Keep Protestors Away From Trump and Trump Supporters

The Donald goes out of his way to excite and provoke people with the outrageous things he says in public.

He doesn't get to pick and choose how people react to what he says. Since what he has chosen to say could be possibly the most outrageous things ever in a presidential primary campaign it doesn't surprise me that he gets energetic reaction by both his supporters AND detractors.
"Hey, that guy said something i dont like, lets attack a bunch of people that arent him and lets smash up cars and vandalize some shit."

WOW! You must have a point since clearly there were no people there REPRESENTING Trump. The protesters were obviously just randomly attacking innocent strangers. When you are right you are right.
The Donald goes out of his way to excite and provoke people with the outrageous things he says in public.

He doesn't get to pick and choose how people react to what he says. Since what he has chosen to say could be possibly the most outrageous things ever in a presidential primary campaign it doesn't surprise me that he gets energetic reaction by both his supporters AND detractors.
I'd say what he has chosen to say addresses the real problems in America, and offers solutions to fix them, and has done far more effectively than any other candidate, and apparently enough people in America agree with that to make him the next president of the US.

Now, "outrageous" ? That would be anyone not voting for Donald Trump. That would be simply "outrageous" and puzzling why they wouldn't.

so it was okay when your idol told his loons to rough up protestors?

but now you're crying?

the protesters here were wrong. but i can't say you idiots didn't bring it on yourselves.
CORRECTION: Those weren't "protestors". Those were DISRUPTORS. And they were violent when they resisted arrest. And yes, you can say that no one brought it on themselves. These are just cheap, two-bit, low-life, scum of the earth, filthy degenerate thugs, who need to have their heads bashed in with police billy clubs. If I were one of the cops, I'd hit them really hard in the shins, about 6 inches below the knee. Very high chance of breaking the leg bone, and it makes a really loud sound like a cannon. Love to see them drop to the ground, and scream in pain. Just need to have plenty of stretchers around, to haul them away, so as to not continue to block traffic and litter up the street with their filthy bodies. :biggrin:
WOW! You must have a point since clearly there were no people there REPRESENTING Trump. The protesters were obviously just randomly attacking innocent strangers. When you are right you are right.
So you saying that the Trump supporters are not innocent, and thereby deserve to be attacked physically ? Sure sounds like that what you're saying.
WOW! You must have a point since clearly there were no people there REPRESENTING Trump. The protesters were obviously just randomly attacking innocent strangers. When you are right you are right.
So you saying that the Trump supporters are not innocent, and thereby deserve to be attacked physically ? Sure sounds like that what you're saying.

Me? No. I doubt the people attacking the police vehicle and such were not legitimate anti-Trump protesters. It has been my observation that anarchists go to these protests and just raise hell and do most if not all of the destruction of property. I've personally seen them do it here in Seattle. They travel long distances to "attend" rallies and protests. They frequently have masks or bandannas covering their faces when they do these illegal activities.

Do I think the Trump supporters deserve to be attacked? I don't know. I wasn't there. If there were warnings of violence it seems like many were there expecting physical confrontation on both sides irregardless of the punks for mentioned that go to these things just to cause problems.

Unless one could see the whole sequence of events it is nearly impossible to make claims that this or that person was innocent. Usually the police and FBI have very good video of stuff like this. Don't be surprised if there are arrests in connection with what went on.
Me? No. I doubt the people attacking the police vehicle and such were not legitimate anti-Trump protesters. It has been my observation that anarchists go to these protests and just raise hell and do most if not all of the destruction of property. I've personally seen them do it here in Seattle. They travel long distances to "attend" rallies and protests. They frequently have masks or bandannas covering their faces when they do these illegal activities.

Do I think the Trump supporters deserve to be attacked? I don't know. I wasn't there. If there were warnings of violence it seems like many were there expecting physical confrontation on both sides irregardless of the punks for mentioned that go to these things just to cause problems.

Unless one could see the whole sequence of events it is nearly impossible to make claims that this or that person was innocent. Usually the police and FBI have very good video of stuff like this. Don't be surprised if there are arrests in connection with what went on.
I'm not quite sure how you differentiate between a "legitimate" anti-Trump protester, and something else. If they are there protesting against Trump, they are anti-Trump protestors. Period.
Me? No. I doubt the people attacking the police vehicle and such were not legitimate anti-Trump protesters. It has been my observation that anarchists go to these protests and just raise hell and do most if not all of the destruction of property. I've personally seen them do it here in Seattle. They travel long distances to "attend" rallies and protests. They frequently have masks or bandannas covering their faces when they do these illegal activities.

Do I think the Trump supporters deserve to be attacked? I don't know. I wasn't there. If there were warnings of violence it seems like many were there expecting physical confrontation on both sides irregardless of the punks for mentioned that go to these things just to cause problems.

Unless one could see the whole sequence of events it is nearly impossible to make claims that this or that person was innocent. Usually the police and FBI have very good video of stuff like this. Don't be surprised if there are arrests in connection with what went on.
I'm not quite sure how you differentiate between a "legitimate" anti-Trump protester, and something else. If they are there protesting against Trump, they are anti-Trump protestors. Period.

Well you are certainly within your rights to see it any way you want as am I.
Trump is WTF happened to us. Trump sewed the seeds of violence and now he is reaping the harvest he wanted.
Bullshit, and that is a half-baked :lame2: excuse for stupid, criminal behavior. Kick the crap out of these violent street thugs, lock them up and no TV, radio, computer, or music. Let them read Trump's website and his latest book, Crippled America.
Trump owns all the violence on his watch. He inspired it, so now he owns it.
That stupid. He didn't inspire violence any more than Hillary inspires honesty. The rioters show up where he is, they can't stand free speech. They hate the Constitution, they hate rights they disagree with. They are foul unAmerican thugs that need to be put in place.

Now as much as I LOVE seeing their puss filled faces slammed into the asphalt I think water canons are way more effective and easier on the police. The fact that Trump is bringing the unAmerican types out of the woodwork is proof positive he's the guy to make America what it could be. We can't get there without treating the cancer in society.
The Donald goes out of his way to excite and provoke people with the outrageous things he says in public.

He doesn't get to pick and choose how people react to what he says. Since what he has chosen to say could be possibly the most outrageous things ever in a presidential primary campaign it doesn't surprise me that he gets energetic reaction by both his supporters AND detractors.
Energetic reaction? That's how you spin rioting? Your position is no different than little baby Johnny throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get a cookie before dinner.

This is America, we have the right to free speech, you do NOT have the right to react the way your feelings dictate. Grow up!
Gas them, bust some heads or whatever makes you feel tough. Trump will not be the next president and that`s all that matters.

Nobody has any way of knowing that Trump won't be the next president. So when they proclaim that he won't, what they are really proclaiming is that they are scared shitless that he IS going to be president. :laugh:
I thought we were supposed to be scared of Palin too! What a buffoon you are!
The protests against Donald Trump of the last 2 days have shown a lack of preparedness on the part of police regarding crowd control. No protester should ever be able to smash the windows of a police car. They should not be able to throw eggs or anything else at police or anyone else. They should not be allowed to get close enough to attack Donald Trump (or any candidate) , to his supporters.

When George Bush came to Tampa a few years ago, protesters weren't able to get with 3 blocks of the building Bush was driven to. They were hustled off to a "free speech zone" 3 blocks away, and held their protest there. Some people complained that it was a violation of free speech. I differ with that. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is one of the parts of the Constitution that is riddled with exceptions >> slander, libel, perjury, sedition, obscenity laws, child pornography, threats, fighting words, inciting a riot, etc.

In the case of the anti-Trump protesters, they have more than shown their hand enough for there to be preventive measures taken. There should be no anti-Trump protesting in the vicinity of the building (including parking lots) where Trump is scheduled to appear. Simple as that. Anyone protesting with the perimeter area should be subject to arrest.

I'm wondering if the leniency of the police we're seeing in some of these cities (Chicago, Costa Mesa, Burlingame, etc) are a result of deliberate semi-stand down policies of liberal mayors. Maybe we need a national ruling on this. Well, if we have to go to Obama for that, I guess we can forget that idea.

Might be interesting to research if there already are laws of that sort in California, Indiana, and other states.

It's not a lack of preparedness by the police. It's a lack of will or lack of leadership.

If told to end it....the police would squash the protesters. It just depends on how much their leaders want to do it....if at all.
"Free speech zones"? That is a total joke....wherever I go as a free man on the land is "free speech" zone. My rights as a human being are not bestowed upon me nor granted by a benevolent "gubermint" but comes from my creator. With that being said, I do not have the right to stop others from expressing themselves and exercising their right to assemble which is what anti-Trump supporters (sponsored and paid for by George Soros) is trying to do. I hope that Trump makes a pit stop in Tampa, Florida again during the campaign...wasn't living here when he rolled through in February but I fucking double dog dare some Soros paid for protesters to accost me ...and I am not even eligible to vote but will attend out of spite....they will be sucking their meals through a straw for a very long time.

That's what the left doesn't get.

If they wanna line up on the public sidewalk and shout their protests as loud as possible....DO IT!!! God bless America!!!!

It's crossing that line that they can't do. You can't attack us physically or block access to something. And we are losing our patience with these fucking brats.
Trump owns all the violence on his watch. He inspired it, so now he owns it.
HA HA HA. And I suppose all the money flowing from the Soros coffers has no inspiration, huh ? Frankly, wherever it is inspired from, it's doing a great job of pilling up the votes for Trump, as he becomes more and more popular with every one of these lowlife mobs doing their dirty work. As for the Mexican flags, with each wave of them, comes another 1000 votes for Trump. Keep waving that rotten rag, wetbacks.
they hope they can fool a few people with that line of BS. I think the majority of people know who is funding (the nasty protesters) to show up. that the only thing the Democrat party knows to win. DIRTY nasty politics, bring chaos and mayhem into our lives "daily"
"Free speech zones"? That is a total joke....wherever I go as a free man on the land is "free speech" zone. My rights as a human being are not bestowed upon me nor granted by a benevolent "gubermint" but comes from my creator. With that being said, I do not have the right to stop others from expressing themselves and exercising their right to assemble which is what anti-Trump supporters (sponsored and paid for by George Soros) is trying to do. I hope that Trump makes a pit stop in Tampa, Florida again during the campaign...wasn't living here when he rolled through in February but I fucking double dog dare some Soros paid for protesters to accost me ...and I am not even eligible to vote but will attend out of spite....they will be sucking their meals through a straw for a very long time.

That's what the left doesn't get.

If they wanna line up on the public sidewalk and shout their protests as loud as possible....DO IT!!! God bless America!!!!

It's crossing that line that they can't do. You can't attack us physically or block access to something. And we are losing our patience with these fucking brats.
"Free speech zones"? That is a total joke....wherever I go as a free man on the land is "free speech" zone. My rights as a human being are not bestowed upon me nor granted by a benevolent "gubermint" but comes from my creator. With that being said, I do not have the right to stop others from expressing themselves and exercising their right to assemble which is what anti-Trump supporters (sponsored and paid for by George Soros) is trying to do. I hope that Trump makes a pit stop in Tampa, Florida again during the campaign...wasn't living here when he rolled through in February but I fucking double dog dare some Soros paid for protesters to accost me ...and I am not even eligible to vote but will attend out of spite....they will be sucking their meals through a straw for a very long time.

That's what the left doesn't get.

If they wanna line up on the public sidewalk and shout their protests as loud as possible....DO IT!!! God bless America!!!!

It's crossing that line that they can't do. You can't attack us physically or block access to something. And we are losing our patience with these fucking brats.

Yep, I have had a gut full of these POS and I think the time has come to start putting these pussies in their proper place and if it means breaking some jaws along the way, so be it.
The Donald goes out of his way to excite and provoke people with the outrageous things he says in public.

He doesn't get to pick and choose how people react to what he says. Since what he has chosen to say could be possibly the most outrageous things ever in a presidential primary campaign it doesn't surprise me that he gets energetic reaction by both his supporters AND detractors.
Energetic reaction? That's how you spin rioting? Your position is no different than little baby Johnny throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get a cookie before dinner.

This is America, we have the right to free speech, you do NOT have the right to react the way your feelings dictate. Grow up!

I wasn't there. I'm very well matured. thank you.
The Donald goes out of his way to excite and provoke people with the outrageous things he says in public.

He doesn't get to pick and choose how people react to what he says. Since what he has chosen to say could be possibly the most outrageous things ever in a presidential primary campaign it doesn't surprise me that he gets energetic reaction by both his supporters AND detractors.
Energetic reaction? That's how you spin rioting? Your position is no different than little baby Johnny throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get a cookie before dinner.

This is America, we have the right to free speech, you do NOT have the right to react the way your feelings dictate. Grow up!

I wasn't there. I'm very well matured. thank you.
Physically perhaps. Blaming Trump for the rioters is like blaming banks for bank robberies. It's where the money is.
WTF happened to us??
Trump is WTF happened to us. Trump sewed the seeds of violence and now he is reaping the harvest he wanted.
Yeah, the same logic people used tto use to defend rapists cuase some omans dress was a bit too short.

The antiTrump Nazi Brown Shirts are starting the violence.

Why dont you be an honest adult and own it instead of spreading lies?
It's not a lack of preparedness by the police. It's a lack of will or lack of leadership.

If told to end it....the police would squash the protesters. It just depends on how much their leaders want to do it....if at all.

Trump could schedule his rallies in places he knows the local government will keep things safe and quiet, but he isn't doing that in every case.

He is scheduling some of his rallies in places where he knows these thugs and Marxists will be rioting and demonstrating.

Again, he is using the media to get him free favorable press.
The Donald goes out of his way to excite and provoke people with the outrageous things he says in public.

He doesn't get to pick and choose how people react to what he says. Since what he has chosen to say could be possibly the most outrageous things ever in a presidential primary campaign it doesn't surprise me that he gets energetic reaction by both his supporters AND detractors.
Energetic reaction? That's how you spin rioting? Your position is no different than little baby Johnny throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get a cookie before dinner.

This is America, we have the right to free speech, you do NOT have the right to react the way your feelings dictate. Grow up!

I wasn't there. I'm very well matured. thank you.
Physically perhaps. Blaming Trump for the rioters is like blaming banks for bank robberies. It's where the money is.

I suspect you are lumping everyone at that incident in the same vein. I saw several hundred people ..maybe a couple thousand in the new broadcast. I saw two guys pounding on the cop car. There were a small handful actually clashing with police and other people at the front lines. If you can take those few people out of the picture all you have is two groups of people with opposite viewpoints yelling at each other. Barely newsworthy.

I'm not sure that Trump HAD to exit his vehicle and risk his safety scrambling up the small embankment with his security. It would be helpful if an accurate timeline was available detailing what happened and when it happened to assess if the strange entrance Trump chose was necessary or wise. The Donald does have a flair for the showmanship. The news coverage I saw was a closer in shot on Trump and doesn't have a perspective of the status of the crowd or the violence at the time he was outside of his car.

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