Kavanaugh Accuser Won't Testify

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Watching Tucker Carlson and he announced breaking news....the false accuser of Kavanaugh has sent word she will not testify until after the FBI conducts an investigation into her claim....making this a scam as the democrats do their best to drag this out till after the election when they believe they will win the Senate.....

Republicans...you better go out in vast numbers and vote in every Republican you can....even if they are assholes...now is not the time to be picky about the morons in the Republican party, he morons in the democrat party are far more dangerous.
Now the woman want testified unless the FBI investigate!


She does't remember anything! But she was there! The other person refuses to testify!

Plum bat shit crazy!
Vermin Dems not interested in the truth. Only interested in delay and obstruction to the detriment of the country.
I'm not sure how the hell the FBI could investigate, she doesn't even remember when or where it happened - where the hell could they even start such a bullshit goose chase?
I'm not sure how the hell the FBI could investigate, she doesn't even remember when or where it happened - where the hell could they even start such a bullshit goose chase?
As a witness this bitch is not credible.. As a police officer I would mark this as an unfounded allegation.

I suspect the FBI did the first time they investigated as well. However, it seems that the D's dirty tricks have indeed caused a delay.

I personally should like to see Kav sue the bloody shit out of the accuser and maybe even Mrs F. I also bet there's some shithole law somewhere that prevents it...
Like the Dems said when GHWB was accused of secretly taking hi-tech military jets for clandestine trysts with an unnamed unknown lover - It is Not The (lack of) Credibility of the Accusation that matters - It is simply the Accusation itself. (And of course the fact that it is made against a Republican....)
Rush Limbaugh: Christine Blasey Ford part of orchestrated Democrat ‘smear’ to destroy decent people

“It’s not just Kavanaugh,” he said. “They need to destroy anybody credible who opposes them. They need to ruin them. As such, I don’t think decent people quite know how to deal with this. Decent people don’t spend their day strategizing like this. And, as such, they don’t end up being prepared for it. By definition, decent people are not prepared for this kind of thing. Not that they’re ignorant to it. It’s just they don’t go through each and every day studying and prepping on how to get ready for the next smear job from the Democrat Party
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I'm not sure how the hell the FBI could investigate, she doesn't even remember when or where it happened - where the hell could they even start such a bullshit goose chase?
As a witness this bitch is not credible.. As a police officer I would mark this as an unfounded allegation.

I suspect the FBI did the first time they investigated as well. However, it seems that the D's dirty tricks have indeed caused a delay.

I personally should like to see Kav sue the bloody shit out of the accuser and maybe even Mrs F. I also bet there's some shithole law somewhere that prevents it...
The most correct answer to the dimwits is that the FBI did indeed look into the matter and found it not credible on 6 previous occasions. The lack of verifiable facts in the witness statements shows the lack of candor and intent to deceive.
To the surprise of no one

Dems will scream that we need to delay, which has been the plan all along

Smart move on her part, the skank would get hit with perjury charges if she was stupid enough to give sworn testimony under oath

To the surprise of no one

Dems will scream that we need to delay, which has been the plan all along

Smart move on her part, the skank would get hit with perjury charges if she was stupid enough to give sworn testimony under oath

Of course. You can’t testify under oath some bullshit you made up.

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