Justin Bieber accused of sexual assault by 3 different women. Trending on Twitter right now


Jun 20, 2020
- first victim who came forward

Thoughts? Everyone on Twitter is talking about it
Rich guys are targets for shakedowns. It's a wonder he hasn't been extorted before. The recent sentences given to what's-his-face, Weinstein(/?), make it a lucrative time to run around for anybody who ever had a date with a famous rich guy and then got left for the next bimbo, and Beiber has probably thousands of hustlers after a piece of him. Given what we've long known about women who want big parts in Hollywood movies, it's highly doubtful either Weinstein or Beiber had to rape anybody, more like the exact opposite.

A lot of old rock stars are relieved the statute of limitations is past on much of their touring careers, given the groupie packs running around from the 1950's through 1990's. lol
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Oh, no, say it isn't so! I actually kind of like him, for some reason. Although I can't really think WHY that is at the moment. I'm also VERY tired, and need to go to bed. Ciao, for now!

He's just a big kid who got famous probably too early and is generally a pretty nice kid, considering his environment and the city he lives in. Kind of socially awkward 20 Something now. I don't care for the music genre but I don't begrudge those who make money off of pop stuff, since pop and most rock is commercial anyway, always has been, and I never feel compelled to pretend it's 'art' and 'great music'. He's much better than the norm in his genre was in earlier decades, same with a lot of modern pop. I couldn't name a song of his, but I've seen him on TV; he's not annoying.
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Impossible to know, Justin was at one time an jerk surrounded by the wrong crowd. Who knows what their intentions were. That doesn't make him an abuser.

These stories are sad either way, either for the crime committed, or, the possible lie/exaggeration from someone who either wants cash or is sick. Let's see if the truth comes out.
Impossible to know, Justin was at one time an jerk surrounded by the wrong crowd. Who knows what their intentions were. That doesn't make him an abuser.

These stories are sad either way, either for the crime committed, or, the possible lie/exaggeration from someone who either wants cash or is sick. Let's see if the truth comes out.

lol all teenage boys are assholes. Nothing special about Beiber. He hasn't killed himself or anybody else in a drunken car crash, shot anybody, or got himself killed in a barfight. He can get all the women he wants with little effort. These claims are always suspect, and rightly so.
lol all teenage boys are assholes. Nothing special about Beiber. He hasn't killed himself or anybody else in a drunken car crash, shot anybody, or got himself killed in a barfight. He can get all the women he wants with little effort. These claims are always suspect, and rightly so.
does he use the N word in his songs and grab his crotch?
bieber assaulted biden?.....did joe at least get an autograph out of it?.....
Biden's complaint left out some key details, we'll know more soon. Apparently, Joe thought Bieber was a young girl and started sniffing his hair, the rest of the complaint is jibberish, or maybe lays out Joe's economic plan
If any assault really did take place, the choice to be silent is what gives such activity the ability to continue.

God bless you and those who are innocent and those who speak up ASAP always!!!


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