Kerry's Final Mistake


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Kerry's final mistake.
Here's what I'd like to read about the 2004 election: an analysis of what happened written ten years from now. Anything written today is part of the events themselves. Writing today, you're caught up in the event of the moment. I feel I've been remiss in not yet posting a condemnation of the Republican's ban-the-Bible letter. Writing today, you're influenced by a hope or fear of affecting the events. And you also don't know how things will turn out. You don't know who will win the election, whether some dramatic event will occur in October, and how the war in Iraq will play out.

I try to imagine how someone looking back on the election will analyze it. If Kerry loses, one question will be, what was the turning point? Did the Swift Boat ads set the campaign on a track that led to defeat, was it Kerry's own choice to make his Vietnam service the central argument that he should be President, or was it a mass delusion--Kerry is electable--that overtook voters back in the primaries? Another question will be: When could Kerry have done something to salvage his candidacy? And: What was the final, fatal mistake?

I'm writing today, so I have all the deficiencies of a person writing today, but I have a prediction of the answer to that last question. The final, fatal mistake was criticizing and contradicting Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi when he was visiting the U.S. Kerry is in a very difficult position needing to criticize Bush's handling of the war, because the criticism itself seems damaging to the war effort. Bringing Allawi to the U.S. and linking him to the Bush campaign message was a powerful political move by Bush, but it was not a checkmate. Yet it forced Kerry into a terrible blunder. The grisly takedown has begun:

BUSH: This brave man came to our country to talk about how he's risking his life for a free Iraq, which helps America. And Sen. Kerry held a press conference and questioned Mr. Allawi's credibility. You can't lead this country if your ally in Iraq feels like you question his credibility.

CHENEY: I must say I was appalled at the complete lack of respect Sen. Kerry showed for this man of courage. Ayad Allawi is our ally. He stands beside us in the war against terror. John Kerry is trying to tear him down and to trash all the good that has been accomplished, and his words are destructive."

And the Kerry campaign is now wasting a lot of breath pointing out that it is an election year and the President's conduct of the war must be open to criticism, but what can be said of the attack on Allawi? Kerry will never dig himself out of this one, I think. And any time he makes his old favorite argument that he is much better suited for interaction with our allies, his Allawi blunder will be thrown in his face.
posted by Ann Althouse at 8:54 AM
I have to think that the one-two punch of 1) Jacques Chirac, Kerry's French buddy, flatly stating that his position on Iraq would not change, regardless of the party in power, and 2) Kerry's portrayal of Allawi, Iraq's prime minister, as an American puppet, is Kerry's knockout blow to himself.
A fat lady is standing next to a piano. The pianist hits a C chord, and the lady warbles,

"Ah ah ah ah AH ah ah ah ah".

The pianist hits a C sharp, and she adjusts.

"Ah ah ah ah AH ah ah ah ah".

The warmup is almost complete. Soon the fat lady will sing.
I dont think Kerry has made the final mistake. I think he will get worse before the end.
Avatar4321 said:
I dont think Kerry has made the final mistake. I think he will get worse before the end.

It's going to be an entertaining month. Who knows what lunacy his desperation and hysteria will bring?
I think Kerry will flip out during the debates on live tv. And bush will stand there, cool as a cucumber, speaking the truth, and smiling his little smile.

Im starting to wonder if Senator Kerry will even retain his Senate seat if he keeps going nuts like this.
By this time next week Kerry we be saying how much he admires and respects
Allawi.This man will do and say anything to become the next President.
Avatar4321 said:
I dont think Kerry has made the final mistake. I think he will get worse before the end.

I cannot see how that would be possible.

Insulting allies, even before Allawi got here.

His record in itself is atrocious. After the first attack on the WTC while Kerry was still in the Intel Committee he simply never bothered to show up to any of the meetings for over a year. After that he proposed huge cuts in Intel, so large they were largely excoriated by those on both sides of the Political spectrum and did so after the attacks on the Cole and US Embassies. His stalwart voting down of every appropriations bill for the Military is also another clue that he simply does not have the foresight to lead any nation, let alone this of ours.

This fumbling demented child-king will be sent home after a landslide if we simply work to get that message out.
no1tovote4 said:
I cannot see how that would be possible.

Insulting allies, even before Allawi got here.

His record in itself is atrocious. After the first attack on the WTC while Kerry was still in the Intel Committee he simply never bothered to show up to any of the meetings for over a year. After that he proposed huge cuts in Intel, so large they were largely excoriated by those on both sides of the Political spectrum and did so after the attacks on the Cole and US Embassies. His stalwart voting down of every appropriations bill for the Military is also another clue that he simply does not have the foresight to lead any nation, let alone this of ours.

This fumbling demented child-king will be sent home after a landslide if we simply work to get that message out.

I dont know how its possible. But i think it will happen.
Avatar4321 said:
Im starting to wonder if Senator Kerry will even retain his Senate seat if he keeps going nuts like this.

I don't know. You have to remember, these are the same people that keep sending Ted Kennedy back over and over.
Merlin1047 said:
Well, as long as we're peering into the crystal ball, allow me to predict a kerry statement regarding Allawi -

"I criticized him before I supported him."

and ultimately--" I was trying to win this election before I decided Bush stole it "
dilloduck said:
and ultimately--" I was trying to win this election before I decided Bush stole it "

Well I voted for Kerry before I voted against him.

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