Let us call the trump tantrum what it REALLY WAS....an attempted Coup!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

Wrong. When he tried to get those two Officials to change their votes and they tried to he crossed a very hard line. When he kept contacting the Republicans in various states attempting to get them to do a Legislative Coup, that's a very big line to cross. The Law Suits are one thing and well within his rights but when you attempt to get state officials to go against their own state laws by hook or by crook then you are a criminal. Guess what, the incoming AG may decide to bust him for it. It's not that we should but if we don't we can't afford for ANY sitting President to make that attempt again.

We aren't a Banana Republic and that is where things like that happen.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

He has had more than ample time to prove his case. The nations top CONSERVATIVE legal teams have all stepped away from this lie of fraud. Can not you see?.....trump has been lying through the entirely of this Regime. It all started when he lied about the size of his inauguration and his hands....and he has not stopped in four years.

You should have gotten a hint when he appointed dye bleeding Rudy to head his case. He was the last attorney in the country who was willing to peddle trump's fraud lie.

There will never be enough fraud proven to overturn this election. The incompetence and audacity of a Narcissistic Sociopath doomed his own re-election when he decided to LIE to the American People about a deadly virus. That is what took trump down. Did God send the Pandemic to save America from Authoritarianism? Think about it.....

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

Wrong. When he tried to get those two Officials to change their votes and they tried to he crossed a very hard line. When he kept contacting the Republicans in various states attempting to get them to do a Legislative Coup, that's a very big line to cross. The Law Suits are one thing and well within his rights but when you attempt to get state officials to go against their own state laws by hook or by crook then you are a criminal. Guess what, the incoming AG may decide to bust him for it. It's not that we should but if we don't we can't afford for ANY sitting President to make that attempt again.

We aren't a Banana Republic and that is where things like that happen.

Offering personal trips to the White House for low level officials making a decision on the election amounts to a bribe

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.

I'd say the Dems have already attempted a coup with the fraudulent election we just had.
Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

Considering that he attempted to strong arm an ally, with US foreign aid, into performing a political favor and corrupt act, and the Banana Republicans accepted that corruption. Why would they consider him inappropriately injecting himself into a few states legislatures a corruption problem?

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

He could very well be prosecuted for interfering with an election. That is a FELONY! He did not just commit simple voter fraud.....HE TRIED TO DISQUALIFY THE ENTIRE ELECTION. That is Voter Fraud on Steroids.

He had the right to challenge the vote count in court. HE DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO NULLIFY LEGALLY CAST VOTES.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.
That has to be one of the more moronic posts I've seen in a while. As I predicted, TRUMP! used every legal manuver available to him, and when they didn't work, the transition proceeds. It's stupid to think he wouldn't do anything different. Man, the TDS is strong today.

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

Wrong. When he tried to get those two Officials to change their votes and they tried to he crossed a very hard line. When he kept contacting the Republicans in various states attempting to get them to do a Legislative Coup, that's a very big line to cross. The Law Suits are one thing and well within his rights but when you attempt to get state officials to go against their own state laws by hook or by crook then you are a criminal. Guess what, the incoming AG may decide to bust him for it. It's not that we should but if we don't we can't afford for ANY sitting President to make that attempt again.

We aren't a Banana Republic and that is where things like that happen.

Offering personal trips to the White House for low level officials making a decision on the election amounts to a bribe
He tried to bribe the President of Ukraine to help his re- election. There is a shabby pattern of behaviour.
Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

Considering that he attempted to strong arm an ally, with US foreign aid, into performing a political favor and corrupt act, and the Banana Republicans accepted that corruption. Why would they consider him inappropriately injecting himself into a few states legislatures a corruption problem?

I ask you again....WHY should the voters trust the GOP to govern this country again, after seeing them bow to an attempted Coup?

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?

Wrong. When he tried to get those two Officials to change their votes and they tried to he crossed a very hard line. When he kept contacting the Republicans in various states attempting to get them to do a Legislative Coup, that's a very big line to cross. The Law Suits are one thing and well within his rights but when you attempt to get state officials to go against their own state laws by hook or by crook then you are a criminal. Guess what, the incoming AG may decide to bust him for it. It's not that we should but if we don't we can't afford for ANY sitting President to make that attempt again.

We aren't a Banana Republic and that is where things like that happen.

Offering personal trips to the White House for low level officials making a decision on the election amounts to a bribe
Let us know when the trial starts.
It's nice to see the first post I read today speak of it in the past tense.

So it's officially over?
for a certain smegment of the populace it will never be over. for all others, it has been over since saturday after the election the latest. the rest is flimflam directed at grifting, grieving, obstructing, and golfing. well the last one kind of slipped in there, i have no idea how. or do i?

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.
That has to be one of the more moronic posts I've seen in a while. As I predicted, TRUMP! used every legal manuver available to him, and when they didn't work, the transition proceeds. It's stupid to think he wouldn't do anything different. Man, the TDS is strong today.

He tried to strong arm Legislative Republicans. Did you forget that little detail? Of Course you did....

SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.


Nothing he has done so far is outside the law.

The simple fact is there simply isn't enough time to prove enough fraud, even if it happened, in the time given between the election and the certifications.

If the fraud is proven a year from now, would you condemn it? Would Biden Step down?
That's kind of a weird question. If a year from know voter fraud massive enough to have changed the outcome is proven Biden would have been sworn in and there would no absolutely no mechanism to redress the situation it would be a constitutional crisis beyond what I can speculate.

Having said that. I've seen multiple press conferences now from Trumps "elite legal team" they talked about massive evidence. So if I accept your premise that would mean they are lying. If they are lying about having evidence to the extent that the president is willing to urge states to ignore the results and appoint their own electors the premise of the OP would be correct.
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SO...we had an Authoritarian Wannabe that was intent on taking the vote and the will of the people away. This is the same man who wanted his AG to arrest his political opponents in the last few weeks of the election. Now he was prepared to pull out his Dictator magic wand and wish away millions of legal votes. AND THE GOP WAS SITTING ON THEIR HANDS READY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO IT.

Now...tell me how either the GOP or trump can be trusted to govern this country again? The Party of Lincoln has become the Taliban of the United States.
That has to be one of the more moronic posts I've seen in a while. As I predicted, TRUMP! used every legal manuver available to him, and when they didn't work, the transition proceeds. It's stupid to think he wouldn't do anything different. Man, the TDS is strong today.

He tried to strong arm Legislative Republicans. Did you forget that little detail? Of Course you did....
And when nothing worked, the transition proceeds normally. Did you forget that little detail? Of course you did.... The bottom line remains, y'all are a bunch of panicked, hyperventilating blowhards infected with severe irrational fear and hatred for a man you don't know, have never met, never will meet, and hasn't even looked at you sideways.
The wide-spread fraud of this past election was committed in plain sight by Trump.

I recall all the great reviews Trump got after he behaved well in the 2nd debate. It still didn't stop people from seeing through him:


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