Major Nor'East February 2010 Predicted


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
GINXY"S GALE II - Eastern US Weather Forums

If you remember this thread I posted back in July 08 predicting a major weather Noreaster on the east coast in the Dec 12-15 period Noreaster The whole concept worked out very well as indeed a major storm affected the entire East coast in that time period. Well after doing some research on the timing of the below Syzygy events, once again I am calling for a major crippling type nor'easter to affect the East coast in the Jan 28th- Feb 2nd period. This year as a further definition so that it is clear I expect more of a severe blizzard type event with the predominant precip type to be snow versus last years mainly storm driven rain. The timing of this tide and the intensity of this low should mean severe coastal issues especially in those areas affected by NE winds. These tidal dates are not voodoo forecasting, they correlate very well with extreme weather conditions over the years. We had a great thread here a couple of years ago with many many examples of such. Put these dates in somewhere and see what happens the next time. Here is a short list of the most extreme tidal events based on the time between perigee and syzygy being less than 5 hours.

1/30/2010 Full
3/19/2011 Full
5/6/2012 Full
6/23/2013 Full
8/10/2014 Full
9/28/2015 Full
11/14/2016 Full
5/25/2017 New
1/2/2018 Full
7/13/2018 New
8/30/2019 New
10/16/2020 New
12/4/2021 New
1/21/2023 New

If you are interested I recommend Fergus J. Wood's book Tidal Dynamics published in 1978 by D. Reidel Publishing company

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