Large power outage in North Carolina.... criminal investigation. It was done on purpose.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
First try to see what happens, or just some over zealous SJWs creating havoc on 100,000s of people?
People have been saying for years the nations power grid is extremely-extremely vulnerable to attack.
The attack looks to be orchestrated as several sites were attacked at the same time resulting in 40,000 homes going without power.

First try to see what happens, or just some over zealous SJWs creating havoc on 100,000s of people?
People have been saying for years the nations power grid is extremely-extremely vulnerable to attack.
The attack looks to be orchestrated as several sites were attacked at the same time resulting in 40,000 people going without power.

These enviro terrorists need a good wakeup.
I read a work of fiction about the day after the SHTF and the scenario the author laid out was so simple and believable that it was chilling. Short version - Muslim terrorist cells in the U.S. do a coordinated strike on our refineries, bridges and dams. The refineries in TX and LA were attacked with an 82 mm mortar and the resulting fires destroyed so much capacity that the rest of the grid collapsed. The potential casualty figures were incredible. I think about that story every time I see another report on our southern "border".
I read a work of fiction about the day after the SHTF and the scenario the author laid out was so simple and believable that it was chilling. Short version - Muslim terrorist cells in the U.S. do a coordinated strike on our refineries, bridges and dams. The refineries in TX and LA were attacked with an 82 mm mortar and the resulting fires destroyed so much capacity that the rest of the grid collapsed. The potential casualty figures were incredible. I think about that story every time I see another report on our southern "border".
Probably all they would need to collapse the grid is a computer.....then its playtime for all the good people we imported
First try to see what happens, or just some over zealous SJWs creating havoc on 100,000s of people?
People have been saying for years the nations power grid is extremely-extremely vulnerable to attack.
The attack looks to be orchestrated as several sites were attacked at the same time resulting in 40,000 homes going without power.

Yep, done on purpose. Someone shooting a gun. Huge attack by some bad guys. LOL!
Whoever did it wasn't as smart as they think they are. Anyone with intelligence could have affected ten times as many people.
Indeed. And that is the worst part.
You take 10 people with high powered rifles in strategic locations. And you can take the power out of just about any major city for hours if not a full day.
10 people with small explosives... and you could take the power out for weeks.
How many power stations do you know of?
Are they secured any more than a simple chain link fence?... nope. And often the transfer stations aren't even manned.
Sounds like a false flag incident done by liberal Democrats. These liberal Democrats probably assumed they would not be suspects since guns were used. We're on to their game.

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