Key Republicans Backing Health Reform

If you seek out the truth and disregard the politically motivated propaganda used to raise $$$ about Edward Moore Kennedy, the man, he was loved and highly respected by Democrats AND Republicans in the Senate and Washington...

Who doesn't like the guys that supplies the booze? ;)

See my last post about welfare. I hope that sheds some light on how I see left wing politics. The ideas are not necessarily wrong, but IMHO, it is the results and the motive that count.


I don't support motivation by punishment...especially children, which comprise half the human beings that receive welfare...

Right wing solutions are fantastic...if ONLY human beings would evaporate...

During the Great Depression, just like the current economic crisis, conservatives railed against government intervention... their solution: let the market heal itself and the economy will recover in the long run...

Prompting FDR's Commerce Secretary Harry Hopkins to say: "People don't eat in the long run. They eat every day."

PEOPLE before profits, property OR ideology... if that is NOT your priorities, then you are not a moral person...

Yeah, it's REPUBLICAN policies that don't take human nature into account . . . and Edward Kennedy was a selfless, saintly humanitarian. :cuckoo:

One word for you, clueboy: medication.
Frist let the Democrats walk all over him while he was in the Senate.
Ahnold has pursued a Democratic strategy of tax and spend as governor, giving CA the second worst economy in the nation.
Bloomberg isn't even a Republican, and philosophically never was.

Yeah, these are some real leaders of the GOP. The party needs to follow these nincompoops into electoral obscurity.

Electoral obscurity? You're already THERE! If the GOP continues down the profit and property before people road they're on, obscurity would be the BEST outcome...extinction would be the most likely outcome...

Tell me you are not insinuating that the Dems (political ones) care about people over profit, property and power.

I believe that there are good hearted Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives, in all walks of life. But when a person gets to Washington their life changes. Most go to Washington believing they can do good for America and with every intention of doing so, but it is not long before reality sets in.

yep...see Franken at end of his term...
I sure did believe his con, I voted for him. We had a state congress and senate that were heavily democratic, along with a democratic governor, that was taking the great state down a path of higher taxes and heavy spending. Something had to be done, I voted for another person...I think it was Forbes in the primary, but voted Arnie over "Bust"amante, I think that was who was running against him.

yes it was "BUST"amante who ran against him former California guy.....he campaigned on the saying..."i will do the Governing, that the American Candidate wont do"......hey just sayin.....
The Associated Press: Schwarzenegger supports health overhaul goals

Schwarzenegger supports health overhaul goals
By ERICA WERNER (AP) – 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger praised President Barack Obama's drive to overhaul the nation's health care system on Tuesday and urged fellow Republicans to join in efforts to finish the job this year.
Although Schwarzenegger stopped short of embracing a Democratic bill, his words of encouragement came on the heels of similar statements from other Republicans outside Congress, including former Senate Republican leader Bill Frist. The White House and Democrats highlighted them as evidence of momentum and division within GOP ranks. Congressional Republicans have been nearly unanimous in opposition to Democratic legislation.
Schwarzenegger, who two years ago tried but failed to pass a universal health care plan in California, said in a statement that he appreciated Obama's partnership with the states and his effort to hold down costs and improve quality. He urged lawmakers from both parties to "move forward and accomplish these vital goals for the American people."

threads merged-del

Who the FUCK are you trying to kid here anyway? The "JERKINATOR" May be a Republican, but he is a KALEEFORNIA Version, which means SQUAT with me.


And his words with me mean as much as "I'll BE BACK".

Whom were you trying to kid with this BULLSQUEEZE?

You mean to say No One, Do you not.

What a HACK you are foisting this shit here.
tell me you are not insinuating that the dems (political ones) care about people over profit, property and power.

I believe that there are good hearted democrats and republicans, liberals and conservatives, in all walks of life. But when a person gets to washington their life changes. Most go to washington believing they can do good for america and with every intention of doing so, but it is not long before reality sets in.


that is exactly what i'm saying... There is no 100% of anything, so stuff the polarized arguments...

Today's gop has become a party of extremists... Conservatives without conscience...

Ted kennedy worked for people over profit or property his whole career...

oh my god, did you blow ted? ted kennedy worked for ted kennedy and nothing else.

dems only care about people and reps only care about profit? Take your head out of you ass. They are all in it for the power.

I suppose that you think nancy pelosi is only in it for the good of the people too.

As for polarized arguments, polarized means one side over the other. Seems to me that it is your argument that is polarized not mine.

polarize definition - dictionary - msn encarta


There are good people in both parties... they simply don't work in Washington.

I believe they all start out with good intentions. Unfortunately, in order to survive in Washington politics, they have to "play to game". The game doesn't leave room for those who want to help the people.


Ted Kennedy helped A LOT of PEOPLE...he never played "the game"...

The Kennedys were never "for sale"...

President Obama has the right idea... corporations, special interests and lobbyists need to be removed from our political process...

Are all Democrats for the people...NO. But in comparison to today's Republicans, they're Mother Teressa

THAT is exactly what I'm saying... there is no 100% of anything, so stuff the polarized arguments...

Today's GOP has become a party of extremists... conservatives without conscience...

Ted Kennedy worked for people over profit or property his whole career...

Conservatives without consceince huh? Simply for opposing your bad policies??

Did you even bother reading the original post? Wow what a conservative Arnold is!

Did you ever consider that you are morally wrong by taking away the freedom of people and handing power to corrupt politicians in Washington DC? Of course not, how could you be wrong?

Have YOU ever considered that our founding fathers CREATED a GOVERNMENT. They would NEVER, EVER allow FOR PROFIT corporations to take away the freedoms of We, the people and decide who lives and who dies BASED ON PROFIT margins???

The Republican party has NO heart and NO conscience today... maybe if you were old enough to remember when Republicans had a conscience you wouldn't sound like such an idiot...

"In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Leave it to a Statist to take something out of context. You know Damned well what Ike was saying, shithead.

By being "Liberal", he was speaking of TRUE Liberty...and for Government NOT to take away.

WHY do you hate your OWN Liberty?

AGAIN...Ted Kennedy did... he always put people first... if anyone needed a champion, Kennedy was there... he never put profit or property before human beings...

Power is not alluring to pure minds.
Thomas Jefferson

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde

AGAIN...Ted Kennedy did... he always put people first... if anyone needed a champion, Kennedy was there... he never put profit or property before human beings...

Power is not alluring to pure minds.
Thomas Jefferson

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.
Oscar Wilde


Indeed...I guess Teddy FORGOT to tell Mary Joe as he drove OFF that bridge, and left her to DIE?

Teddy Kennedy was a Piece of Elitist SCUM.
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I disagree... Ted Kennedy was just a man, not a saint...he had many flaws and foibles...we ALL do...BUT, the man worked to improve himself and overcome his flaws. AND, he always worked for the betterment of others, particularly the poor and those that DIDN'T have the means or the power to protect their interests...

He never became president, but as a public servant he LIVED up to Harry Truman's and his late brother's words...

I disagree... Ted Kennedy was just a man, not a saint...he had many flaws and foibles...we ALL do...BUT, the man worked to improve himself and overcome his flaws. AND, he always worked for the betterment of others, particularly the poor and those that DIDN'T have the means or the power to protect their interests...

He never became president, but as a public servant he LIVED up to Harry Truman's and his late brother's words...


Uh-huh...and It was said that Teddy said there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't think of that night that he killed Mary Jo...

What this RUBE doesn't understand is that kennedy was an Elitist, that thought more of controlling others much as his DADDY, Joe did as a RUM RUNNER during prohibition.
So what you're saying is because right wingers are scum, everyone else is're just honest about being scum?

i think he is saying you, are a piece of shit.....but not the rest of us.....:eusa_whistle:

No, I try not to go so far.

I don't agree with Bfgrn but... as long as he/she is not a politician, I suspect that he/she has a point of view that is not based upon the whim of the highest bidder. I believe that many/most/all left wingers believe in doing what will help their fellow man. They may be wrong at times, but they are trying to do what is right. They really are not all that different from those of us on the right. They want to help. But, it is my opinion, that too much help is not necessarily a good thing.

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Arnold's Governor of a state hit extremely hard by the economic crisis and continual natural disasters...they need to do away with our corporate run "deathcare" system which is killing business growth and the government run death penalty system which is bankrupting California...


Report of the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice

“The additional cost of confining an inmate to death row, as compared to the maximum security prisons where those sentenced to life without possibility of parole ordinarily serve their sentences, is $90,000 per year per inmate. With California’s current death row population of 670, that accounts for $63.3 million annually

Using conservative rough projections, the Commission estimates the annual costs of the present (death penalty) system to be $137 million per year.

The cost of the present system with reforms recommended by the Commission to ensure a fair process would be $232.7 million per year.

The cost of a system in which the number of death-eligible crimes was significantly narrowed would be $130 million per year.

The cost of a system which imposes a maximum penalty of lifetime incarceration instead of the death penalty would be $11.5 million per year.

Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice, June 30, 2008).

Found an interesting take on insurance companies:
Corporate Communism | Video Cafe

Meanwhile in response to another poster, Grey Davis was set up by Enron
(Bush Admin. wouldn't let Cali sue to recoup losses from Enron fraud), and Arnold S. reaped the rewards.
Conservatives without consceince huh? Simply for opposing your bad policies??

Did you even bother reading the original post? Wow what a conservative Arnold is!

Did you ever consider that you are morally wrong by taking away the freedom of people and handing power to corrupt politicians in Washington DC? Of course not, how could you be wrong?

Have YOU ever considered that our founding fathers CREATED a GOVERNMENT. They would NEVER, EVER allow FOR PROFIT corporations to take away the freedoms of We, the people and decide who lives and who dies BASED ON PROFIT margins???

The Republican party has NO heart and NO conscience today... maybe if you were old enough to remember when Republicans had a conscience you wouldn't sound like such an idiot...

"In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Leave it to a Statist to take something out of context. You know Damned well what Ike was saying, shithead.

By being "Liberal", he was speaking of TRUE Liberty...and for Government NOT to take away.

WHY do you hate your OWN Liberty?

Leave it to a right wing pea brain to be totally obtuse to WHAT President Eisenhower was saying...

"In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

1. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty.
2. consisting of people: the human race.
3. of or pertaining to the social aspect of people: human affairs.
4. sympathetic; humane: a warmly human understanding.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, remarks at Lincoln Day box supper, Washington, D.C., February 5, 1954

"So that here we have, really, the compound, the overall philosophy of Lincoln: in all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with the people's money or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative-and don't be afraid to use the word.

And so today, Republicans come forward with programs in which there are such words as "balanced budgets," and "cutting expenditures," and all the kind of thing that means this economy must be conservative, it must be solvent.

But they also come forward and say we are concerned with every American's health, with a decent house for him, we are concerned that he will have a chance for health, and his children for education. We are going to see that he has power available to him. We are going to see that everything takes place that will enrich his life and let him as an individual, hard-working American citizen, have full opportunity to do for his children and his family what any decent American should want to do."
(Source: Dwight D. Eisenhower, remarks at Lincoln Day box supper, Washington, D.C., February 5, 1954; in ---- Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954, p. 242.)

Have you ever heard of a bleeding heart Republican?
Paul Craig Roberts - the father of Reaganomics
AGAIN...Ted Kennedy did... he always put people first... if anyone needed a champion, Kennedy was there... he never put profit or property before human beings...

No...Ted always put the welfare state first.....and taxed the hell out of people so they didn't make any profit and had no property.

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