught, you cannot include Jews in your otherwise well directed critique.

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.
Babies are born good, the parents and mentors and peers screw them up for the worst.

One doesn't need religion to follow the moral fiber.
I agree, yet we punish the innocent instead of the guilty daily.

Babies default to good for sure, but when they develop a love/good bias, they automatically develop a hate/evil bias for anything that would jeopardize that which is loved.

In our dualistic universe, we cannot help ourselves.

or heavens - polytheistic and earning ones way wherever they might end up, less boring without - evil tidings - as having been left behind.

for who might succeed, their spirit when their physiology expires. rather than perishing with it.

evolution beyond planet earth. triumph over evil being the ticket to free oneself for the future. atheist included.
The stats show that atheists have passed religious morality, and peaceful and lawful behavior.

Atheists are better citizens than theists.

Likely because they do not have to be homophobic and misogynous.

The above statement needs a qualifier. "Some."

Catholics and Orthodox (the greater majority of Christians) teach non-believers are left in the hands of a merciful and loving God.
Is that how you would describe the genocidal Yahweh and his Armageddon bringing son Jesus?

Merciful God do not kill when they can just as easily cure.

You are a poor judge if you think the Christian God is good and in heaven instead of hell.

That is the Royal "you".

no one need fear that they will be forced into heaven or the presence of God of whom they never took an interest to begin with.

What they would fear, if foolish enough to believe in some supernatural garbage God, being sent to hell against their will.

Your God uses force, yet you tried to deceive us by only denying he uses it to not get us into heaven.

You are one sneaky S O B.

People do not need to believe in heaven at all to do good works.

Some people expect rewards for their good work some don't.

IMO the ones who don't are the ones with better intentions.

But also not automatically the people who do a better job. Or do they, do we, do you, do I? The advantage is to do what needs to be done independent from the own person. This creates an unbelievable power - for example - worst example - the power to do a suicidal attack. But also the power to give a half coat to a beggar because this half as well as the other half will be good enough not to have to freeze to death. Saint Martin, who gave a half coat to a beggar, had been a soldier with a great heart who always had helped others. We did not forget him:

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Indifference or ambivalence to religion is not the same as atheism.

What has this to do with your argument "religion is man made" what I answered with "atheism is also not dog made"? Atheism is nothing else than a spiritual belief. And belief is also always combined with doubt - what is not automatically indifference or ambivalence. A nice "indifference" or "ambivalence" of an atheist is for example the last favorite song from Stephen Hawking. A short time before he had died it was very popular. Here it is:

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What they would fear, if foolish enough to believe in some supernatural garbage God, being sent to hell against their will.

Perhaps it is not against the own will in the moment when someone finds out what the own deeds had caused in the end of reality.

On the other side most Catholics for example believe more in a form of cleaning fire which will burn the last sins finally away. But only god knows. I personally think the imagination of an hell makes not a very big sense. But some people may perhaps need this imagination. It has also to do with the resurrection of real justice.

Your God uses force, yet you tried to deceive us by only denying he uses it to not get us into heaven.

Perhaps he likes not to be together in his heaven with everyone? Ask him, perhaps he will give you an answer. And if you are lucky then you are perhaps also able to understand the answer now. Then tell us what he said if this is in his will. It's not over yet.

You are one sneaky S O B.

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Oh, and what is good? For example. It would be great if Biden paid off my $72,000 student loan. I could then buy a house with my newfound credit. But would it be good for American Society to do so?

Yes. More people could study and education, knowledge and creative power in the whole USA would grow.
Why is murder considered bad?

No one likes to be murdered - that's the main reason.

On spiritual reasons life is holy. And "why" is not any question for a believer because god said so.

On a higher level we see justice in such a rule. The rule "everyone has the right to kill everone else" is not just. For example women had in such a violent society of spontanous murder nearly not any chance because of a lack of muscles. In a worst case scenario could in such a form of society the whole mankind die out.

Aren't you speeding them on their way to Heaven?

No. Except perhaps someone avoids with his own death the fall of others.

They should be thankful.

To be murdered is not any reason for nothing. Sometimes people are even happy when a criminal had been murdered. But no one knows what had happened otherwise. The whole planet could die for example - but this damned murdered asshole had perhaps been the only one who had been able to save the whole planet. No one knows.
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Do you know a person(s) who only does good because of heaven? Or, do you think that is the only reason people of faith do good for others at all?
People do good things because that's what evolution has programmed in us. A society that unabashedly kills themselves and disregards each other will not survive long. Anywhere in the animal kingdom, this is true. Except for humans. But it was true until religion came along.

Religion took this simple ethical fact and makes trillions of dollars from it, promoting killing and disregarding each other. It's the total opposite of our natural way. Maybe Christianity doesn't promote the killing anymore, because they already made their money, but they used to promote it back when they needed money!

And one day, they may need money again...
Christians totally genocided anyone who would not believe, in order to establish their religion.

Should that be forgiven and forgotten? Or is that something we have to keep in mind?
That's like forgiving the Nazi's, because it's 80 years later and it hasn't happened for a while, so let's give 'em a break...
Religions are obviously human creations. Books about physics are human creations. Neither fact means that what is being addressed does not have some basis.
"Christians" do not need to believe that express knowledge of Jesus is necessary for eternal life. Jesus did not say it was. People are too eager to limit the words ascribed to Jesus, to contain them in a little world of meaning when they could have so much more.
Religion took this simple ethical fact and makes trillions of dollars from it, promoting killing and disregarding each other.
That is quite the conclusion, arrived at by ignoring basic facts about religion. Remember what is said about conclusions: It marks the point where the thinking stopped.
That's like forgiving the Nazi's, because it's 80 years later and it hasn't happened for a while, so let's give 'em a break...

Question: Do you have any concrete idea what you try to speak about? The Nazis tried to wipe out the German Jews and planed to wipe out after their final victory the basic of the German culture: the Christian religion. Everything what you say is very similar to the biologistic ideology of the Nazis.
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Question: Do you have any concrete idea what you try to speak about? The Nazis tried to wipe out the German Jews and planed to wipe out after their final victory the basic of the German culture: the Christian religion. Everything what you say is very similar to the biologistic ideology of the Nazis.
Yeah, but it's been 80 years. If the Christians can forgive the horrific genocides of the Crusades and Inquisitions after time, why not forgive the Nazi's?

I'm being sarcastic, because it is an obvious ridiculous statement. But we forgive one and not the other when they should be the same.
That is quite the conclusion, arrived at by ignoring basic facts about religion. Remember what is said about conclusions: It marks the point where the thinking stopped.
Sorry Meri, you're ignoring the facts. I'm just presenting them for your viewing pleasure.

So, if you have something to contradict the facts, please state them. :)

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