Man Made Religions

Religion is not all butterflies and kittens and sunshine.

There is a very dark and horrible past for each major religion, except maybe Buddhism. That's how the religions got established, by killing everyone who wouldn't believe. People nowadays forget that, and may not even know about it.
Yeah, but it's been 80 years.

200 yards from here direction North-East lives someone who still believes in the Nazi-ideology. When I said to him that I have also Jewish ancerstors and I don't like to listen to his weird political bullshit he said: "You are a liar. You are a blond and blue eyed Aryan and not a Jew." What an idiot. First I never said I am a Jew. Second: If I really would be what he called "Aryan" then "Aryans" would be liars.

If the Christians can forgive the horrific genocides of the Crusades

Which genocide had happened in the Frankonian wars?

and Inquisitions after time,

Inquisitions? What childish idea do you have about the inquisitions? For what is this word a placeholder in your mind?

why not forgive the Nazi's?

What could you forgive which Nazi?

I'm being sarcastic, because it is an obvious ridiculous statement. But we forgive one and not the other when they should be the same.

What for heavens sake do you speak about?
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Religion is not all butterflies and kittens and sunshine.

There is a very dark and horrible past for each major religion, except maybe Buddhism. That's how the religions got established, by killing everyone who wouldn't believe.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

This seven days are Germanic names for the seven days of the Jewish week: Day of the sun, day of the moon, day of the god Tius, day of the god Wodan, day of the god Thor, day of the godess Frigg, day of the god Saturn. Do we kill anyone who uses this "wrong" names?

People nowadays forget that, and may not even know about it.

People today "remember" a lot of things which never had happened because idiots - who never prove the facts about this what they say on their own - tell them a lot of nonsense.
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I hate to burst your bubble zaangalewa... You seem to be a nice person.

But this is something everyone needs to realize. Denial and ignorance will just lead to it happening again.
And if people can deny and be ignorant of the atrocities committed by their religion, then why can't Nazism be ultimately embraced again? It probably will be, because people are in denial and/or ignorant.

History repeats itself.
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My point is that it isn't most people's "thing", any more than, at least among the faithful, is "holier than thou" or the attitude of, "Thankfully, I am not like the rest of you."

Peace and joy do not lie within any of those outlooks.
The peace and joy of others is not for you to decide.
What has this to do with your argument "religion is man made" what I answered with "atheism is also not dog made"? Atheism is nothing else than a spiritual belief. And belief is also always combined with doubt - what is not automatically indifference or ambivalence. A nice "indifference" or "ambivalence" of an atheist is for example the last favorite song from Stephen Hawking. A short time before he had died it was very popular. Here it is:

Atheism is a denial of gods.

It is just as correct or incorrect as believing gods exist since there is absolutely no evidence to affirm either position.
Sorry Meri, you're ignoring the facts. I'm just presenting them for your viewing pleasure.

So, if you have something to contradict the facts, please state them. :)
I am speaking of the facts being ignored. Religion isn't about anything you have been stating. Religion is about seeking God, loving God and one another, serving God.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (James)

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.....Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? (Isaiah)

Religion was never established and/or practiced to do the things you claim. Also, I haven't seen your sources, just your claims. No doubt there have been people who took advantage of an already formed community and directed them to do something in the name of God that was inappropriate--but that has been the minority not the majority.

The majority seek God to love and serve him; to seek justice and to correct oppression, to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, heal the sick, and educate the ignorant. Hospitals, schools, even inns were built by the faithful to do all these things. And the people served greatly outnumber those whom you claim were injured by religion.

In any war, there was more behind the cause than religion, and I believe you know that.
Religion is not all butterflies and kittens and sunshine.

There is a very dark and horrible past for each major religion, except maybe Buddhism. That's how the religions got established, by killing everyone who wouldn't believe. People nowadays forget that, and may not even know about it.
Oh, there were massacres in the name of Buddhism as well, which is why I think you have a very shallow understanding of that "horrible past". In the history of mankind, it has been less than three hundred years when State and Religion became separate. State absolutely insisted that the conquered followed the religion of the King, Emperor, Ruler. The Romans made an exception for the Jews, but that is about it. It was a matter of treason--people not bowing completely to the State. And yes, that happened with Buddhism, too, when Asian governments decided too many were becoming Christians.
But they're all forgiven, because it was a long time ago, except for the Muslim fanatics.
Sigh. They are not so much forgiven as the root causes understood--again, matters of State and matters of State always include someone wanting more territory, power, and/or wealth.

Think of this: Religion generally self-corrects and continues on. On the other hand State (government) always self-destructs. Think about it. It is because government foundation is the sand of territory, power, wealth and there will always be newcomers clawing to claim a share. As a whole, the faithful have little interest in such things, but are content with strong families and communities.
History repeats itself.
Ah, but not always. For the most part, religion has been out of government for three hundred years. The same and worst atrocities have occurred--but this time in the name of State only. As it always has been. That is the history that repeats itself.
I am speaking of the facts being ignored. Religion isn't about anything you have been stating. Religion is about seeking God, loving God and one another, serving God.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (James)

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.....Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? (Isaiah)

Religion was never established and/or practiced to do the things you claim. Also, I haven't seen your sources, just your claims. No doubt there have been people who took advantage of an already formed community and directed them to do something in the name of God that was inappropriate--but that has been the minority not the majority.

The majority seek God to love and serve him; to seek justice and to correct oppression, to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, heal the sick, and educate the ignorant. Hospitals, schools, even inns were built by the faithful to do all these things. And the people served greatly outnumber those whom you claim were injured by religion.

In any war, there was more behind the cause than religion, and I believe you know that.
No, that's your happy Santa Claus version of it.

Religion is something that rulers used to create armies of people willing to kill and die for the ruler's benefit. Rulers promised them an afterlife if they died. So people would unwittingly go into hand-to-hand battle with daggers and usually die a painful death thinking they'll live forever in the afterlife.

I don't know if they made the afterlife prior to Christianity. But Christianity promised the same thing. Glory and God! Kill all the non-believers! And if you die, you will go to Heaven, in the name of God!!!

That's what you believe in. Stop denying it...

Don't be embarrassed. Just accept it, and learn from it, and use the knowledge to understand the evils in this world.
Christians believe that if you don't believe that Jesus died for your sins you will not enter Heaven. What if you don't want to go to Heaven, it sounds boring to me.
Good, then don't go. So what the hell are you whining about.

could be, subliminally they believe by their message the christians have killed everyone else in heaven they do not like just like they do on earth ... especially baby popping retards.

- and would be bored living with a bunch of crucifiers.
I am speaking of the facts being ignored. Religion isn't about anything you have been stating. Religion is about seeking God, loving God and one another, serving God.

desert religions -


are about persecution and victimization of the innocent - and will be till they remove the forgeries and fallacies found on nearly every page throughout their texts.

as proven by their uninterrupted, unrepentant - recorded history.
The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will man find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for.

In many ways, throughout history down to the present day, men have given expression to their quest for God in their religious beliefs and behavior: in their prayers, sacrifices, rituals, meditations, and so forth. These forms of religious expression, despite the ambiguities they often bring with them, are so universal that one may well call man a religious being.

But this intimate and vital bond of man to God can be forgotten, overlooked, or even explicitly rejected by man. Such attitudes can have different causes: revolt against evil in the world; religious ignorance or indifference; the cares and riches of this world; the scandal of bad example on the part of believers; currents of thought hostile to religion; finally, that attitude of sinful man which makes him hide from God out of fear and flee his call.

But God is real, he is your creator, and he is the reason this thread was created, because in some twisted way, the OP sill seeks his creator.

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