Kyle Rittenhouse And Every Able-Bodied Man Had A Moral Obligation To Protect Kenosha


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Kyle Rittenhouse and Every Able-Bodied Man Had a Moral Obligation to Protect Kenosha

Any able-bodied man over 16 years old had a moral obligation to defend Kenosha against vandals, looters,
and arsonists attacking while police stood down.
22 Nov 2021 ~~ By Evita Duffy
Despite his acquittal, the left continues to smear Kyle Rittenhouse as a bloodthirsty, “Call of Duty”-playing white supremacist. But if you were in the city of Kenosha, as I was, when the riots erupted, you would know that Rittenhouse was hardly a rogue vigilante. He was one of many brave Kenoshan men who took up arms to protect their families, businesses, and beloved city when the government failed to.

Indeed, despite desperate pleas for help, Gov. Tony Evers refused to deploy adequate numbers of national guardsmen to protect the city from rioters wielding guns and fire. After 24 hours of receiving requests for aid, Evers had still sent fewer troops to Kenosha than he did to Milwaukee during the NBA finals. Local law enforcement was quickly overwhelmed.

Democrats in the corporate media want you to believe that citizens not only shouldn’t arm themselves in defense of their communities but that they cannot legally do so. Make no mistake, this lie is meant to justify Democrats’ continued attack on the American people’s right to bear arms. Under the Second Amendment, the citizens of Kenosha were entirely justified and legally permitted to protect themselves and their hometown, especially because law enforcement could not.
More importantly, it was Rittenhouse’s moral duty and that of all able-bodied men over the age of 16 to defend Kenosha against the vandals, looters, and arsonists who were destroying the city.
That is why Democrats and their allies in the media want you to believe that Rittenhouse and other Kenoshans who stood up for themselves are murderous white supremacists. These brave citizens and their “toxic masculinity” represent an existential threat to the left’s authoritarian aims. They simply cannot allow average Americans to believe they can exercise their right to bear arms and protect themselves without the government’s permission.
The Kenosha rioting showed America that you don’t have to cower in fear like people in Portland and Chicago. Kenoshans refused to be helpless victims when Marxist and race agitators descended on their city. Men like Rittenhouse tried to defend their hometown. For that, they should be commended as the heroes they are.

The author of this article offers up a splendid point regarding volunteer community support. It’s reassuring to know that individuals were out there when the governor (immorally/criminally) failed to ensure civil order and public safety.
In round numbers, how many Kenosha citizens do you suppose were actually out on the streets protecting lives and property. Whatever the number, they should be lauded for their service.
Under Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Americans can no longer entitled to Constitutional protections nor count on “the law” to protect them. They tell us we are not allowed to use deadly force to protect property.
Soros funded Mayors and District Attorneys erode the civil rights of citizens by decriminalizing statutes, defunding police and releasing career felons without supervision.
Law enforcement, especially at the top, have become a politically weaponized organization. It is steadily filtering down the chain.
Everyone has an obligation to defend their family and property. As Americans they are also obligated to assist their neighbors in doing the same.. That is basic a moral obligation.
Even our Constitution requires an obligation of American citizens and those with intentions to become citizens.
Something Governors and mayors of this country have failed to complete.
Ref: 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
Kyle Rittenhouse is a throwback to the Greatest Generation. In those days, teenagers would lie about their age because they wanted to defend their country more than anything. That spirit has mostly been supplanted by a generation of whiny, micro-aggressed piddle shits. Kyle Rittenhouse gives me hope for the future.
They had a duty to protect those who were peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.

Bullshit. Exercise your first amendment rights without burning, looting, intimidating, stealing beating people up, throwing things... have something to say if you want to express your first amendment rights but dont destroy the neighborhoods of other people. You do that and you should be teargassed and sent home.

Kyle Rittenhouse and Every Able-Bodied Man Had a Moral Obligation to Protect Kenosha

Any able-bodied man over 16 years old had a moral obligation to defend Kenosha against vandals, looters,
and arsonists attacking while police stood down.
22 Nov 2021 ~~ By Evita Duffy
Despite his acquittal, the left continues to smear Kyle Rittenhouse as a bloodthirsty, “Call of Duty”-playing white supremacist. But if you were in the city of Kenosha, as I was, when the riots erupted, you would know that Rittenhouse was hardly a rogue vigilante. He was one of many brave Kenoshan men who took up arms to protect their families, businesses, and beloved city when the government failed to.

Indeed, despite desperate pleas for help, Gov. Tony Evers refused to deploy adequate numbers of national guardsmen to protect the city from rioters wielding guns and fire. After 24 hours of receiving requests for aid, Evers had still sent fewer troops to Kenosha than he did to Milwaukee during the NBA finals. Local law enforcement was quickly overwhelmed.

Democrats in the corporate media want you to believe that citizens not only shouldn’t arm themselves in defense of their communities but that they cannot legally do so. Make no mistake, this lie is meant to justify Democrats’ continued attack on the American people’s right to bear arms. Under the Second Amendment, the citizens of Kenosha were entirely justified and legally permitted to protect themselves and their hometown, especially because law enforcement could not.
More importantly, it was Rittenhouse’s moral duty and that of all able-bodied men over the age of 16 to defend Kenosha against the vandals, looters, and arsonists who were destroying the city.
That is why Democrats and their allies in the media want you to believe that Rittenhouse and other Kenoshans who stood up for themselves are murderous white supremacists. These brave citizens and their “toxic masculinity” represent an existential threat to the left’s authoritarian aims. They simply cannot allow average Americans to believe they can exercise their right to bear arms and protect themselves without the government’s permission.
The Kenosha rioting showed America that you don’t have to cower in fear like people in Portland and Chicago. Kenoshans refused to be helpless victims when Marxist and race agitators descended on their city. Men like Rittenhouse tried to defend their hometown. For that, they should be commended as the heroes they are.

The author of this article offers up a splendid point regarding volunteer community support. It’s reassuring to know that individuals were out there when the governor (immorally/criminally) failed to ensure civil order and public safety.
In round numbers, how many Kenosha citizens do you suppose were actually out on the streets protecting lives and property. Whatever the number, they should be lauded for their service.
Under Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Americans can no longer entitled to Constitutional protections nor count on “the law” to protect them. They tell us we are not allowed to use deadly force to protect property.
Soros funded Mayors and District Attorneys erode the civil rights of citizens by decriminalizing statutes, defunding police and releasing career felons without supervision.
Law enforcement, especially at the top, have become a politically weaponized organization. It is steadily filtering down the chain.
Everyone has an obligation to defend their family and property. As Americans they are also obligated to assist their neighbors in doing the same.. That is basic a moral obligation.
Even our Constitution requires an obligation of American citizens and those with intentions to become citizens.
Something Governors and mayors of this country have failed to complete.
Ref: 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes

They had a duty to protect those who were peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.

Looting, arson and violence against those you're protesting against others is not "Peaceful". It is required that honest and peaceful citizens react to deter the violent perpetrators. If that takes ghroups of Americans to reinforce the constabulary so be it.
So, explain to me why this >>>

Isn't on trial for dereliction of duty?

At the least he should be recalled if the State of Wisconsin has recall provisions for failure to meet his duties.

Kyle Rittenhouse and Every Able-Bodied Man Had a Moral Obligation to Protect Kenosha

Any able-bodied man over 16 years old had a moral obligation to defend Kenosha against vandals, looters,
and arsonists attacking while police stood down.
22 Nov 2021 ~~ By Evita Duffy
Despite his acquittal, the left continues to smear Kyle Rittenhouse as a bloodthirsty, “Call of Duty”-playing white supremacist. But if you were in the city of Kenosha, as I was, when the riots erupted, you would know that Rittenhouse was hardly a rogue vigilante. He was one of many brave Kenoshan men who took up arms to protect their families, businesses, and beloved city when the government failed to.

Indeed, despite desperate pleas for help, Gov. Tony Evers refused to deploy adequate numbers of national guardsmen to protect the city from rioters wielding guns and fire. After 24 hours of receiving requests for aid, Evers had still sent fewer troops to Kenosha than he did to Milwaukee during the NBA finals. Local law enforcement was quickly overwhelmed.

Democrats in the corporate media want you to believe that citizens not only shouldn’t arm themselves in defense of their communities but that they cannot legally do so. Make no mistake, this lie is meant to justify Democrats’ continued attack on the American people’s right to bear arms. Under the Second Amendment, the citizens of Kenosha were entirely justified and legally permitted to protect themselves and their hometown, especially because law enforcement could not.
More importantly, it was Rittenhouse’s moral duty and that of all able-bodied men over the age of 16 to defend Kenosha against the vandals, looters, and arsonists who were destroying the city.
That is why Democrats and their allies in the media want you to believe that Rittenhouse and other Kenoshans who stood up for themselves are murderous white supremacists. These brave citizens and their “toxic masculinity” represent an existential threat to the left’s authoritarian aims. They simply cannot allow average Americans to believe they can exercise their right to bear arms and protect themselves without the government’s permission.
The Kenosha rioting showed America that you don’t have to cower in fear like people in Portland and Chicago. Kenoshans refused to be helpless victims when Marxist and race agitators descended on their city. Men like Rittenhouse tried to defend their hometown. For that, they should be commended as the heroes they are.

The author of this article offers up a splendid point regarding volunteer community support. It’s reassuring to know that individuals were out there when the governor (immorally/criminally) failed to ensure civil order and public safety.
In round numbers, how many Kenosha citizens do you suppose were actually out on the streets protecting lives and property. Whatever the number, they should be lauded for their service.
Under Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Americans can no longer entitled to Constitutional protections nor count on “the law” to protect them. They tell us we are not allowed to use deadly force to protect property.
Soros funded Mayors and District Attorneys erode the civil rights of citizens by decriminalizing statutes, defunding police and releasing career felons without supervision.
Law enforcement, especially at the top, have become a politically weaponized organization. It is steadily filtering down the chain.
Everyone has an obligation to defend their family and property. As Americans they are also obligated to assist their neighbors in doing the same.. That is basic a moral obligation.
Even our Constitution requires an obligation of American citizens and those with intentions to become citizens.
Something Governors and mayors of this country have failed to complete.
Ref: 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes

you just validated this, confirmed...


Kyle Rittenhouse and Every Able-Bodied Man Had a Moral Obligation to Protect Kenosha

Any able-bodied man over 16 years old had a moral obligation to defend Kenosha against vandals, looters,
and arsonists attacking while police stood down.
22 Nov 2021 ~~ By Evita Duffy
Despite his acquittal, the left continues to smear Kyle Rittenhouse as a bloodthirsty, “Call of Duty”-playing white supremacist. But if you were in the city of Kenosha, as I was, when the riots erupted, you would know that Rittenhouse was hardly a rogue vigilante. He was one of many brave Kenoshan men who took up arms to protect their families, businesses, and beloved city when the government failed to.

Indeed, despite desperate pleas for help, Gov. Tony Evers refused to deploy adequate numbers of national guardsmen to protect the city from rioters wielding guns and fire. After 24 hours of receiving requests for aid, Evers had still sent fewer troops to Kenosha than he did to Milwaukee during the NBA finals. Local law enforcement was quickly overwhelmed.

Democrats in the corporate media want you to believe that citizens not only shouldn’t arm themselves in defense of their communities but that they cannot legally do so. Make no mistake, this lie is meant to justify Democrats’ continued attack on the American people’s right to bear arms. Under the Second Amendment, the citizens of Kenosha were entirely justified and legally permitted to protect themselves and their hometown, especially because law enforcement could not.
More importantly, it was Rittenhouse’s moral duty and that of all able-bodied men over the age of 16 to defend Kenosha against the vandals, looters, and arsonists who were destroying the city.
That is why Democrats and their allies in the media want you to believe that Rittenhouse and other Kenoshans who stood up for themselves are murderous white supremacists. These brave citizens and their “toxic masculinity” represent an existential threat to the left’s authoritarian aims. They simply cannot allow average Americans to believe they can exercise their right to bear arms and protect themselves without the government’s permission.
The Kenosha rioting showed America that you don’t have to cower in fear like people in Portland and Chicago. Kenoshans refused to be helpless victims when Marxist and race agitators descended on their city. Men like Rittenhouse tried to defend their hometown. For that, they should be commended as the heroes they are.

The author of this article offers up a splendid point regarding volunteer community support. It’s reassuring to know that individuals were out there when the governor (immorally/criminally) failed to ensure civil order and public safety.
In round numbers, how many Kenosha citizens do you suppose were actually out on the streets protecting lives and property. Whatever the number, they should be lauded for their service.
Under Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Americans can no longer entitled to Constitutional protections nor count on “the law” to protect them. They tell us we are not allowed to use deadly force to protect property.
Soros funded Mayors and District Attorneys erode the civil rights of citizens by decriminalizing statutes, defunding police and releasing career felons without supervision.
Law enforcement, especially at the top, have become a politically weaponized organization. It is steadily filtering down the chain.
Everyone has an obligation to defend their family and property. As Americans they are also obligated to assist their neighbors in doing the same.. That is basic a moral obligation.
Even our Constitution requires an obligation of American citizens and those with intentions to become citizens.
Something Governors and mayors of this country have failed to complete.
Ref: 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes

Pleas for sufficient National Guard defense of businesses went unheard. Contrast that with the volume of National Guard for the riot at the Capitol.
Pleas for sufficient National Guard defense of businesses went unheard. Contrast that with the volume of National Guard for the riot at the Capitol.
The National Guard were nowhere to be seen until the Jan 7th after the protest. In fact the police presence at the capitol building was minimal. Mayor Bowser and Antoinette Pelosi refused the assistance offered by President Trump.
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The right wing keeps bitching about the looting, arson, violence. Not good of course but then the same bitchers on the right don't seem to mind what this trump piece of shit did on January 6th. Far worse since he took an oath ..."I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump is scum and it looks like a whole slew of uneducated and clueless trump bots consider him a great man.
You will be a damn fool to go up to that Democrat's controlled country. That the Deep state are trying to lure Conservatives up there so that they will have another Jan 6th reunion. But this time they are going to make sure no one will be able to leave. That it will be like entering the Hotel California or the gates of hell. And if you were able to leave that state. The next state over is Gov. Whittemore' state.

you just validated this, confirmed...

"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police.
He fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore, what he must be taught is to fear the victim."
Lt. Col Jeff Cooper, USMC
The right wing keeps bitching about the looting, arson, violence. Not good of course but then the same bitchers on the right don't seem to mind what this trump piece of shit did on January 6th. Far worse since he took an oath ..."I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trump is scum and it looks like a whole slew of uneducated and clueless trump bots consider him a great man.
Trump didn’t do anything involving rioting on Jan 6 and that riot paled in comparison to the relentless BLM race rioting and burning and looting and murder still ongoing since May 2020.
You’re delusional.

Kyle Rittenhouse and Every Able-Bodied Man Had a Moral Obligation to Protect Kenosha

Any able-bodied man over 16 years old had a moral obligation to defend Kenosha against vandals, looters,
and arsonists attacking while police stood down.
22 Nov 2021 ~~ By Evita Duffy
Despite his acquittal, the left continues to smear Kyle Rittenhouse as a bloodthirsty, “Call of Duty”-playing white supremacist. But if you were in the city of Kenosha, as I was, when the riots erupted, you would know that Rittenhouse was hardly a rogue vigilante. He was one of many brave Kenoshan men who took up arms to protect their families, businesses, and beloved city when the government failed to.

Indeed, despite desperate pleas for help, Gov. Tony Evers refused to deploy adequate numbers of national guardsmen to protect the city from rioters wielding guns and fire. After 24 hours of receiving requests for aid, Evers had still sent fewer troops to Kenosha than he did to Milwaukee during the NBA finals. Local law enforcement was quickly overwhelmed.

Democrats in the corporate media want you to believe that citizens not only shouldn’t arm themselves in defense of their communities but that they cannot legally do so. Make no mistake, this lie is meant to justify Democrats’ continued attack on the American people’s right to bear arms. Under the Second Amendment, the citizens of Kenosha were entirely justified and legally permitted to protect themselves and their hometown, especially because law enforcement could not.
More importantly, it was Rittenhouse’s moral duty and that of all able-bodied men over the age of 16 to defend Kenosha against the vandals, looters, and arsonists who were destroying the city.
That is why Democrats and their allies in the media want you to believe that Rittenhouse and other Kenoshans who stood up for themselves are murderous white supremacists. These brave citizens and their “toxic masculinity” represent an existential threat to the left’s authoritarian aims. They simply cannot allow average Americans to believe they can exercise their right to bear arms and protect themselves without the government’s permission.
The Kenosha rioting showed America that you don’t have to cower in fear like people in Portland and Chicago. Kenoshans refused to be helpless victims when Marxist and race agitators descended on their city. Men like Rittenhouse tried to defend their hometown. For that, they should be commended as the heroes they are.

The author of this article offers up a splendid point regarding volunteer community support. It’s reassuring to know that individuals were out there when the governor (immorally/criminally) failed to ensure civil order and public safety.
In round numbers, how many Kenosha citizens do you suppose were actually out on the streets protecting lives and property. Whatever the number, they should be lauded for their service.
Under Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists, Americans can no longer entitled to Constitutional protections nor count on “the law” to protect them. They tell us we are not allowed to use deadly force to protect property.
Soros funded Mayors and District Attorneys erode the civil rights of citizens by decriminalizing statutes, defunding police and releasing career felons without supervision.
Law enforcement, especially at the top, have become a politically weaponized organization. It is steadily filtering down the chain.
Everyone has an obligation to defend their family and property. As Americans they are also obligated to assist their neighbors in doing the same.. That is basic a moral obligation.
Even our Constitution requires an obligation of American citizens and those with intentions to become citizens.
Something Governors and mayors of this country have failed to complete.
Ref: 10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes

So why weren't you there?
They had a duty to protect those who were peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights.
you don’t have a first amendment right to rob, assault, loot, burn down people’s property, and attempt to murder a 17 year old

you may think you do, but that just means you’re an entitled fascist terrorist

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