Keep Protestors Away From Trump and Trump Supporters


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The protests against Donald Trump of the last 2 days have shown a lack of preparedness on the part of police regarding crowd control. No protester should ever be able to smash the windows of a police car. They should not be able to throw eggs or anything else at police or anyone else. They should not be allowed to get close enough to attack Donald Trump (or any candidate) , to his supporters.

When George Bush came to Tampa a few years ago, protesters weren't able to get with 3 blocks of the building Bush was driven to. They were hustled off to a "free speech zone" 3 blocks away, and held their protest there. Some people complained that it was a violation of free speech. I differ with that. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is one of the parts of the Constitution that is riddled with exceptions >> slander, libel, perjury, sedition, obscenity laws, child pornography, threats, fighting words, inciting a riot, etc.

In the case of the anti-Trump protesters, they have more than shown their hand enough for there to be preventive measures taken. There should be no anti-Trump protesting in the vicinity of the building (including parking lots) where Trump is scheduled to appear. Simple as that. Anyone protesting with the perimeter area should be subject to arrest.

I'm wondering if the leniency of the police we're seeing in some of these cities (Chicago, Costa Mesa, Burlingame, etc) are a result of deliberate semi-stand down policies of liberal mayors. Maybe we need a national ruling on this. Well, if we have to go to Obama for that, I guess we can forget that idea.

Might be interesting to research if there already are laws of that sort in California, Indiana, and other states.
Why can't Trump take his helicopter and make an entrance sliding down a rope commando style? Then the chopper could hook the Donald to the rope and fly him away for his exit. He would look like such a bad ass with a stunt like that. Guaranteed to get him a million more votes in the general.

Just a thought.
This is ridiculous. Show your protesting at the voting booths, not acting like idiots screaming at candidates no matter how much you don't want them. WTF happened to us??

You know anything about the history of this country?

All the founding fathers worried about was getting lynched by a mob, lol

Convention in 68, chicago? I think it was 68 either way shit is as old as time. They smash cop cars up for sports games out there
You know anything about the history of this country?

All the founding fathers worried about was getting lynched by a mob, lol

Convention in 68, chicago? I think it was 68 either way shit is as old as time. They smash cop cars up for sports games out there
During the Vietnam War, cops in Washington DC, New York, and Chicago used to smash protestors heads, arms and legs. That's what needs to happen now. Trump should avoid going to cities with liberal mayors who tell their cops to stand down. Go to cities where the cops are told to KICK ASS.
"Free speech zones"? That is a total joke....wherever I go as a free man on the land is "free speech" zone. My rights as a human being are not bestowed upon me nor granted by a benevolent "gubermint" but comes from my creator. With that being said, I do not have the right to stop others from expressing themselves and exercising their right to assemble which is what anti-Trump supporters (sponsored and paid for by George Soros) is trying to do. I hope that Trump makes a pit stop in Tampa, Florida again during the campaign...wasn't living here when he rolled through in February but I fucking double dog dare some Soros paid for protesters to accost me ...and I am not even eligible to vote but will attend out of spite....they will be sucking their meals through a straw for a very long time.
Spray painting someone's car because they're on the way to attend a political rally for a candidate you don't like? Absurd.
Smash people's heads, arms and legs for protesting? Absurd.
Not for protesting. For doing what these filthy dirtbags have been doing (in Chicago, and California last 2 days) > attacking Trump supporters, attacking police, throwing eggs at them, smashing police car windows, etc. They need a good solid ass-kicking.
Trump is WTF happened to us. Trump sewed the seeds of violence and now he is reaping the harvest he wanted.
Bullshit, and that is a half-baked :lame2: excuse for stupid, criminal behavior. Kick the crap out of these violent street thugs, lock them up and no TV, radio, computer, or music. Let them read Trump's website and his latest book, Crippled America.
Gas them? You're sounding a tad fascist.
No he's not. Have you been following the news ? Do you know what these street criminal thugs have been doing ? They're lucky they weren't shot, or bayoneted by the National Guard, or had their heads busted by the cops. That's what we got when we protested against the Vietnam War in 1970. Billy clubs and tear gas. And that's what the cops should be doing now, to these low-lifes.
You know anything about the history of this country?

All the founding fathers worried about was getting lynched by a mob, lol

Convention in 68, chicago? I think it was 68 either way shit is as old as time. They smash cop cars up for sports games out there
During the Vietnam War, cops in Washington DC, New York, and Chicago used to smash protestors heads, arms and legs. That's what needs to happen now. Trump should avoid going to cities with liberal mayors who tell their cops to stand down. Go to cities where the cops are told to KICK ASS.
Trouble is, such cities are hard to find, in The People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia; a.k.a. The Land of Fruits and Nuts.
You know anything about the history of this country?

All the founding fathers worried about was getting lynched by a mob, lol

Convention in 68, chicago? I think it was 68 either way shit is as old as time. They smash cop cars up for sports games out there
During the Vietnam War, cops in Washington DC, New York, and Chicago used to smash protestors heads, arms and legs. That's what needs to happen now. Trump should avoid going to cities with liberal mayors who tell their cops to stand down. Go to cities where the cops are told to KICK ASS.
Trouble is, such cities are hard to find, in The People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia; a.k.a. The Land of Fruits and Nuts.
Fruits, nuts and flakes.....
Smash people's heads, arms and legs for protesting? Absurd.
Of course not. Rather, smash people's heads, arms and legs, for rioting. Violence designed to suppress legitimate political activity is anathema in the United States, and that is exactly what these street mobs of LibTards are engaged in. Bust a few dozen skulls and throw a couple of hundred of their asses into jail and tear-gas the rest of the little wankers.
Trouble is, such cities are hard to find, in The People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia; a.k.a. The Land of Fruits and Nuts.
There must be some with Republican mayors or county commissioners.
Of California's ten largest cities, three have Republican mayors in 2014:
  • San Diego (2): Kevin Faulconer.
  • Fresno (5): Ashley Swearengin.
  • Anaheim (10): Tom Tait

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