Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
She said on Tucker Carlson that London was like obama on steroids...

Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?'
26 March 2017, 11:31


Katie Hopkins says liberals "seem to think it's something of a triumph" that the Westminster terrorist was British, and not a migrant.

On her Sunday morning LBC show Katie Hopkins was speaking about the response to the Westminster terror attack on Wednesday.

She said she think 'liberals' have been championing the fact that the terrorist responsible, Khalid Masood, was born and bred in Britain, and not a migrant.

Katie's not happy about it.

She said: "It seems to me, do correct me if I am wrong, the liberals, our 'Richmond massive', seem to think it's something of a triumph that he's British.

"They seem to think it's something of a win. There's something not very nice in there. They seem to think it's a sort of, they're sort of pleased, he's British because then at least he's not a migrant, so that means Brexiteers are wrong?



Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?' - LBC

So it's better in the progressive mind to raise your own terrorists instead of importing them?

There's something definitely wrong minded with that sort of thinking.


She said on Tucker Carlson that London was like obama on steroids...

Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?'
26 March 2017, 11:31


Katie Hopkins says liberals "seem to think it's something of a triumph" that the Westminster terrorist was British, and not a migrant.

On her Sunday morning LBC show Katie Hopkins was speaking about the response to the Westminster terror attack on Wednesday.

She said she think 'liberals' have been championing the fact that the terrorist responsible, Khalid Masood, was born and bred in Britain, and not a migrant.

Katie's not happy about it.

She said: "It seems to me, do correct me if I am wrong, the liberals, our 'Richmond massive', seem to think it's something of a triumph that he's British.

"They seem to think it's something of a win. There's something not very nice in there. They seem to think it's a sort of, they're sort of pleased, he's British because then at least he's not a migrant, so that means Brexiteers are wrong?



Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?' - LBC
Because it pretty much makes retarded conservatives look like fools regarding immigration.
She said on Tucker Carlson that London was like obama on steroids...

Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?'
26 March 2017, 11:31


Katie Hopkins says liberals "seem to think it's something of a triumph" that the Westminster terrorist was British, and not a migrant.

On her Sunday morning LBC show Katie Hopkins was speaking about the response to the Westminster terror attack on Wednesday.

She said she think 'liberals' have been championing the fact that the terrorist responsible, Khalid Masood, was born and bred in Britain, and not a migrant.

Katie's not happy about it.

She said: "It seems to me, do correct me if I am wrong, the liberals, our 'Richmond massive', seem to think it's something of a triumph that he's British.

"They seem to think it's something of a win. There's something not very nice in there. They seem to think it's a sort of, they're sort of pleased, he's British because then at least he's not a migrant, so that means Brexiteers are wrong?



Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?' - LBC
Because it pretty much makes retarded conservatives look like fools regarding immigration.


Actually it makes progressives look wrong minded because there's enough home grown problems without importing them.


Killing the messenger after the London attacks.
March 27, 2017

Bruce Bawer

After last Wednesday's deadly attack outside London's Houses of Parliament, the left-wing British media expressed outrage – not at the appalling way in which Islam and Islamic terrorism have transformed life and sown death throughout the Western world, but at the purported moral depravity of those who dare to connect the dots.

In the Guardian, Jon Henley and Amber Jamiesen sneered at Marine Le Pen for “linking the London attack to migrant policy, despite the attacker being British.” (My emphasis.) They smeared as “xenophobic” Nigel Farage's argument “that the London attacks proved Donald Trump’s hardline immigration and anti-Muslim policies were correct.” The Independent's Maya Oppenheimer censured Farage's comments, too, countering his critique of multiculturalism by saying he'd “failed to mention the fact many of the victims of the attack were in fact foreigners themselves.” (My emphasis again.) Needless to say, the issue wasn't Britishness vs. foreignness; it was Islam. But to say so was verboten. As Theresa May said (in what already seems destined to become an immortal statement), “Islamist terror” has nothing do with Islam.

Islam is a religion of hate. But when that hate manifests itself in jihadist terror, the proper leftist move is to turn away from the reality of that hate – which last Wednesday sent several innocent people to a hospital or a morgue – to the purported “hate” of decent, law-abiding individuals who have had quite enough of murderous jihadist hate. Instead of acknowledging that a large minority (if not an outright majority) of British Muslims support sharia law in the U.K. (and that more than a few privately applaud terrorism), you're supposed to invoke the fantasy of a Britain in which all citizens, infidel and Muslim, share the same values and live together in harmony – except, of course, for the horrid Islamophobes, who, simply by mentioning the Islamic roots of Islamic terror, are exploiting terrorism, dishonoring its victims, and subverting social harmony.


Critics of Islam, complained Baxter, are “racists” who should “at least have the common decency to admit it’s all a far-right careerist exercise rather than anything to do with 'protecting the innocent.'” Sunny Hundal made the same argument in another piece for the Independent: “No wonder the far-right was so quick to capitalise on the Westminster terror attack – it relies on atrocities for support.” That “far-right,” he seethed, was like a pack of “jackals circling their prey.” Get that? In this picture, the jackal isn't the terrorist – it's the critics of his guiding ideology. Maintaining that Islam's critics “hate the very idea of cosmopolitan communities” (no, they hate barbarism), Hundal called on Londoners to learn from the spirit of the Battle of Britain: “Keep Calm and Carry on.” But there's a big difference between now and then. During World War II, Brits named their enemy. Everyone openly recognized Nazism as a monstrous ideology. And the media didn't respond to German bombings in the East End by slandering Churchill as a “Naziphobe.”

No Truth Please, We're British
She said on Tucker Carlson that London was like obama on steroids...

Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?'
26 March 2017, 11:31


Katie Hopkins says liberals "seem to think it's something of a triumph" that the Westminster terrorist was British, and not a migrant.

On her Sunday morning LBC show Katie Hopkins was speaking about the response to the Westminster terror attack on Wednesday.

She said she think 'liberals' have been championing the fact that the terrorist responsible, Khalid Masood, was born and bred in Britain, and not a migrant.

Katie's not happy about it.

She said: "It seems to me, do correct me if I am wrong, the liberals, our 'Richmond massive', seem to think it's something of a triumph that he's British.

"They seem to think it's something of a win. There's something not very nice in there. They seem to think it's a sort of, they're sort of pleased, he's British because then at least he's not a migrant, so that means Brexiteers are wrong?



Katie Hopkins: 'Why Are Liberals Pleased The Westminster Terrorist Is British?' - LBC
Because it pretty much makes retarded conservatives look like fools regarding immigration.

Quite the contrary, it proves conservatives are right about immigration and more importantly on multiculturalism. Allowing third world Muslims into western countries is a mistake, they have no intention of assimilating. Multiculturalism is just an attempt to eradicate western society. There is no issue with immigration between western countries, only an issue when taking immigrants from third world shitholes, especially Muslim ones.

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