Making the Clean Debate Zone a section, with separate Forums


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

I've put several Trumpers on ignore because they insist on bringing pedophilia into every discussion about the President. Thus saying a child was sexually assaulted. As disgusting as it is, the PTB here seem okay with it. So guess what's going to happen...they will keep doing it and it will get worse.

Excellent idea. It seems like if this board is going to survive we're going to have to get to the point to where there are two boards in with forms that are moderated and the more looney assertions are handled and the vast wasteland where anything goes because what is being allowed is pretty disgusting.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

I've put several Trumpers on ignore because they insist on bringing pedophilia into every discussion about the President. Thus saying a child was sexually assaulted. As disgusting as it is, the PTB here seem okay with it. So guess what's going to happen...they will keep doing it and it will get worse.

Excellent idea. It seems like if this board is going to survive we're going to have to get to the point to where there are two boards in with forms that are moderated and the more looney assertions are handled and the vast wasteland where anything goes because what is being allowed is pretty disgusting.

I haven't interacted with you, so I will abstain from commenting on your specific circumstances, but I think we both agree that some places are difficult to interact in because of the level of insults being thrown about.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

I've put several Trumpers on ignore because they insist on bringing pedophilia into every discussion about the President. Thus saying a child was sexually assaulted. As disgusting as it is, the PTB here seem okay with it. So guess what's going to happen...they will keep doing it and it will get worse.

Excellent idea. It seems like if this board is going to survive we're going to have to get to the point to where there are two boards in with forms that are moderated and the more looney assertions are handled and the vast wasteland where anything goes because what is being allowed is pretty disgusting.

I haven't interacted with you, so I will abstain from commenting on your specific circumstances, but I think we both agree that some places are difficult to interact in because of the level of insults being thrown about.

Insult me all you want. As long as it's not below the belt or about my family...that's fine. I give it and I take it. But when you talk about pedophilia, you're factually stating that kids are involved and they were sexually molested. And your have people tossing this term around like they are giving a weather report.

Any mod with his/her salt should call an infraction on that.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

I've put several Trumpers on ignore because they insist on bringing pedophilia into every discussion about the President. Thus saying a child was sexually assaulted. As disgusting as it is, the PTB here seem okay with it. So guess what's going to happen...they will keep doing it and it will get worse.

Excellent idea. It seems like if this board is going to survive we're going to have to get to the point to where there are two boards in with forms that are moderated and the more looney assertions are handled and the vast wasteland where anything goes because what is being allowed is pretty disgusting.

I haven't interacted with you, so I will abstain from commenting on your specific circumstances, but I think we both agree that some places are difficult to interact in because of the level of insults being thrown about.
Insult me all you want. As long as it's not below the belt or about my family...that's fine. I give it and I take it. But when you talk about pedophilia, you're factually stating that kids are involved and they were sexually molested. And your have people tossing this term around like they are giving a weather report.

Any mod with his/her salt should call an infraction on that.
What if it was said "any mod with his/her salt should call an infraction on that" in reference to QAnon? That's about children being sexually molested as well... You know who talks about them?

There is a reason why you are not a mod.

Edit: Frankly anyone that can't see through your bullshit shouldn't be a mod. So....
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I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

I've put several Trumpers on ignore because they insist on bringing pedophilia into every discussion about the President. Thus saying a child was sexually assaulted. As disgusting as it is, the PTB here seem okay with it. So guess what's going to happen...they will keep doing it and it will get worse.

Excellent idea. It seems like if this board is going to survive we're going to have to get to the point to where there are two boards in with forms that are moderated and the more looney assertions are handled and the vast wasteland where anything goes because what is being allowed is pretty disgusting.

I haven't interacted with you, so I will abstain from commenting on your specific circumstances, but I think we both agree that some places are difficult to interact in because of the level of insults being thrown about.
Insult me all you want. As long as it's not below the belt or about my family...that's fine. I give it and I take it. But when you talk about pedophilia, you're factually stating that kids are involved and they were sexually molested. And your have people tossing this term around like they are giving a weather report.

Any mod with his/her salt should call an infraction on that.
What if it was said "any mod with his/her salt should call an infraction on that" in reference to QAnon? That's about children being sexually molested as well... You know who talks about them?

There is a reason why you are not a mod.

Edit: Frankly anyone that can't see through your bullshit shouldn't be a mod. So....

Blob supporters support Q.
I think the CDZ is fine as it is. Any more and we would need a full time mod watching those forums.

I think it is an interesting idea, but to justify it would require a lot more information in support for this major change in the forum.

With 46,378 members listed, it shouldn't be hard to find one more qualified to become a Moderator, or just a forum block moderator......

There are many forums out there that uses a two level moderation set up, Global Moderator and forum moderator.

Global Mods can moderate the entire forum.

Forum Mods can moderate only one or more forum blocks such a Environment and Science and Technology sections. Their moderation powers are also often limited to just supporting the rules and reporting major problems to a global mods to deal with it., no ability to delete or move posts or ban at all can be set up in the admin board.

How come there are no such forum mods here? they can be the eyes for the Global Moderators team, and be used as a training ground for future upgrade to Full moderation status.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

I've put several Trumpers on ignore because they insist on bringing pedophilia into every discussion about the President. Thus saying a child was sexually assaulted. As disgusting as it is, the PTB here seem okay with it. So guess what's going to happen...they will keep doing it and it will get worse.

Excellent idea. It seems like if this board is going to survive we're going to have to get to the point to where there are two boards in with forms that are moderated and the more looney assertions are handled and the vast wasteland where anything goes because what is being allowed is pretty disgusting.

Why the whining? Good Democrats are supposed to embrace any and all sexual deviancies; it's Diversity N Stuff'. the Party already fully supports pedophile drag queens reading stories to school children, and of course the 'Gay Rights' movement was itself founded by commie pedophiles, yet here you are posting your bigotry against pedophiles for all your peers to see. It's just another 'lifestyle choice'. Your commissars will be labeling you an Evul Xian and sending you to the ovens if you keep it up.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.
Apparently it needs to be divided between reality and conspiracy theories.
There is a Debate forum, which hardly anybody ever seems to want to use, so quit sniveling; nobody wants any of the stuff they're peddling here, they just want to censor views they don't like, is all. As for ad homs, anyone who too Logic 102 knows there are many valid ad hom arguments; some people really are lying shills, mentally ill deviants, sociopaths, and morons.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

Most ANY topic is welcome in the CDZ with some exceptions. But the general vibe is that it has to avoid "retail politics" and "current events" where there is nothing solid or true to discuss.. Topics in CDZ should be proposed as a simple debate with MORE EFFORT in laying out the Opening Posts to frame that debate.

Current Events is problematic for CDZ.. Because "breaking news" is a victim of poor journalism practices now killing ALL debate in this country.. And SPECULATION and BAD or extremely partisan reporting ruins any chance of civil debate surviving the 1st page of replies..

Not saying you cant do "hot topics" like politics or religion or race there.. Just sayin' the PREFACE for the discussion has to meatier and RESEARCHABLE.. And ANY stuff from the current news cycle just is NOT that way..

Clever people can frame CDZ discussions around the "broader implications" of current events and daily political outrages...
But the general vibe is that it has to avoid "retail politics" and "current events" where there is nothing solid or true to discuss.
This seems more like a viewpoint than a fact.

Not at all. A TWEET for instance should never be the sole basis for a CDZ thread.. Discussing ANY riot based on 1st day media reports should NEVER be the sole topic of a CDZ thread. Hardly ANY long surviving news stories that the MEDIA DID NOT BOTCH in early reporting.. Those should never be the sole topic of a CDZ discussion..

WHY? Because you can not expect Civil Discussion when No one KNOWS nuttin'... Or worst has been fed that partisan blazing hot spoiled sushi that just exists to stir up anger and division... Say like the INITIAL REPORTING on the Covington Kids adventure,. Or the death of Officer Sisnik..
CDZ is a troll forum, where ridiculous loony premises are undeservedly treated as 'serious discussions'.
I've suggested this before, and how it's been done in another site, but apparently my thread was deleted for linking to the other site. So no links this time, but hoping that we could have more forums in the Clean Debate Zone. So for instance, a "Current Events" forum exclusively for the CD Zone.

The idea is to have discussions that don't have so much acrimony in them.

Most ANY topic is welcome in the CDZ with some exceptions. But the general vibe is that it has to avoid "retail politics" and "current events" where there is nothing solid or true to discuss.. Topics in CDZ should be proposed as a simple debate with MORE EFFORT in laying out the Opening Posts to frame that debate.

Current Events is problematic for CDZ.. Because "breaking news" is a victim of poor journalism practices now killing ALL debate in this country.. And SPECULATION and BAD or extremely partisan reporting ruins any chance of civil debate surviving the 1st page of replies..

Not saying you cant do "hot topics" like politics or religion or race there.. Just sayin' the PREFACE for the discussion has to meatier and RESEARCHABLE.. And ANY stuff from the current news cycle just is NOT that way..

Clever people can frame CDZ discussions around the "broader implications" of current events and daily political outrages...

Can you point to a CDZ thread that you think has done this preface properly? It's easy to give vague ideas as to how threads should be done, harder to point to a specific example where one thinks it has actually been done.

I'm finding what's working for me is to try to remind people that the CD Zone is meant to have cleaner debates and am also trying to point out that attacking each other detracts from focusing on the evidence.
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