More Democrats caught violating their own Covid restrictions.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
The Dimwinger party is not just the party of racists, it is the party of hypocrites as well.
At least they had a classy response when busted by the media..............

NY Dems busted at packed indoor birthday party without masks, here's how they reacted when caught

High-profile Brooklyn Democrats came under fire last week for attending a birthday party at which many of the attendees were neither wearing a mask nor social distancing. At

Yet when news broke of the COVID rule-breaking party, many of them reacted with a shrug, while some came off as annoyed that it had made news in the first place.

The party was held last weekend to celebrate the 50th birthday of Carlo Scissura ā€“ head of the New York Building Congress, a construction trade organization.

Steve Kastenbaum

This is beyond offensive to every NYer who experienced the hell that was March, April and May. To allow people to mingle indoors, in close proximity, without masks on at a large party! And the people wo didn't think twice about it!

COVID-19 rules appear ignored at birthday party featuring Brooklyn political players
A Brooklyn deputy borough president and former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss were part of a large, mask-less indoor crowd that celebrated Carlo Scissura of the New York Building Congress.

8:54 AM Ā· Nov 20, 2020
103 people are Tweeting about this

In attendance were many prominent Democrats, including Deputy Brooklyn Borough President Ingrid Lewis-Martin and former Brooklyn Democratic Party Chairman Frank Seddio.

When Shant Shahrigian, City Hall reporter for The New York Daily News, asked Seddio to comment on how he attended the party, Seddio reportedly said: ā€œI farted about four times, but fortunately it didnā€™t smell. My wife punched me twice ā€˜cause she heard me do it. That was the most exciting part of the night.ā€

Noah Goldberg

When @ShantRS asked Frank Seddio, one of the most powerful men in Brooklyn, about how he attended a totally covid-unacceptable party on Saturday, Seddio responded: ā€œI farted about four times, but fortunately it didnā€™t smell.ā€

COVID-19 rules appear ignored at birthday party featuring Brooklyn political players
A Brooklyn deputy borough president and former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss were part of a large, mask-less indoor crowd that celebrated Carlo Scissura of the New York Building Congress.

5:02 PM Ā· Nov 19, 2020
See the latest COVID-19 information on Twitter

Just a few days earlier, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had limited private gatherings to no more than 10 people as a way to curb resurging coronavirus cases.

Yet images from the party clearly show numbers exceeding 10, only a few wearing masks ā€“ despite Seddioā€™s insistence that he and Scissura and ā€œabout 10 others got together.ā€

ā€œI was there with 10 people there, and that was it. Itā€™s ridiculous. Hereā€™s my feeling: Thank God thatā€™s the only news we got in the whole f-----g city,ā€ he reportedly said, according to the Daily News.
The Dimwinger party is not just the party of racists, it is the party of hypocrites as well.
At least they had a classy response when busted by the media..............

NY Dems busted at packed indoor birthday party without masks, here's how they reacted when caught

High-profile Brooklyn Democrats came under fire last week for attending a birthday party at which many of the attendees were neither wearing a mask nor social distancing. At

Yet when news broke of the COVID rule-breaking party, many of them reacted with a shrug, while some came off as annoyed that it had made news in the first place.

The party was held last weekend to celebrate the 50th birthday of Carlo Scissura ā€“ head of the New York Building Congress, a construction trade organization.

Steve Kastenbaum

This is beyond offensive to every NYer who experienced the hell that was March, April and May. To allow people to mingle indoors, in close proximity, without masks on at a large party! And the people wo didn't think twice about it!

COVID-19 rules appear ignored at birthday party featuring Brooklyn political players
A Brooklyn deputy borough president and former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss were part of a large, mask-less indoor crowd that celebrated Carlo Scissura of the New York Building Congress.

8:54 AM Ā· Nov 20, 2020
103 people are Tweeting about this

In attendance were many prominent Democrats, including Deputy Brooklyn Borough President Ingrid Lewis-Martin and former Brooklyn Democratic Party Chairman Frank Seddio.

When Shant Shahrigian, City Hall reporter for The New York Daily News, asked Seddio to comment on how he attended the party, Seddio reportedly said: ā€œI farted about four times, but fortunately it didnā€™t smell. My wife punched me twice ā€˜cause she heard me do it. That was the most exciting part of the night.ā€

Noah Goldberg

When @ShantRS asked Frank Seddio, one of the most powerful men in Brooklyn, about how he attended a totally covid-unacceptable party on Saturday, Seddio responded: ā€œI farted about four times, but fortunately it didnā€™t smell.ā€

COVID-19 rules appear ignored at birthday party featuring Brooklyn political players
A Brooklyn deputy borough president and former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss were part of a large, mask-less indoor crowd that celebrated Carlo Scissura of the New York Building Congress.

5:02 PM Ā· Nov 19, 2020
See the latest COVID-19 information on Twitter

Just a few days earlier, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had limited private gatherings to no more than 10 people as a way to curb resurging coronavirus cases.

Yet images from the party clearly show numbers exceeding 10, only a few wearing masks ā€“ despite Seddioā€™s insistence that he and Scissura and ā€œabout 10 others got together.ā€

ā€œI was there with 10 people there, and that was it. Itā€™s ridiculous. Hereā€™s my feeling: Thank God thatā€™s the only news we got in the whole f-----g city,ā€ he reportedly said, according to the Daily News.

Don't ya know, rules are just for us little people.
So predictable. Liberals refuse to call out bad behavior on their side because they only can exist in a world of hypocrisy and lies and deceit.
The Dimwinger party is not just the party of racists, it is the party of hypocrites as well.
At least they had a classy response when busted by the media..............

NY Dems busted at packed indoor birthday party without masks, here's how they reacted when caught

High-profile Brooklyn Democrats came under fire last week for attending a birthday party at which many of the attendees were neither wearing a mask nor social distancing. At

Yet when news broke of the COVID rule-breaking party, many of them reacted with a shrug, while some came off as annoyed that it had made news in the first place.

The party was held last weekend to celebrate the 50th birthday of Carlo Scissura ā€“ head of the New York Building Congress, a construction trade organization.

Steve Kastenbaum
This is beyond offensive to every NYer who experienced the hell that was March, April and May. To allow people to mingle indoors, in close proximity, without masks on at a large party! And the people wo didn't think twice about it!

COVID-19 rules appear ignored at birthday party featuring Brooklyn political players
A Brooklyn deputy borough president and former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss were part of a large, mask-less indoor crowd that celebrated Carlo Scissura of the New York Building Congress.
8:54 AM Ā· Nov 20, 2020
103 people are Tweeting about this

In attendance were many prominent Democrats, including Deputy Brooklyn Borough President Ingrid Lewis-Martin and former Brooklyn Democratic Party Chairman Frank Seddio.

When Shant Shahrigian, City Hall reporter for The New York Daily News, asked Seddio to comment on how he attended the party, Seddio reportedly said: ā€œI farted about four times, but fortunately it didnā€™t smell. My wife punched me twice ā€˜cause she heard me do it. That was the most exciting part of the night.ā€

Noah Goldberg
When @ShantRS asked Frank Seddio, one of the most powerful men in Brooklyn, about how he attended a totally covid-unacceptable party on Saturday, Seddio responded: ā€œI farted about four times, but fortunately it didnā€™t smell.ā€

COVID-19 rules appear ignored at birthday party featuring Brooklyn political players
A Brooklyn deputy borough president and former Brooklyn Democratic Party boss were part of a large, mask-less indoor crowd that celebrated Carlo Scissura of the New York Building Congress.
5:02 PM Ā· Nov 19, 2020
See the latest COVID-19 information on Twitter

Just a few days earlier, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had limited private gatherings to no more than 10 people as a way to curb resurging coronavirus cases.

Yet images from the party clearly show numbers exceeding 10, only a few wearing masks ā€“ despite Seddioā€™s insistence that he and Scissura and ā€œabout 10 others got together.ā€

ā€œI was there with 10 people there, and that was it. Itā€™s ridiculous. Hereā€™s my feeling: Thank God thatā€™s the only news we got in the whole f-----g city,ā€ he reportedly said, according to the Daily News.

More vaccinated Democrats caught violating their own Covid restrictions set up for the unvaccinated.​


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