Know Your Anti-Immigrant

Thus far 100 people think you’re a self-serving egotist and 1 person agrees with you.
The problem is that the person who agrees with you.

You're a typical democrat. You think a popular vote means something. Throughout history, ever since the people worshiped the Golden Calf, majorities have been proven wrong 100 percent of the time.

You remain under the delusion I am on the left. I'm not. So the left does not come to my defense. You see, I acknowledge that there is a problem with foreigners. I'm certainly not egotistical. I leave that to politicians that see you for being a hillbilly dumb ass, telling you what you want to hear and they get accolades from you.

You, realizing that you DON'T have the answer, do multiple posts, attacking my character - NOT THE FACTS OF MY CASE, and think you're hot shit just because less than a dozen delusional idiots back you up out of how many potential posters? Most people don't care - which is why you are stuck with the usual suspects.

NONE of the usual suspects could answer the questions I asked on this thread. Your petty ass is so insecure that you come here every day, realizing that IF someone neutral actually read the thread and accessed the links, they'd figure out you've been on the losing side for more than a decade and a half... contributing to the problem, not solving it. If you think about, your desperation - that need to keep posting multiple times while making claims you don't believe in yourself (and it comes out in your posts) is only you projecting in order to avoid meaningful dialogue.
I am attacking your character because you always respond to people by stating how stupid they are compared to you.
You are so arrogant you don’t see what an arrogant ass you are.
In other words, you’re a Libertarian.

You must be a politician to tell that many lies... and you are pretty good with projection.

FACT son, I did not draw first blood. I did not attack a single individual until they came at me. Then, like your hero, I counter-punched. When I was asked to define a wallist... which I did, you only confirmed it. If you weren't one, you would not have verified it with your actions.
All we replied with was the jobs stealing and the tax payers providing housing, clothing, feeding and providing medical care.
You responded with how stupid we were using 40 paragraphs and 90,000 words.

What city do you live in?
Nassau County has been hurt by Open Borders.
Much is said on Fox News from the talking heads wanting to promote the wallist theology. The one thing they keep yapping about is the "Rule of Law.."

What you can see from the wallists are personality contests. What they do NOT engage in is what the Rule of Law is.

If Americans could rid this country of the wallist theology and discuss the Rule of Law, our history, and how we got into this predicament we could actually resolve the dilemma. The horseshit of "enforcing the laws on the books" which really means naturalizing a million new people a year is almost hilarious, but it is what they have been advocating in between calling me names. I would admonish you to read post # 5 and then you can figure out what the wallists DON'T want you to know. They refuse the answer the questions.

Addendum: The answer to the trolls following posts is to see post # 36. I saw no point in responding to that next post when we keep exposing their religion.
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Much is said on Fox News from the talking heads wanting to promote the wallist theology. The one thing they keep yapping about is the "Rule of Law.."

What you can see from the wallists are personality contests. What they do NOT engage in is what the Rule of Law is.

If Americans could rid this country of the wallist theology and discuss the Rule of Law, our history, and how we got into this predicament we could actually resolve the dilemma. The horseshit of "enforcing the laws on the books" which really means naturalizing a million new people a year is almost hilarious, but it is what they have been advocating in between calling me names. I would admonish you to read post # 5 and then you can figure out what the wallists DON'T want you to know. They refuse the answer the questions.
I hate the Open Borders FoxNews.
Partisanship is a bias in favor of a certain side. That is NOT predicated on "without thought, knowledge, or reason"

I could go on for DAYS for my thoughts knowledge and reasons of being a partisan republican.

DIdn't get your point about post 46. I have some people on ignore. Perhaps, my post count is different than yours?

"Partianship - NOUN prejudice in favor of a particular cause; bias."

partisanship definition - Bing

"Prejudice- an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason."

Definition of prejudice |

Post # 46 deals with a poster who, in one post would have you believe he is sucking up to the multiculturalists while, later on, he rails against "Brown" people in another posting (trying to appeal to the racists.)

In another thread you have admitted you are no student of the history or laws, so the definition is what it is. That is the advantage I will always have over you. I know the left and right positions better than they know them.

That is a piss poor definition of prejudice. Prejudice can obviously be informed on past experiences. I am prejudiced against democrats because of my past observations and experiences with democrats, and my knowledge of their ideology and policies.

YOu are too quick to "read between the lines" and sometimes you imagine connections that are not there.

I gave you the dictionary definition of words you chose to use. When I was a teen, the radio and tv commentators used those words against me as slurs and put downs. So I memorized the use of those words and when I make a decision on any subject, I put a lot of thought, knowledge, and reason into my thinking process.

I've wasted a lot of time with you because in my mind, at some point, you'd wise up and think hey I really should study this stuff so I don't sound like an uneducated 15 year old. But, I've been wrong before.

Show me someone that is prejudiced against something, and the vast majority of the time, that person will be able to give some reason for their bias.

It may be a weak reason, but it is not NO reason.

My support of a Wall is not a religion, and I have no problem looking at it, within a larger picture.

In order to do that, you must accept the larger picture. In terms of cost a wall is much like brushing your teeth with Drano. Everything has its price and in this case it isn't the money.

I do not have to accept your larger picture. Saying that I do, is not an argument. It is nearly the opposite of an argument.
------------------------------- i want a PERMANENT Ban on ALL importation of third world and ALL importation of imported 'foreign uman units' . USA already has about 310 - 320 million legal residents in '2010' Census plus millions of illegal aliens in Americans midst . ------------- just saying as a reminder !!

Your math skills would cause you to lose big on the show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader.

Be that as it may, third world immigration is no worse than the dumb asses that want to import rich and educated foreigners to take up seats in our colleges and universities. We end up working for them; they have real political power and ultimately big corporations pay meager wages to mindless idiots who think its's an honor to work for businesses that thrive best in socialist atmospheres.

We should be wanting those college seats. We should be the ones wanting to be doctors, scientists, tradesmen, craftsmen, etc. Delivery driver for the pizza place or lifting boxes in a warehouse is NOT a skill.

i want it all for Americans. Pizza delivery drivers need love too.

Pizza delivery drivers need to understand that some jobs are entry level jobs. They provide a meager living while you learn a skill and / or get a real job.

YOur assumption that there are "real jobs" out there, is noted. Your lack of concern for them is noted.

My point stands. I want those jobs for Americans, and in a tight labor market, as we are seeing, even "entry level jobs" are seeing rising wages.

What part of this do you have a problem with?

I have a problem with the part that you are lying.

In professional circles, there are always white collar jobs available. The Kaiser I go to for health care was hiring for an LPN position. About eight candidates showed up for the job. I was waiting to be seen by a specialist and didn't know they were there for the job. Then a lady stepped outside the door and said all those applying for the LPN positions come this way. All eight were black and virtually all of them were non - English speaking!

On the semi-skilled side of the fence, if you can get a CDL, you can get a job within 24 hours.

If you need a job and have minimal skills, get yourself a ladder, lawnmower and a truck. You can make $25 to $30 an hour cutting grass, cleaning out gutters, and trimming hedges. Hang out at Home Depot. They have FREE classes on how to do various jobs. Once you learn them, add that to your offerings.

Correll, I know you're full of shit because I'm searching the Internet and advertising almost daily. There are more jobs than there are people to apply for them. Most of what I get is the Bubba type with a 6 MPG truck and expecting a surgeon's wages for a skill set that took all of six months to learn OR a few Mexicans in a van. Older and lower income people are NOT going to lose their home because some white guy has an over-inflated opinion of his worth. Case in point:

When I had surgery a couple of years ago, I advertised on Craigslist for someone to change an overflow valve I had bought for a water heater. Had I not had stomach surgery, I would have done it. The first POS that shows up is a white guy in a van. He looks at the valve, goes to his truck and half an hour later comes back with an estimate for $245. He charged $40 for the "service call." I gave him the money for his "service call" and gave him exactly 40 seconds to get off my property. The next guy came over and we went down stairs. He looked at and then said, "where is the breaker for your water heater?" He flipped the breaker and water valve off and went for his tools. By the time he came back downstairs I had the water draining from the water heater. He swapped the valves out. He switched the breaker back on, turned the water valve on and waited for about 5 minutes for the water to fill and the system to work. He charged $30 and the whole deal was done in under 20 minutes.

There are plenty of jobs, Correll. If someone wants to work, if they are entrepreneurial, they can make $50 grand a year for forty hour work weeks. Insofar as "jobs" with traditional employers, it's their job so I believe in letting them hire the candidate of their choice. The employer owns the job. Besides, if we played your game it would be the LBGQT community wanting the job, then the black guy, then the woman, the religious "minority" (be it Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) White Americans would be the last on the list.

So, no Correll, I do not support forcing people to give up their private property Rights. That's your real beef. But, the fact is, NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. There are plenty of jobs IF you want to work. I pay $20 to $30 per hour and cannot get people to apply for the jobs. I KNOW what you post is absolute bullshit.

I don't know what you think you are demonstrating up there, other than a lack of concern for your fellow Americans.

We have been flooding the AMERICAN labor market with foreigners for decades, generations even. Excuse me, I meant to say, FUCKING FOREIGNERS.

For generations, working class Americans have been paying a heavy price for that, in reduced wages and opportunities.

I'm glad that you have managed to get good help cheap.

But now, it is the turn on the working class to get some attention to their interests. It has been ONE year that we are finally seeing some movement on wages, after generations of stagnation.

Check back with me in 50 years, and I will be open to letting you, as a employer, having your next turn.
"Partianship - NOUN prejudice in favor of a particular cause; bias."

partisanship definition - Bing

"Prejudice- an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason."

Definition of prejudice |

Post # 46 deals with a poster who, in one post would have you believe he is sucking up to the multiculturalists while, later on, he rails against "Brown" people in another posting (trying to appeal to the racists.)

In another thread you have admitted you are no student of the history or laws, so the definition is what it is. That is the advantage I will always have over you. I know the left and right positions better than they know them.

That is a piss poor definition of prejudice. Prejudice can obviously be informed on past experiences. I am prejudiced against democrats because of my past observations and experiences with democrats, and my knowledge of their ideology and policies.

YOu are too quick to "read between the lines" and sometimes you imagine connections that are not there.

I gave you the dictionary definition of words you chose to use. When I was a teen, the radio and tv commentators used those words against me as slurs and put downs. So I memorized the use of those words and when I make a decision on any subject, I put a lot of thought, knowledge, and reason into my thinking process.

I've wasted a lot of time with you because in my mind, at some point, you'd wise up and think hey I really should study this stuff so I don't sound like an uneducated 15 year old. But, I've been wrong before.

Show me someone that is prejudiced against something, and the vast majority of the time, that person will be able to give some reason for their bias.

It may be a weak reason, but it is not NO reason.

My support of a Wall is not a religion, and I have no problem looking at it, within a larger picture.

In order to do that, you must accept the larger picture. In terms of cost a wall is much like brushing your teeth with Drano. Everything has its price and in this case it isn't the money.

I do not have to accept your larger picture. Saying that I do, is not an argument. It is nearly the opposite of an argument.

Donnie Chump is never going to build a freaking wall. So, you can pound sand. He's going to screw you like he screwed gun owners with his unconstitutional bump stock ban and then his announcement he is going to ban silencers... his constituency is getting their asses kicked incrementally and so have the wall worshipers.
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Your math skills would cause you to lose big on the show Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader.

Be that as it may, third world immigration is no worse than the dumb asses that want to import rich and educated foreigners to take up seats in our colleges and universities. We end up working for them; they have real political power and ultimately big corporations pay meager wages to mindless idiots who think its's an honor to work for businesses that thrive best in socialist atmospheres.

We should be wanting those college seats. We should be the ones wanting to be doctors, scientists, tradesmen, craftsmen, etc. Delivery driver for the pizza place or lifting boxes in a warehouse is NOT a skill.

i want it all for Americans. Pizza delivery drivers need love too.

Pizza delivery drivers need to understand that some jobs are entry level jobs. They provide a meager living while you learn a skill and / or get a real job.

YOur assumption that there are "real jobs" out there, is noted. Your lack of concern for them is noted.

My point stands. I want those jobs for Americans, and in a tight labor market, as we are seeing, even "entry level jobs" are seeing rising wages.

What part of this do you have a problem with?

I have a problem with the part that you are lying.

In professional circles, there are always white collar jobs available. The Kaiser I go to for health care was hiring for an LPN position. About eight candidates showed up for the job. I was waiting to be seen by a specialist and didn't know they were there for the job. Then a lady stepped outside the door and said all those applying for the LPN positions come this way. All eight were black and virtually all of them were non - English speaking!

On the semi-skilled side of the fence, if you can get a CDL, you can get a job within 24 hours.

If you need a job and have minimal skills, get yourself a ladder, lawnmower and a truck. You can make $25 to $30 an hour cutting grass, cleaning out gutters, and trimming hedges. Hang out at Home Depot. They have FREE classes on how to do various jobs. Once you learn them, add that to your offerings.

Correll, I know you're full of shit because I'm searching the Internet and advertising almost daily. There are more jobs than there are people to apply for them. Most of what I get is the Bubba type with a 6 MPG truck and expecting a surgeon's wages for a skill set that took all of six months to learn OR a few Mexicans in a van. Older and lower income people are NOT going to lose their home because some white guy has an over-inflated opinion of his worth. Case in point:

When I had surgery a couple of years ago, I advertised on Craigslist for someone to change an overflow valve I had bought for a water heater. Had I not had stomach surgery, I would have done it. The first POS that shows up is a white guy in a van. He looks at the valve, goes to his truck and half an hour later comes back with an estimate for $245. He charged $40 for the "service call." I gave him the money for his "service call" and gave him exactly 40 seconds to get off my property. The next guy came over and we went down stairs. He looked at and then said, "where is the breaker for your water heater?" He flipped the breaker and water valve off and went for his tools. By the time he came back downstairs I had the water draining from the water heater. He swapped the valves out. He switched the breaker back on, turned the water valve on and waited for about 5 minutes for the water to fill and the system to work. He charged $30 and the whole deal was done in under 20 minutes.

There are plenty of jobs, Correll. If someone wants to work, if they are entrepreneurial, they can make $50 grand a year for forty hour work weeks. Insofar as "jobs" with traditional employers, it's their job so I believe in letting them hire the candidate of their choice. The employer owns the job. Besides, if we played your game it would be the LBGQT community wanting the job, then the black guy, then the woman, the religious "minority" (be it Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) White Americans would be the last on the list.

So, no Correll, I do not support forcing people to give up their private property Rights. That's your real beef. But, the fact is, NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. There are plenty of jobs IF you want to work. I pay $20 to $30 per hour and cannot get people to apply for the jobs. I KNOW what you post is absolute bullshit.

I don't know what you think you are demonstrating up there, other than a lack of concern for your fellow Americans.

We have been flooding the AMERICAN labor market with foreigners for decades, generations even. Excuse me, I meant to say, FUCKING FOREIGNERS.

For generations, working class Americans have been paying a heavy price for that, in reduced wages and opportunities.

I'm glad that you have managed to get good help cheap.

But now, it is the turn on the working class to get some attention to their interests. It has been ONE year that we are finally seeing some movement on wages, after generations of stagnation.

Check back with me in 50 years, and I will be open to letting you, as a employer, having your next turn.

IF this were about wages, which you claim are going up without a wall, you've basically acknowledged the substantive part of my argument. So, mission accomplished.

What you fail to see in all your know it all arrogance when you have admitted you have never studied immigration law nor history is that the demigod you follow inherited his money. He didn't earn it. He was never a Republican, and he's telling you what you want to hear while he sets you up for the ultimate defeat. MOST of his shit gets defeated in court and the parts where government imposes on your Rights and mine are what is left on the books.

He promised you a wall and then said Mexico would pay for it. Then he threatened to take it from the military and Socialist Security. Now he says he will charge tariffs... which will be passed on to you. And you get a bigger paycheck which is then offset by a rise in prices so the Mexicans will have the money to give you in the first place. His ONLY other alternative is to use ideas I put forth more than a decade ago.

You are a lying son of a bitch, Correll. THAT is one thing I'm proving. I pay my help far more than what I made (inflation figured into the equation) when I was in their position. I give chances to people your dumb ass locked out of the job market with that crap about National ID / REAL ID Act - E-Verify which disenfranchised an entire generation of your fellow Americans. The only fucking thing you've done with your life is post 100,000 plus posts on discussions boards and made some Internet buddies that wouldn't throw a cup of cold water on you if you were burning in Hell fire.

I've created opportunities and been of service to poor American people that cannot afford the high wages you want for sitting on your ass arguing on the Internet and then thinking you're worth the big bucks for doing entry level work that a third worlder could do. I specialize in helping the poor to be able to afford a house, get a job opportunity that they otherwise would not get. Other than this popularity contest you're engaged in, what have you done?

Right now, at this moment, I have a 96 year old woman living in my house because she is almost blind and her relatives don't give a shit about her. I don't make a dime off it... fact is, it's costing me money. The irony is, she hates it here, but where she was staying would be closed by the county as uninhabitable if they went there. I have a couple of kids that got out of dysfunctional homes that depend on me to help get them get a job and one guy that is making 2 grand a week a few years after I helped him after his parents kicked him out of the house and he was living in a Jeep. The only thing you want to do is worship a fat ass rich white boy that hired undocumented workers before he ran for president, kept them on after his election, and will work them AFTER he leaves office. You know it and so do I.

This week IBM lays off a thousand people and your demigod is trying to give the Saudis contracts to build bombs for the United States:

U.S. 'smart' bombs will be built in Saudi Arabia under Trump arms deal

What I'm accomplishing here is to expose stupidity and it will remain as a record that what we said was known years before you were willing to admit that you had the choice put before you and failed to listen to sound counsel. As for the Mexicans and those south of the border, since it is peoplewho think like you that do most of the mass shootings, I'd be much obliged if you'd point those assholes south of the border and help save a few American lives. Dylan Roof was one of yours. So, don't try to preach to me about how much you care about Americans.

Politicians tell you what you want to hear and, like it or not, foreigners come here because they are profitable for big business. They pay taxes, outwork your sorry ass, complain less, and produce more. For that reason big business will continue to work them unless and until OUR culture changes. Americans will have to do what I do. You commit to one another. You do work for the poor and always pay it forward. You will be blessed because your fellow man will then look out for you. I'm not rich, but I have more security than any person on this board. Any American willing to forth the effort, work hard, and display a modicum of loyalty has no legitimate reason to be unemployed or worrying about non-existent "illegals." You watch your fellow American's back, he watches yours and there is no incentive for foreigners to come here.
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That is a piss poor definition of prejudice. Prejudice can obviously be informed on past experiences. I am prejudiced against democrats because of my past observations and experiences with democrats, and my knowledge of their ideology and policies.

YOu are too quick to "read between the lines" and sometimes you imagine connections that are not there.

I gave you the dictionary definition of words you chose to use. When I was a teen, the radio and tv commentators used those words against me as slurs and put downs. So I memorized the use of those words and when I make a decision on any subject, I put a lot of thought, knowledge, and reason into my thinking process.

I've wasted a lot of time with you because in my mind, at some point, you'd wise up and think hey I really should study this stuff so I don't sound like an uneducated 15 year old. But, I've been wrong before.

Show me someone that is prejudiced against something, and the vast majority of the time, that person will be able to give some reason for their bias.

It may be a weak reason, but it is not NO reason.

My support of a Wall is not a religion, and I have no problem looking at it, within a larger picture.

In order to do that, you must accept the larger picture. In terms of cost a wall is much like brushing your teeth with Drano. Everything has its price and in this case it isn't the money.

I do not have to accept your larger picture. Saying that I do, is not an argument. It is nearly the opposite of an argument.

Donnie Chump is never going to build a freaking wall. So, you can pound sand. He's going to screw you like he screwed gun owners with his unconstitutional bump stock ban and then his announcement he is going to ban silencers... his constituency is getting their asses kicked incrementally and so have the wall worshipers.

Perhaps. What was I supposed to do? Vote for fucking Hillary and hope she build a Wall? LOL!!!!

It is one thing to disagree with me. TO ignore that I was choosing among limited choices, is not reasonable of you.

Have I done anything like that to you?
I gave you the dictionary definition of words you chose to use. When I was a teen, the radio and tv commentators used those words against me as slurs and put downs. So I memorized the use of those words and when I make a decision on any subject, I put a lot of thought, knowledge, and reason into my thinking process.

I've wasted a lot of time with you because in my mind, at some point, you'd wise up and think hey I really should study this stuff so I don't sound like an uneducated 15 year old. But, I've been wrong before.

Show me someone that is prejudiced against something, and the vast majority of the time, that person will be able to give some reason for their bias.

It may be a weak reason, but it is not NO reason.

My support of a Wall is not a religion, and I have no problem looking at it, within a larger picture.

In order to do that, you must accept the larger picture. In terms of cost a wall is much like brushing your teeth with Drano. Everything has its price and in this case it isn't the money.

I do not have to accept your larger picture. Saying that I do, is not an argument. It is nearly the opposite of an argument.

Donnie Chump is never going to build a freaking wall. So, you can pound sand. He's going to screw you like he screwed gun owners with his unconstitutional bump stock ban and then his announcement he is going to ban silencers... his constituency is getting their asses kicked incrementally and so have the wall worshipers.

Perhaps. What was I supposed to do? Vote for fucking Hillary and hope she build a Wall? LOL!!!!

It is one thing to disagree with me. TO ignore that I was choosing among limited choices, is not reasonable of you.

Have I done anything like that to you?

That post cannot be separated from the hundreds if not a thousand exchanges that have preceded it between you and I. Do we have to summarize where we've been?

1) You voted for Donald Trump due to his promise of a wall; I voted for him as the lesser of two evils. Now I have to regret that I supported the man (though we didn't have a real choice - I can still regret my vote.) You're happy as they come because Trump promised you a wall

2) Barack Obama took office on 20 January 2009 and got this signature piece of legislation passed on 21 March 2010. Trump will finish his first term without a solid piece of legislation regarding his nutty wall idea

3) I'm not worried about the wall. It won't get built. Trump lost the House of Representatives and all spending bills originate in the House

4) My concern regards peripheral issues that Congress passes on the pretext of enforcing immigration laws: the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security. the so - called "Patriot Act," National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, the end of the presumption of innocence, the expansion of warrant less searches, background checks that have disenfranchised an entire generation, etc., etc. - that was OUR generation Correll, yours and mine

5) Since I KNOW that the wall won't be built, I have to be thinking Plan B on how to best resolve the reality that the flood tide of foreigners (not so - called "illegals," but foreigners) is going to permanently alter our Constitution, our way of life, our culture, our Freedoms and Liberties, and ultimately aid non-whites in their subtle genocide of the posterity of the founders of this country

6) The job scare approach isn't as good a political argument as you think when, even by your own admission, things are getting better and we have no wall. HOWEVER, America's economic situation could drastically change in the course of a single month. We have a finite amount of real estate that can only sustain a population of a finite number of people. EVERYBODY realizes we've reached the threshold and the numbers of people coming here must be severely curtailed. The difference between you and I is that I realize WHY the foreigners are coming here. It's profitable - it's profitable for big business, consumers, landlords, retail, taxing authorities, LEOs (they've got everything short of a militarized police force and half our population begging for that as well.)

The problem is we live on a finite piece of real estate and in order to maintain our sovereignty America cannot be everything to everybody. It may sound cool to think we can open the door to every race, color, creed, political persuasion, sexual orientation, religion, and nationality, but that is a social experiment that has proven to be a dangerous fantasy. Right now we don't stand for anything but mob rule and our forefathers said that kind of rule wastes and exhausts itself.

You continue to maintain this is a "legal" issue with your focus being on third worlders being piped in by the powers that be, using the old political psychology of Hegelian Dialectics in order to separate you from the laws that would protect you and con you into destroying your own culture. You can't use the military to enforce domestic policies. But, at the expense of your own Rights you worship the wall idea. WHEN Trump's intentions regarding foreigners become as clear to you as his stance on gun control is to gun owners will you realize you got played and need a Plan B. So, you should stand down, ask instead of insult; figure out how to build bridges instead of walls between yourself and people who see the problem you do, but differ in solutions. You should think about how the decisions you're making will hamper those who will be in this fight 5, 10, 20 years and so on down the road.
i want it all for Americans. Pizza delivery drivers need love too.

Pizza delivery drivers need to understand that some jobs are entry level jobs. They provide a meager living while you learn a skill and / or get a real job.

YOur assumption that there are "real jobs" out there, is noted. Your lack of concern for them is noted.

My point stands. I want those jobs for Americans, and in a tight labor market, as we are seeing, even "entry level jobs" are seeing rising wages.

What part of this do you have a problem with?

I have a problem with the part that you are lying.

In professional circles, there are always white collar jobs available. The Kaiser I go to for health care was hiring for an LPN position. About eight candidates showed up for the job. I was waiting to be seen by a specialist and didn't know they were there for the job. Then a lady stepped outside the door and said all those applying for the LPN positions come this way. All eight were black and virtually all of them were non - English speaking!

On the semi-skilled side of the fence, if you can get a CDL, you can get a job within 24 hours.

If you need a job and have minimal skills, get yourself a ladder, lawnmower and a truck. You can make $25 to $30 an hour cutting grass, cleaning out gutters, and trimming hedges. Hang out at Home Depot. They have FREE classes on how to do various jobs. Once you learn them, add that to your offerings.

Correll, I know you're full of shit because I'm searching the Internet and advertising almost daily. There are more jobs than there are people to apply for them. Most of what I get is the Bubba type with a 6 MPG truck and expecting a surgeon's wages for a skill set that took all of six months to learn OR a few Mexicans in a van. Older and lower income people are NOT going to lose their home because some white guy has an over-inflated opinion of his worth. Case in point:

When I had surgery a couple of years ago, I advertised on Craigslist for someone to change an overflow valve I had bought for a water heater. Had I not had stomach surgery, I would have done it. The first POS that shows up is a white guy in a van. He looks at the valve, goes to his truck and half an hour later comes back with an estimate for $245. He charged $40 for the "service call." I gave him the money for his "service call" and gave him exactly 40 seconds to get off my property. The next guy came over and we went down stairs. He looked at and then said, "where is the breaker for your water heater?" He flipped the breaker and water valve off and went for his tools. By the time he came back downstairs I had the water draining from the water heater. He swapped the valves out. He switched the breaker back on, turned the water valve on and waited for about 5 minutes for the water to fill and the system to work. He charged $30 and the whole deal was done in under 20 minutes.

There are plenty of jobs, Correll. If someone wants to work, if they are entrepreneurial, they can make $50 grand a year for forty hour work weeks. Insofar as "jobs" with traditional employers, it's their job so I believe in letting them hire the candidate of their choice. The employer owns the job. Besides, if we played your game it would be the LBGQT community wanting the job, then the black guy, then the woman, the religious "minority" (be it Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) White Americans would be the last on the list.

So, no Correll, I do not support forcing people to give up their private property Rights. That's your real beef. But, the fact is, NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. There are plenty of jobs IF you want to work. I pay $20 to $30 per hour and cannot get people to apply for the jobs. I KNOW what you post is absolute bullshit.

I don't know what you think you are demonstrating up there, other than a lack of concern for your fellow Americans.

We have been flooding the AMERICAN labor market with foreigners for decades, generations even. Excuse me, I meant to say, FUCKING FOREIGNERS.

For generations, working class Americans have been paying a heavy price for that, in reduced wages and opportunities.

I'm glad that you have managed to get good help cheap.

But now, it is the turn on the working class to get some attention to their interests. It has been ONE year that we are finally seeing some movement on wages, after generations of stagnation.

Check back with me in 50 years, and I will be open to letting you, as a employer, having your next turn.

IF this were about wages, which you claim are going up without a wall, you've basically acknowledged the substantive part of my argument. So, mission accomplished.

Massive dishonesty there. That we have managed to tighten up the labor market some, without a wall, does not mean that a wall would not help to do so more or maintain gains made.

What you fail to see in all your know it all arrogance when you have admitted you have never studied immigration law nor history is that the demigod you follow inherited his money. He didn't earn it.

He inherited a large amount and grew it. No mean feat. I've seen people inherit and fail to even maintain.

Your silly game of conflating political support with worship, is a sign that you know your argument is weak and needs bolstered by silly games.

He was never a Republican, and he's telling you what you want to hear while he sets you up for the ultimate defeat. MOST of his shit gets defeated in court and the parts where government imposes on your Rights and mine are what is left on the books.

This point would be more credible, if you didn't play games like calling Trump, " demigod".

I deleted a lot of filler.

Politicians tell you what you want to hear and, like it or not, foreigners come here because they are profitable for big business.

No, foreigners come here because THEY can make money. They are allowed to come here because donors of both parties want the cheap labor, and the dems want the votes.

I don't know why you included the bit about "politicians telling you what you want to hear". Why not fill your posts with observations about water being wet, and ice being cold?

They pay taxes, outwork your sorry ass, complain less, and produce more. For that reason big business will continue to work them unless and until OUR culture changes.

Or until we use our political power to deport their asses and make big business hire Americans or shut down. FUCK THEM.

Americans will have to do what I do. You commit to one another. You do work for the poor and always pay it forward. You will be blessed because your fellow man will then look out for you. I'm not rich, but I have more security than any person on this board. Any American willing to forth the effort, work hard, and display a modicum of loyalty has no legitimate reason to be unemployed or worrying about non-existent "illegals." You watch your fellow American's back, he watches yours and there is no incentive for foreigners to come here.

None of the explains why we should let foreigners flood our labor market, or addresses the fact that doing so hurts the American workers.
Pizza delivery drivers need to understand that some jobs are entry level jobs. They provide a meager living while you learn a skill and / or get a real job.

YOur assumption that there are "real jobs" out there, is noted. Your lack of concern for them is noted.

My point stands. I want those jobs for Americans, and in a tight labor market, as we are seeing, even "entry level jobs" are seeing rising wages.

What part of this do you have a problem with?

I have a problem with the part that you are lying.

In professional circles, there are always white collar jobs available. The Kaiser I go to for health care was hiring for an LPN position. About eight candidates showed up for the job. I was waiting to be seen by a specialist and didn't know they were there for the job. Then a lady stepped outside the door and said all those applying for the LPN positions come this way. All eight were black and virtually all of them were non - English speaking!

On the semi-skilled side of the fence, if you can get a CDL, you can get a job within 24 hours.

If you need a job and have minimal skills, get yourself a ladder, lawnmower and a truck. You can make $25 to $30 an hour cutting grass, cleaning out gutters, and trimming hedges. Hang out at Home Depot. They have FREE classes on how to do various jobs. Once you learn them, add that to your offerings.

Correll, I know you're full of shit because I'm searching the Internet and advertising almost daily. There are more jobs than there are people to apply for them. Most of what I get is the Bubba type with a 6 MPG truck and expecting a surgeon's wages for a skill set that took all of six months to learn OR a few Mexicans in a van. Older and lower income people are NOT going to lose their home because some white guy has an over-inflated opinion of his worth. Case in point:

When I had surgery a couple of years ago, I advertised on Craigslist for someone to change an overflow valve I had bought for a water heater. Had I not had stomach surgery, I would have done it. The first POS that shows up is a white guy in a van. He looks at the valve, goes to his truck and half an hour later comes back with an estimate for $245. He charged $40 for the "service call." I gave him the money for his "service call" and gave him exactly 40 seconds to get off my property. The next guy came over and we went down stairs. He looked at and then said, "where is the breaker for your water heater?" He flipped the breaker and water valve off and went for his tools. By the time he came back downstairs I had the water draining from the water heater. He swapped the valves out. He switched the breaker back on, turned the water valve on and waited for about 5 minutes for the water to fill and the system to work. He charged $30 and the whole deal was done in under 20 minutes.

There are plenty of jobs, Correll. If someone wants to work, if they are entrepreneurial, they can make $50 grand a year for forty hour work weeks. Insofar as "jobs" with traditional employers, it's their job so I believe in letting them hire the candidate of their choice. The employer owns the job. Besides, if we played your game it would be the LBGQT community wanting the job, then the black guy, then the woman, the religious "minority" (be it Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) White Americans would be the last on the list.

So, no Correll, I do not support forcing people to give up their private property Rights. That's your real beef. But, the fact is, NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. There are plenty of jobs IF you want to work. I pay $20 to $30 per hour and cannot get people to apply for the jobs. I KNOW what you post is absolute bullshit.

I don't know what you think you are demonstrating up there, other than a lack of concern for your fellow Americans.

We have been flooding the AMERICAN labor market with foreigners for decades, generations even. Excuse me, I meant to say, FUCKING FOREIGNERS.

For generations, working class Americans have been paying a heavy price for that, in reduced wages and opportunities.

I'm glad that you have managed to get good help cheap.

But now, it is the turn on the working class to get some attention to their interests. It has been ONE year that we are finally seeing some movement on wages, after generations of stagnation.

Check back with me in 50 years, and I will be open to letting you, as a employer, having your next turn.

IF this were about wages, which you claim are going up without a wall, you've basically acknowledged the substantive part of my argument. So, mission accomplished.

Massive dishonesty there. That we have managed to tighten up the labor market some, without a wall, does not mean that a wall would not help to do so more or maintain gains made.

What you fail to see in all your know it all arrogance when you have admitted you have never studied immigration law nor history is that the demigod you follow inherited his money. He didn't earn it.

He inherited a large amount and grew it. No mean feat. I've seen people inherit and fail to even maintain.

Your silly game of conflating political support with worship, is a sign that you know your argument is weak and needs bolstered by silly games.

He was never a Republican, and he's telling you what you want to hear while he sets you up for the ultimate defeat. MOST of his shit gets defeated in court and the parts where government imposes on your Rights and mine are what is left on the books.

This point would be more credible, if you didn't play games like calling Trump, " demigod".

I deleted a lot of filler.

Politicians tell you what you want to hear and, like it or not, foreigners come here because they are profitable for big business.

No, foreigners come here because THEY can make money. They are allowed to come here because donors of both parties want the cheap labor, and the dems want the votes.

I don't know why you included the bit about "politicians telling you what you want to hear". Why not fill your posts with observations about water being wet, and ice being cold?

They pay taxes, outwork your sorry ass, complain less, and produce more. For that reason big business will continue to work them unless and until OUR culture changes.

Or until we use our political power to deport their asses and make big business hire Americans or shut down. FUCK THEM.

Americans will have to do what I do. You commit to one another. You do work for the poor and always pay it forward. You will be blessed because your fellow man will then look out for you. I'm not rich, but I have more security than any person on this board. Any American willing to forth the effort, work hard, and display a modicum of loyalty has no legitimate reason to be unemployed or worrying about non-existent "illegals." You watch your fellow American's back, he watches yours and there is no incentive for foreigners to come here.

None of the explains why we should let foreigners flood our labor market, or addresses the fact that doing so hurts the American workers.

1) Again you drone one and on and call me dishonest. You are the pot what calls the kettle black. You have demonstrated your abject stupidity by claiming that I lie and the only thing you put forth is a lie that has been factually REFUTED... making YOU THE DISHONEST ONE

Walls Don't Work

2) The only person playing games is YOU and nobody is reading your point by point criticism. I won't do it further; I'll simply move forward if you continue this kind of silly shit that NOBODY reads. You said you couldn't read long posts, so don't expect me to

3) Because you will not study the issues and you continue to knowingly lie about me and try to present me as being dishonest when the fact of the matter is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about this subject, you are stuck with a belief in the wall with no supporting evidence AND HISTORY TESTIFYING AGAINST YOU

4) You do not have the constitutional authority to force a business to hire any damn body. That's the point! You don't own the jobs. You didn't stay up at nights and work week-ends and holidays to create the job. You don't know the meaning of the word arrogance because you keep projecting.

Correll, you don't have what it takes to take from me. You've tried to steal from me at every opportunity; you've lied; you've misrepresented the facts; you've never created a damn thing but a little chaos on a discussion board. I worked hard for what I have. You don't have the balls to take it; government cannot, constitutionally, take it from me. So, while you're advocating illegal and unconstitutional actions, I can understand your apathy toward the Second Amendment and your fellow Americans

5) A substantial number of Americans disagree with your position. They willingly do business with foreigners. As time progresses, that majority is growing. I read an unverified figure that 70 percent of Americans were still "white." A good many of them are liberal. Every election cycle, people like you become less influential.

We started to do that massive deportation thing; the optics didn't work and Trump blinked (your dumb ass was sleeping on that one.) With so many of these foreigners having American families, it would appear your idiotic ass would wake up. Deportation on a massive scale won't happen. Separating families over a civil misdemeanor would be shot down in the federal courts as a violation of the 8th Amendment.

6) You aren't going to use force - you lack the foot soldiers among the citizenry to do it and it cannot be done due to that stumbling block called the Constitution. You can incentivize businesses to hire all American staffs, but you can't force them to do it. Laws are not stopping it and never have - never will. See the above link.
To get back on point, I have traced the origins of the anti-immigrant faction now known as the wallists. While they continue to call anyone that dares disagree with them a liar when they get busted for misrepresentations, the left is embarrassing them with facts that even I cringe at having to acknowledge.

Mexico Agreed to Take Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal

The Liar In Chief is only saved by the fact that the liberals use silly shit like:

"according to officials from both countries who are familiar with the negotiations."

What officials and what negotiations? I'll be damned if I do their work for them. The article gives weak source information, but now you know what your congresscritter in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is hearing from the controlled liberal media.
Me too. Trump might as well been a sack of wet moldy potatoes. We don't want amoral preachy liberal leftist hypocrites leading us. Hells no. Viva Trump! All hail the potat in chief!
Full disclosure: I voted for Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. The evil I got was one I did not want. Trump has to be the first president that could violate the Constitution three different ways with one Executive Order.

Having said that, I've done a number of threads here that have gotten a record number of responses. Mostly I expose the wallists (those who have made a religion out of militarizing the southern border) as their proposed solutions violates MY RIGHTS. We definitely have a problem with foreigners coming here; however, the leadership that is forming the proposed solutions, introducing the legislation, and parroting the talking points are not who you think they are. So, here is a classic example of the kinds of people the Trump machine attracts:

GOP 'deportation bus' candidate in Georgia pleads guilty
I would like to point out you should really have studied history deeper. Do you take property from American people and cause the people to sell out to a friend who is going to make millions on it. Is that a violation? Well FDR did it to Americans who were from Japan. There are more so read and learn....
I'd like to cut this short so that pismoe and I don't end up taking the same road Correll and I are taking in another thread. Here is a copy / paste of the bottom line on the subject of immigration:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all menare created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

By the time we get to the Constitution, our ancestors had this to say:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..."

There are two interpretations between these two. In the Declaration of Independence, Liberty is a gift from the Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) It is unalienable which means it is above the reach of government. Government has NO JURISDICTION over unalienable Rights.

In the Constitution, we created the equivalent of a contract between we, the people, and that entity called government. That contract applied only to the posterity of the white race and that entity called government. (See the United States Supreme Court decision Dred Scott v. Sanford)

The 14th Amendment nullified the ruling in Dred Scott v. Sanford. The 14th Amendment guarantees to ALL PERSONS (not citizens) the now privilege (NOT RIGHT) of Liberty.

It's obvious to me that you have not studied law or history so you don't know which of those positions you are taking. But, so far what you articulate is the third position. Government grants you your rights? Is that your position? So, you have NO Rights... no Right to own a firearm, no Right to choose your own religion (or no religion), no Right to Freedom of Speech or Privacy; no Right to Due Process, etc. You're going to put government in charge of that? Really? So, what you're arguing is that government is in the Rights granting business? I want you think about where you stand on this and get back to me. {END OF QUOTE}

Liberty is either granted by a Creator at birth and no one is beholden to the government in the exercise of this Right. You either believe in it or you don't. Citizenship, OTOH, is a privilege. Current laws seek to force foreigners to become citizens in exchange for their being able to partake of the free market. Under the current law, since there is no Liberty for the citizenry, there is none for the foreigner. Those promoting the wallist theology are opposed to the Constitution.
Once upon a time many years ago a man with a pen, telephone put in a prison camp100.000 s of people. By doing this he also helped his friend take their property and make a ton of money. This was done without any court hearings, or legal system used. While there they were guarded behind barb wire and the U.S Army with guns at ready. OK do you know who this was The man was a Democrat liberal white man called FDR....His friend was Rudolf Randal Hurst. Sounds like the Law of the Constitution was violated.
I gather from the last few posts some criminal employer is whining about Trump doing something about criminal illegal aliens, as if we should feel their pain or something. If they're just so productive n stuff, just move your own ass down there and set up shop, scumbag.
Show me someone that is prejudiced against something, and the vast majority of the time, that person will be able to give some reason for their bias.

It may be a weak reason, but it is not NO reason.

My support of a Wall is not a religion, and I have no problem looking at it, within a larger picture.

In order to do that, you must accept the larger picture. In terms of cost a wall is much like brushing your teeth with Drano. Everything has its price and in this case it isn't the money.

I do not have to accept your larger picture. Saying that I do, is not an argument. It is nearly the opposite of an argument.

Donnie Chump is never going to build a freaking wall. So, you can pound sand. He's going to screw you like he screwed gun owners with his unconstitutional bump stock ban and then his announcement he is going to ban silencers... his constituency is getting their asses kicked incrementally and so have the wall worshipers.

Perhaps. What was I supposed to do? Vote for fucking Hillary and hope she build a Wall? LOL!!!!

It is one thing to disagree with me. TO ignore that I was choosing among limited choices, is not reasonable of you.

Have I done anything like that to you?

That post cannot be separated from the hundreds if not a thousand exchanges that have preceded it between you and I. Do we have to summarize where we've been?

And no where among them did I play a game where I ignored the context of your decision to slam you on the grounds of you not making the perfect, not available choice.

You have a few good points, but you consistently bury them under various types of bs.
YOur assumption that there are "real jobs" out there, is noted. Your lack of concern for them is noted.

My point stands. I want those jobs for Americans, and in a tight labor market, as we are seeing, even "entry level jobs" are seeing rising wages.

What part of this do you have a problem with?

I have a problem with the part that you are lying.

In professional circles, there are always white collar jobs available. The Kaiser I go to for health care was hiring for an LPN position. About eight candidates showed up for the job. I was waiting to be seen by a specialist and didn't know they were there for the job. Then a lady stepped outside the door and said all those applying for the LPN positions come this way. All eight were black and virtually all of them were non - English speaking!

On the semi-skilled side of the fence, if you can get a CDL, you can get a job within 24 hours.

If you need a job and have minimal skills, get yourself a ladder, lawnmower and a truck. You can make $25 to $30 an hour cutting grass, cleaning out gutters, and trimming hedges. Hang out at Home Depot. They have FREE classes on how to do various jobs. Once you learn them, add that to your offerings.

Correll, I know you're full of shit because I'm searching the Internet and advertising almost daily. There are more jobs than there are people to apply for them. Most of what I get is the Bubba type with a 6 MPG truck and expecting a surgeon's wages for a skill set that took all of six months to learn OR a few Mexicans in a van. Older and lower income people are NOT going to lose their home because some white guy has an over-inflated opinion of his worth. Case in point:

When I had surgery a couple of years ago, I advertised on Craigslist for someone to change an overflow valve I had bought for a water heater. Had I not had stomach surgery, I would have done it. The first POS that shows up is a white guy in a van. He looks at the valve, goes to his truck and half an hour later comes back with an estimate for $245. He charged $40 for the "service call." I gave him the money for his "service call" and gave him exactly 40 seconds to get off my property. The next guy came over and we went down stairs. He looked at and then said, "where is the breaker for your water heater?" He flipped the breaker and water valve off and went for his tools. By the time he came back downstairs I had the water draining from the water heater. He swapped the valves out. He switched the breaker back on, turned the water valve on and waited for about 5 minutes for the water to fill and the system to work. He charged $30 and the whole deal was done in under 20 minutes.

There are plenty of jobs, Correll. If someone wants to work, if they are entrepreneurial, they can make $50 grand a year for forty hour work weeks. Insofar as "jobs" with traditional employers, it's their job so I believe in letting them hire the candidate of their choice. The employer owns the job. Besides, if we played your game it would be the LBGQT community wanting the job, then the black guy, then the woman, the religious "minority" (be it Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.) White Americans would be the last on the list.

So, no Correll, I do not support forcing people to give up their private property Rights. That's your real beef. But, the fact is, NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. There are plenty of jobs IF you want to work. I pay $20 to $30 per hour and cannot get people to apply for the jobs. I KNOW what you post is absolute bullshit.

I don't know what you think you are demonstrating up there, other than a lack of concern for your fellow Americans.

We have been flooding the AMERICAN labor market with foreigners for decades, generations even. Excuse me, I meant to say, FUCKING FOREIGNERS.

For generations, working class Americans have been paying a heavy price for that, in reduced wages and opportunities.

I'm glad that you have managed to get good help cheap.

But now, it is the turn on the working class to get some attention to their interests. It has been ONE year that we are finally seeing some movement on wages, after generations of stagnation.

Check back with me in 50 years, and I will be open to letting you, as a employer, having your next turn.

IF this were about wages, which you claim are going up without a wall, you've basically acknowledged the substantive part of my argument. So, mission accomplished.

Massive dishonesty there. That we have managed to tighten up the labor market some, without a wall, does not mean that a wall would not help to do so more or maintain gains made.

What you fail to see in all your know it all arrogance when you have admitted you have never studied immigration law nor history is that the demigod you follow inherited his money. He didn't earn it.

He inherited a large amount and grew it. No mean feat. I've seen people inherit and fail to even maintain.

Your silly game of conflating political support with worship, is a sign that you know your argument is weak and needs bolstered by silly games.

He was never a Republican, and he's telling you what you want to hear while he sets you up for the ultimate defeat. MOST of his shit gets defeated in court and the parts where government imposes on your Rights and mine are what is left on the books.

This point would be more credible, if you didn't play games like calling Trump, " demigod".

I deleted a lot of filler.

Politicians tell you what you want to hear and, like it or not, foreigners come here because they are profitable for big business.

No, foreigners come here because THEY can make money. They are allowed to come here because donors of both parties want the cheap labor, and the dems want the votes.

I don't know why you included the bit about "politicians telling you what you want to hear". Why not fill your posts with observations about water being wet, and ice being cold?

They pay taxes, outwork your sorry ass, complain less, and produce more. For that reason big business will continue to work them unless and until OUR culture changes.

Or until we use our political power to deport their asses and make big business hire Americans or shut down. FUCK THEM.

Americans will have to do what I do. You commit to one another. You do work for the poor and always pay it forward. You will be blessed because your fellow man will then look out for you. I'm not rich, but I have more security than any person on this board. Any American willing to forth the effort, work hard, and display a modicum of loyalty has no legitimate reason to be unemployed or worrying about non-existent "illegals." You watch your fellow American's back, he watches yours and there is no incentive for foreigners to come here.

None of the explains why we should let foreigners flood our labor market, or addresses the fact that doing so hurts the American workers.

1) Again you drone one and on and call me dishonest. You are the pot what calls the kettle black. You have demonstrated your abject stupidity by claiming that I lie and the only thing you put forth is a lie that has been factually REFUTED... making YOU THE DISHONEST ONE

Walls Don't Work

2) The only person playing games is YOU and nobody is reading your point by point criticism. I won't do it further; I'll simply move forward if you continue this kind of silly shit that NOBODY reads. You said you couldn't read long posts, so don't expect me to

3) Because you will not study the issues and you continue to knowingly lie about me and try to present me as being dishonest when the fact of the matter is that you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about this subject, you are stuck with a belief in the wall with no supporting evidence AND HISTORY TESTIFYING AGAINST YOU

4) You do not have the constitutional authority to force a business to hire any damn body. That's the point! You don't own the jobs. You didn't stay up at nights and work week-ends and holidays to create the job. You don't know the meaning of the word arrogance because you keep projecting.

Correll, you don't have what it takes to take from me. You've tried to steal from me at every opportunity; you've lied; you've misrepresented the facts; you've never created a damn thing but a little chaos on a discussion board. I worked hard for what I have. You don't have the balls to take it; government cannot, constitutionally, take it from me. So, while you're advocating illegal and unconstitutional actions, I can understand your apathy toward the Second Amendment and your fellow Americans

5) A substantial number of Americans disagree with your position. They willingly do business with foreigners. As time progresses, that majority is growing. I read an unverified figure that 70 percent of Americans were still "white." A good many of them are liberal. Every election cycle, people like you become less influential.

We started to do that massive deportation thing; the optics didn't work and Trump blinked (your dumb ass was sleeping on that one.) With so many of these foreigners having American families, it would appear your idiotic ass would wake up. Deportation on a massive scale won't happen. Separating families over a civil misdemeanor would be shot down in the federal courts as a violation of the 8th Amendment.

6) You aren't going to use force - you lack the foot soldiers among the citizenry to do it and it cannot be done due to that stumbling block called the Constitution. You can incentivize businesses to hire all American staffs, but you can't force them to do it. Laws are not stopping it and never have - never will. See the above link.

1. Walls work. That is why our houses have them.

2. Keeping outsiders OUT, is a function of government. Having an immigration policy or a policy of a tight labor market is not "Forcing" an employer to hire someone.

3. I am aware of the demographics. That the long term looks bad, is not a reason to just give up now.

4. You sure deportations have stopped? Can you support that?

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